Forbidden Desires

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by Vanessa James

  Forbidden Desires

  An Insta Love Bad Boy Romance: Book 2 of the Forbidden Series

  Vanessa James


  1. Copyright

  2. Stay In Touch With Vanessa

  3. Free Book

  4. Join Vanessa’s ARC Team

  5. Introduction

  6. Chapter 1:Caleb

  7. Chapter 2: Mary

  8. Chapter 3: Caleb

  9. Chapter 4: Mary

  10. Chapter 5: Caleb

  11. Chapter 6: Mary

  12. Chapter 7: Caleb

  13. Chapter 8: Mary

  14. Chapter 9: Caleb

  15. Reviews

  16. Continue Reading

  17. Stay In Touch With Vanessa

  18. Free Book

  19. Join Vanessa’s ARC Team

  20. About Vanessa James

  21. More Books by Vanessa James


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Claire Meczes

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously . Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Mary and Caleb’s relationship is stormy at best. And Caleb’s dubious lifestyle doesn’t make things any easier; in fact, it only makes things worse.

  Her growing feelings for Caleb worry Mary. Does she really want to move on with this relationship? There is a part of her that wants to rush in, throw caution to the wind, and just be with him.

  But when Caleb reveals a secret about her father, Mary begins to wonder whom to trust.

  Caleb’s dark past doesn’t help either, but he also knows of the risk he’d take to be with Mary.

  With tensions growing every single day in the MC, and his overbearing father demanding that he continue his life of crime, Caleb feels confused, but most of all, he is scared of what is to come. Mary is that one bright spark in his life.

  Will he finally make it to the point where he can understand this relationship? Will he be able to make things better for both of them? What would Mary and Caleb’s life be like if they are successful?

  Find out in the second book of this thrilling bad boy romance.

  Chapter 1:Caleb

  It was another hit.

  My father asked me to take care of it, so I did as I was told. It was George, one of the local guys my father worked with for the most part. Or used to work with. As it turns out the guy had a lot of issues, and my father wanted to make sure he was properly disposed of.

  That’s where I came in.

  I got the notification right before class started, and, as I looked at my home, I noticed the creeping feeling of dread occur.

  “Shit. So it is you,” I said to the caller ID. I looked over at Mary, seeing the widened, curious look in her eyes, like an innocent doe.

  She’s too innocent for this type of life.

  I got up, and suddenly Mary looked at me.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I have to leave. Nothing personal,” I said to her.

  Mary looked at me, and I quickly got out. I picked up the phone, calling my father back.

  “What? I’m supposed to be in school. What the hell do you want?” I said.

  “Don't’ give me that tone Caleb. I have another hit for you. He’s right down the road. You’ll be back before the end of class. Besides, I thought you didn’t like school,” my father said.

  “Cut it. I told you I would stay in school. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean I’d go back on my word, dumbass,” I snapped back at him.

  “Whatever. Just, go take care of it and come see me afterward,” he said.

  He sent me the directions. It really was right outside school... I quickly bounced, rushing over there.

  Sure enough, I knew of George’s haunt. The bastard liked to live right around the college so he could pick up girls. Fucking shithead. I went over to the small apartment in the alleyway, knocking on the door a few times.

  “Open up,” I said.

  No response. I finally raised the club my father told me to have on hand, smacking the door down. When I got inside, I saw George there, cowering in the corner.

  “I heard you pissed off the big boys. You’ll pay for that,” I said.

  “I can’t! I told your father that I didn’t want to be part of his group anymore,” he said.

  “Not good enough,” I snapped back at him. He looked at me with concern, eyes widened and scared, and then, I moved towards him, club in hand.

  “Now, my dad said he wanted you alive. He did not mention whether you had to be conscious. So we can do this one of two ways,” he said.

  “F-fuck you!” he said.

  “So you don't’ want to do this easily, eh? No matter,” I said.

  I grasped the club, smacking him with the first hit. I did this for my dad, for the MC.

  “I don’t want to be a part of this. Bradley at The Skulls—”

  I stopped.

  “You’re choosing to go with The Skulls and not stay loyal to us? Is that what it is?” I asked.

  “Y-yes! Please don't’ kill me!” he said.

  I then followed him. He raced out of his house, but I couldn’t let him go into the main street. I don’t want to deal with a scene, so I cornered him up against the wall.

  “You’ll come with us…and you’ll withdraw your loyalty to the skulls…and you’ll come with us,” I said.

