The Player (Broken Wishes Series Book 3)

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The Player (Broken Wishes Series Book 3) Page 11

by Joanne Sexton

  “Don’t worry, they won’t bite. I’ve told them all about you.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes, after the dinner at Jared’s, one of my gossiping family told my mom about you and she called me.”

  “Okay, that helps, I think.”

  The ceremony was due to begin at six thirty for the sun to be setting during the reception, providing them with a spectacular view for the occasion.

  Isabelle needed to go for a run and, while she was gone, Mitch and Jesse made pancakes, ready for her return.

  After spending a lazy morning together, Isabelle decided she should get ready after lunch was cleared away.

  She emerged from her bedroom in a strapless, light blue dress in a soft billowy material that flowed out from the waist to finish just above her knees. Her hair was swept up, her eyes smoky and her lips pink.

  “Wow, you look sensational. I’m one lucky man.”

  “You don’t scrub up too bad yourself.”

  She smiled as she admired him in his charcoal suit with a blue shirt and tie. Mitch had gotten Jesse ready as well and Isabelle was grateful for his thoughtfulness. Jesse pulled and tugged at the shirt and pants, so she knew it wouldn’t be long before he was disheveled.

  “Wait here, I’m going to get my camera.”

  He returned with one mounted on a tripod, then set up the timer so they could have a shot together.

  They were greeted at the door by Nathan, who had been assigned usher duties.

  “Hey, how come you got a job and I didn’t?” Mitch asked, feigning indignation.

  “Because, genius, Carrie was here early doing hair and make-up, so it made sense that I take the job.”

  “Gotcha! You’re too easy, bro.” Mitch laughed.

  “Down the hall, out the back, you know the way, smart ass.”

  As they walked out to the patio, a tall elegant blonde with shoulder length straight hair and a strong resemblance to Jared glided towards them.

  “Mitchell, honey, I haven’t seen you in so long.” She enveloped him into a warm embrace, her flowery scent wafting around them. “I miss you.”

  “Yeah, I know, Mom, me too,” he mumbled like a child in trouble. “Isabelle, Jesse, this is my mom Catherine.”

  “Oh, Mitchell, you have outdone yourself this time. I hope you plan to do the right thing,” she said in a stern voice. Isabelle couldn’t help but notice, even chastising her son she did so with grace. “Sorry, dear,” she said turning to Isabelle. “I’m just amazed by your beauty. Mitch told me you were tired of hearing it, but you are far more attractive than anything my imagination could conjure up.” She smiled with affection. “It’s lovely to meet you, Isabelle. I’m grateful you have been able to tame my mischievous son.”

  “Mom…” Mitch began to protest, but Catherine went on regardless.

  Ignoring him she turned her attention to Jesse. “Hello, Jesse. You look handsome.”

  “I don’t like wearing a tie,” he said, tugging at his shirt.

  “My boys didn’t like dressing up either.” Her offered smile was warm. “Come and sit over here with us, see if you can get your father’s attention away from Sam’s new girlfriend Rachel.”

  “I see him over next to a blonde girl.”

  “Yes, that’s her. Lovely girl. I’m afraid charm is a Montgomery trait,” she said to Isabelle.

  They all took their seats after Mitch went to check on Jared to ensure he wasn’t driving himself crazy suppressing his jitters. He knew his brother: Jared may look controlled on the outside, but inside his nerves would be jangling. That was just how his brother was, always stoic. Catherine sat next to her husband followed by Mitch, Isabelle, then Jesse.

  “Harrison,” Catherine said, getting her husband’s attention.

  “Yes, Cat?” he asked, turning to her.

  “Mitchell is here with Isabelle and Jesse.”

  Harrison excused himself from Rachel before leaning forward. Isabelle decided he was a cross between Nathan and Mitch. He had the same dark blonde hair as Nathan and Mitch’s boyish face and summer eyes.

  “Hi, son. It’s been too long. How are you?”

  “Great, Dad. Isabelle, Jesse, this is my father Harrison.”

