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New Beginnings: Holiday Novella Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 5.5 (Barrington Billionaires)

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by Jeannette Winters

  “Like a lie. I honestly wish it didn’t have to be this way.” She’d spent years lying about her age in Tabiq for safety reasons. Now having to continue it in the US was difficult. “It’s like I am trapped in my old life in some ways. But as long as I’m going to school, I have no choice.”

  “There’re always choices, Myla. You just have to decide what you want. If being a teacher is what you truly want, then yes you might have to continue with the lie. If it isn’t what you want, maybe it’s worth the risk to come clean. Start fresh.”

  She knew Alex would flip out if he heard Lena’s advice. But it wasn’t about age. It was the comment about what she really wanted to do. She’d always thought she’d be a teacher because that was truly one of the few options for women back home who weren’t married. Since she wasn’t in Tabiq, maybe it was time for her to rethink what she wanted. My possibilities are vast. How do I choose?

  “Okay, don’t look so serious. You don’t have to make any rash decisions. Just know that I’m always here if you want or need someone that you can talk to.”

  It was nice that she had more than Ziva to turn to now. Someone else who knows the truth and loves and supports me anyway.

  As the limo pulled out, she leaned over and hugged Lena. “You better get back to your family before they send out a search party.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I didn’t tell anyone I was meeting you, so your secret is safe with me.”

  “Thanks; I’ll see you tonight.”

  Myla got out of the car and rushed upstairs with her packages. She couldn’t get the smile off her face. Leon was coming up here one way or another tonight. I just have to figure out exactly how to pull that off.

  Leon was beside himself. When Alex called and asked if Myla was with him, it seemed odd. But when they said no one could reach her, and she wasn’t answering her cell phone, he knew something wasn’t right. He’d never seen her without it.

  He changed from knocking lightly to banging on her door. “Myla, are you in there?” Please be okay. If she didn’t answer, he was going to break down her door. He didn’t care what the college said. No one had seen her, and he didn’t know if she was sick or hurt.

  “What are you doing?”

  He spun around to see Myla, holding bags in her hands. “Where the hell have you been?”

  Her eyes widened, and she said, “I’ve been out. Why are you here banging on my door?”

  “Shopping? You were shopping?” He ran his hand through his hair. “What on earth could be so important that you wouldn’t answer your phone?”

  He watched as she tapped her pockets and then said, “I forgot it inside.”

  Leon reached out and grabbed her bags from her. “I’ll hold these while you get the door. I’m sure you have some voicemails and texts to reply to as well.”

  “I can hold my own bags, thank you.” She reached out, but he wasn’t returning them.

  “When you’re inside you can have them.” He wasn’t sure why he was being such a jerk. He should be jumping for joy that nothing was wrong. But he was still high on adrenalin. His heart was racing, and he needed a few minutes to calm down.

  She struggled with her keys but finally got it opened. Was she intentionally trying to keep him out? Normally that would be a good thing, but right now he needed to talk to her. She needed to understand why he was acting so damn crazy. Maybe I shouldn’t tell her.

  Once inside he kicked the door shut with his foot, and she turned around with a startled look on her face. “What has gotten into you, Leon? You’re acting like—”

  “A man who was worried sick about you. I thought something happened.” He knew his voice was gruff.

  “Leon, I haven’t been without my phone that long. Besides, we said we would only see each other tonight. What’s the big deal?”

  “Oh, I’d say when Alex calls, saying you’re missing, I think that’s a pretty big deal, wouldn’t you say?”

  “He did what?”

  “Yeah. He said you weren’t answering Ziva’s calls either. I figured you might want a little alone time, but after an hour of never returning any of our messages, I panicked.”

  She arched a brow at him. “You think? It looked like you were about to rip my door off its hinges. I heard you all the way up the stairs. I didn’t know it was you; I figured there was a drunken brawl with all the noise.”

