The Player (Broken Wishes Series Book 3)

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The Player (Broken Wishes Series Book 3) Page 4

by Joanne Sexton

How did he know that was what she wanted to hear? “Oh,” was all she could think of to say.

  It appeared he’d booked a table and was well known by the host, who led them to a small private table near the back, where lighting was low, and it was quiet.

  “Well, I’m impressed.” She smiled.

  “It’s nothing. I wanted it to be quiet so we could talk.”

  His cheeks reddened and this simply endeared him further. There was more to this man then the rumors pegged him to be. Maybe there was a reason he used to bed hop. Unexpectedly she was glad she’d taken the chance to find out.

  Before she knew what was happening, he pulled out her chair and gestured for her to sit. Once she did, he pushed it in and joined her.

  “I’m really not all that interesting. I hope I don’t disappoint you,” she said.

  “You couldn’t.” The smile he offered was shy and boyish. “Tell me about your family, your life. I want to know all about you.”

  His intense gaze and words overwhelmed her. “Wow, I hardly know you, Mitch. I don’t know whether I want to…”

  “You don’t know if you can trust me or if I’m trying to seduce you, as much as I would love to.” He stopped and the charming grin returned. “I do want to get to know you. I will regret everything I’ve ever done if it stops me from doing so.”

  The look she saw in his eyes seemed genuine. She found she wanted to unload her burdens, share her life with him. A voice somewhere deep down cautioned her. He is everything you hate. Yet she found the words tumbling out regardless.

  “I was studying to be a teacher when I fell pregnant with my son Jesse.” She stopped and noted the look of surprise on his face, but continued, nevertheless. “He’s almost five. His dad, Adrian, died in a car accident when Jesse was a baby. I took up modelling for the money. My mom looks after him when I’m working. I’m only doing it until I can save enough to finish my degree and support my family.” She took a breath and found once she started, she couldn’t stop. Something about him made it easy to talk to him. Was it wrong to trust him? It didn’t feel wrong.

  “I had a feeling you were modelling for the money and not because it’s what you want to do. This is one of the reasons I was so intrigued by you.”

  “I do it for Jesse.”

  “So, teaching?”

  “Yes, hopefully I’ll have the money to finish my degree soon.”

  “I’m glad you started modelling or I wouldn’t have met you.”

  “Well no, maybe not.” She offered him a genuine smile. “Tell me about your family.”

  As he was about to begin the waiter brought over a bottle of champagne and took their dinner orders.

  “I, um, ordered some champagne. I hope you don’t mind,” he said as the waiter filled their glasses.

  “It’s lovely,” she said, taking a sip. “Please, tell me about your family.”

  “Well, my parents are retired. My dad was a lawyer and my mom a teacher. My older brother Nathan is a lawyer too and is married with two kids. My younger brother Jared is a fire fighter and is getting married in a month, so I guess the usual happy family. We were lucky.”

  “Sounds nice. What about you, what did you do before the modelling gig?”

  “I travelled around a lot before moving back here about a year ago. I free-lanced for magazines and newspapers and saw lots of things I wish I hadn’t. It’s the main reason I gave it away, that, and I want to try and find a gallery to exhibit my work. Photographing victims of war weren’t the only things, thankfully, I was able to shoot while away. If I can start selling pieces, I can end the modelling shoots. I don’t want to be doing it forever, but I also don’t want to see more suffering either.”

  His brow furrowed and his thoughts seemed to go elsewhere for a moment.

  “I knew you were too talented for modelling jobs. I would love to see your real work.” She smiled, hoping to lift his frown, and she was pleased when it worked. “Your large family sounds great. There’s only the three of us.”

  “What happened to your dad?”

  As she went to answer, dinner arrived. When the waiter left, she didn’t say anything, but Mitch continued to stare, waiting.

  “After a string of affairs, he ran off with another woman when I was a toddler. I haven’t seen him since.”

  “So that’s why you wouldn’t go out with me.”