  “Harry,” he said, taking her hand and kissing it. “Well, aren’t you lovely. I see all my sons have inherited my impeccable taste.” He then stuck out his hand to Jesse, who shyly but proudly shook it. “Hello, young man. Have you been to a wedding before?” Jesse shook his head. “I understand meeting all these people is a bit scary.”

  “A little bit.”

  “Mabel and Tommy are here. When the ceremony is over, you’ll be able to play with them.”

  “Okay,” he said with a smile.

  Music interrupted further conversation and indicated that Charlotte was about to join her groom. Isabelle glanced around the room to note that Nathan and Carrie were now present and sat behind Catherine and Harrison. They exchanged warm smiles before Isabelle looked across the aisle and saw who she assumed to be Charlotte’s family sitting in the front row. A strawberry blonde sat beside two dark haired men whom she assumed where Charlotte’s parents and her brother. Sitting behind them, holding a small sleeping baby was a handsome, dark haired man she guessed to be Lucas.

  Mabel was the first to appear, in a dress the color of pale pink roses. She carried a basket of red rose petals scattering them as she walked. Chelsea followed close behind in a dress of emerald green. It looked lovely with her eyes and Isabelle couldn’t help but notice how fantastic she looked after only having a baby a few weeks ago.

  When Charlotte walked in there was a collective sigh synonymous with weddings. Her satin dress was the color of egg shells with a scooped neck. It hugged her slim frame to the floor and finished with a sparkling train. Her hair was up in a bundle of curls and red roses, which she also carried in her bouquet. She was a picture of elegance. Isabelle glanced towards Jared to watch his reaction. Smiling with happiness, his serious mask had dropped. His eyes filled with love for his exquisite bride.

  Isabelle’s heart swooned; how wonderful it would be to be marrying the man you loved and have him gaze at you as Jared did. All the memories of girlhood dreams flooded her mind and the romance of the day settled around her, making her feel giddy.

  Mitch watched Jared’s response to Charlotte and was delighted to see that he couldn’t contain his exhilaration. His rare show of emotion revealed his love for Charlotte was too great to contain or conceal. As Charlotte joined him at the altar, he surprised Mitch yet again by pulling her close and kissing her. Beside him Catherine started to cry.

  “Oh, look at my baby,” she whispered to Mitch. “Who would ever have thought he would show such emotion.”

  “I know, Mom. I’m a bit surprised too.”

  Mitch turned to Isabelle to discover she too had a tear sliding down her cheek. He took her hand and she smiled.

  Charlotte and Jared held hands and gazed into each other’s eyes through the entire ceremony. When they kissed, it appeared as though they never wanted to part. There wasn’t a dry eye on any woman in the house. Images of Isabelle standing next to him and reciting vows flashed through Mitch’s mind and for the first time in his life this thought didn’t scare him.

  When the bride and groom finally parted there was a united cheer. They strolled hand in hand out into the garden to have photographs taken. While the bridal party were occupied, Nathan, Mitch, and Jared’s fire fighter crew helped to arrange the patio and set up for the reception before Mitch and Nathan were beckoned for photos.

  The night was filled with love, laughter and dancing. When the newlyweds were dancing Isabelle felt drawn to them and watched them become consumed with each other, as though they were the only ones in the room. Their unrestrained happiness caused her to smile and the mood swept her away. Seeking Mitch’s lips, she kissed him as they swirled about the dance floor.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you look today?” Mitch whispered in her ear
. It seemed the moment had caught him too.

  “Not as gorgeous as you,” she whispered.

  “Where’s Jesse?”

  “Inside with Mabel and Tommy.”

  “Good,” he said, taking her hand. “Come with me.”

  He guided her down the side of the house and out to the front garden.

  “What are we doing out…” Mitch silenced her with his mouth, his kiss intense.

  His hands roamed her body before coming to rest in her hair, where he removed the pins and buried his hands in the silky waves. Breathless, he pulled back to rest his forehead against hers.

  “Where did that come from?” she asked, panting, desire coursing through her veins.