  He didn’t want to think of her with drunks hanging around. Was she telling him the truth or trying to push his buttons? Since the expression on her face wasn’t one of fear, he assumed it was the latter. Leon took a deep calming breath and sat on her bed. “I’m glad you’re safe. Now please call your friends back before they all show up here too.”

  “I’m surprised security isn’t here, to be honest,” Myla said as took off her coat, threw it on the chair, and picked up her phone.

  He watched her going through her text messages and the expression on her face changed. He knew she felt bad for worrying everyone. Not as bad as I feel for acting like a jerk.

  “Calling Alex?”

  “Ziva,” she answered, her voice still holding anger. He assumed it was directed at him. Who could blame her?

  As she called Ziva, he sat back on the twin-sized bed. Looking around, he couldn’t picture how she could stand being within these four walls so much. He was tall, and he felt like he took up most of the space. Stretching his legs, his foot knocked over one of the bags and tipped the contents out. He couldn’t see what it was, but he didn’t want it on the floor.

  Sitting up, he bent and picked it up. Myla was turning around at the same time. She let out a high-pitched scream. “No!”

  She lunged for it but all she accomplished was knocking the stuff out even more, and this time it landed on his lap. Nice. He picked up the pink lace panties and held them up. “Were you shopping for any special occasion?”

  He knew by her red cheeks he was right. Shit. Get out of here, Leon. You’re playing with fire. He wanted to see her wearing them. His body reacted, and it knew he’d lost. Coming inside her room was a mistake, and she stood between him and the door. There was no way he was getting out without brushing by her. Even her scent made him throb; touching her would send him over the edge. Hell, this is an inferno.

  She wasn’t helping any. Something changed in the look in her eye. It’d gone from embarrassed to victorious. With confidence he hadn’t expected, she stepped closer to him and stood between his legs. Even if he wanted to get up, he couldn’t.

  Ever so gently she tugged on the panties and said seductively, “I believe those are mine.” She took them but held them at his eye level.

  His cock was pounding against his jeans. He wanted to touch and taste every inch of her. But the facts hadn’t changed. He was leaving. She knew that. He hoped she didn’t think just because he wanted her, he’d stay.

  “Myla. We can’t do this. I want to, but I’m leaving. No matter what, I’m leaving.”

  He saw a small twitch of her lip but nothing more. She responded,” I know. Five days. And I want to make the most of every single one of them.”

  Leon couldn’t hold back. He’d addressed his concerns, but nothing changed how they felt. She was right, they had time, not much, but at least they had this.

  He could tell her what she was doing to him, but he figured it was obvious. He’d rather show her. Reaching up, he pulled her closer to him. She was tiny; with him sitting on her bed they were about the same height. Reaching out, he took the panties from her and tossed them on her desk. “I don’t think we’re going to need those right now.”

  He cupped her face and brought her lips to his. Her face was still cold from being outside. You’ll be warm enough very soon. His tongue coaxed her into opening for him, and she welcomed him. His tongue slowly entered her mouth, and he expected her to pull away, but instead, her tongue flicked and played with his. It wasn’t long before he felt her taking the lead and doing her own exploring.

  He was the one who pulled back. “Myla,
I want you. More than I can stand. But if you’re not sure, tell me now.”

  “I want you too, Leon.”

  Hungrily he claimed her mouth again. This time her body quivered in his arms. Sliding his hands around her back, he pulled her closer. He loved the feel of her firm breasts pressed against him. But doing so only increased his hunger for her.

  “You feel so good in my arms,” Leon said between kisses. He wanted, no needed, all of her. As he continued exploring her mouth, his hands gripped the bottom of her sweater and pulled it over her head. He fumbled with the button and the zipper of her jeans. His hands felt the silky smooth skin of her legs as he slipped them down to her feet. She kicked off her shoes and stepped out of her jeans.

  “You’re perfect.” His voice was husky with need as his hands held on to her hips.

  “I’m not even wearing my new things.”

