The Comet's Curse

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The Comet's Curse Page 21

by Dom Testa

  Make a list of the five to ten items you will bring to decorate your onboard living quarters and remind you of home. Be creative and choose wisely. Afterward, share your list with friends or classmates and explain your choices.

  You are looking at your former home planet as Galahad launches into space. Use colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk, or other art materials to draw a picture of what you see. Write ten words that describe your feelings.

  On page 81, Dr. Zimmer refers to Galahad as “humanity’s lifeboat.” Imagine you overheard your teacher use this phrase. Now, as you sit in your living quarters aboard Galahad, write a short essay describing what this phrase means to you.

  A Knightly Ship Go to the library or online to learn more about the Knights of the Round Table, the Holy Grail, and Sir Galahad. Based on your research, create an outline, list, or fact web of ways in which the spaceship is appropriately named. If desired, invite classmates or friends to make similar outlines suggesting other names, supported by facts about their history and meaning, and vote to choose your group’s favorite name for a humanity-saving ship.

  Can a computer feel? Go to the library or online to learn more about cutting-edge research on artificial intelligence. Use your research to create an informative poster or pamphlet addressing this question.

  Consider the suggestions made by Dr. Zimmer, Dr. Bauer, and Dr. Orzini about the design of the ship’s main computer. Then, divide into two groups to debate the following: The ship’s computer should/should not have a friendly personality to support the work of the teens on board. Use library or online research to support your positions.

  Based on details from the text, re-create Galahad in one of the following ways: (1) Draw a diagram of part or all of the ship on graph paper; (2) Create a three-dimensional model using clay, pipe cleaners, or other craft materials; or (3) Use PowerPoint or another computer program to make a “Resident’s Guide to Galahad” with animations if possible.

  Past-Present-Future Research an historic epidemic such as the Great Plague of London (1664–1666) or the Influenza Pandemic (1918). Collect facts about the disease, its effects on society, and how the health threat concluded. Make a two-columned chart on which you compare your research to Bhaktul, the disease of The Comet’s Curse.

  Could the events like those described in The Comet’s Curse come to pass? Why is it helpful to reflect upon such possibilities? Create an annotated list of science-fiction works that make us consider the course of our nonfiction future. You may want to include the novels Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card; The Giver by Lois Lowry; Feed by M. T. Anderson; The Scorpion King by Nancy Farmer; and film/television features such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Planet of the Apes. If desired, add graphic novels, cartoons, paintings, and other creative works to your list.

  Create a character guide to The Comet’s Curse. For each character (human or computer) in the story, write a brief entry describing the character’s past, role on Galahad, and what you think they imagine their future holds.

  Role-play the following scenario with friends or classmates: You are the host of a morning radio talk show whose engineer has managed to arrange a connection with Galahad’s communication’s system for five minutes. Choose the shipboard teen you would most like to interview, prepare your list of questions, set the timer and … go! If possible, make an audio or video recording of your interview.

  Visit to learn about EOS, NASA’s Earth Observing System. Then, write an essay answering the following question: What does EOS teach you about our planet and how does this information affect your reading of The Comet’s Curse? Or, with a friend or classmate, role-play a conversation between a modern-day student and a student from Galahad in which you discuss human life and activities on Earth and in space.

  Questions for Discussion

  1. After reading only the prologue to The Comet’s Curse, who did you think was going to be the story’s narrator? Were you surprised to discover the identity of the narrator? Did you trust this narrator? Do the other main characters of the story trust this narrator? Explain.

  2. What is Bhaktul Disease? How does the presence of the disease affect life and society on Earth?

  3. Why doesn’t Triana want to look back at Earth as Galahad launches? What insights into her character does this choice give readers? Where did Triana grow up? What qualities make her a good Council leader?

  4. Why does Wallace Zimmer develop the Galahad project? Who are Zimmer’s supporters? Who is his most strenuous detractor? If you were a member of the scientific community of this period, do you think you would be for or against Zimmer’s work, and why?

  5. What is the relationship between Roy Orzini and Roc? In what way does the relationship resemble that of parent and child? How are parent-child relationships a key motif in the novel? How are these relationships important to children? How are they important to parents? What different outcomes result from challenging parent-child relationships in the story?

  6. What secret does Channy know about Gap? Does Bon have a similar secret? How do these secrets affect the boys’ choices and actions aboard Galahad?

  7. What does Peter Meyer see in the Storage Section of the ship that dramatically changes the mood onboard? What are the Council members’ initial reactions to Peter’s outburst? What other strange events follow Peter’s outburst?

  8. What are Bon, Gap, Channy, and Lita’s responsibilities aboard Galahad? What qualities resulted in their being chosen for these jobs? Do you think the selection process described in chapter 16 was a good one? Had you been selected for Galahad, to which of these roles do you think you would be best suited and why?

  9. What is in the Storage Sections? Do you think the plan to keep these sections unopened until the passengers reach Eos is a good one? Do you think everyone on the crew will be able to resist the temptation of these sealed compartments?

  10. What are Roc’s thoughts about Galahad’s mysterious extra passenger? How does he describe the relationships forming between the Council members? How do Roc’s insights affect your reading of the novel? If you were aboard Galahad, how might you consult, confide in, or play with your computerized companion?

  11. Near the end of the novel, how do Dr. Zimmer and Dr. Scofield begin to repair their relationship? How does this lead Zimmer to concerns about Dr. Bauer? What conclusions are Triana and her crew beginning to draw at the same time?

  12. What are the other Council members’ reactions to Triana’s revelation of the mysterious e-mail message? When Triana heads to the Storage Section to confront Galahad’s intruder, is she completely alone? Explain.

  13. How does Triana stall Dr. Bauer in the Storage Section? Who comes to her aid? How does the group work together to defeat their former teacher? How do Bon and Triana work together and what effect does this have on their relationship? How does this affect Triana’s relationship with Gap?

  14. What is the status of Galahad and its crew members as the novel draws to a close? Do you think their mission can continue successfully now that they are aware of Roc’s weaknesses? In what way is the crew stronger with this knowledge?

  15. Do you think The Comet’s Curse is foremost a story of the struggle to preserve humanity, or of the power of individual relationships? Explain your answer.

  16. Do you think that Galahad will make it to Eos? Why or why not? In your opinion, what are the greatest threats or obstacles to Galahad’s success?

  About the Author

  Dom Testa ( divides his time between the spoken and written word. The host of a top-rated radio show in the morning, he turns to writing in the afternoon. His passion for inspiring creativity in young people resulted in The Big Brain Club (, which encourages kids to overcome the peer pressure to dumb down. It’s also a forum for teachers and parents to express their thoughts on education and literacy.

  Dom lives in—and loves—Colorado.

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