Finding Faith [Red Hook, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Finding Faith [Red Hook, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 2

by Lee Rose

  Faith went to make her tea and walked away to the other side of the counter.

  Alana leaned into him and whispered, “Ask her to go to the fall festival with you.”

  Adam swallowed down his nervousness. He could do this. He could ask Faith out and be honest. He could tell her he wanted to be a friend, but he would make it clear a serious relationship was not in the cards. He looked down to make sure his light gray T-shirt was clean and wrinkle-free. His hair was tied back.

  Faith came back with a box and tea for Alana. She looked at him. “What about you, Adam, can I get you something? I’m about to close and I have a few lemon tarts left.”

  “Sure, I’ll take those. Thank you, Faith,” he answered and cleared his throat. “Um, do you have any plans to go to the fall festival next weekend?”

  Her smile brightened. “I have a booth during the day. It will be my first time participating, so I am very excited. I am trying out some pumpkin empanadas.”

  “Sounds delicious,” Alana remarked. Alana looked at him and he stood there in a nervous stupor. Usually he had smooth lines with the ladies.

  “My family has a booth, too.” Alana spoke up brightly, breaking the awkward silence. “Adam here is joining the chili cook-off this year. His chili is awesome. Maybe you can vote for him.”

  Faith looked him over from head to toe and damn it if his body didn’t react. He shuffled his feet uncomfortably. He felt hot and his jeans suddenly felt way too tight. Shit.

  “Depends. How good are you?” Her grin was a little sensuous.

  He reminded himself he was an expert flirt. “Oh, I’m good.” He threw in a wink for good measure.

  Alana and Faith both laughed and he felt proud he got some words out of his mouth.

  “I will make a point of stopping by your booth, Adam,” she promised.

  He felt a hint of relief with her answer. “Maybe we can both take a break and walk around, too?”

  She nodded. “Sure. I recently hired two new girls to work with me. That will allow me more time for myself. I’d be happy to take a break with you.”

  They made plans for a time. Adam left the shop feeling excited. After almost a year of watching Faith from afar, he finally had a date. Technically it wasn’t a real date, but he liked the idea.

  Alana was grinning smugly all the way out the door. Adam knew she was going to tease him as soon as he was in the car, but he was too content to care.

  Chapter 3

  “I told you, Holly, it’s not a date,” Faith insisted that weekend. She did her best to ignore the fluttery feeling in her stomach. “He is Alana’s brother-in-law and he asked me to stop by his booth. He is in the chili cook-off and wants my vote.”

  Holly rolled her eyes. “Sure. That’s why you checked your hair and makeup at least ten times. You’re wearing a new pair of jeans and that gold sweater I gave you last Christmas.”

  Faith sighed and sat down in the chair. Business had been good all day long. There was a cool breeze in the air and her latte and coffees had been popular. “You’re right. Why am I bothering? You said I wasn’t his type. He is a sexy hunk, but who needs more heartache?”

  “I wasn’t trying to discourage you, Faith.” Her sister pulled her chair next to Faith’s. Holly also wore jeans and a blue long-sleeved flannel shirt. “Just go have fun and quit taking it so seriously. You don’t have to marry the guy. Relax and just enjoy his company. You’re always so busy with work. It’s fun to just flirt.”

  Faith thought about for a second. So Adam wasn’t the “settle down” type of man. Did that mean she couldn’t enjoy his friendship? Making up her mind to go and see him, she looked at her younger sister. “You’re right. We can be friendly, right?”

  “Not too friendly, but yeah.” Holly grinned. One of Faith’s new employees was serving a cappuccino to a young man. Jenny was in her early twenties and very friendly. She was laughing at something he said. “Jenny and I will handle the crowd. It’s thinning out and people are going home. It was a good day for business.”

  Faith nodded and stood back up. She headed to Adam’s booth, taking her time as she strolled and looked at different things. She bought herself a pretty beaded bracelet made in different colors. She admired it as she put it on her wrist. She was excited about seeing Adam, but she didn’t want to appear too eager.

