Evolution of a Goddess (The Charming Series Book 3)

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Evolution of a Goddess (The Charming Series Book 3) Page 9

by Dee King

  “What’s a while Sebastian?” His answers weren’t helping me understand.

  “On Earth it’s been a few years.”

  “WHAT?” My voice louder than I thought.

  “Yes. Remember time here doesn’t work like it does on Earth. What feels like minutes or hours to us here, is weeks turning into months there. We don’t age as fast as mortals do. We’re immortal. So, every time you came here, your body would stay at a standstill, prolonging your … pregnancy, your life. But now… They… they now have had all the time they need. The

  twins will be here soon.” He lowers his head as he gave me the news of my actions leading to the truth of what was to come.

  In shock by the news he had just told me, this wasn’t a dream or a nightmare, this had been my reality. My body was trying to catch up with all the trips I had been making back and forth to Earth. Hera had been right; this was now my home. There would be no way of going back. It was taking a toll on my mind and my body.

  “And Chris?” I ask him.

  “Yes, he’s truly here…” Before he could speak, I interrupt him.


  “He... oh crap... I don’t know how to do this…” He says looking away from me.

  “Sebastian, just tell me.” Laying my hand on his leg, searching for the reason.

  “He died on Earth. There was a car accident. This is where he was always going to come home to.”

  “He can’t be… He had a full life to live.” My thoughts raced.

  “Selene, one day everyone you love will be here. It will seem like merely hours in one way, but that’s truly the beauty of being immortal.”

  “I guess…” I left the conversation at that.

  We tried to discuss what our future would now hold for us, for everyone. We had never been rulers before, heck I could hardly rule myself, and now we were going to be the ones to conquer the worlds? This wasn’t what I had ever wanted. Time passed by too slow here, and too quickly on Earth. It was like a never-ending clock spinning around and round and there was no way of stopping it. Life kept moving on, even if I wish it would stop or just slow down. My life, his life, everyone’s life was changing right before me, and I had no way of knowing our future. That was the scariest part. Would our children grow up to hate us like we did ours? Would there be people wishing we were dead as they had Zeus? Only time would tell, and that wasn’t the answer I wanted. Being a goddess, immortal, wasn’t everything people would want it to be. You were going to live forever and make decisions that would affect the world. That was a hard concept to understand. Wasn’t I just the girl who was in love with the beach, just trying to catch that next wave? Time didn’t always heal all wounds.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Life is not always what you dream it will be…

  Time wasn’t standing still any longer for me or for my unborn children. It was going to happen sooner than later. Trying to prepare myself, and make a home for them, was almost an impossible task. While I had been somewhere trapped in my mind, the Mount had changed. Sebastian took his role head on. He had a home built for us, had Zeus’s house removed, and had started to relish in his new role. Not me. Every day here was a new daunting task, every day was one day closer to meeting our children, and every day was one step closer to my fate. Restless nights kept me awake for hours now, unlike before. Hardly a wink of sleep was starting to take its toll on me. Everywhere I went someone was with me, every single day there was something for me to do. Something for me to make life decisions on. Every day I had wished that things had turned out differently. Hours started turning into days, learning more and more of what it truly meant to rule a kingdom. Some days, I would run away to where I thought no one would find me, but somehow someone always did. Whether it was someone thanking me for what had happened with Zeus, or whether it be someone just trying to be nice and want to meet me, I was constantly surrounded. I had made Zack my body guard for life. That was the first thing I had done as my role as goddess of the Mount. He took it very seriously, sometimes a little too serious. He often made me laugh, but reminded me that because of who I was, there could always be a threat on my life. That part scared me. It scared me for my children. If someone had hated me as much as they hated Zeus and how he became who he was, would that happen to me?

  Real fears played out in my mind every day. Preparing for the twins’ arrival was like trying to tie my shoes with no shoe laces. Everyone wanted to be a part of this. Every single god or goddess had something to say. What we should do, what they should be named, what they guessed at their sex. Everyone was trying to help, but it was becoming more of a task to fend them off then it was worth at times. Often, I would sneak into what they had called the “Foreseen” room on the Mount, to look down at Chloe, my best mortal friend, and Elizabeth, the only mother I had ever truly known, on Earth. I watched and smiled. They were happy, therefore, making my heart happy. It was the only time I was left alone. Alex was with Cali, Alex would go back and forth to Earth thinking no one would know, and that bothered me. There was a trust that wasn’t there for me, and I didn’t know if he just missed Earth or was plotting something. Again. You never knew with Alex what was going to happen next. Apollo reassured me numerous times that I had nothing to worry about, and that my strengths would be better off putting them towards the children; but that didn’t help much. Life kept moving on, Chris took to his life on the Mount better than I had. He seemed to enjoy it very much. Ian and Chris would spend hours together, doing gods know what, and then I would see them laughing and carrying on. It was good to see people happy, but I had grown to become fearful of everyone. Was there going to be someone who would be jealous of us, would my parents try to go against us? I hardly saw any of our parents. Hera kept herself busy with my father, only seeing me when convenient. Colin would stop by to help if Iris were around, but he would leave when she did. Cato paced floors most nights, talking about how he needed to take a wife, and he was in love with Iris. One thing that wasn’t changing, was Sebastian. He never strayed too far from where I was. He was the most loving god I had ever seen. Everyone adored him as much as I did. Love wasn’t the right word to describe how I felt for him, it was more, much more.

