Backfire (Furies MC Book 4)

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Backfire (Furies MC Book 4) Page 10

by Harley McRide

  “I have to go in,” Wrecker snapped.

  “No,” Shadow said. “They will come out.”

  “The gas,” Wrecker snapped, and Shadow chuckled.

  “Not a problem, just set the charge.”

  Loki watched as the guards opened the gate they had planned on going through. Four men grabbed her while the others fired into the night, hoping to hit him. He moved to the south side of the fence, it took him ten minutes, but he was there. He listened to Shadow counting down for them. Loki spotted Wrecker as he moved around the corner, so he wasn’t hit by the blast, he nodded, and Wrecker nodded back. The lights were flashing, that was the only way they saw each other.

  “Thirty seconds,” Shadow said.

  “I will make sure they get out,” Wrecker said, and Shadow growled.

  “Shut the fuck up and listen. They are CIA Operatives, they know what they are doing, do not get in the way or you could all die. Just do as I say, soldier.”

  Loki frowned and then said, “Damn, someone needs a little toke.”

  He heard the blast, and then suddenly he could hear Jaci again. There was a lot of grunting and heavy breathing. He heard his mother yell something and then Jaci said, “Shadow?”

  “Out the wall and to your left,” he said calmly, and then Loki looked up and saw Tony look around the corner of the building.

  He heard gun shots and Wrecker flinched and began to move. “Friendly,” Jaci yelled.

  “Cut the fence,” Shadow snapped, and Loki did what he was told. He looked up and saw Wrecker still standing there.

  “Wrecker,” Loki snapped, and the man turned.

  “I can't leave her,” he whispered.

  “Coming,” Jaci said, as more gunfire erupted in their ears and suddenly there his mother was, walking calmly and quickly toward him. Jaci came next and ran right by her brother who wasn’t supposed to be standing there. Loki caught the look of shock on Wrecker’s face, but he began to run after his sister.

  “Darling,” his mother said as she climbed through the fence. “It is so good to see you.”

  “Mom, get moving,” he snapped and pushed her toward the road. Jaci came next, and she ignored his pointed stared and grabbed Carole's hand and walked with her. Wrecker came through shaking his head.

  “Seriously, did we even need to come?” Wrecker whispered

  Loki shook his head. “Thinking that myself.”

  The alarms sounded loud, and the fence began to spark where he cut it. Both men turned and ran. They needed to be out of here before the government responded. They piled into the van and Shadow turned and smiled at them as Loki slid the door shut.

  “Well, who is this little cutie?” Carole said as she spotted Buddy sitting in the front strapped into the seat.

  The little boy turned and smiled, then he looked at Jaci and Loki and said, “I Buddy, you safe.”

  “How adorable.” Carole laughed and then looked at her son. “But why is he here? I do not think a jailbreak is an appropriate outing for children.”

  Buddy, of course, pointed at Loki and said, “Bà ba.” Then he pointed at Jaci and said, “Mā mā. We are safe, now Buddy hungry. Go home now.”

  Carole narrowed her eyes on her son, and then looked at her partner. “Oh my God, I am a grandmother already! How marvelous!”

  Loki pounded his head against the wall of the van as Shadow began to explain. Now he was in hell.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Carole looked at her son. They had gotten back to the safehouse, and Shadow went directly to his room and began tracking the messages the Singapore government were sending. Wrecker had taken his sister, after she gave Buddy a snack and put him down for the night, into the backyard to yell at her, Loki assumed. He would get to that after he spoke to his mother. Jaci and his mom had spoken in private for over and hour, they were all exhausted, but this all needed to be done so they could plan their escape.

  “I can't believe how you all came to be here. It is like a stroke of luck.” Carole grinned and touched her son's arm. “I have missed you.”

  “I missed you, too, Mom. Are you really ready to give all this up? I know how much you love your job, and the thrill of serving your country,” Loki said, and his mom’s gaze softened.

