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The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
A&B club (Soho) 208, 219
Ackerley, J.R. 4
Act of Supremacy (1534) 41
actors 45, 47–52, 88–9, 109, 113, 142, 203–4
Addison, Joseph 106
Admiral Duncan public house (Soho) 230
adoption rights 231
Adulteress, The (1773) 142
age of consent 225
Aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) 222–5
Albany Barracks (Regent’s Park) 190
Albemarle, Arnold van Keppel, 1st Earl of 98
Albert Gate (Hyde Park) 174
Albert Victor, Prince, Duke of Clarence (‘Prince Eddy’) 193, 194
Albigensians 2
Alcuin of York, St 18, 119
Aldersgate, Dick’s Coffee House 85
Aldgate, Holy Trinity Priory 21
alehouses see public houses
Alfred, King 15
Alhambra Theatre 181, 183
Allan, Maud 209
‘Allen, James’ 176
Ambrose, St 71
Anabaptists 44
Anandrinic Societies 144
Ancrene Riwle (monastic manual) 28
Andrew, Agnes 39–40
Anglesey, Henry Paget, 5th Marquess of 206
Anglo-Saxons 14–18
Anne, Queen 113–14
Anselm of Canterbury, St 20, 23
Arbuthnot, Harriet 172
Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm von 144, 163
Argyll Street 213
Aristotle 7
Aristotle’s Masterpiece (1684) 78
Asbington, Ralph (‘Shittern-arse’) 86
Ashley, Sir Anthony 64
asking for directions, as trysting technique 110, 131
Astoria (Tottenham Court Road) 222
Athenaeus of Naucratis 8
Athens, ancient 148
Aubrey, John, Brief Lives 62
Augustine of Canterbury, St 15
Augustinians 26
‘back door’ (slang term) 3, 53, 158, 181
‘backgammon players’ (slang
term) 3, 181
Bacon, Anne, Lady 62–3
Bacon, Anthony 62–3
Bacon, Francis, Viscount St Alban 62–4
Badding, Robert 21
Baines, Richard 52
Baines, Thomas 94–5
Baker, Thomas 105–6
Bale, John, The Acts of the English Votaries 43
Bang! nightclub 222
Bankes, William 175
Banner, Charles 122
Baptist’s Head alehouse (Holborn) 130–31
Barber, Mary 76
‘bardash’ (slang term) 97, 100
Bardesanes of Edessa 8
Barley Mow public house (Strand) 173
Barnardo, Thomas John 189
Barnfield, Richard, The Affectionate Shepherd 53
bars and nightclubs 205, 207–8, 211, 219–20, 222, 226, 229–30; see also public houses
Basset, Fulk, Bishop of London 28
baths, public 9–10, 26, 113, 150, 182, 202; see also saunas
Battersea 124
Bawde, Edward 65
Baynard’s Castle 19
BBC 228
Beakley, Samuel 108
Beaumarchais, Pierre 153
Beckford, William 152, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169
Bede the Venerable, St 15
Bedford, Lucy Russell, Countess of 75
Beech Lane (City) 123
Beefsteak Club 142
Behn, Aphra 78; The Amorous Prince 93–4; The False Count 78; Lycidus 78
Belling, Susannah 81
Benkert, Karl-Maria, coinage of term ‘homosexuality’ 3, 5
Bennett, Betty T., Mary Diana Dods 145
Bentham, Jeremy 169–70
Bentinck, William, 1st Earl of Portland 97–8, 100
berdaches (Native Americans) 17
‘Berlin Black Book’ 208–9
Bermondsey 213
Bermondsey Abbey 21
Bernard of Clairvaux, St 21
bestiality 15
Bethlem Hospital (‘Bedlam’) 74, 131
Bhoota (Indian dancers) 17
Bible 3, 15, 21, 36, 71
Billing, Noel Pemberton 208–9
Billingsgate 10
Biograph cinema (Victoria) 219
birching 206
Birdcage Walk 110
