Evolution of a Goddess (The Charming Series Book 3)

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Evolution of a Goddess (The Charming Series Book 3) Page 15

by Dee King

  Chapter Forty-Four

  A life that’s simple isn’t what you always want…

  “Selene… Selene… Selene!”

  “Oh my gods… What?” I scream back at Cato.

  “Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you for like hours.” He tells me as I make my way down the winding stair case of this mansion I called home.

  “Doing things. Why? What’s wrong? Ian get mad at another kid for shooting him with their bow?” I begin to laugh.

  “No, although that’s starting to become a regular thing and quite hilarious I might add. But no, that’s not it. Just come on…” He waves to me to follow him out of the house.

  “Cato… I’m really not in the mood…” I tell him talking to his back.

  “Yea well, you’re going to want to see this.” He turns his head slightly with a weird look on his face.

  Following Cato to the seeing room, he tells Zack to pull it up. Not knowing what they were talking about, Zack swipes his hand pulling up a picture of what seemed to be the underworld. It wasn’t a picture though, it was moving. The figures in it were almost unrecognizable. Then my mouth gapped open. There, with Hades, was my father, my mother, and Colin. Moving to get a closer look, I see Colin take someone’s hand, her face invisible to us.

  Then another figure steps in, with his back to us. Swiping my hand now over the moving photo, pulling the image closer, the figure won’t turn his face to us, but I knew who it was. I would always know my husband anywhere - from any angle.

  “What the ….” I question Zack and Cato, barely getting the words out.

  “We don’t know. We knew that something was going on, but whatever this is… it’s been done in secret. This isn’t the first time either.” Zack bows his head as he seems ashamed of not telling me earlier.

  “Who is the girl?” I ask them.

  “We don’t know. We thought Iris the last time, but that’s not her. It looks like… it looks like Colin is getting married.” He points to the moving photo as we watch Apollo take his place in front of my brother.

  “I… I don’t know what the hell is going on, but somebody has some answering to do.” My temper getting the best of me.

  “Selene… You can’t go down there.” Cato tells me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  “Why the hell can’t I?” Pushing him away from me.

  “My father set it up like that. Only you or Sebastian could be there at one time, but neither together, just in case…”

  “In case of what Cato?” My face feeling warmer and warmer as he talks.

  “In case either of you decided to take out the underworld too or you know- died. He was trying to make peace with everyone and do what he thought was right by your parents also.”

  “Are you kidding me with this?” A sinister laugh comes from deep within me.

  “No. Believe me, he was trying to make sure everyone was safe from one another.” He tries to plead with me as I walk out of the room.

  “Selene! Selene! What are you going to do?” Zack comes rushing to my side.

  “I don’t know, but get Alex... He seems to know everything all the damn time.” I yell after him as I rush towards my home.

  Zack runs to the opposite side of me, fast and hard to get Alex as I had commanded. I was mad and I didn’t like being kept in the dark. Obviously, I had spent too much time with letting everyone around me do everything, that I had no idea what was happening. My thoughts were racing as one word kept repeating itself in my mind. Betrayal. I had been too consumed with what others thought about me and trying to live a simple, normal life away from the world that I had lost sight of the fact that I was a goddess. Someone was going to give me answers. No longer letting the words of others sway my heart and mind, I was going to stand up. Digging down deep for what my heart had feared, the goddess within me was going to have to do what she did best. Fight for truths. No more secrets. Believing that this had been true, and no more secrets being kept, I was feeling betrayed. Betrayed by the one I truly loved. Sebastian. I was tired of being nice, giving all these second chances, seeing the good that may be in others. Somehow, every time I got angry, there was the piece of my black heart that kept seeping through as if it were a slow bleed. Slowly but surely trying to kill my soul.

  Zack walks into the house with Alex, who looks like I caught him with his hand in the cookie jar, as he begins to stutter before I could even speak.

  “I don’t know anything… I swear it…” He holds up his hands as if to say don’t shoot me.

  “Oh Alex, how many times are we going to play this game?” Walking slowly towards him.

  “Game? There’s no game! What do you mean game?” He steps further back.

  “The one where you lie and lie because you’re afraid of what is coming to you?” My words spit out like fire.

  “I swear I’m not lying. I know nothing of anything.” He shakes his head back and forth.

  “Stop! Stop this!” Yelling in his face.

  “You will tell me what the hell is going on around here, and you will tell me now!” My breath hot to his face, he tries stepping back away from me but I catch him by the arm.

  “I... I… just know that... Oh gods...” His words making no sense.

  “What Alex? What is going on?” Not releasing him from my grip.

  “Colin’s getting married, and Sebastian is…”

  “Is what?” I’m losing my patience.

  “He’s making a deal with all of them.”

  “What kind of deal?”

  “An um... he’s going to take back the throne to the underworld. But that’s just rumored.”

  “He’s WHAT?” Were the only words I could speak, pushing back Alex with a force I didn’t know I had in me.