  He saw her white cotton bra and matching briefs. Although the pink had captured his attention, he didn’t need them. Myla made clothes look good, not the other way around. His hand came around her back, and he unhooked her bra. “Although this is okay, I like it better off.”

  Myla moved to let it fall to the floor. Her erect nipples were begging for his attention, and he was making his way there. Claiming her lips again, he kissed her hungrily, his fingers pressing into her delicate flesh as they ran down her back and cupped her sweet bottom. He couldn’t get enough of her. Kissing her lips hungrily one more time, he dragged his lips from hers only to move them across her jaw to the curve of her neck. Each new spot brought another moan from her. As he kept exploring and tasting her soft flesh, he licked and nibbled his way across her collarbone, thrilled at each and every one of her soft whimpers.

  “I want you to . . .”

  “To what?” Leon asked as he nipped her shoulder.

  “Leon, please,” Myla begged, her hands gripping his shoulders. “You know what I need.”

  “I do, but I want you to tell me. What is it you want, Myla?”

  She buried her face in his neck and said, “To feel you inside of me.”

  He wanted nothing more, but she had said it shyly. Was it possible that she was a virgin? Of course, it’s possible. Leon pulled back and tilted her head so their eyes met. “Myla, are you a virgin?”

  She nodded.

  Fuck. His cock wanted and ached for her. But there was no way he was going to take her virginity. “We have to stop.”

  “No,” Myla cried out as she pressed herself against him. “I need you, Leon. I know you want me too.”

  “I do, but Myla, I’m leaving.”

  Tears ran down her cheeks, ripping through his heart. “I know. And I want to hold you and have all of you anyway.”

  He couldn’t refuse her. He knew her body was aching for release. He’d give it to her, but his own would have to wait till he was alone.

  “I’ll give you what I can.”

  Her nipples were erect, begging to be tasted. Leon picked her up in his arms, so his mouth easily had full access to her breasts. Taking one nipple in his mouth, he savored it, flicked it with his tongue, and then pulled at it gently with his teeth.

  Myla arched her back. Her nipples hardened into tight little peaks as he licked them in a slow circular motion. He felt her body warming against his as he explored her breast. When he bit it lightly, she arched closer to him. “Leon. Please.”

  He ignored her request and continued. Myla’s voice was barely a whisper as she moaned his name again. I’ve never needed anyone like this. How is that possible to want someone so damn much who I can’t have? Who I shouldn’t have.

  His lips trailed up her throat, kissing, caressing, and nipping gently until they once again claimed hers, and he plunged his tongue into her mouth wildly while one hand slipped down her stomach and into her panties.

  She sucked in her breath as his fingers slipped between her wet folds, and he began caressing her.

  “I. Oh I . . .”

  His own body was pulsing with need, the ache almost unbearable, but he would not give in.

  Leon removed his hand, reclaiming her lips as he lifted her higher into his arms. A soft cry left her as he broke contact long enough to lay her on the bed.

  Myla reached down, wiggled her panties off, and tossed them on the floor. Fucking perfection.

  Pulling her close, his hand urged her legs apart, running over her delicate slit. “You’re so wet.” She was ready for him, but she wasn’t going to have all she wanted. That didn’t mean she wasn’t going to enjoy what he gave her. As his fingers circled her clit, she whimpered and trembled against him.

  Meeting her gaze, he slowly slid one finger inside her. She was so tight, and he knew she was a virgin. He had to be careful and wasn’t going to add more fingers. He bent his finger inside to stroke her G-spot, careful not to deflower her. She sucked in her breath and grabbed onto his shoulders. As his thumb stroked her clit, she moaned in pleasure, begging for more. His movements grew faster until her body finally clenched around his finger. She shuddered, and she screamed out his name as he felt her powerful release.

  When her body quieted, she opened her eyes, the darkest blue he’d ever seen. She reached out, but he grabbed her hand and held it away. He lay down beside her and held her. “No more, sweetheart. Just close your eyes and let me hold you while you sleep.”