  “Yes. To be honest, I still can’t believe I did, and then told you everything about me. For some reason I can’t explain, I thought perhaps you weren’t really like that.”

  This time his grin was cheeky. “I was, in a way. I wasn’t interested in settling down and the offers were there.”

  “I see,” she replied, raising one eyebrow.

  “Admittedly, I didn’t think I had a huge romantic side and liked having the freedom to do what I wanted. Then I met you… and I felt different. I feel shy and lost for words around you and that’s definitely a new experience for me.”

  “Still charming, though.” They both laughed. “You seem pretty sweet to me. I’m hoping it’s not an act.” She winked. “I think you’ve been hiding Mitchell in there while Mitch was playing.”

  “Maybe I was waiting for the right woman.”

  Prickles of anticipation shot up her spine as his twinkling blue eyes gazed into hers. Was this all a charming act? One way to find out, she supposed. His intense gaze became too much, so she concentrated on her meal. She hoped this wasn’t a mistake, but every fiber of her being wanted it to be right. The chemistry in the air sizzled between them and for a flicker of a moment, Isabelle didn’t care whether he’d changed or not.

  There was no denying she wanted him.

  His feelings for her grew more intense by the minute. She was vulnerable yet industrious, making sacrifices for her family. An urge to protect, support and provide comfort for her overwhelmed him. She deserved more and he wanted to give it to her.

  A comfortable silence surrounded them while they ate their dinner. The warmth in the room had given her a pink glow, harmonizing with her lips. Her natural beauty shone in the low candlelight. Again, he was struck by how much better she looked this way. More often than not it was the other way around, most models looked prettier with make-up.

  It wasn’t about how she looked; it was about the kindness he knew he would find inside if she allowed him in. All these new sensations, new feelings, new wants, were far from his casual manner of recent months. A sudden realization stuck him. The compassionate side he’d buried while overseas now surged through him with a vengeance, but it was a welcome feeling. He didn’t want to hide anymore or live a shallow, empty existence.

  All he wanted was her.

  As he snuck looks at her, she did the same, and decided the man she gazed at was not the man she thought him to be. She’d misjudged him. Yes, he did the things he was reputed to, but it seemed his motivations weren’t malicious or uncaring. Was it possible to have a future with him?

  Isabelle wondered how she could entertain this idea after having spent barely an hour with him. The desire to kiss his full lips, brush away the hair crawling down his brow, and run her hands over his broad shoulders, coursed through her, clouding her mind with lust. The strength of her desire surprised her.

  Thoughts of naked flesh and hot kisses sent a flush to fill her cheeks. What am I doing? I’m a mother, I have to be responsible. Try as she might, she couldn’t shake the image of his flesh pressed against hers. In an attempt to push these lustful thoughts aside, she concentrated on her meal. It took nearly all her strength to keep her eyes lowered.

  When he reached across the table and took her hand, she looked up again. His face was earnest. He didn’t appear to be struggling with lust. In fact, he looked quite the opposite. What did this mean? Her stomach lurched.

  “You’re going to think I’m nuts when I say this,” he said. Words became lost in her mouth, so she shook her head. “You’re making me feel things I didn’t think were possible. When I met you, I discovered I want
ed to change. I didn’t want to ruin any chance with you. You make me want to be a different man.”

  Oh my!

  Simply gazing at him without speaking for what seemed like endless minutes, made him nervous. Mitch thought he would faint if he didn’t breathe soon. He hoped he wouldn’t scare her off with his declaration. The words spilled out before he even realized what he was doing. She affected him that much.

  “Mitchell, that would have to be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.” She continued to stare at him with wide eyes and a sweet smile. “I’ve been thinking about you too. I admit I was a bit concerned about your reputation.” He frowned and she squeezed his hand. “I also can’t deny the effect you have on me. I have wondered over the past weeks if you weren’t the man I thought you might be. Now I believe you aren’t, and it makes me want to do this even more.”

  “Do what?” he asked with a dry mouth.

