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The Assassins Guild: Earth Must BE Stopped (The Assassin Guild Book 1)

Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  “You sound like you don’t like that?”

  Natalie sighed, “I really like him. And now that he’s here and single…” Natalie raised her hands.”

  “Natalie, I think he feels like he used you and feels guilty.”

  “Duncan, I used him a lot more than he used me. He has no reason to feel guilty.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell him.” Natalie’s eyes narrowed. “I have a way of communicating with him. Are you sure you want to see him again?”

  “I am.”

  “You know he’s been hurt by Lis.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t want to marry him, Duncan. I just enjoy being with him.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  • • •

  Tal was in bed and heard Duncan, “Tal.”

  “Yes, Duncan.”

  “Natalie wants to spend some time with you.”

  “Not going to happen,” Tal replied.

  “Why not?”

  “You’ll make me if that happens.”

  “I promise not to use her to do that.”

  Tal was quiet and finally replied, “Duncan, I’ve never been in a relationship with anyone, Lis was my first attempt.”

  “Natalie says she doesn’t want a relationship, she just enjoys your company.”

  “I know that, Duncan.”

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  “I want more than that and Natalie isn’t someone that would match up well with me. Surely you can see that.” Duncan was silent, and Tal asked, “Are you still there?”

  “I am. I’ll tell her you’re just too hurt to do it.”

  “Thank you, Duncan.”

  “You know I’ll be after you tomorrow.” Tal laughed, and the contact ended.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tal laid back and closed his eyes. So far, so good. His thoughts wandered to Ka and he felt his pain coming back but immediately forced it out of his mind. He was close to falling asleep and heard a different voice over his communicator, “You’re doing a good job of hiding.”

  Tal sat up straight and asked, “Who is this?”

  “I’m Ka’s daughter, Sha.”

  “How are you on my communicator?”

  “Get real, Tal. My mother made me swallow one of the communication devices when I was a teenager to keep track of me.”

  “How do you know about me?”

  “My mother told me about everything that happened on Earth and I’m a very curious individual. I questioned her in detail and she answered my questions to shut me up. I’m especially curious about you.”

  “Well, don’t be.”

  He heard her laugh, “Too late, it’s already happened. I really looked forward to meeting you on this cruise but understand that you’re playing a game of hide-and-seek with my mother and Major Montana. You’re preventing me from asking you some questions that intrigue me.”

  “Ask them now.”

  “No, I really prefer to ask them in person. How long are you going to continue this game?”

  “Until I win it,” he answered.

  “You’re only doing this to avoid my mother.” Tal was silent, and she continued, “I really think she is a consummate donkey’s bottom for ending your partnership, but I can’t tell her anything. She shouldn’t have done it, but I understand why.”

  “Why did she do it?”

  “Why don’t you ask her.”

  “I don’t want to hear it from her! Why don’t you tell me?”

  “Tal, you have no idea how much my father messed her up. I know she has feelings for you, but she will never act on them. She’s just incapable of doing that.”

  “I saw that at the beginning but hoped I could overcome her reluctance.”

  “And you got hurt in the process,” she responded.

  “Yeah, I guess I did.”

  “And because of that, now you’re preventing me from meeting you and I don’t like being blocked from getting what I want.”

  “This has nothing to do with you!”

  “You don’t think I know that; you don’t know me. However, can’t we meet and talk about it.”

  “If I did that, Duncan and your mother would make me in a heartbeat.”

  “Come on, Tal. Consider it a challenge. If you’re half as smart as I think you are, you should be able to come up with a way to do it without being caught.” Tal thought about it and snickered. Sha heard him and quickly replied, “I can see you’re thinking about it.”

  Tal smiled, “You’ve already met me, Mam.”

  Sha laughed out-loud, “Was that you?”

  “Yes, it was.”

  “Next time I see you, I’m going to make a point of apologizing. That shouldn’t cause any issues.”

