Seduced by the Boss 3: For Her Pleasure

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Seduced by the Boss 3: For Her Pleasure Page 1

by Jenn Roseton

  Seduced By The Boss 3: For Her Pleasure


  Jenn Roseton

  Seduced By The Boss 3: For Her Pleasure

  Copyright © 2012 by Jenn Roseton

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

  Cover image: File licensed by[danielkrol85]


  Adult Reading Material Only: This is an erotic romance and contains a graphic sex scene. ONLY For Adults aged 18+

  Jemma Jones sat in the coffee shop, stirring her early morning latte. Two days ago, Matt, her old college boyfriend, had left a message on the office phone, inviting her for dinner. Since she and her boss, Adam Sinclair, had just enjoyed a sexy spanking session when the message had come through on the answering machine, it had made things a tad awkward. However, she had made it clear to Adam that she wasn’t interested in having dinner with her ex. But she had to admit that she was a little curious as to why Matt wanted to see her.

  Jemma smiled when she thought of Adam. Ever since she’d started working at Sinclair Consulting as his secretary, she’d privately nicknamed him Mr. Sexy Sinclair. She’d been attracted to him from the start, and then one day she realized she’d actually fallen in love with her boss. It had been hard to conceal her feelings for him for all that time, especially since her love life had been pretty much in the doldrums, but everything had changed two weeks ago when Adam had invited her to lunch.

  At first, Jemma had been worried she was going to get fired, but when Adam made it clear that his intentions were romantic, she’d found it hard to breathe. After all, she had boring light brown, shoulder length hair, brown eyes, and a girl-next-door face. It wasn’t as if she was a stunning blond with big breasts and a look-at-me personality.

  But when Adam promised that if it didn’t work out between them and they couldn’t work together, he’d make sure she had at least the same level of employment elsewhere, she knew this was her chance to discover if dating her boss matched up to her fantasies.

  It was far, far better.

  She hadn’t seen Matt for five years, ever since they had drifted apart once he’d graduated college. Then, two days ago, he had walked into Sinclair Consulting, explaining that he was opening his own business consultancy firm in the area and wanted to introduce himself.

  She would never forget that moment…

  At the sound of footsteps approaching her table, Jemma looked up. Matt stood in front of her, holding a cup of coffee. Tall with a slim, wiry build, auburn hair and an air of braggadocio, his gleaming emerald eyes captured hers.

  “Jemma.” He grinned, and she could see why she had once thought that Matt was “the one.” That had been five years ago. She was a little older and wiser now, and besides, she was in love with Adam.

  “Matt.” She made a point of looking at her watch. “You’re five minutes late. I’ve got to get to the office soon.”

  “Sorry,” he apologized, sitting beside her. “I underestimated the traffic.” He reached for her hand. “I can’t believe we’ve found each other again after all this time.”

  Jemma felt a slight tug of attraction at his touch, but it was nothing compared to the electric sparks that raced through her whenever Adam touched her. “Matt, it was over between us five years ago.” She pulled her hand back.

  “What if I said I was a fool to ever let you go, JJ?”

  “Don’t call me that.” Jemma frowned.

  “Why not?”

  “Because you don’t have the right to call me that any more. I think you made it pretty clear when you graduated that you were too busy for a long-distance relationship.”

  Guilt fleetingly crossed his face. “I’m sorry, Jemma. I should have replied to your emails and phone messages. But my new job required ninety-nine percent of my focus and I didn’t know how to tell you that I couldn’t be in a relationship any more. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

  “So instead you just pretended that I - we - never existed.” She stirred her latte, not wanting to look at him.

  “I admit I was an ass back then. I didn‘t deserve you. But--” he winked, “we did have some good times together.” Smirking, he continued, “Let me make it up to you. How about you come and work for me as my executive assistant?”

  Jemma tightened her grip on her mug. “I’ve got a job.”

  “I’ll pay you more.”

  “I’m quite happy with my position, thank you.” Jemma wondered what was going on. Matt didn’t even know how much she made or that she was dating Adam - not that it was any of his business.

  “Jemma, I’m striking out on my own now. I put in five years with that big firm up north and I know I’ve got what it takes to be a success with my own consultancy firm. We’d make a great team.” He tried to grasp her hand again but she inched it out of his reach.

  “I’m not interested, Matt.” She took a sip of her coffee and then picked up her purse. “I’ve got to go.”

  “You know how good we were together. I want you back, Jemma.”

  Five years ago, Jemma had dreamed of this moment. She’d been heart-broken when Matt had moved one hundred miles away to start his new job and she’d never heard from him again, fantasizing night after night that he would re-appear in her life and beg her to take him back. But now the moment had arrived, she realized she wasn’t tempted at all.

  She was completely in love with Adam Sinclair, and although they had only been together for just over two weeks, it was the best relationship she had ever been in.

  “I’m seeing someone,” she replied softly.

  “Is it serious?”

  “Yes.” It was for her. She just wished she had the courage to tell Adam how she really felt about him.

  “Lucky guy.” Matt smiled wryly. “Jemma - I don’t suppose you could give me any information on the Walker account.”

  “What?” Jemma sat down again.

