Backfire (Furies MC Book 4)

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Backfire (Furies MC Book 4) Page 8

by Harley McRide

  Oh, my God, she thought as she pulled at his shirt, he lifted her up and sat her on the counter while she whipped her shirt up and off her, Jaci’s black matching lacy bra was gone as well, Kaden having no patience to appreciate it right now. Later, he would order her to put it back on to eat in, which they had so done this before. Hell, almost everytime they were together something like this happened.

  He pulled her to him and latched onto her breast as she dug her hands into his hair, and held him to her breast. She ran her hands down his back, and pulled his shirt, he pulled away for a moment so she could take it off. When she threw it on the floor, she grinned, looks good there, she thought. And then Jaci ran her hands down his back as he once again feasted on her breasts as she panted, her pussy already weeping getting ready for him.

  He pulled back and unbuttoned her pants, pulled them off, and her panties with them. “Kaden,” she whispered. “I need…”

  “I know what you need,” he growled, and then he unbuttoned his pants and pulled his cock out, she licked her lips as she stared at him while he pumped his cock, a few times making him harder, which was so hard to imagine. He was bigger than the normal man, the first time they had been together, she had doubted it would fit, but now, it fit just fine, more than fine. He filled her, and the pressure caused a mixture of pain and pleasure. She loved it. Hell, she loved everything he did to her.

  He pulled a condom out of his back pocket, and she grinned, he was always ready. As he rolled it down his cock, Jaci kicked off her shoes, which had shockingly stayed on this whole time, and Kaden growled and moved to her quickly. No sweet words, no gentle touch. Just the burning the desire they both felt as he spread her wide and with one thrust he was buried deep inside her. Jaci cried out in surprise not pain, she loved when he took her fast without apology. It was like he couldn’t wait to feel her walls around him.

  She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately, showing him how much she liked belonging to him. They were both sure after the first time together this was something that was going to last. It was like the first time every time. They couldn’t get enough of each other.

  It wasn’t only sex though, but it was just them. They talked, they laughed, they had a lot in common. His mother loved her, and Jaci was so relieved. She really felt like this was something that could last, what they had, it was not something she could find with just any random guy she came across. He said he felt the same way about her, and because of that, after tonight, they were going to be sharing an apartment. His friends were helping him. Both were sure this was something they wanted.

  As Loki thrust, her climax built, her clit pulsed and then on the last snap of his hips, her legs began to shake, and their breathing changed. Loki’s cock twitched inside her, and the orgasm began...

  Jaci’s eyes snapped open and she blinked, then she heard it. Pounding on her door. Fuck it was the same shit that happened in her dream. She threw her wobbly legs over the bed to get up and answer the door.

  “Jaci, you awake?” Tony yelled. “Come on, sleepyhead. You need to get up, we have a lot of shit to do.”

  Jaci plopped back on the bed. Cock-blocked by her brother, so uncool.

  Chapter Eleven

  Fling ran a hand down his neck, shit seriously just got real at the Ops compound. He wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but whatever it was, they were seriously pissed. Creed and Fork called to make sure they were good to go. They were, but with Loki still out there, it was stressful. If something went down, they would need to multi-task.

  “Hey,” Boomer said as he walked into the room. “You gotta a sec?”

  “Yeah,” Fling said and motioned to the chair. Boomer sat, and Fling leaned back. “What’s up?”

  “It’s this Wesson guy,” Boomer said slowly, and Fling raised an eyebrow.

  “What about him? He’s solid I thought, Boony spoke for him, said he was good.”

  Boomer nodded. “Yeah, I know, and he is, but there’s other shit there, man. Did you know his file is sealed? Like seriously, his file with the military is sealed, you know what that means?”

  Fling frowned and said, “A spook?”

  Boomer said, “Fuck no, there is nothing to say he was involved in anything other than the military.”

  “Then why would his file be sealed?” Fling asked.

