The Dom with a Safeword (Badass Brats #1)

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The Dom with a Safeword (Badass Brats #1) Page 22

by Silverwood, Cari

  “Mother!” Sabrina peered around them to see who’d heard. Thankfully, the background noise drowned her out.

  Her mother ignored her outrage and pushed back a piece of hair falling in Sabrina’s face. “Roots, dear. Haven’t you made enough money with your little art business to keep up with your hair highlights?”

  She flushed and shrank back, ashamed though she should be used to the criticism. But it was different in front of Jude.

  “Hi.” He jumped in to rescue her. “I’m Sabrina’s boyfriend, Jude.”

  Her mother’s mask of confidence dropped for a fraction of a second before reappearing again. She was stunned speechless for the first time Sabrina could remember.

  Sabrina grinned.

  “A boyfriend?” her mother questioned, as if it didn’t seem possible. “I didn’t know she…” She trailed off, giving Sabrina a stern look. “Why didn’t you tell me you were dating somebody, Sabrina? Honestly! You should call me more often.”

  She rolled her eyes. Was it any surprise why she didn’t?

  Jude came to her defense again. “It’s fairly new, Mrs. Romano.”

  “Oh, call me Leonora.” She giggled.

  Giggled? Well, Jude did affect every woman he encountered.

  “Leonora.” He grinned charmingly. “Sabrina wanted to keep things quiet while we got to know each other. But it’s nice to finally meet some of her family.”

  “Likewise.” She turned to the right and yelled, “Marcella! Silvia! Come meet Sabrina’s new boyfriend!”

  Sabrina winced.

  “I know, it’s about time!” her mother shouted, furthering her embarrassment.

  Jude patted her knee reassuringly then whispered in her ear, “You’re beautiful. Never forget that.”

  Her heart melted. Tears pricked her eyes and she didn’t have to force a smile when her two aunts made their way to the table.

  Sabrina stood to greet her aunts, giving kisses on each cheek. Jude rose too, and shook their hands. He answered the barrage of questions beautifully, artfully dodging some, but still revealing important things that gave him status. The women swooned like high school girls talking to the school heartthrob. She almost rolled her eyes. But every time she and Jude made eye contact, something sparked. He was hers. He wanted her. Well, temporarily. But still, it made her feel confident, worthy.

  “Do I get to meet your dad?” Jude whispered in her ear during a short break of questions.

  She scanned the room for him. “He must be having cigars with the other men.”

  Jude grinned.

  “Yes, I know we’re one big stereotype. Deal with it.” Though she knew it wasn’t important, part of her wanted Jude to meet her dad. She and her father had a special bond. His approval meant everything to her. Almost the exact opposite of her mother, her dad was warm and accepting, didn’t pass judgment until he knew someone on a personal level. That’s not to say he wouldn’t give Jude – or any other potential match – the runaround. Her mother used to say, “God help the man that tries to steal Sabrina from her daddy.”

  Dinner was served and they all sat down. Her mother and one aunt stayed at their table. They lost interest in interrogating Jude eventually and moved onto family gossip. After dinner, Jude shoved the phone in her lap with a silent command to read it.

  I hope you’re behaving, little girl, Q’s text read.

  She looked to see if anyone was paying attention. Her mother was going on about the latest family scandal. She typed back, of course I am. I’m always a good girl for my Doms.

  A message came through right away. Mmhm. Remember when Jude held you down the other night when we played? Picture that and my tongue on your clit.

  She hissed in a breath and felt her face heat. Instinctively, her gaze shot to her mother sitting beside her. Her heart raced with the familiar feeling of being in trouble. It was ridiculous. Her mother couldn’t see what she’d just read. But it still felt naughty. Just then, Jude’s hand moved up her thigh a few inches. She gulped.

  Q! she texted. That’s not nice!

  The reply was immediate. Shh! Pay attention to your family!

  Her family? She looked up. They all gazed at her expectantly. “Huh?”

  “They asked what you thought of the food, sweetheart,” Jude said sounding amused. “Did you fall asleep?”

