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Casino Capers Page 7

by Dan Kelly

  “The first thing we’ve got to do is plug the leak in our bank account. I happen to have account relationships with Bank Alpinum and Bank Pasche to accommodate my dealings in that part of the world. I’ll call my contacts there and ask for their help in getting our funds back. Liechtenstein is well know as a safe haven due to its secrecy when it comes to bank transactions, but I keep very large balances with them, so this should give me considerable leverage.

  “The Chameleon probably picked these banks because he somehow found out about my relationship with them and deposited the funds into accounts he created with my name on it to avoid any undue attention to the wire transfers. We’ve also got to get our bank there in Bettendorf to look into how the Chameleon was able to access our account and demand that they put into place much more stringent security measures that will ensure that something like this never happens again. The present account must be closed and a new one opened.”

  Ray Cantor, the Floating Fantasies treasurer, responded with, “I’m already on that, Rex. As soon as I found out about the large withdrawals, I called the bank’s security department and got the ball rolling. I should be hearing back from them within 48 hours.”

  Red then addressed Casey O’Malley who heads up the Floating Fantasies technical support unit. “Case, do you have any idea how this guy got to the circuitry in our slots and our electrical system?”

  “With respect to the blackouts, he most likely has installed a concealed remotely controlled relay which when activated interrupts the power going into our main frame for power distribution, shutting down everything requiring electricity to operate.

  “As for the slots, since these are not all connected to a common data processor, someone would have to access the data processing units inside each of the units. All of the slots are equipped with dual locks which require two individuals, each with his own key, to open them. Whenever a slot is opened for maintenance or repair, two people are always present during the process to keep each other honest. We have detected no signs of tampering with the locks or the outer casings.

  “At the moment, I have no idea how the slots were caused to malfunction. I do know that somehow the voltages required for normal circuitry operation have been altered. As we speak, my people are working as quickly and diligently as possible to get the slots up and running again while at the same time trying to figure out how this was done and how to prevent it in the future.”

  His comments are interrupted by his cell phone ringing and he promptly answers it saying, “Excuse me. This is one of my guys calling. Hopefully, he has some good news for us.”

  Casey’s conversation is brief, but produces an appreciative thank you to the person on the other end of the line and a big grin on his face. He breaks the connection and shares what he has just heard with the rest of them.

  “My guess about how the blackouts are being generated is right on. My guy found a small black box in a location that should have been empty. When he examined it he found that it contained a relay and a sophisticated sensor circuit which would enable it to be activated and deactivated remotely from quite a distance away. He said it’s quite ingenious. He, of course, has removed it.

  “Also, another one of my people has come up with a possible explanation for how the slots were caused to malfunction. She thinks that a high voltage surge of a particular frequency might have been injected into the slot circuitry through one of the locks, causing the processor to malfunction. She’s suggesting that an insulating shield be installed around the processing circuitry to prevent further tampering.”

  Red expresses his thanks for the technical crew’s efforts and adds, “Case, arrange for the shielding to be installed and let me know when it has been done.” He pauses and then says, “Okay, we’ve made some positive progress towards addressing these issues. Rex will be working on the Liechtenstein banks part of the Chameleon’s scheme, Ray is working on the Bettendorf bank’s role in all of this and Casey’s people have solved the blackout problem and come up with a tentative solution to the slot machine malfunctions, so where do we go from here?

  “Ray, do we have sufficient funds to support our daily operation for a few days while Rex works on getting our money back from the Liechtenstein banks?”

  “I believe we do, but not for more than a few days.”

  Rex says, “Red, if you need more operating capital while I’m locking horns with the Liechtenstein banks, just let me know and I’ll transfer what you need from one of my other accounts here in Dallas.”

  Red replies with, “That will be a great help, Rex, but, Ray, don’t let our local banker know that we have a contingency plan in place. Inadequate security procedures on their behalf made it possible for the Chameleon to access our funds. Keep them on the hook and insist that they do everything possible to get our money back. They’re going to have to contact the Liechtenstein banks too and this added pressure from them just might make it a little easier for Rex to deal with his contacts there.

  “Popeye, you and I have our work cut out for us. We’ve got to figure out how in blazes the Chameleon got onboard the Floating Fantasies, gathered the financial information to make the funds transfers and messed with our slot machines without being seen?”

  Popeye acknowledges Red’s comments with a nod of his head, but doesn’t say anything. The frustrated angry look on his face, however, speaks volumes.

  “Well, I think we’ve covered everything. Rex, do you have anything to add?

  “No, Red. You’re doing everything that can be done. Keep me posted.”