  “But I—”

  “Shh. Sleep. You have a big night ahead of you.”

  “The wedding,” Myla said softly as she began to relax in his arms.

  “Yes. Now sleep with sweet dreams. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” Because I couldn’t leave you now even if I tried.

  He spent the next few hours lying awake, watching her. He’d memorize every beautiful inch of her. For the first time, he questioned if leaving was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, the answer was always the same. Yes.

  Chapter Ten

  Ziva looked stunning in her wedding dress, and joy shone in her eyes. Myla couldn’t be happier for her friend. She was marrying the man she loved.

  Myla tried to listen to each and every word that was being said, but she felt Leon’s eyes on her as she stood by Ziva as her maid of honor. Could this be me someday? How can it be when the man I love is leaving, and I might never see him again? A chill ran down through her.

  “You may kiss your bride.” She watched as Alex and Ziva officially became Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. Everyone clapped for them.

  It was strange because it was such a small intimate affair and they had money to have anything they wanted. As she looked around the room, she realized why. There were only the people who truly meant the most to them. All the women wore the same color dress, although different styles. It signified unity, and they had included her all the way.

  Tessa’s father performed the ceremony. “I wish you both all the happiness in the world. Like I told my daughter, the work begins when you say ‘I do.’ But in fifty years, you’ll know it was all worth it.”

  Fifty years and this is day one. She smirked at the look on Alex’s face. Myla knew they loved each other, but those words of advice would scare the strongest man.

  Everyone congratulated the happy couple. They had done it. Ziva wanted to tie the knot right before midnight, and it happened. She looked at the clock and knew the countdown for the new year was fast approaching. Leon must have noticed it as well as he made his way over to her. Taking her by the hand, he led her to a quieter part of the room.

  The others started the countdown. “Ten. Nine. Eight.” Leon pulled her close to him. “Seven. Six. Five.” He cupped her face between his hands. “Four. Three.” And he said, “I love you.”

  She heard other words but his echoed in her mind. I love you.

  “Two. One. Happy New Year!”

  Leon kissed her so gently she thought she’d faint. The room was spinning, and she brought her arms around his neck because she didn’t want it to end. When their lips separated, he continued to hold her. “Happy New Year, Leon.”

  “To new beginnings, Myla.”

  She looked up at him and asked, “What does that mean?”

  “It means that it is a new year, and I’m starting it exactly how I want to end it. With you in my arms telling you I love you.”

  Myla’s legs trembled when he said the words a second time. She had so many things she wanted to know. But right now the only thing that mattered was their love. “I love you too, Leon. Happy new beginnings to you too.”

  “Are you two going to join the party?” Alex asked.

  Myla didn’t take her eyes off Leon. “Yes, we’ll be there in a minute.”

  “The way you two are looking at each other, I’m wondering if we should keep the preacher here for a while longer,” Ziva said from behind Alex.

  Myla turned and shot them both a warning glare. They burst out laughing as they walked away.

  “I’m sorry about that, Leon, they’re just—”

  “People who love and care about you.”

  She smiled up at him. “Yes, they do.”

  “And do you know why?” She shook her head. “Because you’re the most amazing woman. You’re intelligent, fun to be around, positive, kind, and absolutely stunning. There’s so much more, but I’ll save that for when we’re alone.”

  Myla couldn’t believe how happy she was. But nothing was said about where they were going next. She assumed what his words translated to. That didn’t mean she was right. She wanted to ask him if he was staying, but for right now, she didn’t want to think about it. Tomorrow was a day away, and that’s where she wanted it to stay.

  Hooking her arm in his, she said, “We better join them before they come and join us.” As they walked toward the others, she knew this was the perfect way to start a new year. And the perfect way to celebrate my birthday. Happy birthday to me.

  Chapter Eleven

  Leon knew Myla wanted him to take her home after the celebration ended, but there was no way he could. He barely was able to control himself the first time. After the words they exchanged at midnight, he knew where they both stood.


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