  She gave her head a little shake. “Just a little foggy today. I was up late with a work project. The food was excellent.” She looked down at her mostly full plate. “Uhh… especially the roasted potatoes.” They were completely uneaten. She cursed under her breath. She could almost feel Jude’s mocking amusement beside her. Such a bratty Dom. He’d need a safeword when she got her hands on him later. And Q too!

  They stared at her a moment longer then Dina declared, “At my wedding, we had apricot salmon.” Then they burst into a busy chatter again, each competing for the best food title at their wedding.

  Sabrina texted to Q. I’m trying! You’re distracting me.

  Stop looking!

  Stop texting! She grinned.

  Lol. Go talk to your mother.

  Sabrina chuckled. Sometimes she thought she might be falling in love with Q. But as more than a friend? It was hard to know. Was loving a woman the same as loving a man? Just before she tucked the phone back into Jude’s pocket, one last text came through.

  Naughty girl ;)

  Naughty? She hadn’t seen naughty yet. “Mom, did you know Jude comes from a family of doctors?” Let him deal with that while she showed Q just how naughty this little sub could be.

  She pushed the phone further under the table and snapped several pictures of her bare legs. Growing braver, she aimed for her thighs next. Then, in an uncharacteristic move, she took a picture underneath her skirt. A thrill swept through her at the thought of sending the dirty photos to Q. Could she do it?

  Jude adjusted his hold on her leg, digging his short nails into her skin gently but sharply. Was that a warning or encouragement? With an evil smirk, she decided to take it as encouragement.

  She brought the phone to her lap and quickly sent all of them to Q, including the one of her lacy underwear. With a stifled giggle she shoved the phone to Jude, ignoring Q’s reply. Jude gave her a puzzled glare then, after distracting her family with questions of weddings, he gazed down at the phone.

  It was satisfying watching his eyes widen as he browsed the pictures. Did she surprise her Dom? How fun!

  Finally, he leaned over and hissed in her ear, “Tell your family you need to use the restroom.” At her hesitation, he added sharply, “Now.”

  “Uhh,” she stuttered. “Where’s the bathroom?”

  Her mother gave her directions and she rose from the table and straightened her dress. Jude stood and took her elbow and said loudly enough for her family to hear, “I’ll come too. Knowing her, she’ll get lost.”

  By the stern set of his jaw and the narrowing of his eyes, she knew she was in for it. Walking through the maze of tables, it felt like her knees were turning to jelly with each step. Jude held her hand tightly, like he was preventing her from escaping as he marched her toward the firing squad.

  Firing squad. She couldn’t stop a silly giggle.

  Jude looked back at her. “Something funny?”

  “No, Sir.” She bit her lip to keep back a smile.

  He quirked a brow then stopped just in front of the reception hall exit. After shuffling in his pocket for a moment, he withdrew the phone then handed it to Sabrina with a smirk.

  Oh boy. She looked down at Q’s message.

  Nice panties. I think they should come off now.

  Jude tugged her hand and she followed mindlessly down the hallway. Another text popped up.

  If he finds them wet, I get to spank your naughty ass when you get home.

  She barely stifled a moan. Her knees threatened to buckle. It was far too late to avoid that fate. Fuck, why couldn’t they leave now?

  She lost track of how many turns they’d made before Jude
stopped them in a deserted hallway near what looked like a utility closet. He checked around the corner then yanked her into a little alcove in front of a closed door.

  She yelped when he pressed her up against the wall, none too gently then crushed her mouth with his. He tasted like wine.

  “Mmm,” she murmured, melting against him.

  He ran his hands up her thighs, over her ass. She felt her body slide down the wall, but he slammed a knee between her legs and his hips against hers and pinned her there. Though she tried to avoid him capturing her wrists, he collected them in his fist and pushed them over her head against the wall.

  Her whimper turned into a moan when he lifted her skirt with the other hand. Warm fingers slid up her thigh, finding her center.

  He grinned. “You’re soaked, little girl.”

  Ugh. She squirmed. Just move your hand!