  “The Walker account. The Walker Group’s looking for a new business consultancy firm.”

  “I know. We’ve started preparing our pitch.”

  “So…” Matt grinned. “I wondered if you had any useful info you could give me, since I don't have any local knowledge yet.”

  Jemma stared at him. “You want me to share Adam’s information with you?”

  “For old times’ sake.” He brushed his hand against hers. “You don’t want to renew our relationship and you won’t work for me. Help me out here - please, JJ.”

  She removed her hand from the table. “No. I can’t believe you just asked me that, Matt.”

  He shrugged. “What’s the harm? You’d hardly be passing on state secrets. Just about everyone else who pitches for it will know what I need to know. We’d just be leveling the playing field.”

  “There’s no ‘we’, Matt.” Jemma gave him a withering look. “And there’s no way I’d steal information from Adam. He and I are a team.”

  “What kind of team?” His emerald eyes gleamed with curiosity and he leaned across the table towards her.

  Jemma hastily stood. “None of your business.” She didn’t feel comfortable giving Matt details of her relationship with Adam. Although it wasn’t a secret she was dating her boss, that didn’t mean she felt like giving Matt the specifics.

  He chuckled. “It’s okay, Jemma. I get the picture.” Matt put a hand on her arm to detai
n her. “But I want you to know that I’ll do whatever it takes to win the Walker account, with or without your help.”


  Jemma fumed on the way to the office. She couldn’t believe that Matt’s real reason for wanting to see her was to glean information from his business rival. But why was she so surprised? In college, she’d known he was ambitious, and he had proved it when he’d taken that lucrative job offer and moved one hundred miles away, never giving her a second thought.

  She shouldn’t have wasted so many tears on him five years ago, she thought grimly. At least now, she was smart enough to see through him.

  Parking in one of the spaces set aside for their office and locking the car, she bit her lip when she noticed that Adam’s car was already there. Damn - she was late. Should she tell him about her meeting with Matt or try to forget all about it?

  Jemma walked quickly into the office and took her seat behind her large, top-of-the-line desk. She could hear Adam’s voice through his open office door and realized he must be on the phone. Flicking through her Inbox, she randomly selected a file and tried to focus on the information, but her mind kept replaying the scene in the coffee shop.

  A few minutes later, Adam strode out of his office. “Everything okay?”

  She looked up and nodded, finding it hard to meet his eyes. It wasn’t as if she had cheated on him by having coffee with Matt, so why did she feel guilty?

  “What’s wrong?” Adam was suddenly beside her, his intense gaze practically forcing her to look up at him. As usual, her pulse raced when she was in his presence. The combination of his age (early thirties), dark hair, ocean blue eyes and trim, muscular physique made her heart flutter every time she saw him.

  “Nothing.” She tried to smile, but didn’t think she succeeded. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

  “I’m not worried about that.” He grinned. “There are certain perks that come with dating the boss.”

  When she didn’t respond, Adam’s hand stroked her hair and she leaned into the soft caress. “Jem? Is there something I should know?”

  She took a deep breath. “I had coffee with Matt this morning.” The words were rushed.

  “I see,” he said softly, his eyes narrowing. “And you didn’t think to mention this before?”

  Jemma tried to shrug. “I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

  “Have I got something to worry about?”

  “No.” She rose and faced him, her eyes begging him to understand. “No, Adam, it’s not like that. When Matt came in here the other day, I knew I was over him, and this morning only confirmed it.”

  His hands rested possessively on her waist. “So why meet him then?”

  “Because I was curious,” she admitted.

  “Did you satisfy your curiosity?” he growled, his hand trailing down her back.

  “Yes,” Jemma whispered, the electricity of his touch sending shivers of excitement through her body.

  “Good.” His lips covered hers, his tongue demanding entry. She moaned, her hands tightening on his shoulders as Adam plundered her mouth. He molded her to him, his hard length pressing against her softness, and she couldn’t think about anything else except being wrapped in a web of desire.

  Adam cupped her derriere, bringing her even closer against him. Jemma sighed softly against his mouth as he deepened the kiss further. He slid his muscular thigh between hers and she ground herself against him.

  She could feel moisture dampening her panties and longed for Adam to take her right now, on the desk.

  Suddenly the phone rang, the sound breaking through Jemma’s sensual haze. Her eyes fluttered open, and she reluctantly tore her mouth from Adam’s.

  “I should get that,” she said breathlessly, leaning sideways to pick up the receiver. Adam’s hands remained curved around her bottom, and she realized she was still straddling his thigh.

  “Good morning, Sinclair Consulting. How may I help you?” She sounded a little husky, and Jemma hoped it wasn’t noticeable to the other party.

  She suddenly stiffened at the sound of the male voice on the other end of the line.

  “No, I haven’t changed my mind.” Abruptly ending the call, she turned back to Adam and tried to free herself.

  He looked at her curiously. “Who was it?”

  Jemma frowned. “Matt.”

  Adam’s face darkened. “What did he want?” She started to answer when he continued, “Forget it.” He raked his hair back and sighed. “I believe you when you say you’re over him, but does he know that?”