  “Hang on, here comes Ridge, he was looking into it as well,” Boomer said, and then Ridge walked in with a thin, too thin file.

  “I got nothing,” Ridge said, and they both looked shocked.

  “Who the fuck is this guy? He retired as a Sergeant as far as the records are concerned,” Fling said.

  Ironside stepped into the room and lifted his head. “Hey, I’m about ready to leave. I’ll be back in a few days. Just signing my paperwork,” the young man said. He was getting out officially, and instead of making him fly all the way back to Washington, they were doing the discharge here, mostly because of the issues with Victor Burns. They didn’t need another target on their back.

  “Hey,” Fling said and leaned back. “Why would a file of regular military members be sealed?”

  Ironside frowned. “Impossible, they wouldn’t seal a file unless there was something top secret in there, and even then, I would assume your contacts could get into it.”

  Fling nodded. “Normally they could, but apparently we are a bit stuck here.”

  Ironside walked further into the room, and he pointed to the file. “Can I?”

  Fling nodded, and he picked up the file. The young man frowned as he read the two papers that were in there. When he looked up, he had a funny expression on his face. “Uh, can I take this?”

  Fling leaned forward. “Is there a problem?”

  Ironside grimaced and then stared at all of the men in the room. “Could be, I’m not sure. I just need to ask the person who signed off on this if what I am thinking is true. And if it is, I gotta say, you have some fucking luck, ‘cause getting help from these people is like winning the lottery.”

  They were silent as Ironside walked out of the room. Boomer stared at his leader and Ridge shook his head. “Just saying, we have a monkey, a kid, and a rock star on our compound right now. I don’t think I can handle much more. Just saying,” Ridge said, and Boomer smiled.

  “Hey, at least the in-laws aren’t in town. Kink convinced them that we were handling the situation. Georgie told them it would be a while before she called them, they, of course, knew what that meant and were ready to come to town. Apparently, her mother has actually passed the gun safety class and wanted my help to purchase a piece.”

  Fling shook his head. “Man, seriously, sometimes I feel like I’m not even in control anymore.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Loki walked into the kitchen and glared at both men sitting at the table eating breakfast. Then he turned and glared at Jaci as she moved around the kitchen obviously making breakfast for them. He slept like shit, and it was all Wrecker’s fault, the bastard. Last night, he could have gotten himself laid, but nooo, he was interrupted. And then Loki was stupid enough to call Torch, which caused Anya to get on the phone and he had to explain the situation to her.

  Then she proceeded to give him advice, like seriously, he needed advice? Loki had been getting laid since he was sixteen, he knew how to get a woman. Apparently, though, Anya informed him, he may know how to get an everyday woman, but he didn’t know how to get a badass chick. Of course, he didn’t understand the difference, what the fuck? Women have different rules for different women? Well, he wanted the rules where the woman does what he says when he says it. ‘Cause this other touchy feely shit was complete and utter horseshit.

  He had listened to Anya. She told him to respect what Jaci did and said. Loki had argued, he did respect her, damn his mother was an operative, of course, he knew what it took to become an operative. Anya had argued, though. She asked if he had asked for her opinions about what was going on? Loki frowned, of course he had, hadn't he? She hadn't said a
nything, though, so he assumed it was all good. Anya told him the quickest way to a girl’s heart was the show her you valued her and her opinions. He didn’t want her heart, there was something more he wanted, and it didn’t require talking so much as making her screaming his name.

  He moved to the table and sat down. Reaching for the coffee pot, he looked up and saw Wrecker glaring at him. Fuck him, he wasn’t supposed to be here anyway. Wesson leaned forward and grabbed a bottle of ketchup, Loki turned to the man and glared. Yeah, he had seen Jaci sneak out of her room and into his. It pissed him off, he knew Jaci wasn’t attracted to the man, she treated him like a brother, but it still pissed him off. What had they been talking about? She could have come to his room, and he could damn well guarantee she would have had a better time. Him too.