  “Seems you don’t know how good your mother is at seeing things.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Tal. I know everything there is to know about my mother and I know everything she knows.”

  “Surely, not everything.”

  “No, I know everything.”

  “What about her assassin training?”

  “I got all of that before I was eighteen.”

  Tal’s eyebrows went up, “You can’t be serious!?”

  “I am. I also have her, as you call it, magic right-hand. You need to remember that I had to avoid being found by my father and mom gave me every tool she could to make sure he didn’t find me. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Wait, how do I contact you if I want to call this off.”

  “She didn’t teach you how to use it?”

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “I suspect she did that to make sure you weren’t able to accidently contact me. She is quite protective. Anyway, if you want to talk with mom, just start talking. She was your first contact. If you want Major Montana, say in your throat, Alpha-two. If you want me, say Omega-One.”


  “Yeah, you know, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet are alpha and omega. She has always told me I’m the last word in everything.” The contact ended, and Tal wondered if he had made a mistake. Oh well, at least the game would get more interesting…or it would end.

  • • •

  The next evening, Tal was sitting in the ship’s main lounge listening to the orchestra, when he noticed Ka and her daughter enter and sit down at a table across the room. Her daughter looked around the huge room before she sat down and saw him. Duncan was already in the room looking around. Tal saw the daughter lean in and say something to Ka. Ka glanced his way then turned back to her daughter. It was clear she told her no, but Sha shook her head, stood up, and walked across the lounge and sat down at his table. Tal saw Duncan and Ka staring at them.

  The woman flashed a beautiful smile, “Hello, my name is Sha, and you are?”

  Tal stared at her with a tense expression, “My name is Al.”

  “I wanted to apologize for the way I brushed you off the other morning. I was rude, and you didn’t deserve that kind of treatment. You were only being nice.”

  “Forget about it. I know that you’re approached by a lot of men.”

  “How do you know that, Al?”

  “Because, like I said the other day, you’re incredibly beautiful.”

  Sha laughed and looked at the orchestra, “Do you dance, Al.”

  “Sort of.”

  “Well let’s go show them how it’s done.” She stood up and headed toward the dance floor and he had little choice but to stand up and follow her. Duncan and Ka watched Sha go into his arms with a smile. Tal did a quick pirouette and moved smoothly into the middle of the crowd on the dance floor. Sha laughed as she observed, “You moved into the middle of the crowd so Major Montana couldn’t hear us.”

  Tal nodded, “He uses a listening device and he can’t hear us in this crowd. Why don’t you ask your questions, Sha?”

  “You do get right to the point!” Sha giggled. “I must admit that I was amazed that you were able to deduce the existence of the aliens. That was i
ncredible. But I wonder why you chose to go to Earth to live.” Tal saw her looking into his eyes and she quickly said before he could answer, “I know your stock answer is that you want to insure Earth is not prevented by the colonies from developing advanced defenses. But that’s not the real answer.”

  “And you know this because…”

  “Earth’s intelligence service can handle their own security without your help, Tal. Now that they know assassins can mimic another person, they’ll develop procedures necessary to prevent them from infiltrating their military. You have another reason to do it. What is it?”

  Tal saw her staring into his eyes and looked away before saying, “I fell in love with the people and the planet. For the first time since my parents died, I felt at home.”

  Sha tilted her head slightly, “I really didn’t expect you to answer that question honestly. I’m surprised you did.”

  Tal stared at her face, before saying, “You can tell if I’m telling the truth.”

  Sha’s eyes twinkled, “I can tell when anyone is telling the truth. It’s a talent I’ve had since I was a little girl. I saw who my father really was early on and tried to convince my mother, but she refused to believe me. She finally came around and saw it.”

  “That’s a dangerous skill to possess, Sha.”

  “I know. I’ve kept it secret and don’t let most people know when I see they’re being dishonest. Even my mother doesn’t know the extent of my gift.”

  “Why are you telling me?”

