His Seafaring Siren (Caledonia's Captives)

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His Seafaring Siren (Caledonia's Captives) Page 5

by Lisa Adams

  “And what exactly will that be?” Mowriyah questioned.

  “My last act as a Roman will be to bathe. We must go to the bathhouse tonight.” Septimus frowned and began to object before Trivian continued. “The steam and masses of people will help us blend in. I am sure you will not be spotted. What do you think, love?” Trivian scooped Phaedra into his arms.

  She bumped her nose against his in a childish sort of way. “It sounds splendid.”

  “A bath?” Mowriyah was staring at him.

  Suddenly visions of Mowriyah completely naked crowded his mind. “A bath.” Septimus smiled.

  Chapter Five

  Mowriyah walked into the large concrete structure and immediately felt the warmth of the bathhouse caress her skin. The smell of lavender lingered in the air and the constant chatter of a hundred conversations assaulted her ears. She stopped just inside the entrance and took in all the sights.

  She had heard stories of the Roman bathhouses. The casualness of nudity between sexes seemed morally wrong, but actually seeing the mixture of bodies didn’t strike her as wrong at all. As she walked forward, she heard the Romans talk of business, home, politics, weather, and love. Women in the water played with each other, washed themselves, or huddled in dark corners with their mate. Males drank their ale, wrestled each other, or surrounded themselves with beautiful naked women who fed them olives and cheese. Plants and artwork adorned the large area, and a concrete bridge allowed people to cross the pool without ever entering the water.

  Clinging to Septimus, she leaned in close and whispered, “Will we be out here with everyone else?” A flicker of panic shot through her.

  “There are private rooms to rent, if that is what you would prefer.”

  As she considered the option, she noticed his gaze drop to the floor and his lips pressed together in a fine line. He wants to be out here with everyone, to be a part of the scenery. She took a slow, deep breath before responding. “We can stay here. I trust you.”

  Upon her acceptance, Septimus led her to the side of the pool. Phaedra and Trivian had already relieved themselves of their clothing and had entered the shallow end. She searched Septimus’s eyes. No other woman in this place captured his gaze. Outside distractions seemed to hide in the spaces of her mind, and it instantly felt as if they were the only two in the room.

  Septimus leaned into her and tugged at her toga from the shoulder. “You are exquisite.”

  Mowriyah allowed herself to relax. Her shoulders dropped, and her head lobbed to the side as his soothing voice lulled her into submission. He released the fabric and it slid to the floor. His fingers stroked her bare skin from her shoulder to her chest and a set of tingles coursed through her body.

  She watched through her euphoric gaze as he unfastened his own toga and allowed it to fall at his feet. His chiseled body was familiar to her. The tightness of his abs, his eyes that glimmered with the green hues of Caledonia, and his hardened jaw line were all remarkably stunning. But at the moment her attention was drawn to his muscular shoulders and arms, which he had developed from pulling his fish nets through the water. The power that he possessed in those arms was enough to handle all manner of occasions. His arms promised her comfort, clutched her tightly during her times of need, and cradled her to him in the heat of passion.

  Septimus slid his hand around her waist and gently guided her into the bath. They entered together as one. The water was warm and inviting, and Mowriyah felt the warmth pass up her legs, wrap around her womanhood, and lick her stomach. Deeper still, they immersed themselves, and the heat flicked at her breasts and teased her shoulders. She exhaled slowly.

  His hand was still at her waist, holding her near him. His gaze focused only on her and his mouth seemed to beckon her closer. The urgency in her body left over from their interrupted session earlier caused her to leap forward. He smiled.

  Dipping his other hand deep in the water, he cupped it and brought up a small amount of the water to the back of her head. He poured it over her and the sensation of sparkling embers ran from the tip of her head, down her hair, to her back. He repeated the process again and Mowriyah felt as if she were bathing in the sunrays. She closed her eyes and pictured herself lying in some remote place, surrounded with the sands of the desert, endless water flowing up to her. The waves rolled over her body and suddenly he was there, lying next to her.