  “It’s time.” I told Sebastian as the searing pain shot through my stomach for the fourth time that afternoon.

  “What? Time for what?” He just stared at me blankly.

  “Time for us to become parents.” My voice barely above a whisper as the pain quieted me.

  “What! Now?” He began to stand as we had been sitting quietly reading.

  “Yes, now.” Trying to stand to my feet that I could no longer see, another sharp pain like a knife cut through me.

  “Oh my gods! Get everyone now!” He screams to Zack who had been sitting just inches away from us.

  He had tossed his book in the air. It hits a wall, making a loud crash that startled me and as I jumped, another pain taking me to my knees. This was it. It was time for them to come whether we were ready or not. Sebastian, falls to his knees with me, trying to help me stand to make it out the door. There was a birthing home on the Mount, but I had never seen it. He had made sure I didn’t while I had prepared for them to be here. Trying to push through the pain, taking each painful step, I knew I wasn’t going to make it to the place. Screams were coming from me that I couldn’t stop, each one louder than the one before. This was it. They were coming and I was going to give birth on the steps of a mansion. It’s just what every mother wanted, right?

  It felt like my body was being ripped apart as Sebastian carried me away from our new home, running to the birthing house. Tears from the pain filled my eyes, each tear falling down my cheek, onto him. Zack was right there with us with Chris and Ian trying to make a path for us, yelling at everyone to move out of the way. I would have laughed at Zack if I could. Here we were with the strongest gods, and they were scared out of their minds. Laughter couldn’t begin to escape from my lips for the pain was too much to bare. Finally, arr
iving at the birth home, it was magnificent to see. It was a room filled with beautiful colors, flowers of all kinds adorned the area from the floor to ceiling, sporadically placed in vases on top of shelves. A large window in front of the oversized bed that looked out into an ocean. Waves crashing onto the shore, my eyes gazing at the water finding it peaceful.

  “Where is he?” Sebastian yells out at Colin who was already in the room.

  “I honestly don’t know…” Colin shrugs his shoulder, as he helps Sebastian lay me on the bed.

  “Hi, honey, I know that you’re scared, but there’s no need to be. We are all right here.” Iris’s voice is sweet and quiet, taking my hand in hers.

  “My Dad?” I whisper to her, as I look around the room searching for them.

  “I’m sure they are on their way.” She says trying to shush me, while patting my hand.

  Trying to turn my head towards Sebastian, asking him where our parents were, a pain that could only be described as knife cutting through your flesh, attacked me. Screaming out for someone to save me like a psycho, they were on their way. All I could think of was that I wanted my parents to be here, to witness this miraculous day. It wasn’t a feeling I was used to, but nonetheless, I wish they were. Everything moved so fast, people were rushed out of the room, leaving only Aphrodite and Sebastian in the room with me. She began to tell me to push as Sebastian held my hand cheering me on. With a scream from the exhausting pain, I pushed. When the most beautiful sound I had ever heard came from somewhere below me. Then one more push, and another beautiful cry filled the room. Our children were here. Placing both on top of my chest, tears filling my eyes. These beautiful babies had been worth the fight. In that single moment, my entire world changed. They took my breath away as I peeked up at Sebastian. They were the most beautiful children I had ever seen. One with dark, fuzzy hair like Sebastian and one with my golden blonde; they were our miracles. My heart was filled with the most joy I had ever known as tears strolled down both of our cheeks. We both stared at one another for a moment, then back down at our children, our new world. A new world, for a new generation, and a lifetime of learning to love and live.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  May you always know true love

  One boy, one girl, we had been blessed to have twins of different sexes. It was rare, but they were going to be rare. It wasn’t common, but they weren’t going to be common. They were going to be the strongest, bravest, most beautiful gods that would walk among us. They were beauty and light, and they were ours. As the room filled with people, each one oohing and aweing at our children, I waited. I waited for my parents to come meet our new loves of our lives. You would think that they would want to see all their plotting and schemes come to life, literally. We waited for our parents, who never came. It was just another time in our lives where they weren’t present. It was another time, that something so joyous for us, was taken away by them. Trying not to dwell on the fact of their absence was leaving everyone else also confused. As we all doted on the babies, it was like a big elephant in the room. No one was asking where they were, but their whispers were being heard. Apollo entered the room after everyone else, with Aphrodite coming to check on us.

  “Do we tell the names now or do we wait for the service?” Sebastian asked Apollo.

  “Oh no. You can’t announce their names or their sex till the service. That’s the rules.” His voice lingering in the air.

  “What? I can tell whoever I want their names. Zeus isn’t here anymore, remember?” I was getting upset.

  “That’s not a rule of his, it is our ways. It’s a beautiful day, you will see, but you two must keep their names quiet till they are announced.”

  “Whatever.” Rolling my eyes at what I thought was utter nonsense.