  Once he poured his coffee, Loki leaned back and felt a presence next to his arm. He looked down to see Buddy standing there staring at him. He knew he looked angry and probably scary to the little boy, so he tried to soften his look and he smiled and said, “You hungry, Buddy?”

  The little boy nodded and broke into a bright smile, and he pulled out the chair next to Loki and slid in the seat. Jaci laughed and said, “Well good morning, little man. How about some eggs this morning?”

  Buddy looked up and smiled and nodded. Loki looked back at his coffee and then Jaci bumped his chair and put a plate in front of him as well as Buddy. He looked up and frowned at her, she raised an eyebrow at him, and Loki shook his head and then looked back down at his plate.

  “So,” Jaci said loudly. “I thought we should all discuss a few things before Tony goes to the jail today.”

  Loki looked up and saw Tony stare at his sister intently, and then he said, “Why? Loki and I have already worked this out.”

  Jaci put her hands on her hips and said, “Yeah, well since I don’t know what that is, I think maybe we should talk about it.”

  Tony shrugged. “Doesn’t have anything to do with you, I mean, you will be with Wesson at the pickup point. If we don’t get there, you guys go, and we will lay low and then get out as well. But at least you will be safe.”

  Jaci snorted. “Okay, yeah, not happening.”

  Loki leaned back, and he listened as Wrecker tried to tell his sister he wanted her out of harm's way. He finally understood what they had been doing, which was taking over her mission. Well fuck a duck, but it still didn’t mean he actually wanted anything more than someone to warm his bed for a few nights.

  Shadow was eating his breakfast but was half listening, and he leaned forward. “ know I need to stay with you guys as well. I mean if you need emergency transport, I will be able to get it.”

  Tony snorted. “Oh, you mean like renting a car?”

  Shadow stiffened. “Would you get off me renting a car. What the fuck is the big deal? It is a car!”

  “You left a trail, dammit!” Wrecker yelled.

  Jaci walked to the table and took Buddy’s plate. “Hey, little man, why don't you take this into the living room and watch some television.”

  The little boy looked around the table and then nodded. He moved but as soon as he was out of the room Shadow leaned over.

  “No, I didn’t,” Shadow argued, and then Wrecker sighed. “Listen, we don’t need to go over this again. It is what it is.”

  Jaci interrupted. “It is what it is, and right now, this is MY ASSIGNMENT, not yours. I get you are my brother, and I really appreciate how you came over here to help me. But you are not taking over for me. I needed help, yes, but that doesn’t mean I needed to be saved. I would have figured something out. Now, that being said, I have an idea that I believe is the best way to go. We cannot create an international incident per se. If Carole escapes, they will want to capture her in order to save face. So getting out of this country is not going to be as easy as you think.”

  Wrecker stared at his sister and then he shook his head. “Seriously, I think we can handle this. You know what I do, right?”

  Jaci laughed loudly. “Yes, I know what you do, but do you know what I DO?”

  Wrecker was silent, and then he sighed loudly. “Jaci, come on, I know, and I know you are good at your job. But we are in a country…”

  Jaci held up her hand. “There will always be a country just like there will always be something go wrong on a mission. Nothing is cut and dry, I know this, and yet you still look at me like I am some kind of little kid who stole your bubble gum. I am not.”

  Shadow leaned forward. “Excuse me for interrupting.”

  Wrecker turned to glare at him. “This is a family discussion.”

  “Anthony Warren Rizzo, do not dare say that to Wesson. He became family the moment he put his ass on the line to come and help me. I swear I have no idea what is wrong with you, but so help me, you will not be an asshole to Shadow!” she yelled, and then Loki shook his head.

  “Wreck, man, I hate to say, you are an asshole. I for one would love to know exactly what you think will work here, Jaci. I mean, you and my mother already know this city, and honestly, I was worried about the timeframe. Why don’t you grab a plate and sit down, we can talk about this now. And, Shadow, I think you’re right, you are going to need to stay with us as well. I mean the more people we have watching our backs, the more targets they will be looking for,” Loki said smoothly, and then Shadow smiled at him for a second before he realized what Loki said, then he glared. Loki grinned. More targets, yeah, he wanted to put one on Shadow’s back, a big red one!