  She spotted Adam sitting with a younger version of him. Her stomach did a little flip-flop. Why did all the good looking guys have to be playboys? He was laughing at something the younger man said. She would have felt better if Alana was there, but the young woman was nowhere to be seen. Gathering up her courage, Faith strolled up to the table, glad no one else was there. Adam’s hazel eyes brightened up when he spotted her. It made her feel a little better to see his enthusiasm.

  “Hey there, Faith. I’m glad you came by.” Adam stood up and gifted her with a smile that went straight to her core. She grew hot and moist. He had a long-sleeved white buttoned-shirt and dark jeans. He was so rugged and muscular. She was sure she was drooling.

  “It’s been busy all day.” She smiled back. She looked at the younger man. “Hello.”

  Adam turned to the man. “This is my youngest brother, Liam.”

  Liam stood up and when she went to shake his hand he grabbed it and kissed her knuckles.

  “I’m also the most handsome of the three,” he teased. His light brown hair was cut short and his eyes were dark brown instead of a light golden brown like Adam’s. He was as tall as his brothers but slender, like an athlete.

  Faith laughed and looked at the both of them as if trying to see which one was the cutest. Adam shoved his younger brother aside, but Liam only laughed louder and went to sit back down.

  “Would you like to taste my chili?” Adam asked. He looked straight at her and she had to swallow down her nervousness. Adam was handsome and he seemed nice, but didn’t every guy seem great at first?

  Faith nodded and watched him serve her a bowl of the hot chili and grab a plastic spoon. She loved how he filled out his jeans. Thank goodness he wasn’t paying attention to her. His shoulders were broad and he was physically fit. He turned back toward her and handed her the bowl.

  “Is it spicy?” she asked, smelling the wonderful aroma. The evening air was cool and the chili would warm her up.

  Adam shook his head no. “I’d say medium.”

  Faith put a spoonful in her mouth and tasted it. After a few bites, she looked up. “Oh my god, Adam, this is delicious. You should win for sure.”

  He looked pleased with her words. “Thank you, Faith.”

  She filled out the ticket and voted for him once she was done.

  “Let’s take a walk,” he suggested. Her heart melted when he took her by the hand and walked up and down the line of booths selling their wares. She felt happy just putting her smaller hand into his big hand. She enjoyed the contact. It had been a long time since she had been out on a date.

  Faith found a perfectly round pumpkin in one of the booths. Adam stood behind her and she could feel his warmth. He stood close behind her and she felt so warm inside, so aroused by him being close to her. If she leaned on him, would she feel his hardness? She was tempted to find out.

  “I love this.” She looked over her shoulder at Adam. She felt shaky inside but not from fear. Desire was what she was feeling. Desire for the man smiling at her.

  “My sister and I always carve a pumpkin for the shop,” she explained with a smile.

  She had to resist the temptation to lean back on him and feel his arms wrap around her waist.

  He smiled down at her. She loved his hazel eyes and could stare into them all day. “I like it.”

  After she paid for it, he offered to carry it to her car. Once they put it in the backseat they found a bench to sit down on. Their thighs touched and she felt the electricity, the excitement.

  “So my sister tells me you’re a fire fighter,” she commented. She was curious about Adam Blake. He came into her coffee shop but never fli
rted or said much. Sometimes she could feel his eyes on her but she always wondered if she was imagining things. She was attracted to him, but not confident enough to be forward and flirt with him. He was quiet, serious yet so sexy.

  His gaze roamed over her body and she felt herself react. She was tall at five eight but Adam was much taller and it made her feel feminine.

  He nodded. “It’s what I always wanted to be. I like it. It’s hard work but so worthwhile. I like knowing I can help others.”

  “It’s an important job,” Faith replied. “When I was around fourteen, our apartment building in Dallas caught on fire. I was terrified, but out of nowhere a fireman showed up and led a bunch of us out of the building. I never forgot how grateful I felt for them being there.”