  With each series of words, I kicked this man, watching him cower in pain. Every single touch made him scream, and I looked around for a bit, making sure I was alone. I had to do this. I was my dad’s number one man. I was his right-hand guy, and I knew that if I didn’t do it, I’d be in trouble too.

  But, as I continued to beat this man, I wondered if this was right. I shook my head. This man didn’t follow our allegiance, and he was causing nothing but trouble for us, and I knew that if I left him without telling him about how my father was watching him, things would get worse.

  I backed him into the corner, calming the nagging feeling of regret that gnawed at the pit of my stomach. This man didn’t know any better. I was the bad guy in this situation. I wasn’t happy doing this.

  But, with each hit, each cry of pain, I started to distance myself from those regretful feelings.

  I couldn’t stop though. I had a job to do, and this was it. However, I could feel that seed of regret planted in my head, making me shudder in response. However, as I did this, I sensed someone there. It was Mary. She was staring at me blankly and the man I was manhandling.

  “C-Caleb?” she stammered

  “You need to leave,” I told her.

  “N-no. I want answers.”

  “Mary, it’s better if you don’t get answers. You’re better off just ignoring all of this.”

  She looked at me with shocked, scared eyes, and I could tell she was trying to figur
e out what to do about all of this. She suddenly ran away, and, for a moment, I thought about going after her. I wanted someone to understand, that the reason why I did this was due to my father, because I was slated to take over the family business, and this was part of the grunt work. I wanted to explain to her that her dad wasn’t the good man he was made out to be. But it was too late. She was gone, and I looked at George, staring at him.

  “Well? You going to pay up?” I asked.

  The man quickly nodded, scurrying towards the wall.

  “Please don’t kill me,” he said.

  “I don't’ want to. My dad has other ideas though. Next time the person who will come to see you won’t be as nice as me. I better go.”

  I felt torn, unsure of what to do about any of this. I felt a hint of regret too, wondering if I really did do the right thing. After I got back to the motorcycle club, I sat down in my office, tears falling down my face.

  I kept pushing Mary away because she was too good for all this. She didn’t need me to hold her back. She was a bright girl with a bright future. And for me...there was just the club.

  Chapter 2: Mary

  Maybe my father was right.

  Maybe staying away from him was the right thing to do.

  I saw the bloodied man, and Caleb beating him, my hands shaking at the sight of him. I quickly ran back into the building, heading to the nearest bathroom. I ran my hands under the tap water, moving my hands to my face, washing it. I wanted to forget what I just saw.

  I didn’t want to admit to myself that I had fallen for a man who was a monster. But the sight was apparent. I breathed for a moment, trying to compose myself for a brief second. After a bit, I finally sighed.

  “Alright. What the fuck just happened?”

  I looked forward, trying my hardest to get my shit together, especially after everything that happened. I quickly left the school bathroom, heading to the coffee shop nearby. The same one I saw Caleb at before. I shook my head, trying to forget what just occurred. I got my laptop out, working on schoolwork for as long as I could.

  But I couldn't shake that feeling of deep foreboding. The scene of Caleb beating on that strange man was imprinted in my head, and it bothered the hell out of me. After a bit, I sat back, trying my hardest to keep myself together, to hold back after all that’d happened. There was a ping from my phone, and when I looked down, I saw the message.

  Hey Mary. Listen, what you saw back there was business. I’m willing to explain if you want to know. But maybe it’s best if we stay away from each other. I don’t want you to worry about me.

  I sighed, realizing that he was keeping me away for my own protection. I then texted back, knowing that the words I was about to say could end up hurting me in the end, but who knows.

  I don’t know what to think, Caleb. I expected you to tell me eventually...but I didn't think it would be that. Sorry, I need time.

  I sent it, and sure enough, a moment later Caleb responded.

  I’ll try to stay away. For both of us.

  As he responded, I clutched my phone, feeling very unsure of what to make of this. I mean, I guess he was better off this way, and, so was I, but, I just couldn’t get my mind off him and everything that was happening.

  I started to ignore my phone, to not think about anything I saw. Another call came in, and after a brief second, I picked it up.


  “Hey dear. It’s your father. By the way, do you know anything about a man named George Henderson? It was reported that someone who looked like Caleb was with him earlier today.”

  Shit. That was the guy Caleb cornered. I immediately shuddered, trying to ignore the guilty feeling in my body.

  “Well, do you know anything?” he asked.

  I tensed, holding my hands tightly in my lap.

  “Well, Mary? You’re always honest with me, so what’s the answer,” he asked.

  I had to lie. If only for Caleb’s sake, I had to hide the truth from my father.