Birmingham, gay village 231
bisexuality 4, 204
Bishopsgate 167
Black Lion Yard (Whitechapel) 125
black magic see sorcery
Blackfriars Theatre 49
blackmail 107, 110–111, 128, 133, 136, 165, 174–5, 186, 208, 215
Blackman Street (Southwark) 167
Blackstone, Sir William, Commentaries on the Laws of England 156
Blair, John 108
Blake, William 232
Bloomsbury Way 216
Blount, Sir Thomas 38
boat race, Oxford and Cambridge 183, 200
Boniface, St 18
Bonny, Ann 137
bookshops 221
Borough High Street 167, 213
Boulton, Ernest (‘Stella’) 183–5, 189
Bovey, Katherine 82
Bow Street 113, 135; Cock Inn 90; magistrates’ court 166, 183, 210
Bradshaw, Frances 113
Bramerton Street (Chelsea) 220
Branson, Richard 130
Bray, Thomas 101
Bricklayers Arms public house (Fitzrovia) 219
Bridewell prison 125
‘Britannicus’ (pseud.), The Conspirators: Or, The Case of the Catiline 99
Britby, John 37
Britton (legal summary) 28
Broderick, Isaac 131
Brome, Richard, The Antipodes 76
Brooks, Ned 86
brothels: Roman times 9–10; medieval period 26, 39; 16th and 17th centuries 49, 51, 85, 86; 18th century 135, 150; 19th century 174, 190, 193; see also prostitution
Brouderer, Elizabeth 38
‘Brown, Charles’ see Charke, Charlotte
‘Brown, John’ see Hill, Barbara
Brown, William 121–2
Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of 60–62, 64
Buckingham, George Villiers, 2nd Duke of 88, 89
Buckingham Palace 86
‘bugger’, origins and usages of term 2, 41, 42
Buggery Act (1533) 41–2
Bull public house (Strand) 173
Bull Ward 13
Bulstrode, Cecelia 75
Bunch of Grapes tavern (Clare Market) 123
Bunch of Grapes tavern (Holborn) 120
Bundy, Samuel 138–9
Burford, Oxfordshire 38
burials, joint, same-sex 40, 76, 94–5
Burke, Edmund 156
Burke, Thomas (‘Paul Pry’) 205–6; For Your Convenience 212–13
Burlington Arcade 181, 183
Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury 98
Burney, Frances, Evelina 106
Burton, Robert, The Anatomy of Melancholy 43, 70
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk 76
‘butterflies’ (slang term) 165
Byron, George, 6th Baron 168
Byzantine empire 13–14
Café Royal 199
Calley, Edward 131
Calvino, Italo, Invisible Cities 149
Camberwell 182
Cambridge University 26, 94–5; boat race 183, 200
Cameron, David 227
‘camp’, origins and usages of term 3, 109, 185
Candy Bar (Soho) 229
capital punishment 17, 41, 42, 65, 66, 88, 110, 133, 151, 163–4, 170, 176
Caravan club (Endell Street) 208
Carey, George, Archbishop of Canterbury 227
Carpenter, Edward 201–2
Casanova, Giacomo 153
Castiglione, Baldassare 41
Castle tavern (Seven Dials) 142
Castlehaven, Mervyn Touchet, 2nd Earl of 87–8
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount 172–3
‘catamite’, usage of term 2, 21, 51, 60, 63
Catholicism 41, 42, 43–5
‘caudle’ (slang term) 3
Cave of the Golden Calf club (Regent Street) 205
Cave of Harmony club (Soho) 208
Cavendish Square 136
Celts 7–8, 14
Chaddock, Charles Gilbert 3–4
Chaeronea, Order of 201–2
Chalice Bar (Soho) 208
Chamberlain, John 74
Chamberlayne, Anne 81
Chancery Lane 26, 121, 213
Charing Cross 102, 123, 181
Charing Cross Road 181
