Lorne (The Dark League 1)

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Lorne (The Dark League 1) Page 2

by Melody Adams


  I looked down at her sleeping body, shaking my head in disbelief. What was I thinking, telling her that she was mine? I did not intend to keep her. I would stay by her side for as long as she needed me for the transformation, but after that she would be a full member of the League and would be able to go her own way. I was not willing to take a mate. I was a lone wolf and if I felt like sex then there were enough willing women to serve me. I did not need a mate that I would need to take care of. Our life in the League was too dangerous. I would never forget my friend, Serge, going insane after losing his mate. I had had to kill him. No! Love was something I avoided.

  The woman groaned quiely and turned onto her side. I had never shared my blood with a woman that was not a vampire. When two vampires had sex, blood exchange was always part of it, but that was different from giving blood to a human. I had completely underestimated the effect that such an intimate act would have on me. My cock was so hard that it became uncomfortable in my tight trousers. I urgently needed relief. I briefly considered looking for Davina so that she could solve the problem but suddenly my once favourite playmate held no attraction for me. All I could think about was fucking this woman who was lying in my bed. I should have listened to Nikolai’s advice and put her up in one of the vacant rooms. But I had wanted to keep check on her so that I could react immediately if she needed me.

  ‘Yeah, right, carry on fooling yourself, you idiot! You want the little one. You wanted her from the beginning! Her wet pussy is the only pussy that you want to fuck.‘

  “Fuck!“ I swore quietly.

  I had never taken a human woman as a playmate. It had been too risky for me because human women quickly became too dependant. Vampire females did not fall in love so easily and were better at accepting sex without further commitment. I did not intend to tie myself down. It would be a mistake to sleep with this woman. What was more, she was far too weak, anyway, to deal with love games with me unharmed. In her condition she was weaker than a human. Physically and emotionally! The question was, where was I to sleep when I had pure temptation lying in my bed? Contrary to the belief of humans, vampires slept neither in graves, vaults nor coffins. Indeed not all of them could call such a comfortable bed their own as we could here in the League, but humans could not do that either. Just as with them there were homeless vampires who found shelter here and there. Very few Renegades could call a room, let alone a flat, their own. But there were also wealthy vampires who disguised themselves as celebrities. Equipped with sunglasses and a high protection sun lotion vampires could also, for a short time, be outside during the day. Particularly the older vampires had acquired a certain immunity. It was said that Victor could spend hours in the sun. These influential vampires could pretend that they led a normal life and were very important. There were people who supplied them fresh blood. The rich Renegades were responsible for many cases of missing people. Unfortunately they were surrounded by half an army of bodyguards and it was extremely difficult to red rid of them.

  There was a knock at the door and, with a heavy heart, I turned away from the redheaded beauty in my bed and went to the door. When I opened the door Duncan was standing there. For some reason, inexplicable even to myself, I positioned myself in such a way that Duncan could not see the sleeping person. Did I want to prevent the team leader from also developing an interest in this enchanting woman? Or was it simply my protective instinct coming to life? I could not answer this question. I only knew that I did not want Duncan to see her.

  “How is she?“ Duncan asked quietly. “Is she sleeping?“

  “She’s just drunk for the second time and yes, she’s asleep. She’s tired and weak. What do you want with her?“ I snarled.

  Duncan raised his hands defensively and laughed.

  “Whoa, brother, I don’t plan to take her from you.“

  “I don’t plan to keep her,“ I tried to explain. “She’s just weak and is under my protection.“

  “Of course,“ said Duncan, grinning stupidly.

  “What?“ I asked, annoyed. I did not like his stupid grinning.

  “The little one’s getting under your skin, hm?“

  “Rubbish! I’m not interested in humans. And still less in a relationship, you ought to know that!“

  “I hate to have to correct you, but the little one will not be a human for very much longer, thanks to your unauthorised intervention.“

  “She’s still a human to me!“ I defended myself. “Did you come to piss me off or what?“

  “I only wanted to find out how she is and to tell you that we have a meeting in half an hour.“

  “She’s fine and I’ll be there punctually!“ I said. “Anything else?“

  Duncan shook his head, grinning.

  “No, that was all. See you later!“

  He turned and disappeared. I closed the door, sigh. Things had become complicated all of a sudden. I should have abided by the rules and let the woman die. But somehow I did not like that thought at all!