  With one finger she gestured for him to move forward. He leant across the table as she did, before her lips brushed his cheek. His blood reached boiling point.

  He signaled for the bill.

  After refusing to allow her to pay her half, he guided her out to the street and took her hand when they started to walk. Instead of heading straight home, they browsed through shop windows on the surrounding streets. Their light conversation filled the quiet night air as they slowly made their way back to Isabelle’s apartment.

  At the door, she brushed the hair from his eyes as she spoke. “I had a nice time. I haven’t enjoyed a man’s company for so long. I’m a little rusty.”

  Mitch laughed before his face grew serious. “I want to see you again tomorrow night.”

  “I would love to but with Jesse… I don’t know.”

  “I understand, I do, but I have to see you again. You have bewitched me, woman!”

  He reached forward to encircle her waist and brought her in close to him. His lips found hers and they molded together in a passionate embrace, their mouths both urgent and tender all at once. Her soft lips tasted like raspberries and she smelt delicious, like vanilla ice-cream.

  His full lips felt better than she imagined and as she touched her tongue to his she wrapped her arms around his neck to bury her fingers in his hair. His kiss began to buckle her knees and she felt giddy. Even though she had little to compare it to and it had been a while since she enjoyed a man in any way, she decided his kiss was by far the most toe-curling. His strong lean hands on her back burned her skin through her dress and she wanted to forget about everything and feel them against her skin. He eased back and with passion-heavy lids she stared at him, puzzled.

  “Dinner tomorrow night at my house then?” he asked with the boyish grin she could easily fall in love with.

  “Jesse goes to bed at seven thirty. Maybe I can come over after that.”

  His eyes reflected the same hunger she felt low in her stomach. Desire had deepened their color too.

  “I’ll pick you up.”

  His lips sought hers again hungrily, and with roaming hands they drove each other wild. Seconds, minutes passed, neither of them anxious to break the moment. His hands stopped their exploration at her face, and he eased her back again.

  “I should go…”

  “I know,” she replied as softly as he had, adding a husk to her voice and sending a jolt of desire through his already racing heart. “I don’t want to be your next conquest.”

  “You’re everything but that. That’s why I should leave.”

  “Pick me up at eight.” With a quick kiss and waft of vanilla, she disappeared inside.

  Chapter Eight


  “What am I doing?” she said in an angry hiss.

  Leaning against the door she mentally kicked herself for being an idiot. She’d fallen for his charms like a fish fascinated by a lure. Yet she couldn’t deny the feelings welling up inside her. Isabelle couldn’t remember ever having such intense attraction to anyone before. What did it all mean?

  “Did you have a good time?”

  Isabelle gasped when she heard Carol’s voice coming from the darkened hall.

  “You scared me.”

  “Sorry. So?”

  “Yes, that’s the problem.” Isabelle shrugged.

  “Why is it a problem? You’re still not sure?”

  “No, I’m not sure.”

  “You enjoyed his company?”


  “Then what’s the problem?”

  Those were the first words that popped into Isabelle’s head when she woke the next morning. What is the problem? Carol was right. Why not just see where it took her? He didn’t appear to be a complete creep, so what could it hurt to find out? The anticipation of seeing him again that evening crept up to overwhelm her and she longed for the day to be over.

  Isabelle found Carol and Jesse at the breakfast table and was relieved to notice Jesse seemed oblivious to the fact she’d been out late. It was definitely too soon for a meeting. She’d told Jesse a little white lie about her evening, which was for the best right now.

  “Hi, Mommy,” Jesse said brightly when she sat at the table. “Did you have fun last night?”

  “Yes, thanks, honey. It’s been a long time since I’d seen my friend.” A wave of guilt tugged at her for lying to him, but again she told herself it was for the best.

  “Are you going out again soon?”

  “Would it bother you if I did?” Isabelle studied her son. His expression appeared inquisitive without any concern and she breathed an internal sigh of relief.

