Finding Love in Sun Valley, Idaho (Resort to Love Book 1)

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Finding Love in Sun Valley, Idaho (Resort to Love Book 1) Page 24

by Angela Ruth Strong

  Tracen. She was thinking of him again, though she’d promised not to. But at least it was a distraction from the nausea that swam in her stomach.

  “You can open your eyes, Emily,” Matt teased over the hum of the engine. “We’re up.”

  Emily pried her eyes open. Blue sky. She loosened her grip on the seat and turned to look out her passenger window.

  They weren’t that high yet. Emily could still make out people at play. Kids on a tube. A pontoon driver arguing with an officer on a patrol boat. A rafter being spat out of the Salmon River.

  Emily focused on the rafter. Wasn’t that last stretch of the river a class six? Not many rafters would attempt such a run. And this guy was by himself. Not safe. He couldn’t have come from Tracen’s rafting company.

  The guy waved at the plane. Not just a casual wave. He had both hands overhead, waving wildly. So wild, in fact, that he knocked his sunglasses off. Then he doubled over as if sneezing.

  “Ack!” Emily’s arms flew wide as she screamed, smacking Matt. She pressed her nose closer to the window when the plane zipped past Tracen. Oh no.

  “What in the world?” Matt’s voice demanded from behind her.

  She spun to face him. “Turn the plane around.” They had to turn around. Because Tracen was coming to stop her. Why else would he raft a class six by himself? He’d risked his life. She couldn’t leave him. Joy bubbled within. “Turn around. Tracen’s here.”

  “What?” Matt’s eyebrows drew together for the moment he could look at her.

  “Tracen. I saw him. He rafted here.” She twisted madly to get a look at his fading figure.

  “What?” Matt repeated.

  She didn’t have time to explain. They were already flying over land, headed for California. Her heart ricocheted between her ribs. “Go back. We have to land.”

  “I can’t. I don’t have time to do my preflight check all over if I’m going to pick up my boss on time.” Matt squinted into the distance, trying to see Tracen for himself. “That can’t be Tracen, Emily. He knows better than to raft a class six.”

  Emily itched to throw off her seat belt. “Exactly. Which means he’s crazy for me.” It was the only explanation. She wouldn’t have to miss him anymore. Not if Matt would land the plane.

  “He’s crazy, all right. But he’s too late.”

  Emily clasped her hands together. “Matt, please.” How could she endure an entire flight to California, when Tracen was waiting for her below? Well, more accurately, waiting for her behind. They continued their flight pattern.

  “I’m sorry, Emily. I can’t land. I’d lose my job.”

  He couldn’t be serious. He knew Tracen’s fear. He knew she hadn’t wanted to leave in the first place. But now it was out of her control. “Help, Lord.”

  Maybe God had been trying to tell her to wait through the verses in her head. Many waters cannot quench love. She should have listened.

  Come to the waters.

  Emily peered at the lake behind them. The blue speck of Tracen’s raft grew fainter. Goodness, he’d really rafted a class six for her. Something he’d only thought he could do if he had but one day to live. A deathly fear. Like jumping out of a plane had been for her.

  Come to the waters.

  If she jumped out of the plane, Matt wouldn’t have to land and wouldn’t be late for picking up his boss.

  Come to the waters.

  Tracen wasn’t the only crazy one. Grabbing the buckle to her seat belt, she released it from her waist.

  Matt’s wide eyes did a double take. “Emily!”

  “Turn the plane around, Matt.”

  Blood pounded in her ears, drowning out his argument. Whatever it was, it didn’t matter. They weren’t that high over the water. It would be like cliff diving. Or so she tried to tell herself.

  “I’m crazy for your brother too.”

  The plane tilted and buzzed around to return the way it came. Excitement warred with anxiety, causing her limbs to tremble. But she couldn’t let fear stand in the way. Tracen hadn’t.

  Matt looked at her like he could hear her thoughts. “I can’t believe I’m letting you do this.”

  Laughter burst from Emily’s gut. What a great story it was going to make for Matt’s future nephews and nieces.

  “Okay, no boats below. Get ready.”