  “Seeing Jared’s unrestrained happiness, being here with you, I was overcome.”

  “Trust me I’m not complaining,” she replied, before seeking his lips again.

  “Okay, what’s going on out here?” They heard a voice in the darkness. They leaped apart like teenagers being sprung.

  “Nathan, what are you doing sneaking up on us?” Mitch exclaimed.

  “No sneaking required, you two wouldn’t have noticed an earthquake.”

  His laughter was contagious, and Isabelle giggled.

  “Yeah, okay, you might be right. What do you want?”

  “I was actually looking for Isabelle. Mabel and Tommy have asked if Jesse can have a sleep over. Carrie and I don’t object, and we have spare pajamas and clothes he can use. I thought we should check with you first before we said yes.”

  “Oh, you sure you don’t mind?” she asked.

  “Not at all.”

  “I’ll go and make arrangements with Carrie,” Isabelle said, disappearing into the house.

  “Man, you have it bad,” Nathan teased.

  “Yeah, what of it?”

  “Don’t get bent out of shape. I’m just glad you’re sticking with one girl for a change.’

  “I’m crazy about her, and Jesse too.”

  “A ready-made family is difficult, Mitch. Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “Absolutely. I’m in the process of selling my apartment and buying a house. I plan to build a life with her. I can’t explain how happy I am.”

  “Welcome to being in love, buddy. I wouldn’t be without Carrie for anything. My love for her gets more intense as time goes on.”

  “I don’t think it’s possible for me to love Isabelle more than I already do.” Mitch’s face grew hot and he realized he was blushing again. He thanked the night for masking his discomfort. Mitch couldn’t recall ever having a discussion about love with his brother before. It felt weird but good all at once.

  “Trust me, it’s possible,” Nathan assured him.

  Grabbing Mitch around the neck like he did when they were kids, Nathan dragged him back inside.

  As the night grew to a close and once an excited but tired Jesse had been organized, Mitch and Isabelle returned to his apartment. Grateful for the opportunity to be alone, they were uninhibited with their love and they left no room untried.

  They eventually went to bed in the early hours of the morning.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Family Ties

  The buzz of the cafe greeted Isabelle as she walked in and perused the room.

  Although there was a substantial lunch crowd, she spotted Anthony’s chestnut head in a booth in the corner. Her nerves rattled and excitement filled her as she crossed the room. Green eyes so much like hers lifted as she sat across from him. He looked more nervous than her, if it was possible. She couldn’t blame him; it must be daunting to have coffee with the sister your father abandoned. Part of her blamed Anthony too, though she knew this was unfair.

  Isabelle had done a lot of soul searching and thinking since her brother turned up on her doorstep. The courage it would have taken to knock on her door was commendable. Yet the niggling doubts remained. His arrival at the same time as the letters could be a coincidence, but she still wondered. She wanted to dispel this suspicion, which was why she agreed to meet with him today. Mitch’s prompting had also helped. The thing was, he didn’t know about the letters, so as far as he was concerned, she had nothing to lose by meeting with Anthony. Thinking about the letters and hiding them from Mitch was another thought weighing heavy in her mind and one to address another day.

  “Sorry I’m late,” she said with what she hoped was a welcoming smile. She had to give him the benefit of the doubt, starting now.

  “You’re not late. I was early.” Color touched his cheeks and her apprehension and caution eased a little. This was almost certainly harder for him.

  After Anthony insisted on shouting the coffee, he went to place their order at the counter. Isabelle took him in as he waited and wondered if he looked like their father. Having never seen a photo of him she had no idea what he looked like. Perhaps it was time to remedy this.

  A flash of jealousy surged through her as she thought about their father, Greg. Why did he choose to stay with Anthony and his mother? Why not her? Why had he cared so little about her that he created a new family and forgot about them? For a moment the hatred she felt for her father radiated towards the young handsome man ordering her cappuccino. Was it wrong to pass the blame to Anthony? It wasn’t his fault and he said he never knew about her until Greg had died. Was this all an elaborate lie? Did he also harbor resentment towards his father and his other child?

