London Falling (The Falling Series)

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London Falling (The Falling Series) Page 13

by Audrey Carlan

  “Angel, we’re lucky that we’re having an unusually warm winter this year. ‘Sides, we’ll be doing all of it in the heated tents. It’s going to be fine. Come rain, snow or shine, I’m marrying you in a couple weeks.” Hank smiled so wide his grin almost looked manic.

  I remember that kind of love. I had that with James. It’s times like these, when something life changing occurs, that I miss his presence the most. He would have been delighted to see Aspen so happy. He always thought she took life too seriously and lived to work, not worked to live. Yes, James would have approved wholeheartedly in Hank and Aspen. Hank was the opposite of Aspen in all the ways that didn’t matter. The things they have in common, their core values, their love of good food, books, work ethic and deep friendships are a perfect foundation for a happy long life.

  “Y’all are coming out to Texas, right? We’ve got room in Aspen’s jet for a whole basketball team.”

  I waited, holding my breath while Collier looked at me, held my eyes and responded to Hank’s question. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  I closed my eyes knowing that no matter what I did to avoid him this week, including bailing on our date, he was going to find me and I was going to cave. It was too hard not to when his arms and warmth surrounded me.

  A memory of a different time seeped into my subconscious. The voices around the table slipped away until I could hear only one voice, the one with the power to break me.

  “Come on, you know you want to!”

  “I do not! Stop bugging me, James, I swear to God I’ll get my brother Rio to come kick your ass!”

  “That snooty rich boy wouldn’t want to get his hands dirty. He’s never been in a fight in his life!” James jumped over the bush I’d just launched myself around on my way to my car. His hand grabbed mine. I was struck with the feeling of warmth, tenderness and something I didn’t want to name. “Hey, London. Please, just…please.” His voice came out in a rush.

  I twirled, rocking his hand loose. “What!”

  James put a hand to his neck and his body swayed as he looked left and right. “I like you, okay. I thought maybe you might like me, too.” His tone was sweet yet held a deep timber. His seventeen year old body was slowly catching up to the voice that matched a grown man.

  Taking a nervous breath, I pulled my books to my chest and twirled a lock of hair around my finger. “I do…like you,” I whispered.

  He leaned close and swept the black bangs from my eyes. “You do?” He smiled.

  I nodded.

  He whooped and hollered and gave the air a fist pump. “All right! I mean, that’s cool.” We both laughed. “So then, you’ll go out with me? On a real date?” His eyes were pleading, his thumbs loosely clutching the belt loops of his Calvin Klein’s as he waited for my answer.

  I couldn’t believe James Kelley was asking me out on an official date. This whole time I crushed on him but thought we were just friends. Then he surprises me with this. I can’t wait to go home and call Aspen. “Yes, I will James.” His eyes sparked with excitement. “I’ll go with you anywhere.”

  “Bridge honey, earth to Bridge? Damn, she’s doing it again.” I heard Tripp snap in front of my face. I shook off the memory and stared into the nervous eyes of my best friend.

  “Sorry. What did you say?”

  Tripp took a breath and shook his head, smiling. Collier stood arms crossed, one over the other along his broad chest. He had his head tilted to the side, assessing me. A shock of dirty blond hair fell over his forehead. I wanted to stand and push that lock back in place, then nibble on his perfect lips again.

  “Bridge, we lost you there. Where’d you go?” His eyes met mine and I threw some daggers I didn’t think he expected. His neck shot back in surprise. “Um, sorry, never mind. You ready to go home?”

  “I’d be happy to give you a lift,” Collier offered.

  “No, no, that’s okay. Tripp and I live together. Makes sense to go together. I’ll just get my coat.” Tripp and I both stood. He put his hands in his pockets and had a weird stare off with Collier. It was the strangest thing. I’d seen him do it once before with Andrew, the crazy stalker, but never with one of my clients or any of the other men I’d been with intimately. Just didn’t add up.

  Collier followed me to the coat closet and helped me pull on the heavy wool. He pulled my thick mane of hair out of my coat and started buttoning me in. The sweet gesture melted my heart and had me smiling.