  “No, if you want to go out with a boy too, it’s okay.”

  “Oh, I see.” Isabelle had no idea what to do now. Jesse’s acceptance would be important for any future she may have with Mitch or any other man for that matter. His happiness was her paramount concern. Knowing he would feel all right made the decision to see Mitch again much easier.

  “I want you to be happy, Mommy. I want a daddy too. Someone to do boy things with.”

  Isabelle’s heart lurched and she felt so sad for her little man.

  “I know you do, honey. Maybe one day.”

  “You can go out all the time if you bring me home a daddy. Nan will look after me.”

  “Yes, Jesse, she will and thank you.” A lump formed in her throat. His show of maturity caused mother’s pride to tingle her skin.

  “Can I go play now?” It seemed the subject was forgotten.

  “Yes, Jesse,” she replied with a tear in her eye. Jesse knew far more than she gave him credit for.

  “See, even he thinks you need a man,” Carol said in her matter of fact way.

  “Yes, thanks for pointing out the obvious,” Isabelle said with a sardonic eyebrow. “Just as well because I’m having dinner at his house tonight.”

  “Oh, really? You failed to mention that last night.”

  “You didn’t ask.”

  Mitch woke on the fine, warm Saturday morning feeling like a new man. Isabelle was incredible, beautiful, intelligent, and to top it all off, a fantastic kisser. The previous evening, he had walked to and from their date. It turned out they lived close to each other. A restless night followed with dreams of jade eyes and soft lips.

  Dragging himself out of bed bleary eyed, he showered and decided he’d better do some shopping if he was going to cook dinner. The time had come to drag out the rarely used barbecue from storage and put it to use.

  After completing the shopping and preparing a salad- something he rarely did, eating at home wasn’t a common occurrence- he cleaned his apartment as he never had before. Normally an untidy person, when he’d finished, he couldn’t believe he was in the same place. As he did a final check the phone rang.

  “Yep, it’s Mitch.”

  “So how was the big date?” asked the deep husky voice on the line. Charlotte.

  “Don’t you have anything better to do than hassle me?” They exchanged a laugh.

  “No, Jared has gone to work, and I just walked in the d
oor after helping Chelsea at the shop- who is huge by the way and counting down the days- and I remembered our eligible bachelor went on a hot date.”

  “How very nosey of you.”

  “I would call it family interest and you almost are so…”

  “The date went well. She’s coming over for dinner tonight.”

  “You’re going to cook?” The skeptical tone almost had him feeling defensive. Was he really that much like the stereotypical bachelor?

  “Yes, I’m going to barbecue, if you have to know. I may not be the master chef like Jared, but I am capable. I even made a salad.”

  “Okay, don’t get all defensive on me.” She chuckled. “I have to admit it’s great to never have to cook. Even when Jared is on night shift, he prepares meals for me to reheat.” She laughed again. “He spoils me.”

  “He loves you.”

  “I know and I’m the luckiest girl alive. Anyway, enough about me. Tell me more.”

  “Not much to tell. We went out for dinner. I walked her home and we said goodnight.”

  “Did you kiss her?”

  “Yes, nosey.”

  “Did it curl your toes?”

  It was Mitch’s turn to laugh. “Maybe.”

  “Yay,” she cried in a tone that almost made him deaf. “I think our Mitch is falling in love!”

  “Don’t get carried away. I’m definitely interested in finding out more about her.”

  “Hmm, well at least you are seeing a girl more than once, it’s a start. I’ll call you tomorrow.” And with that she hung up.

  Glancing at the time Mitch discovered he needed to get a move on. It was very important to him to not be late collecting his date.

  Isabelle watched for him from the window as she didn’t want him to wake Jesse. She even admitted to herself she was eager and couldn’t wait for him to arrive. A twinge of concern crept into her mind, but she shook it off. Mitch wasn’t what he seemed, and perhaps her concerns weren’t warranted. All she could do is play it out and see where the cards fell. She hoped they would fall on him being genuine.


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