  Chapter 2


  When I woke up it was the middle of the night. A small lamp was lit on a small table in the corner, bathing the room in a soft, warm light. I recalled the events that had led me here and my heart began to race. It had not been a dream. I had actually been bitten by a vampire and almost killed. And this other vampire had given me his blood. I ought to be more shocked by what had happened and by the fact that I had actually drunk blood, but somehow I felt a deep calm come over me as I thought of the man that had saved me. I looked beside me. The space next to me in the bed was empty and seemed to be undisturbed. So it appeared that he was sleeping somewhere else. Why did that disappoint me so much? I shook my head. Too much was whizzing around in there – t0o many questions that I had no answer to – too many contradictory feelings that I could not sort. I wondered how long I had slept for. I felt a little hungry. Was it really blood that I needed now? Had I also become a vampire? I moved my tongue over my teeth but they felt flat and normal. So could it be that he was only giving me his blood to make up for the loss of blood that I had suffered? Or because he simply had nothing else here? If he only fed himself with blood then he would certainly have no food in the house. Strangely, the thought of normal food made me feel slightly sick, whereas the yearning for blood became greater with every minute that I thought about it. Should I look for the man who had brought me here? He might be in another room. I sat up and was looking around for the door when my eyes fell upon the sleeping person in an armchair. So there he was. I felt a bit of a bad conscience about the fact that I had been lying in his large bed, alone, whilst he was sleeping in the armchair. He did not look very comfortable. I got up from the bed and went over to the armchair on tiptoe. For the first time since the abduction by the other vampire my mind felt somewhat clearer. I was no longer so terribly tired. I wondered how much time may have passed. Were people already searching for me? Had my parents already heard about my disappearance and would I ever see them again? My eyes fell upon the sleeping man. He looked peaceful, almost boyish – completely different from when he was awake. That dark, dangerous aura that had surrounded him did not appear quite so real when he was asleep. My eyes fell upon his large, beautiful hands, upon his pulse that was throbbing enticingly and a response was triggered deep within me. Any thoughts about what had happened to me, and about those who might be concerned about me, moved into the back of my mind. This man before me and what he could give me were now dominating my thoughts. I went down on my knees in front of him and reached out to his hand. My eyes remained nervously on his face as I touched his hand. He opened his eyes and I wanted to move away but his eyes arrested me.


  I nodded.

  He did not take his eyes off me as he raised his wrist to his lips and opened a vein for me. He held out his hand and I took it in both hands. Greedily, I placed my lips over the wound and closed my eyes as his taste exploded on my tongue. I heard a groan and could not say whether
it had come from me or from him. His other hand was stroking my hair and I felt a pleasant warmth rise inside me. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was looking at me.

  ‘That’s right, little one. I’m giving you what you need.‘

  For the first time I realised that I could hear him without him having to move his mouth. How was that possible?

  ‘What?‘ I thought, confused.’How can I hear you?‘

  He laughed quietly inside my head and I saw his eyes sparkle.

  ‘A vampire speciality, little one. What’s your name, by the way?‘


  ‘Trisha. I like that. I’m Lorne.‘

  He gently move his hand away from my mouth and put it on my cheek, as I looked up at him.

  “That’s enough, Trisha,“ he said hoarsely. “I don’t want you to get high. That’s dangerous.“

  “Why did you do that, Lorne?“ I asked.

  I climbed onto his lap and put my head on his shoulder. For some reason I felt a connection with him. It was difficult to explain, but I felt that I could trust him. I sighed blissfully, closing my eyes whilst he gently stroked my back.

  “Do what, Trisha?“ he asked in a whisper.

  “Give me ... Give me your blood?“

  “It was the only way of saving you. I’m sorry.“

  “For what? For saving me?“

  “No! For not being able to ask for your permission. You didn’t have a chance to weigh up the consequences. And I’m sorry that it was necessary at all. That bastard had already almost drunk you dry.“

  “But isn’t that what all vampires do? Don’t you do that? Drink the blood of humans?“

  “Yes. I have to. We can only live off blood. We need it. But the vampires of the Dark League don’t kill for it.“

  “So do you drink donated blood out of the bag? I saw that in a film.“

  “No. Blood has to be fresh, otherwise it makes us ill and weak. We have to drink the blood directly from people, but it’s not dangerous for them. Our donors might be a little weak when they wake up the following day, but they don’t remember anything and they are unharmed. The Renegades, on the other hand, want the high from the blood. It’s like a drug for them and they kill without blinking an eyelash. That’s why we hunt them.“

  “Vampires hunting vampires?“ I asked. “So there are good and bad vampires?“

  “We all belong to the dark side, Trisha. We’re not saints. But we try not to harm humans any more than necessary. It’s more of a survival strategy than an act of neighbourly love.“

  “But you saved me,“ I contradicted. “So you’re not as evil as you make out. And I ... I feel ... somehow protected with you. You’re gentle and ... I ...“

  He laughed quietly. I liked his laugh. It was hoarse, a little husky, like his voice.

  “You consider me to be good ... and gentle? That is an honour for me, even if it’s not true. It’s my fault that you’re in this condition and I feel responsible for helping you through your transformation.“

  That cut me to the quick and I did not know why. His motives for being so gentle with me should not have bothered me. But I could not help enjoying his presence – even though I did wish that he was not wearing a damn sweatshirt, separating me from his skin. Somehow I felt the need to slide my hands under the thick material, but I was too shy for anything so bold.

  “What happens during the transformation? Do you mean that I’ll ...“ I stopped, feeling a little uncomfortable at the thought that I might become a vampire.