  He caressed her chin and leaned into her, nuzzling his face against hers. His facial hair had softened with its length and it gave her a wonderful sensation.

  There in the warmth of the steam and in his arms, she felt a new heat pushing into her stomach. It was hard and demanding of her attention. She raised her hand to meet this newfound strength and heard him release a small groan.

  Through her own playing and stroking, she forced herself to open her eyes. Septimus had his head tilted back and his eyes shut, allowing her to take him in any manner she deemed fit.

  They had drifted into a corner that was isolated by the beginnings of the great bridge that people walked across. She looked around, curious to see if she was being watched. She saw dozens of couples playing in similar fashion. Some were even above them on the bridge, lying flat, and their voices drifted down to her, whispering in her ear, and sharing the secrets of their passion.

  The visions excited her, the sounds drove her onward, and Septimus was waiting for her. Her firm grip was proof enough of that fact. She released him, raising both hands from the water and gripping his shoulders.

  He looked down at her and a nod of understanding reassured her that they were both ready. Septimus lowered himself in the water, allowing it to cover all but his neck and face. Mowriyah pushed up on his shoulders and settled her naked body close to him, perching above his thighs. Her chest against his, she slid down his torso and allowed him to enter her.

  Clinging to each other, they moved in the water as one. Septimus closed his eyes once again and she bent forward to kiss his neck, teasing it with gentle licks and nips. His motions quickened and the water about them splashed.

  The noise in the room grew. Moans and groans seemed to fill every inch of it. The sound was deafening and urging all at once. She joined in the erotic song that surrounded her and felt herself climb higher than the rest, peaking to the top, and releasing.

  Septimus pulled her down on him twice more and held her there before releasing himself within her. Overwhelmed with the experience that they had just shared she said, “I love you, Septimus.”

  He pulled away from her slowly and Mowriyah saw a look of bewilderment in his eyes. She dropped her gaze in embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I didn’t…”

  Septimus placed his finger against her lips. “Shh.” He pushed her hair behind her ear. “Shall we find Trivian and Phaedra? We will need to get started on our plans.”


  She allowed Septimus to lead her from the pool. She dressed herself as he went to find the others and left her standing on the concrete, unusually cold and alone.


  Back at Trivian’s house, the foursome sat around the front room on large couches and worked out their plan.

  Phaedra explained the layout of the palace and how they could get in without being noticed. “They are planning a feast of some sort and my master has instructed me to make a large delivery to the palace. Often, I have hired others to help me with larger deliveries. Since I’ve used various people in the past, your new faces should not be questioned. I will provide you with clothes and Septimus’s new facial hair should provide enough confusion about his identity.”

  She reached over and took Trivian’s hand. “I will take Septimus and Mowriyah early tomorrow for the delivery. When we are told to bring our wares to the kitchen, Mowriyah will be able to speak to Leihla briefly and tell her of our plan. You, dear, will need to return to work and pretend as if nothing is amiss.”

  Septimus tried to focus as Phaedra explained their plan, but his thoughts kept wandering to Mowriyah, who had been quiet a
nd seemed distant since the bathhouse. She’d said that she loved him, which had taken him aback. He thought about the woman who was so adventurous, the lump in his throat that swelled when he thought of losing her, and the warmth in his heart when she smiled. Is that what I have been feeling? Is this what love is supposed to feel like? He glanced at Mowriyah, whose full lips seemed to be beckoning him. Her large brown eyes were lit with a fire that he never wanted to see doused. She is my match, of this I am certain.

  “Then we will return at night to collect Leihla. There will be no way that we will be able to get her out during the day. As I told you before, she is being watched.”

  He noticed Mowriyah stiffen. He reached out to grab her arm, but she pulled away from him.

  “After our initial meeting with Leihla, we will meet Trivian back here.”