  Laugher explodes from me so loud that it began to shake the house. Alex places his hand on my shoulder as I’m barreled over in laughter, trying to calm me like he used to be able to do. Taking his hand in mine, twisting it, turning Alex around, he is now on his knees in front of me.

  “That doesn’t work on me anymore.” Staring into his eyes, watching him, he bows his head as I release him.

  “Well… looks like we have some planning to do boys.” My laugh escapes me again.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea... I think we should wait…” Alex tells me.

  “Oh, I’m sure you do… because that’s who you are. Weak and pathetic. Get the hell out of here!” Shouting at him while pointing to the door.

  My temper was winning. I was mad as hell and if anyone dared to stand in my way, it wasn’t going to go well. I thought all this was over. All the lies, all the deceit, but here I was again questioning everything around me. My past had come back to haunt me. Again and again, always feeling betrayed by the ones whom claimed to love me. I was lost in this world. I was lost in any world at this point. Who had I become that secrets were being kept and I no longer cared? Where would my loyalties lie now? My brother, my husband, my father? With my mother who just wanted me to rule the world, no matter the cost? Who were these people? Something inside of me was breaking. Again and again, I let everything become too much. I was like a volcano - any little thing was making me erupt as I kept trying to find my place among them. Being a mother was all I knew now. Was I even good at that anymore? I was a shell of who I once was. None of this made any sense. Colin getting married to someone nobody recognized, Sebastian trying to take his place back in the underworld? Why would he even want that when everything he ever wanted and loved was here? My thoughts moved in radical timing, making me question any move I make. Any move could possibly destroy everything I had come to love.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Will the walls come crashing down or stand tall?

  It didn’t matter what my heart thought, my mind raced with images of Sebastian and Colin. Trying to gain my composure, shielding my children and everyone around me from my fears, I pretended to be in the dark of the current situation. Zack had informed me that there was n
o possible way I could travel to the underworld and leaving the Mount would and could be catastrophic to everything we had built. No one would be there to stop anything or anyone from getting in or out. If everyone knew that you could travel out of here, that would cause mass chaos. Many of the Migades and gods already felt they were being forced to stay here when they wanted to travel back to Earth. A place they had called home. We were turning into the same kind of tyrants that we had just defeated, but with Sebastian gone, there wasn’t much else for me to do except keep the rules we had put in place. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I let everyone leave that could? If mortals knew we walked among them, maybe they would rebuild the Earth that had been so badly destroyed; a better, more peaceful place.

  “Selene, they are returning.” Zack tells me as Ian comes to my side.

  Zack snapping me out of my daydream of letting everyone go where they could be free startled me. Maybe that’s what Sebastian was searching for? A home he truly wanted? A home away from me and our children? Letting that thought quickly disperse from my mind and searching to my left, I see Iris with the twins and nod at her. Iris nods back at me, carrying the children into another room before they enter the house. I tap into Sebastian’s thoughts.

  She will never understand… somehow, I will just have to convince her that this is all for the greater good.

  I knew he was speaking about me, and knowing that whatever his plan was, I would do the opposite. He had no right to go behind my back and leave me for days without a word. A fury was raging inside of me. We could hear their voices, then some laughter, as the door pushes open. In front of me stood Sebastian, Colin, a woman I didn’t know, Alex and Cali. They all seemed to be having a grand ole’ time as Zack, Ian, Cato and I stood at attention.

  “Good morning, Love. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Sebastian says quieting his laughter, walking towards me.

  “Maybe I should say the same to you?” I turn my head sharply as he tries to kiss me, missing and landing the kiss on my cheek.

  “Oh, don’t be that way…” He pleads with me, but to his surprise Zack steps in front of him, guarding me.

  “Hey, what the hell?” Sebastian raises an eyebrow at Zack, almost pushing Zack back.

  “We don’t know who can be trusted, and from the looks of it, I believe that Colin has brought a stranger into our home. We don’t know her. Therefore, Zack is protecting me from whatever harm may be meant for me.” Stepping up to Sebastian I knew he was not going to like how this was going to go down.

  “Oh, by the gods, Selene… Seriously? Okay. Let’s play then. You want an explanation, your highness?” Sebastian steps back, bowing down to make fun of me.

  Pushing Zack out of the way, stepping dangerously close to Sebastian, we were face to face for the first time in a long time.

  “Try me.” I tell him, my hands making fists at my side.

  “First, Love, this is Colin’s wife, your new sister in law, so no need for worries there. Second, this was what he had been hiding from all of us, isn’t it great?” He is smiling like an idiot who just won the jackpot.

  “No. No, it’s not great. If I’m correct, she’s a mortal and I don’t know her. I don’t know any of you anymore.” Shaking my head in disbelief as to the news I was just told.

  What was happening that I no longer knew anything or anyone around me? This was the reason that Colin kept hiding from me, therefore he never showed up when he was supposed to? He was dating? He called me out so many times on this and yet he had done the same thing. Shameless.