  Rex disconnects and Red concludes with, “If no one has anything else to contribute, let’s get back to work. Popeye, stick around and let’s see what bright ideas we can come up with.”

  Chapter 15

  As soon as they are alone, Popeye explodes with a string of cuss words and crude invective that would even make a seasoned sailor blush. “You were right on, Red, when you said this guy isn’t your ordinary pain in the ass. With his ability to disguise himself, it would be easy for him to get onboard anytime he wanted, but how he planted that relay and messed with the slots without being spotted has me stumped. We have security people all over the place.”

  “Hold up a second, Popeye. You just said something that’s started me wondering. He would have been able to move around unnoticed quite easily if he was posing as a security guard. He would even have access to the offices where he could see what kind of computer setup we have and even observe employees accessing our system and seeing the passwords being used.

  “Are the security personnel our employees or do we contract with an outside firm? Since they wear blue blazers with name tags and the word ‘Security’ underneath their names instead of uniforms because we don’t want to unnerve our customers, I’ve never thought much about them until now.”

  “Security is provided through Sentinel Services, a top of the line outfit. I’ll have them check out the roster of people they’ve had assigned to the Floating Fantasies over the past three months to see if they overlooked anything about someone that might connect them with what’s happened here. Now that I think about it, it’s a good bet that you’re on to something here.”

  “Get on it, Popeye. In the meantime, I’ve got a casino to run and am in the middle of launching a gaming table tournament similar to the one we ran at the Palladian Palace to catch the Chameleon. We failed at that, but it was a financial success and I think we can enjoy even better results here given the atmosphere we have to offer.”

  As Popeye is leaving the office, the phone rings. It’s Bill Kieffer. “Hi, Red. Boy, you’ve been harder to find than a Jewish deli in Chinatown. I’m just calling to see how you’re doing.”

  “Man, how I miss this guy’s off the wall sense of humor.”

  “Hi, Bill. I’m sorry that I had to be so secretive when I left the Palladian Palace. I wanted to buy as much time as I could before the Chameleon found out where I wound up. The fewer people who knew of my plans, the better chance I had
of pulling it off. It worked for awhile, too, but then this morning all hell broke loose.”

  Red filled Bill in on what had been going on to which Bill responded with, “It sounds like you need a Chief of Security to watch your backside.”

  “Is that a feeler or are you just making an observation?”

  “Both. Things haven’t been the same since you left, Red. I’ve just about had it. I thought that with you gone I might be needed more and would have an increased opportunity to advance to a higher management position, but just the opposite is happening. When members of the Board look at me, they see you and it makes them nervous. They can’t handle anyone who won’t yes them to death and you and I just aren’t built that way.”

  “Well, if you want the job, it’s yours and you can start tomorrow. I sorely need someone with your background and experience, especially to help me deal with the likes of the Chameleon.”

  “As soon as I hang up, I’ll tender my resignation, effective immediately, and be knocking on your office door at eight o’clock tomorrow morning.”

  “I’ll be listening for it and prepare yourself to be overwhelmed. This place is like something you see in the movies. Unbelievable!”

  Chapter 16

  At eight sharp the next morning, Bill is rapping on Red’s office door.

  Red and Popeye have been discussing the Chameleon’s ingenuity and looking for ways to barricade the Floating Fantasies from the next barrage the Chameleon is sure to launch while waiting for him to arrive. . Red, however, agrees with the well-known sports edict, “A good offense is the best defense”, and knows that sooner or later any barricade they might erect will be overcome. This guy has to be caught and locked up in a top security prison someplace before they can feel comfortable about the safety of their operation.

  “Good morning, Bill. Welcome aboard. This is Paul Petersen, the captain of the Floating Fantasies. He goes by the nickname Popeye for obvious reasons.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Bill. Red has filled me in on your background and relationship with him and I’m very glad to have you on our team.”

  “I’m glad to be here, Popeye. Besides, this Chameleon character has been a thorn in my side ever since he began his campaign against Red at the Palladian Palace and I will do everything in my power to nail his butt to the wall.”

  “Have a seat, Bill. Popeye and I have been searching for ways to do just that, but all we’ve managed to do is waste sixty minutes of our time and go through two pots of Brazil’s finest coffee. Would you like a cup?”

  “I sure would. I missed breakfast this morning because I got lost in time reviewing my notes on the Chameleon’s escapades while you were at the Palladian Palace.

  “I’m convinced that the key to putting this guy out of business lies in what we already know about him. Right now it’s well hidden, but I strongly believe it’s there. I’ve started to make a list of things we know about this guy along with some reasonable assumptions we might be able to make.”