  “Yes, Trisha. You’ll soon be a vampire like me and the others in the League. You’ll remain under our protection and if you wish you can support us in our mission. You’ll get your own room, of course.“

  I moved from his embrace, slipping off his lap. His words had released a multitude of emotion within me. I had difficulty accepting my fate. Becoming a vampire? Drinking the blood of humans? I had drunk from Lorne, of course, but he was already a vampire and was giving me his blood voluntarily. He was not an innocent victim. Although part of me wanted to return home and lead a normal life, I somehow felt hurt that it clearly did not bother Lorne to let me go. He almost certainly could not wait for me to get my own room soon and have his bed to himself again.

  “I know that’s a lot to digest,“ he said. “You’ll feel better when the transformation is complete and you’ve settled into the routine here.“

  I turned away and walked to the window. With tears in my eyes, I stared out into the night. Was that all I would see from now on? The night?

  “Will I never see the sun again?“ I asked quietly.

  Large hands were placed around my waist from behind and pulled me against his hard body. Lorne placed his chin against my head.

  “We’re very sensitive to light, but if you wear good sun protection and sunglasses you can actually be outside for a little while. I like watching sunrises. We can watch one together. What do you think? We can sit down in the garden. We have chairs on the terrace.“

  I hated being a cry-baby, but I could not stop myself bursting into tears. Lorne turned me round in his arms and buried my face into his chest. He spoke quietly to me, as I had a good cry. I did not take any notice of his words, yet they did not fail to soothe me. As my tears subsided he lifted me up and took me back to the bed. He lay me down and sat down next to me.

  “Sleep a little longer. The transformation processes in your body are very energy consuming. You need a lot of sleep.“

  I did actually feel tired again. I felt my eyelids becoming heavy.

  “Will you wake me up for the sunrise?“ I asked sleepily.

  “Yes, I promise,“ he said gently and my eyes closed at last.


  “Sleep well,“ I said quietly, although I knew that she would not hear it. It was hard for me to take my eyes off her. What was it that attracted me to her so much? She was beautiful, of course. But I had already had a lot of beautiful women in my bed. Women with a lot more finesse who knew how to drive a man wild. Trisha was different. She was somehow innocent. It was not that I thought she was still untouched, but she was clearly not aware of her effect on me. Her trust was something that moved me. It had felt so right when she had climbed onto my lap and I had held her in my arms. It had triggered something within me that was alarming. That was why I had built a wall between us by making it clear to her that she would soon live without me – that our togetherness was not permanent. But the pain that I had sensed in her after that had pierced my heart like a blade. I desperately needed some distance from her – I had already let her get far too close to me. I could not even be certain whether the feelings that she currently seemed to have for me had not been triggered by the fact that I was giving her my blood. I knew that this was an emotional and intimate process. Once her transformation was complete and she could move freely within the League, then she might turn to another vampire. With her appearance it would not be hard for her to find a companion. The thought did not please me, but I had to face the facts. It was best for me to create distance. I already felt much too possessive where she was concerned. I did not want this feeling to continue growing and make me vulnerable. Serge’s image was all too clear before my eyes. I had killed a lot in my life, but killing Serge had been the hardest thing that I had ever experienced.


  “Hey!“ a husky voice got through to me. I grumbled and was about to turn onto my other side, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me from doing so. “Wake up! Or the sun will rise without us!“

  I opened my eyes and they fell upon Lorne’s face above me. His eyes were sparkling with happiness and a smile lay on his lips. The thought of leaving this room urged me on. I did, of course, know that there were other vampires here in this building, but I had not set eyes on them – Lorne was my only company.

  Lorne got up and I slowly sat up. I felt cold. The cold was coming from inside me and seemed to be creeping into every tiny bit of my body.

  “I’m cold,“ I sai

  “I know,“ said Lorne regretfully. “You’re on the point of transforming and your body temperature is sinking. Once the transformation is complete, you’ll never freeze again, no matter how cold it is.“

  “You mean, I could run around naked in the snow and I wouldn’t be cold?“

  Lorne laughed.

  “Well, I wouldn’t recommend that you try that. Too many men here might see that as an invitation if you were to run around naked, but yes, you wouldn’t freeze doing it.“

  “Don’t worry, I don’t plan to run around naked. I was just asking so that I could get a full grasp of the situation,“ I explained.

  Lorne held his hand out to me.

  “Come on!“

  I got up out of the bed and slipped into a robe that Lorne was holding out to me. My eyes met his and for a moment time seemed to stand still. My heart beat faster and I put my hands on his chest. I could feel his heartbeat. Surprised, I pulled my hand away.

  “You’ve got a heartbeat!“

  Lorne laughed quietly and took my hand to guide it back to his chest and put it on the spot where his heart was beating slowly but strongly.

  “Yes, vampires have a heartbeat, Trisha. However, our heart beats much more slowly, as you can feel. I’m afraid that very little of what you get to see about us in vampire films is true. We don’t burst into flames as soon as we go into the sunlight, we have no problem with garlic, holy water or crosses and we don’t turn into bats either. The story about the stake is also not true. To kill us you have to cut off our head or burn us. We don’t like silver either, but it doesn’t kill us. Just damn hurts and weakens us. And no, our bite doesn’t turn anyone into a vampire. To transform humans, the human has to drink regularly from the same donor. From the moment when you first drank my blood, you‘ll need it until the transformation is complete. Otherwise you’ll die.“


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