  “Next weekend, you and me. Plan for a casual evening. Nothing pretentious, I promise.” The lovely undertones of his British accent when he spoke made me giddy. His eyes twinkled as I took in his ruffled hair, dark eyes and his full lips as he licked them.

  He was doing his own assessment. He leaned close as if to hug me then planted his hands on each bicep pulling me against his chest. The thrill of his touch skated along my nerves. “I can still smell you all over me…it’s making me ache for you.”

  Without warning, I cupped the back of his neck, tangled my fingers into the hair at his nape and pulled his lips to mine. He tasted of rich wine and hot-blooded male. I slid my tongue against his and he moaned into my mouth, giving back as much, if not more than I gave initially. Quickly, he pinned me against the hallway wall, a knee between my thighs and a hand on my ass. He was everything I wanted in that moment and more.


  Her lips were soft and sweet as I tugged on the bit of flesh, then soothed it with my tongue. She groaned the moment my thigh pressed against her center. Christ on a cross, she was beautiful. Her breath was heavy against my lips. I pulled back to look into her eyes. Every second with her seemed weighted, filled with desires unspoken. We didn’t have to speak. Her body told me everything I needed to know.

  When I squeezed her arse, she mewled like a baby kitten. Hearing that sound for the rest of my life wouldn’t be long enough. I was lost in a haze of lust. I pressed my erection directly against her center as I hiked one thigh over my hip, palming her arse, mimicking the position we were in earlier.

  In her. Needed…press…to get in…press…her.

  London moaned and moved to hike her other leg up before a booming voice broke the spell.

  “Damn, Bridge! Can’t leave you two alone for a fucking second!” Tripp’s voice grated and echoed off the walls of the long hallway. I groaned and pulled away from my beauty.

  She leaned her forehead against mine and smiled, then started to giggle. “What’s so funny?” I asked annoyed by the interruption yet loving the smile across her gorgeous face.

  “It’s like he’s the hall monitor.”

  I chuckled and pulled her skirt down. Without a second thought, I gave her sweet arse a loving pat. I planned on reacquainting myself with that bum very soon.

  “You guys finished?” Tripp stood hands in his pockets, a scowl on his face. He’d be a good-looking bloke if he didn’t have such a sour puss.

  Waggling my eyebrows, I responded, “Not even close.” Then I smiled wickedly at London.

  She nudged me playfully in the shoulder as she pulled herself from my embrace. That’s one thing about Americans I never understood. They sure touched an awful lot to make a point. They couldn’t just say something. They had to poke and prod to express themselves. Quite uncivilized, but as long as it was London doing the touching, I’d be happy with about anything.

  Tripp rolled his eyes as London passed. He stopped me midstride as I made to follow. “You.” He pointed to my chest. “Don’t fucking make her cry again. She’s more fragile than she lets on. You got me?” He pointed his finger on my chest in some macho move made to frighten me. Instead my fighter instincts flared and I grabbed the offending digit, twisted it and his hand, and then pressed it back into his chest. He gasped, then gritted his teeth in pain.

  “You’re sending very mixed signals, mate.” The words spilled through my clenched teeth. I made a show of putting my face in his direct line of sight, close enough that he could feel my breath on his face. “One minute you’r
e all over her. The next you’re suggesting a bloke make a go of it. What’s your story?” I tipped my chin for affect. “I’ve made it perfectly clear I intend to date Ms. Kelley exclusively. How about you? Hmm?”

  “She doesn’t date.” He pushed my arm back with his elbow and I let go of his finger. He shook it, then cupped the other hand over it protectively.

  “Fancy that. She’s going on another date with me next weekend. Please, stay out of it. You seem to have a very close relationship. If you read people better, you’d understand my only intentions are to make her happy.”

  “Is that what you call it? Fucking her against a wall during a friendly dinner party. Making her happy?”

  “Didn’t hear her complaining. As a matter of fact, she was very happy as I recall.”

  I felt the air shift as Tripp pulled his hand back, preparing to hit me. “Tripp! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” London’s voice was shrill. I hoped the tone was never directed at me.