  “Okay. Let us have a look. Popeye, can you stay for another hour or so? I know you’re getting the Floating Fantasies ready for launch.”

  “No problem. Launch time is set for ten o’clock and everything and everybody is ready to go. I hope you don’t get sea sick, Bill. Sometimes Old Miss gets her dander up and the water can get a little choppy. Although the latest weather report calls for sunshine and gentle breezes, my body is telling me that a storm is on the way.”

  “I spent four years in the Navy and have been in a storm or two. I didn’t get sea sick then, so I think I should be able to handle some rough water now.”

  “That’s good to hear. The Floating Fantasies is a well built and sea worthy ship and absorbs most of the motion, but anyone with a tendency towards motion sickness will be affected. We have medicine onboard for those who do begin to feel queasy.”

  Red’s thinking to himself, “I’ve never been out on the water during a storm. I hope I don’t get sea sick. Ah! Nuts! Nuts! Nuts! With the luck I’ve been having lately, I’ll be barfing all over the place.”

  “Okay, Guys. How are we going to get this nutcase? Is there something in Bill’s list that will point the way?”

  Chameleon Profile

  Sex: Male

  Name: Carl Carducci

  Height: approximately six feet

  Build: Medium

  Race: Caucasian

  Complexion: light

  - Is in good physical condition

  - Has a saucer shaped scar on the edge of his left hand

  - Speaks with no distinguishing accent or sound

  - Is good with his hands

  - Is highly intelligent

  - Is a computer whiz

  - Is a specialist in miniaturization

  - Is good at fixing and counterfeiting things

  - Is very savvy when it comes to casino operations

  - Is very good at making disguises

  - Is a quick change artist

  - Had a fraternal twin with the same name

  - Twin died in a fire in Chicago

  - He was living in Chicago when his twin died

  - He didn’t know where his twin was until he read about the fire in a newspaper

  - He has a close friend named Sam Ferguson that still lives in Chicago

  - Blames Red’s brother Nate for lack of prosecution of owner of building that burned

  - Is obsessed with revenge

  - Revenge is focused on Red

  - Has warped rationalization that Red should suffer the consequences of Nate’s inaction just as he’s is suffering the death of his twin

  - He is very aggressive and willing to take chances to exact his revenge

  After scanning the list Red says, “This appears to be a very complete list of what we know about this guy, Bill. I can’t think of anything else that should be added.”

  Popeye starts the ball rolling with, “The only way we’re going to capture this guy is to come up with a way to influence or maybe even control his behavior. You almost pulled it off with the gaming tournament at the Palladian Palace, but ran into a bit of bad luck when the security folks lost him in the crowd. It’s going to take something like that to put the cuffs on this man.”

  Nodding his head in agreement Red says, “I agree. The Chameleon is a very unusual piece of work. He has shown that he will not be dissuaded or discouraged easily. He has tried to get me with counterfeiting, armed robbery, computer hacking, sabotage and spreading malicious rumors. When he finds out that his latest onslaught against the Floating Fantasies has also failed to ruin me, I’m convinced that he will pull additional imaginative ploys out of his bag of tricks.”

  Bill, who has been deep in thought and started pacing in front of Red’s desk, adds, “I believe we can make some assumptions about this guy based on his behavior to date. He’s creative, aggressive, determined, willing to take risks and very confident, perhaps over confident. This last might be just the thing for us to use to finally snare him.”

  Popeye has zeroed in on the over confidence comment and come up with a possible way to use the Chameleon’s over confidence against him. “The more I think about it the stronger the feeling in my gut gets that Red is right on with his suggestion that posing as a security guard would be an ideal way for the Chameleon to do his reconnaissance and implement his mayhem.

  “Even if Sentinel Services is unable to come up with anything that will help us, I think we should use this assumption as the foundation for any plan we devise. We should do nothing to tip this guy off that we suspect that he is passing himself off as a security guard. Let’s keep him in the dark and permit his over confidence to grow. Too much confidence almost always leads to mistakes being made. Let’s see if we can lead him into making a major blunder, one that will land him in jail for a very long time. Red, posing as a security person might have been how the Chameleon was able to create so much havoc at the Palladian Palace.”

  “You may be right, Popeye, and I have no problem wit
h pursuing the development of a plan based on the Chameleon using a security guard disguise.”

  Bill concurs and Red ends their meeting with, “Let’s plan on meeting again tomorrow in this office at 10:00 a.m. with ideas about what our next step should be. Hopefully, we’ll have some positive input from Rex and Ray regarding our banking situation and Case will have the slots up and running again, so we can concentrate on coming up with something that will end this Chameleon nightmare once and for all.”


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