  Jaci nodded seriously and then turned, and Wrecker flipped Loki off and mouthed, “I am going to kick your ass.”

  Loki snorted and leaned toward Wrecker and dropped his voice while he watched Jaci so she wouldn’t catch him, “You can try, but I bet your sister will be pissed about that. You know, since you are such a brute and everything.”

  Jaci turned, and Loki sat back in his chair just as she started to the table. She pulled out a chair on the other side of Loki and then sat down. She looked at him and smiled gratefully, and Loki knew that he wanted more with this woman, and he wanted to piss Wrecker off, so two birds one stone worked here.

  “First thing we need to look at is the timeframe. Once Carole is broken out of jail, they will shut down the airspace and secure the borders. They aren’t going to do anything else, which sucks for us. There is no way we can get from the jail to the airstrip you talked about. It’s thirty minutes when there’s no traffic, which blows because there is always traffic. So to tell the pilot to be ready wouldn’t work in our favor, it is all about the timing. So taking that out, and knowing right now this house is safe I assume. We need to plan on getting back here without anyone following us, then we exit after a few days. That way the men are on alert, but they are tired and not paying close attention. The first day, they will all be called in, all of them, and the second they will make sure they switch out duties, by the third and fourth days, they will be easier to dodge. Then we exit with as little fanfare as possible,” Jaci said, and Loki nodded. He actually did agree with that. He hadn't thought about staying here deliberately.

  “Maybe we could lead a false trail if they think we are one place, and trying to get out of the country, that would also leave us a bit of a leeway as well,” Loki said, and Jaci nodded.

  “We have made some connections here. I think I can get one of the men Carole introduced me to to help. I am thinking they know we will try by air, which obviously would be the fastest, and why they will lock down the airports. Second, they will look by ship, which we could lead a trail to I know, we just need the name of a ship and Shadow could hack their computers and add passengers to the manifest list. Also, there is a very large area just to the south of us. I think we could utilize that area.”

  “What about getting Carole out in the first place? How the hell is any of this helping us if we can't get her out?” Wrecker snapped, and Jaci nodded.

  “Yeah, I thought of that too. After we had talked last night, there were a few things that bothered me,” J
aci began.

  Wrecker said under his breath, “Talking? Yeah, there was a lot of things bothering me about seeing your talking.”

  “Anthony!” she snapped, and Loki leaned back and winked at him. Yeah, this was going to work out fine.

  “Jaci,” Loki said softly. “Keep going. Tell me what you think we were planning wrong.”

  Jaci glared at her brother and then nodded and looked at Loki. Damn, her eyes were amazing, they were actually sparkling with excitement as she talked about her job. “Okay, the corners of the jail is the least protected, if you look at the plans, the ground the prison is sitting on isn’t level. It dips to the northeast corner. If we time it when the guards are switching, we could get to her cell, set the charge and blow the wall. Well, that is if she can actually get put into solitary in one day. Wesson will hack the prison, find her cell and cut the fence. We can only take it down for less than two minutes before the backup will come on. Once we are in, Wesson is going to get to the van and wait. Tony will enter in here, plant a bomb here, it will take out the front security office, and then he will get the fuck out. Loki and I will do the rest and meet you at the van.”

  Wrecker leaned forward and looked at the map Loki laid on the table and said, “That may work. But we are going to make sure the charges we set do not cause a lockdown.”

  Jaci rolled her eyes. “Yeah, who would have thought I had a brain in my head. Shadow will be able to monitor with his computer once we take them offline. Like I said, though, it will only be for a short time because then the backup comes on, and everyone will be notified. The trick is to set the charge with gas as well. If we put it into the ventilation system, it will knock the guards out.”


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