  “Yes. I made it clear to him this morning that I wasn’t interested in him romantically.” She hesitated, feeling her cheeks heat. “In fact, I told him I was seeing someone.”

  “Good.” He pulled her closer to him. “Did you tell him it was me?”

  “No,” she confessed.

  His lips brushed against hers as he spoke. “You know you can tell anyone you like that we’re exclusive, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she replied breathlessly.

  His ocean-blue eyes smoldered. “Then tell him the next time he bothers you. Or better yet, I’ll tell him.”

  She realized now was the perfect time to tell Adam the truth. “Actually, Matt wanted something else - information on the Walker account.”

  Adam tensed. “What kind of information?”

  Jemma tried to shrug. “He wanted to know everything about it. I told him I couldn’t help him.”

  “Good.” His mouth swooped down to capture hers.

  She finally drew back to look up at him. “You do know that I’d never betray you like that, don’t you, Adam?”


  The following week, Jemma put the finishing touches to the chicken chasseur and placed the casserole in the oven. Adam would be coming over soon for dinner. They’d been working hard on the Walker account for the last several days and they had finally completed their pitch.

  Adam had offered to take her out to a fancy restaurant, but Jemma wanted to show off her cooking skills and make him a delicious meal instead. She also had an ulterior motive - although she’d been dating Adam for just over three weeks now, she couldn’t get enough of him. And since they’d been putting all their time and energy into the Walker account for the last week, they hadn’t had much personal time together.

  Having dinner at her place would make it a lot easier to segue from the dinner table to the bedroom. In fact, she was hopeful that Adam would stay the night.

  Jemma walked into her bedroom and pulled her little black dress out of the wardrobe. She’d bought it a couple of weeks ago and it fit perfectly. The style flattered her slightly curvy figure and even her brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair didn’t look so girl-next-door as usual.

  Black thigh-highs and heels completed the ensemble, along with a touch of smoky eye-shadow and an application of lip-gloss that made her mouth glisten.

  She had just finished checking her appearance in the mirror when the doorbell rang. Anticipation fluttered in her stomach as she went to answer the door.


  "Hi, baby.” Adam stood in the doorway. Just being close to him sent a sensual thrill down her spine. He handed her a bottle of expensive wine, and she placed it on the hall table next to her.

  He reached for her, barely giving her time to put down the wine. She entered his embrace, her arms winding around his neck. His scent enticed her - clean and fresh with a hint of spice.

  “I’ve missed you,“ he murmured against her mouth. His lips claimed hers, and a ripple of excitement raced through her as she surrendered to his hungry kiss.

  Adam’s lips trailed down to her neck, and she shivered. “I’m sorry we haven’t had much time together lately. But I’m going to make it up to you,” he vowed. “Starting tonight.”

  Jemma gave herself up to the erotic promise of his kiss. His tongue plundered her mouth, foreshadowing his intentions, and she felt her panties start to dampen with anticipation.

  Adam cupped one of
her breasts, his thumb rubbing her nipple through the layered fabric of her lacy bra and silky black dress.

  Arrows of desire shot down to Jemma’s lower body, until she realized that they were still standing in the doorway of her apartment. She reluctantly dragged her mouth from his and took a shaky step backwards.

  “Come in,” she urged, pulling him inside.

  Adam shut the door behind him and reached for her again. Just as their lips touched, the oven timer went off.

  Jemma silently groaned. Forcing her mind to focus on practicalities, she took Adam by the hand and led him into the small kitchen. “I have to check on dinner. Why don‘t you take a seat at the table?” A fancy white tablecloth, her best china, and two red candles set the scene for a cozy, romantic dinner in the dining nook.

  She felt his smoldering gaze on her as she bent over to take the casserole out of the oven. Lifting the lid, she sniffed the savory aroma of herbs, mushrooms and chicken.

  Once they sat at the table, Adam clinked his wine glass against Jemma’s. “I’ve got big plans for you tonight,” he murmured, smiling suggestively.

  Jemma’s nipples tightened at his words and she found it hard to concentrate on the appetizing meal of chicken chasseur, steamed baby potatoes and green beans. They’d been so busy concentrating on the Walker account lately that they hadn’t spent much time together as a couple. She had missed Adam’s sensual kisses and the hot sex they had enjoyed ever since they had started dating.

  Adam’s eyes gleamed wolfishly as they flirted with one another during dinner. Jemma’s pussy quivered with impatient anticipation as the last spoonful of dessert lingered on her tongue. Although the chocolate mousse had tasted heavenly, nothing could compare to one of Adam’s passionate kisses.

  “Are you staying over?” Jemma asked hopefully as she rose from the table.

  “I was planning to.”

  She smiled, her nerve endings sparking under his smoky gaze.

  “Come here, Miss Jemma Jones.”

  “But the dishes…”

  “I’ll help you clean up tomorrow.” He swept her into his embrace. “Right now I need you.” He kissed her fiercely. “And I can’t wait.”

  Her pulse began to beat erratically. Adam’s large hands molded her body to his, his hard arousal brushing against the soft folds of her dress. He cupped her bottom, massaging each globe until she moaned into his mouth.


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