  “Q will be happy,” he said. Gently, he ran his fingers over her underwear. She wanted to kick and swear and demand he fuck her. But she knew better. Still, she didn’t need to be his plaything. This was her date after all. Frustration burned a small storm in her chest.

  “If you’re not man enough to take me home and fuck me,” she snapped. “At least have the decency to leave me to enjoy my family in peace.” Yeah, maybe she could’ve said it nicer. So it didn’t surprise her when he stepped away and gave her The Look. She whimpered, regretting her words already.

  “Kneel,” he commanded.

  Remorseful, she sunk to her knees.

  “Head down.”

  It was already down. Her throat tightened and tears formed in her eyes. If she was just playing at submission, like he’d said, why did she feel so awful about disappointing him?

  He didn’t say anything for a moment. Should she apologize for losing her temper? She didn’t know the rules for this situation.

  “You know you’re in trouble, don’t you?” he finally asked.

  She nodded.

  “Do you have something to say?”

  She nodded again, afraid to even open her mouth without permission.

  “Speak, girl.”

  After a deep breath, she said shakily, “I’m sorry, Sir. I just lost my temper. I was…frustrated.”

  He kept her waiting for too long and the tears spilled over. Finally, he stroked her hair. “You’re forgiven. But you’ll pay. Since you have trouble with your mouth, I have something to keep it busy.” She heard the sound of his zipper. “Head up.”

  Raising her head, she took in size of his shaft just in front of her mouth then shifted her eyes to his face. Gazing into those deep blue eyes – the ones that lit up when he laughed – started fresh tears in hers. She opened her mouth to apologize again but a small shake of his head stopped her.

  “This is for me, not for you. Be a good girl and I won’t have to ruin your pretty hair.”

  She nodded eagerly. Yes, she would. She wanted to be his good girl again.

  His fingers stroked her jaw lightly. Then he tapped once, twice, with his fingertips. “Open.”


  Dessert was a heavenly blend of chocolate and cheesecake. Jude and Sabrina took turns feeding each other forkfuls, looking an awful lot like the newly married bride and groom. Her mother tsked at the public show of affection, but right now, she couldn’t care less what her judgmental family thought of her. And if Q were there, she’d have fed her too.

  After the forced blow job, Jude had held her in the hallway, using a tissue to wipe her tears. He’d even helped reapply her make-up. When she’d blubbered about him being mad at her, he’d assured her the slate was clean – that she was his good girl again. The box she’d put him in – the one that kept her emotionally detached – had just been blown to pieces. He’d stolen her heart. And now she was good and screwed.

  Laughing, she teased him with a bite, pulling it out of reach every time he tried to bite it. Amusement danced in his eyes when he grabbed her wrist to hold her steady.

  “Brat,” he mumbled so only she could hear.

  “You like it,” she sassed back then quickly added, “Sir.”

  He leaned in like he was going to kiss her. At the last second, he moved his lips to her ear. “I do like it. Know why? It gives me a reason to funish you.”

  “Funish? Don’t you mean punish?”

  “It’s not exactly punishment if it’s fun for you, is it?” He smirked. “Or maybe it’s only fun for me. Do you like being told what to do by two Doms? Tied up so you’re helpless then receiving pain and pleasure, but only when we want to give it?”

  She squirmed on the seat. He’d been enjoying keeping her on edge since they’d returned from the “bathroom break.” Whispering threats in her ear, relaying the plans Q had for her when they got home. Wasn’t it bad enough he had her underwear in his pocket? During the slow dance, it had been all she could focus on. The cool breeze on her flesh and the naughty feeling of being so bold at a family function. It had felt like all eyes were on her, though no one could possibly know other than Jude. Oh but he made sure to rub it in, the evil bastard.

  “Did you see who Anthony brought as a date?” Her mother’s elbow knocked into Sabrina, startling her back to attention. “He brought a man!” she whispered too loudly to be a true secret.

  “Oh. My. God,” Dina said. “His mother must be mortified!”

  A pit formed in her stomach. She placed her fork gently on the table. “Mother, Anthony’s been out to his family for three years now.”