  Emily took a deep breath, which was a good thing, because as soon as she released the latch, the door snapped open, and the wind froze her lungs. Whoa, this wasn’t cliff jumping at all. It was more like jumping from a speeding car. But hey, she’d done that stunt before too.

  Looking down, she watched the water zip by, the distance causing her skin to feel covered in pinpricks. The dizziness traveled from her head to her stomach.

  “I’ll count you down,” Matt volunteered.

  She couldn’t think about it. She stuck her legs out the door and positioned her feet upon the pontoon.

  A flip-flop slipped from her foot, whirling erratically to the depths below.


  O Lord, one miscalculation and she could flail like the flip-flop. “Two…”

  Come to the waters.


  This was it. With a giant leap of faith she lined her fingers up together in a prayer position, ducked her head, and leaned forward, letting gravity turn her into a comet.

  It took an impossibly long time, yet she stayed tight, chin tucked. The water in the middle of the lake would be deep enough, wouldn’t it? Matt wouldn’t have let her dive if not. Too late to rethink things.

  Liquid had never felt so solid. The lake slipped over her, slowing her descent, and chilling her to the temperature of an ice sculpture.

  Arching her back, she sliced toward the surface, scissoring her legs. Her lungs burned for oxygen. Had she even inhaled after opening the plane door? Almost there. She could do it. She hoped. And she’d thought the worst part was over.

  Her vision blurred. No, it wasn’t her vision. It was the water that blurred. Bubbles dispersed, leaving Tracen’s image moving toward her through the water.

  Oxygen or Tracen? Tracen.

  She clawed at the water. Tracen mirrored her actions, air escaping from his wide smile. Reaching out, she caught his hand, and he pulled her to the surface.

  Oh, she wanted to kiss him, feel the amazing connection once again. She gasped air — its burn raked through her.

  She wrapped her arms around Tracen’s neck, then sank down like a buoy bobbing in the waves. Tracen’s strong arms lifted her up. Finally, he’d kiss her. He leaned in… she turned her head away just in time to cough up water.

  Tracen gave her a compassionate smile, his eyes sparkling down at her. Were they going to get a chance to kiss before a sneezing fit attacked him?

  He motioned toward the raft, then led the way in a front crawl, head above water, like he didn’t want anything else to possibly come between them. “You’re insane,” he yelled back at her.

  He could call her anything he wanted to. “And you’re an idiot.”

  Tracen grabbed the side of the raft and helped heave Emily into it. She turned and reached over to pull him after her. He slid to the bottom and sprawled in the sun next to her. Emily couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  “I am an idiot.” Rolling to face her, Tracen’s smile slipped. “Will you ever forgive me?”

  Emily reached for his fingers. The press could have a field day with her final stunt. But all that she cared about was the happy ending. “Forgive you? I jumped out of a plane for you.”

  Tracen’s lips curled into a half-smile. “You did, didn’t you?” He leaned forward, lifting his free hand to cup Emily’s face. “You must really love me.”

  Emily tilted her head toward Tracen’s palm, savoring his warmth against her cheek. “I do.” It felt so good to say it. And she knew Tracen loved her. Or he wouldn’t have rafted to her rescue. Though it didn’t make sense why he would wait to the last minute to change his mind. But it didn’t matter at the mo
ment. They had the rest of their lives to figure things out.

  She looked into his eyes, willing the moment to never end. “Let’s start over.”

  Tracen’s thumb lifted and brushed over her lower lip. “I can’t think of a better way to start,” he murmured.

  “I know.” She breathed. “You have no idea what your thumb is doing to me right now.”

  Tracen lifted his thumb, and the corners of his cheeks lifted, as well. “That’s not what I meant.” He paused. “I’m talking about how we got washed by the water. Washed clean. Which is a good way to start afresh.”

  Emily slipped closer to Tracen, enjoying how his slick skin made it easy. “Mmm… yes, this is a good start. But are you sure you can’t think of anything better?”

  “Actually, I can.” Tracen rolled to his knees, away from her. Where was he going? He kept her hand in his, at least. “Emily, I don’t ever want to lose you again. I will follow you anywhere you want to go. If you will marry me, I only have one request.”