  “I’m glad you got out of there safely.” He grabbed her hand and held it. She wondered if it was sweaty. She was a little nervous. She hadn’t dated in over a year, so she was rusty in the flirting department.

  “I like being able to help people when they are scared. My older brother Noah is a sheriff and Liam is an emergency medical technician. I guess we were all born with that need to be helpful.”

  “Wow, a family full of heroes.”

  He shook his head. “No. We’re normal guys with plenty of flaws. My dad was in the construction and my mom said he was more stubborn than a donkey. I think we inherited that flaw from him.”

  “What other flaws should I know about?” She challenged him. She loved his smile. He had a cute dimple on his left cheek.

  He laughed and she liked the deep sound. She had to remind herself he wasn’t boyfriend material. They were just getting to know one another. Maybe they could be friends, but she was tired of getting her heart broken.

  “I never put the cap back on the toothpaste,” he admitted glumly. “I hate cooking. I burn everything.”

  Faith laughed. “Okay, enough. You’re busting my good guy image of you. My heart can’t take any more of your sad confessions.”

  “So is it just you and Holly?” he asked with interest.

  Faith leaned back against the bench. People were walking back and forth and enjoying all the activities. She nodded yes. “I haven’t seen my dad since I was about five. My mom had a drinking problem, so we moved around a lot. Red Hook was the first stable home I had. When Holly graduated high school, mom left for Austin. She craved the ‘big city life,’ but we decided to stay here. I love this town. It is safe and most people are kind.”

  “I’m sorry you had a rough childhood though. You turned out great,” he replied. “I see your sister at the bar and she seems very outgoing and bubbly. You are quieter.”

  She smiled at him and agreed with his opinion of Holly. “Holly is very social and I am a homebody. I prefer quiet evenings to partying all night. Holly wants to be a nurse. She’ll be wonderful at it. I always just wanted to be my own boss. I love the coffee shop.”

  He nodded. “I like you, Faith. I have always wanted to talk to you, but you make me nervous.”

  That shocked her. “What? Why?”

  “You’re bright and sexy. I stutter and my mind goes blank when you smile at me.” He was being so honest, and it made her cheeks heat up and her heart beat faster. Don’t forget he is not boyfriend material. He likes variety. He likes easy. Plus you always fall for the wrong men.

  “That is silly, Adam. I am an average woman. You’re the handsome, popular-with-the-ladies playboy. My sister warned me about you.”

  He chuckled. “All lies.”

  Faith stood up. She didn’t want to think of him with other women. She changed the subject.

  She pointed to a basketball game. “Bet I can beat you. I used to play basketball in high school.”

  He stood up and held out his hand to her. She put her hand in his and stood up. He caressed her cheek gently with his knuckles. “You’re on, sweetheart. But if I win, I want a real date with you.”

  She grinned, her heart beating so fast. “Okay, but what if I win?”

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  She could think of all kinds of things, but it was too soon to be that forward with him. “A real date with you.”

  He laughed. “You’re on, but I’m going to win.”

  She shrugged. Win or lose, she still got her date with Adam Blake. All caution disappeared at the sight of his sappy smile. He won by one point and it was hard to pretend she wasn’t happy with the outcome. He walked her to her car and she was reluctant to say good-bye. Logic told her to not get her hopes up with this man, but her heart ignored the warning. She had never felt so excited at the thought of a date.

  “How about next Sunday? I am off that day.” He played with a strand of her hair and she felt her stomach do a somersault. Would he lean down and kiss her? She wanted him to.

  “Perfect. I’m closed Sundays and Mondays,” she said softly.

  He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. It tickled and she smiled up at him.

  “I can’t wait to spend more time with you.”

  Faith couldn’t prevent the happy smile that crossed her face. She got in her car and drove home in a happy cloud of anticipation.

  Chapter 4

  Adam picked her up Sunday evening. She usually did housework, but going out with Adam was much more exciting. He told her to dress casually, so she wore her favorite jeans that fit her well. She paired it with brown suede boots and a brown sweater with a V-neckline. It showed some cleavage, but not too much. She left her hair loose and added gold earrings. Holly warned her to be careful and she promised she would. She could handle one date with Adam Blake.