  There was a lull in the conversation, and Septimus felt the need to fill the emptiness in the room by offering his report. “The ship repairs have been completed. The workers on the dock have been paid well and are resupplying it as we speak. By tomorrow night, we will be off to Caledonia.” He looked around at the others, trying to convey hope. “The four of us and Leihla.” He reached for Mowriyah’s hand again and she shifted to pull from his touch once more.

  Trivian refilled everyone’s cups with wine for the third time that evening. “Might as well finish what we can tonight. It’s not like I can take it all with me. But I will admit, this Roman life would be nothing without the people I love.” Phaedra smiled and he squeezed in closer to her on the settee and leaned in to kiss her forehead. “You and Mowriyah are welcome to stay here tonight. I have an extra room for guests. Phaedra and I are off to bed.”

  Septimus recognized the devilish grin that Trivian wore. They may be off to bed, but sleep is the furthest thing from his mind. “Goodnight Trivian. Phaedra.” He rose from the couch and bid them farewell with a handshake and a light hug.

  He sat next to Mowriyah and turned to face her. “Do you wish to stay here or return to the inn?”

  “I suppose we should stay here so we are ready to leave in the morning when the time is right.”

  He heard the coldness in her words. “Are you nervous about tomorrow?”

  She closed her eyes. “No, I’m excited about tomorrow. Seeing Leihla again has often entered my dreams.”

  “Is it Phaedra?”

  “No. I can see that she and Trivian are truly in love. Whatever you two once shared is completely in her past, whether it’s in yours or not.”

  Septimus let out a huff. “You do not believe that my feelings for Phaedra are past?”

  “I am not sure what I believe.” She stood and pinned him to his seat with her glare. “I am going to bed as well. You may sleep with me if you wish, or sleep here on the settee. But do not expect me to join with you tonight.”

  Her features were set hard on her face and her words struck him deep. “What is it you want me to do, Mowriyah?” he called after her.

  She stopped mid-stride and turned to face him. Her mouth opened as if she was ready to tell him something, and then she closed it. Before he could question her again, she was gone.

  Mowriyah! His mind screamed her name, but his voice could not muster a syllable. He sat on the settee alone and pondered the events of the day. With no one around, Septimus felt like a small child who had been abandoned. He remembered the feeling from his youth. The moment of being lost on the sea of Caledonia after his parents had left him. Though he was found by traders, he had been petrified of the men who had taken him from everything that he had known. But things changed quickly. He was taught to handle the ropes, to fish, and they’d treated him well during his journey to Rome. The fear he had had of these seagoers turned into something more. He began to care about them, to think of them as family. Mowriyah had been an unexpected gift, like those men who’d found him many years ago. She took care of him and their relationship had grown. What had started as merely fun between them had transformed into…love.


  Mowriyah tossed about the soft, feathered bed, wrestling with her thoughts. Anticipation, excitement, and worry combined with the enormous emotional bubble that was forming around Septimus and herself and was threatening to burst.

  She tried to calm herself, knowing she needed the rest to get her through tomorrow. The night showed no sign of passing and the dancing shadows outside Trivian’s window had come to a halt.

  Septimus had crept into the room hours later and was now breathing steadily in her ear. But instead of soothing her as it so often did, it irritated her even more. She slid from beneath the covers and made her way to the kitchen.

  She stood at the sink and turned the handle. Water poured freely from the spigot. The inventions here amazed her, but the sound was comforting and reminded her of rushing water near her new home in Caledonia. Her thoughts drifted to her older sister, Abagail. Her sisters were all she had left now. These Romans had taken everything away from her. I’m coming, Leihla. Hang on a little longer. Her eyes welled with tears and the rushing water from the faucet urged the tears to flow. She broke into a fit of sobs. A gentle touch on her shoulder made her jump and turn.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Phaedra raked her fingers through her hair. “I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now…”

  “No. It’s okay.” Mowriyah filled two small cups with water and motioned to Phaedra to join her at the kitchen table. “Come. Let’s talk.”

  “Having trouble sleeping?”