  “I honestly don’t know. However, that’s what got you that rejection the other morning; I could see you weren’t there just to say hello. You had other motivations.” Tal kept his silence, and Sha smiled, “Before this song is over, I need you to quickly tell me about the identity you’ve chosen.”

  Tal was surprised that he responded honestly, “I’m a wealthy business man and I recently lost my wife. I’m on this cruise to try and deal with my loss.”

  Sha grinned, “That will do it.” Sha grinned. “I’m telling my mother that I will be seeing you again to try and brighten your day.” Before Tal could respond, the orchestra stopped playing, Sha stepped back, kissed him on the cheek, and went back to her table. He put his hand on his cheek where she kissed him and stumbled to his table. He saw Duncan staring at Ka’s table and knew he was listening in to their conversation. He shook his head, stood up, and left the lounge.

  • • •

  Duncan listened in to Sha and Ka discuss the man she danced with and he looked at the man as he listened. He saw the man’s distress and sorrow before he walked out. He decided that he would also do what he could to brighten the man’s day.

  Tal wondered if Duncan had made him. But after two-hours, when Duncan hadn’t yet contacted him, he decided that his cover had worked.

  • • •

  The next morning, he heard Sha’s voice, “Where are you?”

  “Having breakfast.”


  “In the Starlight Restaurant.”

  “Don’t leave, I’ll be there shortly.”

  Tal shook his head and started to leave anyway but saw Duncan enter the restaurant, look over at him, and start walking toward his table. Uh-oh! Duncan pulled up a chair and sat down with Tal. “Mr. Al, I’ve learned from another passenger that you’ve had a loss and I want you to know that if there’s anything you need, just let me know.”

  Tal stared at him and said in a neutral voice, ‘Thank you.”

  “How have you enjoyed the cruise so far?”

  Tal rubbed his chin, “It’s been ok.”

  “Have you thought about what you want to do when you arrive on Earth?’’

  “Not really. I…just haven’t thought about it.”

  Duncan smiled, “I’m going to have my assistant come over and go over your options, she’s an expert on what’s available and I think she can help you decide.” Duncan turned and motioned to Natalie, who walked to Tal’s table and sat down with her electronic pad. “This is Natalie and you’ll find her a great asset in planning your trip.”

  Tal wondered if Duncan had sent her over to confirm his suspicions. But, she gave no clue she knew who he was. He decided that this was a great plan he came up with…wait…he didn’t come up with this plan, Sha did.”

  “Mr. Al, do you have any idea about what you’d like to see on Earth?” Natalie asked.

  “Not really.”

  “Well, there’s the ancient sites like the Great Pyramids and the Great Wall in China. Or the surviving cities that weren’t damaged during the nuclear war…”

  Tal interrupted her, “Natalie, I really don’t want to think about this now. Could you discuss this with me later?”

  Natalie reached over and put her hand on his arm, “Of course, Mr. Al. I’ll be around, and you can call me over any time.”

  “Thank you.”

  She walked away, just as Tal saw Ka and Sha enter the restaurant. Sha’s eyes widened, and she pulled Ka over to his table, “Mom, this Al. Al this is my mother and her name is Bel. Do you mind if we join you?”

  Tal fought to keep his expression neutral and he waved his hands to the two-chairs at the table. They sat down, and they ordered breakfast. Tal ate his meal slowly, as Sha kept a running commentary on what she looked forward to seeing on Earth. They finally finished their meal and Tal looked at Ka, “Pardon me, but you don’t appear to be very happy.”

  Ka looked at him with surprise, “Al, everyone has to endure a loss at some point in their life. I understand you’ve sustained a loss and I’m sorry for it.”

  “I’m sorry for yours as well. I lost my wife, who did you lose?”

  Ka looked at him with haunted eyes, “Someone very close to me.”

  Al lowered his eyes, “I’m sorry. If you’ll excuse me, I need to go to my cabin.”