  “You know, when you were growing up, and it was just us, it was hard to leave you to go on assignment. Even though I knew you were being taken care of. Still, I was your mother,” Carole said, and Loki smiled.

  “I knew you were thinking of me, at first it was hard, especially when the other kids’ moms were baking cookies and things, but I realized a long time ago, this is who you are,” Loki said softly, and she nodded.

  “So to answer your question, I will miss the thrill of the hunt, but yes, I am more than ready to settle down and have more adventures with my son. Life can be full of excitement as well,” Carole said.

  “Mom,” Loki began, and Carole laughed.

  “You don’t need to tell me anything,” she said softly.

  “But,” Loki said slowly.

  “When you were discharged from the military, I knew you were looking for something, something I could not give you. It hurt, because I was your mother, and I should be able to fix everything. This time, it was a little outside just a band-aid. When you found the club, I saw something in you settle, and suddenly the sullen bad-tempered man who had been discharged suddenly had a gleam in his eye again. That is what you had lost while deployed. I sat back and watched you, and yes I am not ashamed to admit I may have watched you a little too closely because seeing you jump from woman to woman was heartbreaking. I really wanted you to experience life, but not like that. None of those women were what you needed. So I sat back and waited, trust me, there were a few I thought would have been good for you, but they still didn’t have the same spark. When I met Jaci, I knew she would be perfect for you. But you never seemed to be in the same place at the same time. When I made the decision to retire from the field, I figured it wasn’t meant to be. But when Jaci said she was transferring with me because she had done what she set out to do as well, and was ready for a new step in her life, I knew it was fate telling me things would work out. So, honey, you don’t need to tell me anything, I know this is the way it was supposed to be,” Carole said, and Loki stared at his mom.

  “You know, I think you would really like the Lady Riders,” Loki said. “Those women are badasses, and you should fit right in.”

  “Me, riding a motorcycle?” she said, raising an eyebrow in interest. “Well, I’m not so sure they would think an old woman would make a good addition to the club.”

  Loki laughed loudly. “Ma, you haven’t met them, just wait, you are in for a surprise,” Loki said, and Carole smiled at her son, she was so proud of him, of everything he had accomplished, and for the things his club was doing.

  “Like I said, life is an adventure, and it has only begun. Now, I am exhausted from beating the shit out of several of the guards and the bitch who had been trying to kill me. I need some rest, in fact, I think I will sleep like a log,” Carole said and stood. “But just to be on the safe side, I have taken over your room, so the only one available is on this side of the house, away from the other bedrooms. I believe it should buffer any noise you make because we don’t want anyone to have nightmares about what they’re hearing.”

  Loki opened and shut his mouth and then shook his head, his mother was certifiable. But he loved her. Standing, he hugged her and then she made her way down the hallway and into the bedroom. The sliding glass door opened and he heard Jaci and her brother enter into the kitchen. He moved in that direction and then stopped at the doorway when he heard them arguing.

  “You can't tell me what to do anymore, Tony. I am a big girl, and I will do my job the way I see fit,” she growled.

  “You could have been killed!” Tony snapped.

  “Yeah, I could’ve fallen under a bus as well. Life is an adventure,” she said, and Loki smiled, yeah, she had been hanging around his mother for wa
y too long.

  “Sis, I can't lose you,” Wrecker said softly, and she turned and smiled.

  “You aren’t going to,” she whispered back, and Wrecker sighed. “But it is my job, and I do it well. So you need to know that I can take care of myself.”

  “I, for one, am glad you’re transferring,” Wrecker said, and Jaci pulled back.

  “Yeah, well, I will miss the field,” she said sadly, and Loki frowned.

  “I am going to bed. We can talk more in the morning, okay?” Wecker said, and Loki took a step back so the man wouldn’t see him when he left the room. Jaci hugged her brother and then she went to the kitchen, and her brother walked toward his bedroom. Loki waited until he heard the door shut and then he went into the kitchen.

  Jaci was cleaning off the counter, and she looked up when he walked around the corner. She smiled a little, and she said, “I figured you would be in bed by now.”