  Emily jerked upright. Tracen wasn’t just apologizing. He was proposing. That was definitely better. But… “Another ultimatum?”

  Tracen’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh, I didn’t mean it that way.”

  He looked so cute. So humble. Like a new man. Her man. “I don’t care. I want to be with you. So, yes. I will marry you, Tracen Lake.”

  Tracen crushed her to him then. His mouth covered hers, drinking her in. And she hoped it was a thirst never quenched. As his nose traced her cheekbone, she had to know what he almost insisted upon.

  “What is your one request, Tracen? I’ll give up Wonder Woman if you want me to. I’m going to make this work.”

  “No.” Tracen drew back, his eyes dancing. “I only want to make sure you give me some say in our wedding. I’ve got a great idea for the ceremony.”

  Was that all? How incredibly sweet. Her wedding day might not be what she had planned, but nothing ever was with Tracen around. And she didn’t want it any other way.

  Emily launched herself into his embrace with a little too much exuberance. They splashed overboard into the water. The future Mr. and Mrs. Lake.


  CHAR SQUIRTED EMILY’S FACE WITH SOME kind of spritz that was supposed to keep her makeup from smearing on her big day. “I know it’s hard for you, girl, but try to stay out of the river, okay? I really outdid myself, and I don’t want you getting wet and ruining the look.”

  Emily waved away the fruity fumes and wrinkled her nose at the cold stickiness. “But you’ll touch me up if I cry happy tears, right?”

  Char’s eyes glistened like she might cry herself. “That’s why you chose me as your Maid of Honor, isn’t it?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Now remember, you don’t have a costume designer here to fix this wedding dress should you rip it apart during a swim.”

  Emily laughed at the ridiculous warning. “Don’t worry. I don’t have to pretend to drown to get Tracen to hold me anymore.”

  “He is quite the superhero.” Char covered her mouth with her hand as if trying to hide emotion. Which was weird. Char never hid anything.


  “Just a little idea I gave your fiancé.” Char shook her head. “You’ll see.”

  Emily wasn’t going to press. She stood and wrapped her arms around the woman. “You know you’re not only my makeup artist, right? You’re my best friend. You’re the closest thing I have to a sister.”

  “Girl, I love you, too. Now enough of the mushy stuff or we’ll both mess up our makeup.” Char stepped away but kept her hands on Emily’s shoulders. “Plus, in about an hour, you’re going to have more sisters than you’ll know what to do with.”

  What a crazy thought. Emily didn’t only get to spend the rest of her life with the man she loved, but she was being welcomed into a huge family. She’d even invited her new sisters to be in the wedding so Tracen’s brothers would each have someone to walk with down the aisle. Sam would walk with Char, of course.

  She broke free from her friend’s grasp to twirl about the basement of The Point. She couldn’t help it. “I’m so happy.”

  Mom gasped from the door. “Emily.”

  Emily stopped. The hem of her skirt swooshed against her legs and settled into place. “Mom.”

  Mom fanned her face and swallowed hard. “You’ve never been more beautiful.”

  Seeing her mom’s emotion clogged Emily’s own throat. Even better than marrying into Tracen’s family was getting her own family back. Her mother. The only relative she’d had since Dad died, but now they shared more than blood. She rushed to embrace the eccentric woman who’d played a big part in her romance.

  “Am I going to have to touch up everyone’s makeup?” Char asked from behind.

  Emily wiped at Mom’s tears and smiled through her own. “Probably.”

  Sam appeared in the doorway. “You won’t have to worry about me, Charlene.”

  Char stuck a hand on one hip. “You too manly to cry?”

  “Oh no, I’ll cry like a baby. But you don’t have to worry about walking down the aisle with me.” He turned his focus to Emily. “Josh’s fiancé isn’t going to make it, so I’m going to stand up front with Tracen and let Josh escort Charlene.”

  Emily’s heart skipped a beat. Nothing could ruin her wedding, but she’d been looking forward to meeting another future sister-in-law. What would keep Bree away from joining such an amazing family for the weekend? “Is she okay?”

  Sam shrugged. “I guess. She had a big work project come up.”