  “You look beautiful, Faith.” He looked her over and she could tell he liked what he saw. It made her feel more confident.

  He opened the door for his big black truck and helped her in. He had a dark navy blue T-shirt and a pair of dark jeans that looked new. She hoped drool wasn’t dripping out of her mouth. “You, too.”

  “I thought we could grab dinner and maybe see a movie in Morehead,” he explained, starting his truck up. “It’s too cold and too long of a ride for the bike.”

  “Sounds good. I haven’t been out on a date in a while. The shop keeps me pretty busy,” she admitted. “I’m not even sure what is playing at the cinema these days.”

  He looked over at her and gave her a smile. “I hope you like scary movies. It is close to Halloween. It was that or a cartoon.”

  Faith laughed. “Scary sounds good to me.”

  “For me, too. I can hold you when you scream like a baby,” he teased.

  Faith laughed. “What if you’re the one screaming?”

  “Then you can hold me.”

  Adam took her to a steakhouse. They sat in a booth close to each other and shared a menu. She could smell his cologne. His sandy brown hair was pulled back and tied with a brown cord. She wanted to pull it loose and run her fingers through his hair. He was such a sexy man.

  After they placed their orders, he told her some humorous stories about the guys he worked with and she found herself having a good time. He was such easy company that before she knew, it dinner was over and they walked over to the theater, which was on the same block.

  He held her hand during the movie. She did close her eyes a few times and stifled a few screams. She saw his shoulders shaking with laughter at her reaction to the movie. He put his arm around her shoulder so she could lean on him. She found herself falling for him. She knew it was dangerous. He had even mentioned while they were eating that he never dated, but Holly had told her he often picked up women at the bar. He was a playboy and she had to guard her heart.

  As they drove home at the end of the night, she was reluctant for the date to end. She had to get out more. Surely there had to be other men in Red Hook she was attracted to. Nice, safe, mature men.

  He insisted on walking her up to the door. She hoped she got a good-night kiss and maybe if miracles existed, a second date.

  He leaned in and she closed her eyes. His lips touched hers
softly at first then she felt his tongue demanding entrance. She wanted that too, so she opened up to him. She clung to his shoulders and she was glad the porch light was off. Holly was at work and hopefully her neighbors were asleep. Their mouths were fused together and it felt so good. Her body was heating up quickly and she was tempted to start removing clothes. His hands were at her waist, under her sweater. His fingers on her bare skin sent shivers through her.

  “Want to come in?” she asked, trying to catch her breath when he let up for air. That kiss had melted her brain cells. She never asked her dates in, not this soon, but she wanted Adam so bad right now.

  He brushed a strand away from her face. His face looked harsh but she knew he wasn’t angry. He was as turned on as she was. “If I say yes, it won’t be for coffee or small talk.”

  She swallowed hard. Oh boy, he was blunt. Could she do this? Could she have sex with Adam Blake? The desire was there, but she didn’t do one-night stands. She did want him desperately. Her body was on fire and repeating “yes” over and over.

  She inhaled some fresh air and threw caution to the wind. You only live once. “Okay. I do want you, Adam. Have wanted you for a long time.”

  “Not as long as I have wanted you?” he insisted with a determined grin.

  “Is this going to be another competition?”

  He laughed and shook his head no. She unlocked the front door with shaky fingers.

  * * * *

  Adam let Faith lead him inside her house. The inside was dark and quiet. She told him Holly was at work. He was glad about that. His desire for Faith out-ruled his logical thinking. Why had he thought he could take her out, have a good time, and leave her?

  She led him down the hallway by the hand and he followed her quietly. Lust and anticipation were the two dominant emotions inside of Adam. His head told him to turn around and go home. He didn’t do relationships and she might think this meant more than just sex. He couldn’t believe he was finally here with Faith, so he ignored the thoughts in his head. His heart thumped so loud he was surprised she couldn’t hear it.


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