  “Well, until all this can be settled, they don’t have permission to be in this house.” Using just a tad bit of force, I push them out using just my mind and my hand.

  Colin shouts obscenities at me while I keep smiling, pushing them all the way out the door. I wasn’t even sure if this would work, but it did. Excitement growing from a new-found power, I begin to laugh out loud pushing them farther and farther. Sebastian’s voice was barely a whisper in my mind as I kept laughing, watching them try to keep standing. Slamming the door shut behind me, still laughing, Sebastian’s face said something else completely.

  “Oh yea, I can do that now. You would know if you were ever around.” I keep laughing, shrugging at him, as I make my way up the stairs turning away from him.

  “Selene! Do not walk away from me!” Sebastian yells so loud that I turn around seeing Ian shutter.

  “Who do you think you are? Because my husband, my love, the great and mighty Sebastian Andreas would never speak to me that way. My love would never keep secrets from me, and my LOVE would never question where I stood when it came to him. No, I don’t know this god who stands before me… and I don’t want to know him.” Turning my back to him, walking away from the one person who had never betrayed me before tore a hole in my heart.

  Something was changing again in this heart of mine. Something dark grew as the days passed. Every single time I think I have conquered one quest there was another one. It was a never-ending battle within myself. Feeling more lost than before, my strengths were also my greatest weaknesses. Never showing that weakness in front of anyone, finding that being this goddess wasn’t what my dreams were made of, making me unsure of whether to trust my instincts or not; was beginning to make me crazy. I’m pretty sure it was starting to manifest into a very angry goddess, and I couldn’t hold her back any longer.

  Chapter Forty-Six A broken heart can lead you astray…

  It was the eve before our children’s first announcement to the world that they were now the ones who held the future in their tiny hands. Sebastian and I hadn’t spoken to one another in days. It was growing weary on all of us, but I refused to drop my guard. The pain of being deceived had finally taken its toll on me once again. As my clothes kept changing every time I had a mood swing, black kept showing back up in my wardrobe. My thoughts were never too far from Sebastian, but I refused to be the one that listened first. Alone, no one could hurt you. Alone, no one could take away your heart and smoother the flames that burned so brightly. I wasn’t listening to anyone or anything anymore... No longer being kept in the dark, I stayed on top of everything and everyone. No one could breathe now without me knowing. Growing to become so defensive that if anyone questioned me, I would almost hurt them. Freedom replayed in my mind every single day... My heart wanted to be free of this burden it kept hidden.

  “Selene, it’s time for the ceremony.” Zack announces as he knocks on the door.

  “Thank you.” Standing up from my small chair, searching the oversized mirror, the woman staring back at me wasn’t ready for this day.

  Pulling my long blonde hair back with my hands, letting it fall down my back, placing my new crown on my head, this was the new me. Adjusting my white gown, letting it fall to the ground, as the gold flakes shimmer in the sunlight striking through the window. Placing one pearl white high heel on my foot, then the other, I turn back one last time to see my reflection in the mirror. No, this woman who stood there was not the same. This was a new me, they didn’t know this Selene, this time I had put my pieces back together differently. After all, I was the ever-evolving goddess.

  “My goddess…” Zack says, bowing down to his knees.

  Thanking him, I meet Sebastian’s eyes as he stood at the bottom of the stairs holding our children. His eyes met mine, and in that moment, he was everything right in my world. He was everything I had ever loved.

  “Your chariot awaits my dear…” He speaks softly, still staring at me.

  Nodding my head at him, I take Atlas into my arms and we walk out of the home. Together, like a real family. We would have to pretend that we were on the same side today. We would pretend that there was nothing wrong and everything was right. Pretend being the keyword. We climb into the carriage pulled by our Pegasus’ beginning the journey over the Mount and Nirvana for everyone to see. Not a word spoken between Sebastian and me except to our children. Leaning out of the carriage, I wave to everyone who was cheering. This was what
a goddess was supposed to do. Be kind, be courteous, and be loving. I just didn’t feel very loving lately. We arrive in front of the great hall. Opening the carriage door for us Ian smiles at me, then bows his head as we all step out. Giving big waves, we all play our roles. This is what it must have been like for my mother; the thought crosses my mind. Pushing it aside and walking inside the hall. It was filled with fire and ice roses, small anchors made of gold, candles lit along the path we walked. It was quite charming. Iris had outdone herself. Making our way down the long white carpet to the front of everyone, we turned around to face the huge crowd that had gathered in their honor. The twins smiling and waving at everyone, as everyone waved back to them. Apollo steps out from behind a long red curtain, holding two large leather-bound books in each hand. The crowd then stands, applauding Apollo or us? At this point, I couldn’t tell. Atlas kept grabbing at his all white suit, tugging at the buttons, while I try to shush him. Ember was relishing in all the attention. She was clapping along with everyone, turning around facing them instead of Apollo. Everyone adored our children; I couldn’t help but smile too.


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