  Loki took a deep breath and said, “Really? Did you think I would be in bed right now, seriously?”

  Jaci looked at him and frowned. “What is wrong?”

  “What is wrong? What the fuck is wrong?” Loki snapped, and she threw the washcloth into the sink and put her hands on her hip.

  “Yeah, that is pretty much what I asked,” she said. “I don’t understand?” she whispered as he grabbed her arm and dragged her into the room she assumed Carole would take and shut the door.

  “Oh, I am quite sure you do understand,” Loki growled and stepped forward, crowding her.

  Jaci tilted her head and thought for a second, then took a step back and shook her head. “Nope, I have no clue what you are so upset about.”

  “Here is a clue,” Loki snapped and closed the distance. “You knowingly left out part of the plan where you electrocute yourself and get captured.”

  Jaci shrugged, “Yeah, but I did that because you were never going to let me do what I wanted to if something happened. Besides, it was all fake.”

  “But I didn’t know that,” Loki said calmly.

  “Okay, but come on, it was all fake, and you know that now,” Jaci said and held up her hands. “So all is good, now I am tired, and I am going to bed.”

  “Ya think?” Loki growled, and she took a step away as if she was testing the waters, and Loki growled and took two steps closer. Her eyes widened, and Loki chuckled. “Now you are getting smart.”

  Jaci rolled her eyes, but Loki lunged for her, and she jumped, yes jumped up on the bed and then scrambled over it and landed on the other side. “I have no idea why you have your panties in a wad.”

  “Baby, you are digging your hole deeper,” Loki snapped, and he moved quickly around the bed so she was forced to roll over in a summersault and she landed on the opposite side.

  “Listen, Loki; I think maybe we need to take a step back.”

  Loki looked up at the ceiling and then said, “Nope, no steps back.”

  Jaci glared at him and then crossed her arms. “Well, then you need to get a grip.”

  “Oh, I plan on getting a grip,” Loki snarled, and he moved to the door and locked it, then turned back to her, and he grinned, but it wasn’t a happy smile. She watched him closely as he grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head.

  “Uh, what are you doing?” she asked hesitantly as he stared into her eyes and used his toes to get his boots off. He unsnapped his pants.

  “Baby, you are gonna need to catch up,” Loki said smoothly.

  “Why?” Jaci said and looked at the wall. “I am not sleeping in here.”

  “Oh, you aren’t going to be sleeping at all. In fact, I am pretty sure you aren’t going to be sleeping until we hit stateside. You owe me,” Loki said, and Jaci let her mouth drop open.

  “I owe you? I…OWE…YOU?” she snapped, and Loki grinned and then nodded.

  “You do, woman, do you know I have had a hard-on since we met. Not only that, nut since we met, I have been distracted. I do not get distracted, ever. So I am gonna fuck you out of my system, so when we get back home, you will understand that when you go on a mission, your ass had better be making sure you are coming home. I won't be distracted because you will understand that in this relationship, I am the boss.”

  “WHAT?” Jaci screamed. “If you think that is going to get me into bed—”

  Loki moved so fast, she barely even saw him move. Suddenly, her shirt was over her head, her bra was ripped down the middle, and Loki pushed her on the bed.

  “Hey,” she said, and Loki looked down at her.

  “Did I stutter?” Loki roared, and Jaci glared at him.

  “Well excuse me for a moment, I wasn’t aware I was actually allowed to answer since you are the boss and all. But let me get this clear right now. I believe a relationship needs two people in it. And I NEVER said I wanted that with you.”

  Loki smirked. “Baby, it is a forgone conclusion we are already having a relationship. Now, you can either enjoy this, or you can be stubborn and miss out on the best sex of your life because you refuse to give in.”

  Jaci glared at him. “Oh, if we are having sex you are so making me enjoy this.”

  Loki smiled. “Well get your pants off.”