  “When my nightmares become my realities, it does seem to keep me from my sleep.”

  Phaedra took a small sip. “He does love you. You do know that, don’t you?”

  “I thought that he did, but now I am not so sure.” Mowriyah’s heart sank. He had never made any verbal commitment and the coolness from that moment at the bathhouse still pulsed through her body. “Besides, when I told him today how I felt, he pulled away and left me standing alone.”

  “Oh, but I am sure.” Phaedra reached out and grabbed Mowriyah’s hand. “I’ve known Septimus for a really long time. He’s changed so much, for the better. And I am sure that you are the reason.”

  “Perhaps he’s simply older.”

  “That could be part of it. But there’s something more.”

  Mowriyah pulled back and felt a tinge of sadness prick her heart. “But he loved you.”

  “Not like he loves you.”

  “You betrayed him.” Mowriyah could feel the emotional bubble in her mind expand. “You crushed him and his trust.”

  Phaedra hung her head. “I know. I’m truly sorry.” She lifted her gaze. “Please believe me. I don’t live a single day without regretting my betrayal.”

  Mowriyah stood, empowered by the raging batch of feelings that engulfed her. “Yet you had guards poised to take us in yesterday morning. You were willing to—”

  “No! I didn’t. I would have never.”

  “You said—”

  “I know I did, but I lied. There was never anyone. I was just so desperate. I would have never done that to Trivian!” Phaedra stood. “You have no idea what he means to me, what he’s done for me.”

  “And if he refused to leave this place, to leave his pet project for Hadrian?” Mowriyah leaned forward. “Would you be so desperate that you would leave your love behind?”

  Septimus burst into the room. “Mowriyah?” Trivian had emerged from his room as well and the four stood in the kitchen around the table. Mowriyah looked back and forth between the two men. She shot a piercing look at Phaedra then smiled wide. “I was just having some trouble sleeping.”

  “As was I. We were just getting to know each other.” She clutched Trivian’s arm. “Well, since we are all up, how about some food and we can start our planning early.”

  Septimus and Trivian looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

  Mowriyah grabbed Septimus’s arm, mocking Phaedra. “Yes, there’s a lot to do.”

Chapter Six

  Septimus watched his younger brother leave the house and realized that he was left to fend for himself in the company of these two women. He and Mowriyah would have to trust Phaedra to lead them in and out of the palace without being noticed. Her plan was sound, but he didn’t like not having control.

  The two women were dressing now, Phaedra in her normal Roman attire, Mowriyah in a simple brown tunic and skirt. He and Mowriyah would have to dress as commoners since they planned to act as Phaedra’s servants for the day.

  Mowriyah emerged from the bedroom, her hair loose and skimming her shoulders. Even with her drab attire he was in awe of her beauty. “How are you feeling?”

  She fidgeted with her clothing. “Fine, I suppose. What if someone were to recognize us? They may hardly remember me since I was only there for a day, but I’m quite sure someone could identify you.”

  Septimus rubbed his chin and felt the hair that had grown in the weeks since he had last shaved it at home. “Hopefully this will be a good enough disguise. Not once in all my years here has my facial hair been so long.”

  Phaedra entered the living room dressed in her best white toga with a gold belt that graced her waist. “Are you ready? We’ll go to Master Justious first. His order for the palace kitchen will be perfect.”

  Septimus eyed Mowriyah. “Ready?”

  Mowriyah nodded.

  Phaedra led them out into the streets and Septimus kept his eyes focused on his surroundings. Rome being a bustling city of thousands had its own advantages and Septimus was counting on using each one of those advantages to his benefit.

  Septimus glanced at Mowriyah, who was quiet as she fiddled with her clothing and hair. He was sure that a certain amount of terror lingered in her mind. The last time she was in the palace, she was there as a slave. The night she and her sisters had been captured, Mowriyah had managed to escape the palace. If they do recognize her, what will Hadrian do with her? His own beating from Hadrian came to mind and a sudden fear ensnared his heart.


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