  “Come on, Al!!” Sha surprised them both, “All you’re going to do is go back to your cabin and mope around. Get up and let’s walk around the ship and see what things are available for you to enjoy.” Ka looked at Sha like she had two-heads. Al looked at her and shook his head. Sha extended her hand, “Hey, you came over and said something nice to me. I insulted you, now I owe you. I don’t want to walk around alone so come on and go with me!”

  Tal rolled his eyes, stood up, and said sullenly, “Lead the way.”

  “That’s the spirit.” She took his hand and pulled him out of the restaurant. Ka watched them go and almost wished she could join them. But she didn’t. She sat at the table and thought about Earth and how her daughter was going to get along there.

  • • •

  Sha and Tal left the restaurant and Sha said over the communicator, “You didn’t have to make me beg!”

  “I didn’t want to do this!”

  “I guess seeing Mom upset you.”

  “You can say that. Why did you bring her to my table?”

  “I had two-reasons. It would help our cover at being together and it would allow you to see that you’re not the only one hurting.”

  “If she’s hurting so much, she shouldn’t have left me!”

  “You didn’t say goodbye, Tal.”

  “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!” he said out-loud.

  “When I tell you that Mom is incapable of having a relationship, I’m not kidding. But she has deep feelings for you that she knows will never be realized. She hates herself for it but knowing that she hurt you is killing her. It’s what she did to you that is causing her pain. You walked away from her without so much as a ‘see-ya-later’. She saw your pain and it’s something she is not equipped to deal with.” Sha paused and then said, “But her feelings aren’t important any more. Let’s take a tour of this ship and see what we can see.”

  Sha pulled him toward the elevator they got off on the next level as he thought about what she told him.

  • • •

  They spent the entire day exploring the ship and Sha asked, what felt like, a million-questions. Finally, they arrived at the casino and
Tal looked at Sha, “Where is your mother?” Sha was silent, and he knew she was contacting Ka.

  “She’s up on the observation deck.”

  “I need to go and clear some things up.”

  Sha smile was mischievous, “You’ll blow your cover.”

  Tal agreed, “Somethings are more important.” Sha nodded and stepped aside for him to pass. He stopped and looked at her, “Why are you doing this?”

  Sha’s eyes twinkled, “That’s something you’re going to have to figure out. I’m patiently waiting to see if you do.”

  Tal shook his head and walked away. He arrived on the observation deck to find Ka was the only one present. She was leaning over the rail just inside the exterior glass of the viewport and staring at the stars as they streaked by. He walked up and asked, “A credit for your thoughts?”

  Ka was startled and immediately asked, “Where is Sha?”

  “I left her in the casino. What are you thinking?”

  “You don’t have the right to know, Mr. Al!”

  “I more than anyone on this ship has the right to know, Ka.” Her head jerked back, and her eyes flew open as Tal said, “Yes, it’s me.” Ka’s eyes teared up and Tal took her hand, “Listen, I didn’t intend to hurt you. I was forced to deal with my sorrow and didn’t know how to do it. I don’t blame you for what happened, Ka. I believe that if you could be with me, you would. The time I spent with you will remain in my memories for the rest of my life and I thank you for sharing that time with me.”

  Ka rushed forward and wrapped her arms around his chest as her tears fell in earnest, “Tal, I tried, I tried so hard, but something inside me won’t let me do it! I’m so sorry.”

  Tal pulled her close and put his head on top of hers, “It’s ok, Ka. It’s ok.” She leaned back and kissed him hard. This time he knew it was Ka doing it. He held her in his arms for a long time and she finally started breathing normally, “How did Sha find you?”

  “She contacted me on the communicator.”

  “I wanted so much to do that but feared I would only hurt you further. I’m so afraid, Tal.”


  “Because I know you are no longer going to keep your promise to protect me and Sha. I’m so frightened of what could happen to us on Earth.”

  “Ka, I will stay with you until your fears leave, then I will go on with my life. I will always be a communicator call away.”


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