  Tripp took a deep breath as London put her hand on his bicep. He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what this fella’s problem was. One minute he was happy she’d met someone. The next he’s warning me off. It was a downright cluster-fuck.

  “Just Bond and I having a little chat is all.”

  “Didn’t look that way to me.” She pulled Tripp’s arm and I clenched my fist at her easy familiarity with the man’s body. I wanted to be the only man she put those delicate hands on.

  “Just a little misunderstanding. I believe we understand each other better, yeah?” I clapped Tripp on the shoulder. His gaze shot to mine briefly before he nodded and shrugged off my touch.

  “Let’s go home,” London urged him. “Collier, I’ll connect with you this week. Just text me your plans. I’ll be with Dylan all week.”

  The name Dylan sent chills up my spine. I knew she had a client and suspected she was doing more with that client then just work.

  I tugged her hand and brought her body fast against mine. My other hand slid against her lower back anchoring her to me. “Are you still living with your client?” I could see Tripp grin out the corner of my eye. I hated it, knowing my answer.

  Her eyes clouded. She pulled me to her in a tight hug. Her lips grazed my ear. “I haven’t been with another man since we were together at your place. And I promise not to be with anyone intimately, going further.”

  I gripped her tightly. “And since the night we met?”

  She closed her eyes and bit her lip. That was not the answer I wanted. She shook her head and seemed to shrink right in front of me. Sadness and a sense of unease filled the air.

  “I told you I wasn’t the right girl for you,” she whispered.

  “You’re the perfect girl for me.” I pulled her into a quick but hard kiss. She returned it willingly. For now, it was enough. “Next weekend. Promise me you won’t run.”

  Her face lit in a huge smile. “I promise.” I may have been so hopped up on endorphins but I believed her. Deep inside she wanted this as much as I did. Had to. There wasn’t another option. I intended to make her mine.

  After making sure the rest of the guests left, I stayed to help Nathaniel and Emma clean up.

  “So shagging London in my guest bedroom during a dinner party? You’re a filthy scoundrel big brother. I’d have never thought you had it in you,” Nathaniel said while stacking dishes into the dishwasher.

  “You haven’t taken a woman in worse places?” I countered.

  “Oh, boy talk. I’m in. Where was the dirtiest place you’ve shagged a girl?” Emma joined in. Both Nathaniel and I looked over at our baby sister. One or both of us must have shown a shocked expression because she continued, “I’m a married woman. Hello, I’ve been shagging Evan for years, remember.”

  We both grunted and grumbled. “Cocksucker,” slipped through my lips and Emma laughed. That was the second time this evening that expletive had made an appearance.

  “Seriously, I want to know the craziest places you’ve bonked a girl.” Both of us stayed silent and continued to pack up the left overs and put away the unused stemware. “Come on…no? Neither of you? Fine, I’ll go first.”

  Not wanting to hear anything pertaining to our baby sister having sex,Nathaniel and I both said “No!” at the same time Emma said, “Mum and Dad’s bed.”

  “No way. You and Evan shagged in Mum and Dad’s bed! That’s just nasty. I can’t believe you.” I laughed. Nathaniel made gagging and unpleasant noises.

  “That’s pretty bold, Em.” We both chuckled. Her cheeks pinked.

  “I’d have to say for me it was the toilet at a pub. Those stalls are tiny and filthy. When you’re pissed and horny it doesn’t matter though,” I answered, sipping the remainder of my wine and adding the glass to the sink next to the others awaiting a good washing.

  “That is gross, Colly.” Her pretty face scrunched in a grimace. “How about you, Nate? Come on. We shared,” she pouted.

  He sighed and took a moment to think about it.

  “On a bakery floor.”

  “That’s lame,” Emma said.

  “Yeah, bollocks. Pick a new one.”

  “What? You guys have no idea what falls on the floor of a bakery. It’s sticky, gritty, and slimy all at the same time. Imagine a beautiful bird riding you, yet all you can think about is the disgusting muck scraping along your bare back and arse. It’s quite possibly the single most revolting experience of my life. Couldn’t look at the girl the same again. Had to break it off.”