  Isabelle decided they were both in the same position. They both felt betrayed by the same man. Isabelle decided it would be easier for her than him. To hate her father came naturally to her. Never having other feelings for him, it was easy to continue to do so.

  For Anthony it was different. This was a man he had known his entire life. A man he loved and respected. A man who kept secrets from him for twenty years. Empathy became the only emotion now. It wasn’t his fault. And the letters… well, time would tell, and Isabelle hoped that the trust she was about to place on the brother walking towards her wouldn’t be a mistake.

  Anthony placed her coffee on the table before joining her. His shy smile and apprehension in his eyes eased her concerns and allowed her to relax.

  Their father may not have been a complete creep and even if he was, it didn’t mean Anthony was. Despite her genes she turned out all right, no reason Anthony hadn’t as well. Perhaps Greg had turned over a new leaf, as Mitch had. Perhaps it was time to let go of hatred, and trust Anthony. It wasn’t every day a girl found out she had a brother and this, above all else, was what was important.

  “So, Anthony, what do you do?”

  “I’m studying at the moment, engineering.”

  “Are you enjoying it?”

  “Yeah… the best thing about it is knowing I have a job when I’m finished.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Yeah… it was Dad’s company… my uncle is running it at the moment, but one day…” His gaze dropped and his fingers traced over the scratches and grooves in the table. Isabelle considered he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable talking about their blood tie.

  “You don’t have to avoid talking about him. Just because he wasn’t a father to me doesn’t mean he wasn’t to you. You know… I’ve never even seen a picture of him…”

  “Would you like to?”

  He asked so softly she wasn’t sure she heard him right.


  Anthony pulled his wallet from a pocket, opened it and passed it to her. The shock of seeing her father’s face for the first time soon gave way to something warmer she couldn’t put her finger on. The photo appeared a few years old and would be how he looked not long before he died. His handsomeness was accentuated by age and her heart did a little leap. Immediately she saw Anthony’s resemblance along with hers. She studied father and son for a moment and realized how much she looked like her brother.

  “You look like him,” she said, her voice wavering slightly. The emotion of the day was catching up with her.

  “So do you.” He paused to smi
le before his brow furrowed, an expression Isabelle recognized from her own face. “I can’t believe he wanted to have nothing to do with you.” The bitterness wasn’t hidden in his voice and he all but spat the words onto the table.

  “Please don’t hate him for what he did to us. He was a good father to you, wasn’t he?”

  His eyes searched her face for a moment before his scowl disappeared. “Yes, he was.”

  “Then, please, tell me about him. Let me live the years I didn’t have through you.”

  “I can’t believe how nice and understanding you’re being. I turn up out of the blue and expect you to be okay with everything…”

  “I’m okay with suddenly having a brother.” They shared a smile. “Please, tell me about him.”

  And tell her he did. Three coffees and a slice of strawberry cheesecake later Anthony finished his story up with the day he found out about having a sister.

  The family man and loving husband Anthony described was the complete opposite to the man she thought Greg to be. It seemed good people made bad choices and perhaps it was time for Isabelle to bury her resentment and move on. Now she had a brother to do that with and this filled her with happiness. First, she found Mitch and now Anthony. Life couldn’t get much better, except for the letters, of course. She still didn’t know what to make of those but after her afternoon with her new family, she knew it wasn’t Anthony. How she had ever thought that he was responsible was beyond her.

  Reluctantly they parted company and agreed to meet again the following week after the gallery opening. With a spring in her step and a light heart, Isabelle walked towards home. She could barely wait to share her afternoon with Mitch.

  The only thing that burdened her mood was the letters; what to do about them became her paramount concern. Perhaps going to the police as Carol suggested was the right thing. Having dismissed the ridiculous idea that Anthony was responsible, she was as confused as ever. It was also time to tell Mitch. The guilt at having kept them from him thus far niggled at her, but she was sure he would understand. Telling him could wait until next week.


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