  Emily blinked her frown away. She didn’t want to come across as judgmental. After all, her own job almost kept her away from Tracen. “Well, okay then. Char, you good with that?”

  Char handed Emily her phone and leaned her head against Sam’s shoulder. “As long as I still get a picture with this handsome guy.”

  Emily snapped the photo right as Howie popped up behind them to photo bomb. She looked down at the screen before handing the device back to Char. “It’s your lucky day,” she said. “You get a picture with two handsome guys.”

  Honey joined them, pulling Howie to her side. “But don’t forget, this handsome guy is mine.”

  The older couple would be flying to Maui to get married in a private beach ceremony the following day. Emily would have loved to join them, but her honeymoon would have to be spent on set. Tracen agreed to forgo his winter on the slopes to be with her during the filming of her last movie before they permanently moved back to Idaho and built their dream cabin. If they were going to make a relationship work, he had to make her dreams his dreams, and she had to make his dreams her dreams. Which meant she’d also be taking him for a rafting trip in Mexico after filming.

  “I’m happy for you too, Honey.” Another round of hugs and tears.

  Honey lifted a silver gift bag between them. “Howie and I want to give you your gift early.”

  “What is it?”

  Howie pointed. “Open it.”

  Emily dug into the crinkly tissue paper and pulled out a box with a clear lid. Underneath lay a Wonder Woman wedding garter set. One to keep and one for Tracen to fling into a crowd of single men. How perfect.

  Emily giggled. Had she ever been this giddy before?

  Josh squeezed into the room. “I’ll be catching that.” His voice sounded confident, but he wouldn’t meet Emily’s eyes directly.

  She’d worry about him and Bree later. Hopefully they’d work out their differences the way she and Tracen had. “I don’t know,” she teased. “Sam might give you some stiff competition.”

  Josh lifted his eyebrows. “Yeah. I’d like to meet a girl who could get him to walk down the aisle.”

  “Not me.” Sam smirked. “Not yet.”

  “Is it time to walk down the aisle?” Jor-El’s voice called from behind the small crowd. He pushed through like a bowling ball.

  Emily sighed in contentment at the sight of Jor-El in a tuxedo. Tracen and the groomsmen had gone casua
l with vests, but the kid wanted to look as fatherly as possible when walking Emily down the aisle. He adjusted his bow tie.

  “Yes, it’s time, it’s time,” called Gigi from the hallway.

  The room cleared out as everyone rushed to take their places. Music drifted in through the door.

  Emily’s pulse picked up speed. She looped her arm through Jor-El’s. If Dad could see the kid in his place, he’d be thrilled with the woman Emily had become. He’d taught her to live life to the fullest and to help others do the same. “Thank you, Jor-El.”

  “It’s my honor, Emily. And I’m keeping the tux for when I come down to your red carpet premier.”

  She squeezed. Hollywood needed more young men like Jor-El.

  The music changed. Rather than Here Comes the Bride, Emily had chosen Here Comes the Sun. Gigi waved them forward into the sunshine. Could the moment get any more perfect?

  The guests stood to their feet, but Emily couldn’t take her eyes off Tracen in his sunglasses. He lifted the shades for a quick wink though he wasn’t quick enough. He covered his mouth to smother a sneeze. Her heart fluttered.

  He’d overcome his fears for her. He’d given up his dreams for her. And she’d gladly do the same for him.

  She made her way along the aisles of white folding chairs toward an archway marking the spot at the river’s edge where they’d first met. She never would have imagined she’d find love when she came to Sun Valley. But wasn’t that exactly how love worked? Reality was so much better than her imagination.

  Who else but her and Tracen would have decorated their wedding by leaning wooden paddles bearing the initials E & T up against the trees? Who else would have ordered a cake topper with a couple rafting down a ribbon of blue frosting for the reception? And who else would have a raft decorated with a “Just Married” sign on the back awaiting their departure?

  She looked up at Tracen. Way up. She’d considered wearing pumps to be taller next to him but didn’t want to have to worry about her heels sinking into the ground. Then she'd come up with an idea that would be an inside joke between the two of them--a reminder of the way they'd both grown over the past few months. Pun intended.


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