  Em and I looked at our brother and cracked up laughing.

  “What? It was horrible.”

  I shook my head and grabbed Em around the shoulders. “Come on, baby girl, let’s go home. Your brother has gone barmey. Thanks for tonight. Cheers!” I threw over my shoulder.

  We could hear Nathaniel going on and on about how he had to scrape egg and flour off the hair of his legs and that he could still feel the sugar granules piercing his shoulder blades against the title floor.

  “He needs a good woman.” I hugged my sister to my side as we made our way into the elevator and down to the garage.

  “I think you’re right. If only he’d allow himself more than one date, we’d be getting somewhere.”

  Pulling open the car door, Emma slid into my beloved Porsche. She had a point. It was rare that Nathaniel would have a second date with a prospective love interest. Lately, we’d both been pulling the one night stand routine. Far longer than I wanted to admit.

  That is until London came along.

  Her face was the only one I’d seen for the past three weeks. Man, I was looking forward to our date. I’d have to get Jane to assist since she picked a great place last time. This time though, I wanted to show London I’m a regular guy who just wants to take a pretty girl out for the night on the town.

  Chapter - 11

  “Wake up, my love. Today’s the day.” His voice was chipper this morning, and then it dawned on me. Today’s the day. My smile was huge as I flung out of bed. But he wasn’t there.

  Slowly I searched through the apartment, checking door after door. All empty. Gone. He was gone. Nervousness twitched in my gut.

  “London,” a voice called teasingly from outside the apartment.

  I laughed and hurled myself out the door, all smiles. I looked left and right down the long hallway. Nothing. Where is he? I strained to hear more of his voice.

  “London…I need you.” I heard him call from somewhere to the right, his voice now pained, gritty. “My love, please…” tapered off into nothing, sending shivers skittering through my limbs. I pounded down the hall in my bare feet until I reached the heavy metal doors. Bright white light stung my eyes, blinding me as I pushed the doors open.

  Rain pelted my face, wetting my hair and clothes. Cold, so cold. I shivered bone-deep, standing on a street I couldn’t recognize wearing only a tank top and bed shorts.

  “Where are you?” I screamed, trying to get my vision back,
blinking furiously at the spots of rainbow light.

  “Here. I’m here!” I moved on pure instinct. Gravel and rocks dug into the tender patch of skin at the arches of my feet. My hands were straight out in front of me until they hit cold metal. I slid wet fingers along the surface as if reading braille until I felt the handle. Slowly, the lights blinding me faded away and I gripped the car door handle and pulled it back.

  Blood. Blood was everywhere. His head, chest and abdomen are coated with the thick burgundy substance.

  “Don’t forget me, love. Never forget me,” James said. Blood oozed from his mouth in a sickening river of red.

  Gut-wrenching screams ripped from my lungs as James took his last breath. I covered my eyes with bloody hands. James’s blood was all over me, soaking the white tank a deep crimson. The coppery smell gagged me. The sour taste filled my mouth. When I looked up it was no longer James sitting there coated in death, it was Collier. My sweet, sexy Englishman’s chocolate eyes were devoid of light. Gone. They both were gone.




  “Wake up, God dammit! Baby wake up!” Tripp’s voice pierced my mind and I woke with a start. A scream still clogged in my throat screeched out into the light of day. “London, oh thank God! Are you okay?” Tripp’s arms were around me, holding tight. Tears poured down my cheeks and fell to his chest.

  “Dead, they were dead.”

  “Who Bridge, who was dead?”

  “James…and…and…“ Another bout of deep sobs tore from my lungs as I gripped his back, hiding in the comfort of his chest. The sickening images from the dream were still fresh.

  “It’s okay, I’m here.” He spoke in a calm voice, one you’d use with a frightened child. Right now I felt like one. Fear’s evil claws closed around my heart and squeezed tight, choking off my sanity.

  “C-c-ollier…dead. It was James and then…and then…it was Collier. Oh God, it was awful.” I cried into Tripp’s chest. “He left me, Tripp. He left me just like James.”


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