  Her mother blinked then smiled sweetly. “Well, yes, but that’s different than bringing a…” She gestured with her hand as if searching for the right word. “What do they call it? Life partner?”

  “Yes, a life partner,” Dina chimed, knowingly.

  “That’s what I thought. You know I used to watch that show…what was it called? Will and Grace! Yes, the gays have a good sense of humor. Anyway…” She turned to Sabrina. “Bringing a life partner to a family event is different.” When she stared, dumbfounded, her mother explained. “I’ve kept you sheltered all these years, thank god, because you don’t need to understand these things, Sabrina. You were raised straight. That’s all that matters.” She turned back to Dina and the other guests. “You know I’m not prejudiced, but I’m just glad it’s not one of my kids.”

  Their words of agreement muffled together and sounded distant in her ears. Her stomach dropped. Bile rose in her throat. Her family would never accept Q. Who did she think she was anyway? She alone couldn’t be the gay rights warrior against her family. They’d crush her like a bug – like they had about everything else.

  Daddy adored her, spoiled her, but it was a stretch even for him to accept two people stealing away his precious daughter – and one a woman. If Sabrina wanted to be in a non-traditional relationship, she might as well move across the country with Jude. She froze. Where the hell had that thought come from? She was sure he liked her and Q, enjoyed spending time with them, definitely loved dominating them, but he didn’t seem anywhere near ready for a long-term commitment. The only person she could depend on for absolute unconditional love and acceptance was Q. And yet Sabrina couldn’t even hold her hand in public.

  “Mia Bella!” A familiar voice boomed behind her.

  She shot up from her chair and spun around. “Daddy!”

  Her father, dressed up in a suit, was as handsome as a movie star. She threw her arms around his neck. He returned her hug and kissed her cheek.

  “Is your mother giving you a hard time?” he asked, when she pulled away.

  “Just about my hair. And my job. And, well, you know how she is.”

  He touched her cheek. “Don’t pay any attention to her. You’re gorgeous.”

  She smiled. “Thank you, Daddy.” Now for introductions. “I have someone for you to meet. This is Jude.” She motioned him up from where he sat watching at the table.

  Her mom saw the exchange and chimed in. “It’s her boyfriend, Anton. Can you believe she didn’t tell me? And he’s studying to be a d

  Her father chuckled when Sabrina rolled her eyes. He shook Jude’s hand, looking him over with an appraising glare. “Nice to meet you, Jude.”

  “You too, Sir.”

  Sabrina held back a laugh at the formal greeting. Just last night she’d been calling Jude, Sir as he ordered her around the bedroom. He caught her giggle and raised a brow.

  “I hope you’re taking very good care of my princess,” her father said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

  But Jude wasn’t easily intimidated. “Of course. Sabrina is…” He paused and stared at her, a mysterious look in his eyes – almost sad. “A very special girl. Every moment I get with her feels like a gift.” Though he spoke to her father, his gaze remained on her.

  I’ll miss you too.

  She cleared her throat and shook away the sudden sorrow. “Come on, Jude. Let’s dance. I’ll catch up with you later, Daddy. Tell Mom to stop blabbing about everybody.”

  He chuckled. “You know that won’t work. Then she’ll just blab about me. Go have fun, tesora.”

  The rest of the evening went by in a blur. Jude made an excellent dance partner. His mother would’ve been proud the six years of ballroom classes she’d made him take as a child had paid off. Sabrina laughed all the way home at his stories of being made to practice the waltz with women from his mother’s bridge club.

  “How was the wedding?” Q asked when Jude and Sabrina entered the apartment.

  Sabrina kicked off her stilettos with a loud sigh. “Son of a bitch, these were killing me!”

  Q shook her head. “I don’t know why you bother.”

  “Beauty is pain,” she answered, grimacing as she reached around behind her and unclasped her bra.

  “And apparently a lot of money,” Jude added, flopping onto the couch. “I learned that tonight. As well as the best bras at Victoria’s Secret, who baby Talia’s real father is, and how to make a strapless dress stay up.” He furrowed his brow. “Apparently they make tape for that.”


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