  Jaci moved wiggling out of her pants as she ranted, “Just for the record, this is a bullshit way to woo someone. You know I deserve to have a little romance, you know, candles, or a ride on your bike. But nooo, Mr. Macho has to be all like, grrrr me man you woman. It is just fucked up. Well, I had better get at least three or four orgasms, before you. because I am the injured party here. I was doing my job.”

  Loki undressed the rest of the way and then smiled as she kicked her pants off. He waited as she grumbled and then she looked up at him, her eyes swept over his body, and he saw the heat in her eyes as she took in every inch of him. Jaci licked her lips as she stared at his tats, and then moved down. By the time she got to his cock, it was standing at attention.

  She looked back up at him and then she snapped her fingers and pointed to her pussy. “Get busy.”

  Loki laughed and shook his head, he moved until he was standing over her, he crawled to her side, and he stared down at her. She sucked in a breath, and then Loki leaned down and kissed her softly.

  When he pulled back, his eyes caught hers and held her gaze, “You are so beautiful,” he whispered, and he traced the line of her jaw and ran his fingers down her neck, into the valley between her breast, and she sucked in a breath. Fuck, he was good at this.

  “And you had to be sweet as well as a kick ass biker?” she whispered, and Loki smiled.

  “Yeah, well, don’t tell anyone you will ruin the rep,” Loki said.

  She reached up and pulled his head down, tangling her hands in his hair she groaned when his kiss consumed her this time. He took his time exploring her mouth before moving down her cheek and her neck. “Mine,” he growled and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, causing a rush of hot liquid to form between her legs. No one had had this kind of effect on her, no one.

  Jaci arched against his mouth, needing, demanding more. He didn’t hesitate, using his teeth he pulled at her nipple until it was hard and straining, then he moved to the other one. She was on fire, not even sure how the hell he got her aroused so fast, but seriously, she didn’t care.

  “Jaci,” he whispered against her breast as she moaned and writhed, moving her legs a little restlessly.

  “Please,” she said, and he grinned, then she grabbed his head and pressed her mouth to his. “Hurry.”

  Loki just smiled, and then he moved down lower, seeing her wet pussy made him almost lose control and crawl right back up her and take her. He sucked in a breath, and then he regained control of himself. He pressed two fingers into her, feeling her wetness and then he pulled them back and licked his fingers, tasting her for the first time. Loki had never tasted anything so sweet. Shit, she was going to kill him before this was over.

  His body was tight, hard, and after being hard for days, he was impatient. But he wasn’t going to let her down.
He moved her thighs over his shoulders and with a quick flick of his tongue he swept up her slit right to her clit, and latched on. Sucking her in his mouth until she cried out loudly.

  The small thread of control snapped as he fucked her with his tongue and used one of his hands to press her clit at the same time, over and over, he drove her crazy until she was just beginning to feel the first stirrings of an orgasm and then he stopped. Jaci cried out loudly.


  Loki moved a little, and she felt him suck her clit back into his mouth, this time using his fingers to fuck her. So good, she thought and grabbed her hands and buried them in his hair and held on. When she fell over the edge, Jaci arched up and yelled his name, but he didn’t stop. Instead, he kept fucking her with his fingers as he moved, keeping her sensitive and hot. Trying to catch her breath but it wasn’t happening.

  He slid up her body and kissed her, she never thought she would ever find the taste of herself sexy, but on Loki’s lips, it was. Shit, he moved over her, and she wrapped a hand around his cock, making him rip his lips from hers and growl down at her.

  “Baby,” he whispered.

  She stroked his hard length as he stared at her, he finally lowered his head and took her lips again, this time he was more demanding. She let his tongue invade her mouth and then he moved between her legs, making her lose her grip. As he slid into her, she felt him struggle not to move too fast, shit, she should have told him it had been a while, a long fucking while.

  She closed her eyes, and could feel his thickness, shit, he felt bigger than what he looked, and she felt every inch of him as he filled her. She could barely think let alone move, if she did she would shatter and it would all be done. Taking a deep breath, she held it until he was fully seated inside her, and she finally let her breath out and relaxed.


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