  “It really is a beautiful ceremony, Selene. I promise it’s worth the wait.” Sebastian pleads.

  I still was such a newbie so to speak when it came to ‘their’ ways, ‘their’ rules or customs, as I was raised mortal. Most of what they did here was like a bad joke, waiting for the punch line that never comes. When the “elephant” in the room was finally asked by me, they both searched the other’s face for a way to tell answer us. Even Aries had come in with the long line of our friends, but not our parents. Apollo was our wise one, the one for harmony, and his face dropped when he heard they hadn’t been here. He gave us some lame-ass answer about how they were still ruling the seas and the underworld and couldn’t leave it unguarded, but that just sounded like lies. As usual. More lies upon lies. We dropped the conversation asking if they could leave us, so we could enjoy our newborn children. Quietly they left, as Apollo left a small golden harp beside my bed. It was the first gift our babies had received from the first god who was ever truly on our side.

  “What’s our role in all this? Do we just go home, raise our children or what? And where the hell are our parents? The truth would be nice this time.” I ask Sebastian as he lays the twins in their new bassinets in the oversized room.

  “We need to discuss this. At length to be honest. We have a lot to do and discuss. But first when you’re able, we need to go home… and our parents, I couldn’t tell you. I really thought my father would be here at least. But, we won’t know what they are up to till they want to reveal their wicked ways.” He laughs at himself, almost waking our son.

  “This is bull, Sebastian. I just gave birth and our parents were nowhere to be found. It isn’t suspicious to you? I mean it’s freaking astonishing to me that I even care. But dammit I do.”

  “Agreed. But we don’t have time to worry or think of that. We have much to do and this is just the beginning. It’s all going to work out, you’ll see.” He bends down over the bed kissing my sweaty forehead.

  I had to take his word for it at this time, and I also couldn’t worry whatever they were plotting now because I had my own children to worry about. We had our children to raise to be the opposite of how we had been raised. I was going to do everything different than they had. By the powers in me, no one would get that chance to ever hurt them. They would only know love and light if I can help it. Aren’t parents supposed to do that? The ones who cared and adored them more than anyone in this world? That was my only goal now; to raise them as the gods and goddess’ they were. They would be the ones to rule the worlds, and we would show them the way.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Time flies by when you’re not looking…

  Time was flying by faster than usual it seemed. In just a short time we were to have a ceremony announcing our children to the worlds. We had to choose so many different things for them, that as a mortal I didn’t know was important. Their protectors, besides us of course; their names had to be written down in a very large leather-bound book, and still try to find out where we fit in with trying to run a world. Days were turning into nights, lack of sleep was taking a toll on my attitude, and all the while, Sebastian was truly a god. He was working harder than I had ever seen any one person do, and he kept a smile on his face. Many gifts had been brought to our new home, often leaving me speechless. Anywhere from gold jewelry to a golden rattle. Blankets made with little strings of gold laced through, it was truly amazing to see the out-pour of love for our children. Iris was with me almost every day. If I wasn’t with one of the twins she was. She was there even to braid my hair at times, just so I could look somewhat presentable to the world. She was and is a real friend. Chris, being how he was not a god, there were rules on who could be protectors of our children among this world, and even though I had fought hard for him, it was turned down. But I knew it didn’t matter, he would give his life for me or our children a hundred times over. Choosing the protector was my least favorite part of this whole thing. It was hard to trust anyone lately, and I didn’t know who would be true to their role in the twins’ lives. Every day they grew stronger, their powers already showing. It was truly mesmerizing to watch a baby will something to them in midair. The first time it scared me, but Iris laughed and told
me they were just trying to find out for themselves what they were capable of.

  “Selene, you are wanted at the door.” Zack tells me with an urgency.

  Making my way to the door, holding my daughter in my arms, I open it to see someone I hadn’t expected. Alex.


  “Selene, I hate to do this, but I can’t find Sebastian and you are needed… Now.” His face red and flushed.

  I turn to Zack, handing him my daughter ever so gently, and begin to follow Alex outside.

  “What’s the problem?” I ask him as he walks faster than I can almost keep up.

  “Um, it’s hard to explain, so just hurry up.” He shouts back at me.

  It had been a while since I had used my powers, or hell even had a long walk, I felt out of breath.

  “Slow down. One of us just gave birth not too long ago.” I tell him in a pant, trying to keep up.

  “Just hurry up.” He snapped back at me.

  Whatever we were doing, he was already making me mad. No difference there. Time hadn’t changed Alex. He just seemed to be angrier than he was before. I did try to give him some space though, he did lose his father; and his mother being Medusa wasn’t the greatest news he could have had. Alex was relentless on this journey we were going to. We make it to the “seeing” room. Where I had seen Chloe and Elizabeth what seemed to be just a short time ago. He grabs my arm, pulling me closer to the glass case where we could see Earth.

  “You see that?” He points at what looks like a speck of dirt on Earth.

  “Um, I think someone needs to clean the glass, and I swear if you brought me here to show me that someone needs to clean this or this room…”

  “No! Look there! Closer!” He shouts at me.

  Stepping closer, I close my eyes, waving my hand over the area he pointed at, when I saw it.


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