Charke, Charlotte (‘Charles Brown’) 141–2
Charles I, King 67, 88
Charles II, King 78, 88
Charles Street (Haymarket) 171
Charlotte Charke Tavern (Drury Lane) 141
Chaucer, Geoffrey 40; The Canterbury Tales 35–6, 232
Cheapside 37, 155
Chelsea 198, 219, 220
Cheyne, Thomas 54
‘chicken’ and ‘chicken hawk’, usage of terms 2
Children’s Petition (1669) 92
Chitting, Anne 76
chivalry 24–5, 40
Chivy, John 138
choirboys 173–4
Christianity 1, 13, 15–18, 152; see also Bible; Catholicism; Church of England; Lollards; monasticism
Christopher’s Alley (Moorfields) 123
Christ’s College, Cambridge 94–5
Christ’s Hospital (school) 169
Church of England 15–18, 23–4, 28, 41, 44, 95, 110, 227; courts 39–40; see also monasticism
churches and churchyards, as trysting places 124–5
Churchill, Charles 150
Cibber, Colley 108–9
cinemas 219
circus performers 81, 165
cities, and queerness 148–50, 182
City of Quebec public house (Oxford Street) 230
Clanvowe, Sir John 40
Clap, Margaret 119, 120
Clare Mark
et 123, 165
Clarkson, Willie 200
‘Clarkson’s Cottage’ (public urinal) 200
class, social see cross-class relationships
Clause 28 (Local Government Act; 1988) 224–5
clean-shavenness 2, 13, 15, 35, 45, 185
Cleanness (Middle English poem) 37
Cleland, John, Fanny Hill 151
Clerkenwell 85, 213
Clerkenwell Priory 21
Clermont-Ferrand 151
Cleveland Street scandal 191–4, 199
Clifford, Lady Anne, 14th Baroness de Clifford 70
clitoris 140, 204; rediscovery of 69–70
Clogher, Percy Jocelyn, Bishop of 170–72, 175
clothing and dress: Roman times 11–12; Anglo-Saxons 14, 17; Normans 20; 16th century 47; 17th century 61; 18th century 151, 159; 19th century 202; 20th century 202–3, 210, 220; see also transvestism
clubs see bars and nightclubs
Cock Inn (Bow Street) 90
coffee houses/bars 85, 115, 120, 219
Coke, Sir Edward 65–6
Colquhoun, Patrick 165
Colynson, Robert 47
‘coming out’ 222, 231
Constantinople (Istanbul) 14, 40
contagion, fears of 156–7
Cooke, Alban 64
Cooke, James 165
Coome, Catherine 204–5
Cooper, Mary 139
Coopers, Worshipful Company of 131
Coote, Sir Eyre 169
Cope, Sir John 101
Cornhill 21
Corona Regia (1615) 61–2
‘cottaging’ see lavatories, public
Cotton, Henry 169
Counterfeit Bridegroom, The (1695) 81–2
Courtenay, William, 9th Earl of Devon 152, 168
courts martial 151, 163
Covent Garden 14, 106, 111, 123, 135; market 86; St Paul’s Church 213
Coventry Street, Lyons’ Corner House 207
Cowcross Street (Farringdon) 85
Cowper, John (‘Princess Seraphina’) 129–30, 157
Cox, Laverne 228
Criminal Law Amendment Act (1885) 190–91, 199, 217
Criminal Law Amendment Bill (1921) 209
Cripplegate 21, 88
Crisp, Quentin 215
Criterion (Piccadilly Circus) 208, 219
‘Cromwell, Jenny’ (pseud.), Jenny Cromwell’s Complaint Against Sodomy 100
Cromwell, Oliver 88
Cromwell, Thomas 42, 43
Crooke, Helkiah, Microsmographia 69–70
cross-class relationships 167, 186–9, 201–2
cross-dressing see transvestism
Crown Inn (Lad Lane) 161
Crown public house (Charing Cross Road) 181
Crusades 26
Crutched Friars 155
Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, Duke of 168
Curtain (playhouse) 48, 51
Queer City Page 22