  A pang of guilt resonated through my body as I thought about all of this. But it was for the best.

  “I’m sorry dad, don't’ know anything.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want you lying to me Mary.’

  Too late for that. This was the first time I’ve ever lied to my father.

  “Yeah, dad. I don’t know anything. I swear.”

  “Fair enough. Please stay away from him. He’s not a good person, and he seems to be working with someone with whom I’ve had ties in the past, but I know he’s bad news. He’s one of the largest drug dealers in the country, and I know that if you get involved with his MC, then it’s not going to be good,” he said.

  “Alright, dad. Trust me, I have no intention of speaking to him.”

  “That’s my girl. You should know by now not every guy is good. You need to stay safe, and I don’t want you getting with him,” he said.

  “Yeah, I get that dad. I have to keep my grades up and go to school. Got it.”

  “Perfect. Glad we’re on the same page.”

  The phone hung up, and I sat there wondering if I did the right thing. The man that I saw, the one I ran away from, was so different from the one that I had sex with. Was he the same person? I don’t know either.

  Regardless, I don't’ want anything to do with him. I know that it’s definitely best for me to stay the fuck away. I had a feeling that this would only grow worse and worse with time if I did try to figure it out. He was playing a game that had nothing to do with me, and something made me realize that it was only going to hurt me if I stayed.

  But, why couldn’t I let go? Every time I tried to do my homework, I felt the nagging guilt of what I said to Caleb, of breaking things off. Caleb seemed like a good person, but maybe that was me trying to justify everything. I didn’t even know anymore, and I wanted to know what he was up to. I wanted to figure it out even though my head was telling me not to.

  Ugh, this was the worst, and as I thought about all that transpired, I had a feeling that even if I did choose to keep him at arms’ length, things wouldn’t be easy, and I wouldn’t like it either.

  Chapter 3: Caleb

  As I sat there reading the text message that I had sent to Mary, I felt that aching guilt burning inside of me. But Mary didn’t have to know anything. The problems with her family were those of her family, not mine. I just needed to report to my father and continue to run the MC to handle dad’s dirty work.

  After writing the last part, I expected Mary to come back to me, but she didn’t. The phone was dead silent, making the ache of what I did even worse. I went back to the MC, stepping inside, and right there in front of me, was my dad.

  “I heard about what happened with George,” he said.

  “You mean that he tried to get away and I stopped him?”

  “That, and that you beat him in broad daylight. Caleb, why would you do that? You should know by now that acting like that will get us found out. The police will track us down. You have to keep all this quiet,” he said.

  “I’m sorry dad. I just…though that I was doing my job.”

  “Well, Caleb you should know by now that you’re the rightful heir, and you need to behave yourself accordingly. I’ll be making sure of that from here on out. But you have to be mindful of this too,” he said.

  Caleb nodded, stiffening slightly. “I’m just worried. Mary saw me.”

  “That girl? Didn’t I tell you not to get her involved?”

  “Yeah, but now I regret holding back. She’s a good girl, Dad.”

  “And that’s the problem. You should know by now that she’s the daughter of that damn priest. And that bastard has it out for both of us. Messing around with her is only going to get you killed.”


  “Stop Caleb. You shouldn't underestimate her father. Things aren't going to be easy if you keep doing this. Remember what happened with your mom.”

  Caleb winced at the memory. “Why did you have to bring that up?”
/>   “Because you’re my son, and I see you making foolish mistakes. Keep her away. She doesn't need to know that you need to make sure our supporters are kept in line. I know who her father is, and he’s a monster if you get on his bad side. You need to be careful.”

  I then nodded in agreement, looking at him with a wan smile on my face.

  ‘Alright, Dad. You win. I’ll keep it quiet. I don’t want a repeat of mom.”.

  My father nodded his approval. “Yes. Remember, we had to erase her memory of everything. Including you. And then, you remember.”

  I dipped my head. “Unfortunately I do.”

  “Right. So you get it. Anyways, I also want you to take care of a few people on this list. You and the Club will go to The Skulls and fight those people. We have a territory concern, and I’d like for you to handle his as quickly as you can.”

  “Sure. I’m game for that.”

  “Right. Well, I suggest if you have anything you need to take care of be for then that you do so. You’ll be riding out first thing tomorrow with the boys,” my dad said.


  “And don’t stop until they’ve agreed to give up control of the streets on the Eastern side. If they don’t, just don’t bother coming back.” The serious expression on my father’s face demonstrated that there was no room for argument.

  “Alright. Whatever you say, Dad,” I mumbled at last.


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