Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

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Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3) Page 20

by Unknown

“Where's Felicity?”

  “Meeting to discuss the lease on a Spa, then we're meeting for dinner later you should surprise her and join us it will make up for your quick exit at the party”

  “Sounds like a plan, add us to the table”


  “Yeah, Casey's here” he winked at Daniel.

  “She must be a fantastic fuck if you're still seeing her”

  Saying goodbye until later Zach returned to the room, stifling a yawn he dropped his clothes on the floor and crept into the large bed beside a sprawled Charlotte. He set the alarm for a couple of hours, enough time to prepare Charlotte for the meal. Rolling over Charlie felt a body next to her and in her sleepy state spooned up against the broad back. He flinched but let her arm stay flung around his waist.

  When the alarm sounded later he woke to find her gone. The sound of the shower next door told him where she was. He slipped a hand down to his erection as his body yearned to chase the dream of a wet, soapy Charlotte. She appeared in the doorway before he had time to finish and laughed.

  “Is that a tent pole or are you pleased to see me”

  “Smart arse...I should spank you for that comment”

  “Oh Mr King, you are kinky” she smirked, flashing open her dressing gown. He looked away and stumbled out of the bed, past her tempting body to the shower.

  Dried and sipping orange juice when he returned he sat down beside her.

  “Are you up for some serious acting?”


  “We have a dinner date in about an hour with Felicity and Daniel and maybe this mysterious Matthew”

  “Fucking hell” he watched her skin turn pale as she lifted a finger to her mouth and started to nibble the nail.

  “Are you up for it Casey” he asked, his tone serious.

  “I guess, just don't leave me alone with them”

  He reached to squeeze her hand, feeling the chill in it.

  “What should I wear?”

  “I've got some dresses ordered, they should be here soon”

  Charlie wandered into the bedroom and started to fasten her hair up inside the wig. With the blue contact lenses in once more Zach appeared in the doorway with an armful of dresses. The red one looked dramatic but also made her skin look really pale. In the end she tried on the silk kimono style dress in green and gold. It matched her gold heels and clutch bag that she had bought along.

  “Perfect” he breathed, undoing the catch on her pink heart necklace. Whilst applying her make-up she cast furtive glances in the mirror as Zach shed his towel. The awful initials on his skin were hard to miss. Closing her eyes she saw her Mum's wrists and the hatred began to burn within.

  Standing in his suit Zach glanced at his watch.


  “I guess” she replied, a small tremble in her voice. With his hand resting gently on the small of her back they made their way to the lift and then into the spiders lair. The waiter showed them to the Carmichael-Astaire table and Charlotte took a deep breath. Felicity stood and embraced Zach and then cast a critical eye over Charlotte.

  “You look familiar”

  “I was at your party with Zach a few weeks ago” she replied.

  “Casey, isn't it?” Dan said from his place across the table. Felicity nodded, her expression still blank or was it just the Botox Charlie wondered?

  They sat down and Zach noticed the empty space at the end of the table.

  “Are you expecting someone else?”

  “Oh yes, Matthew will be with us shortly, I don't think you've ever had the opportunity of meeting him” Felicity addressed Zach although her eyes never left Charlotte.

  “Matthew is my son” she proclaimed, looking across she saw him walking towards the table. Charlotte stiffened and stared straight ahead. She felt Zach place a calming hand on her arm. When he came into view Charlotte knew without looking that it was Mitchell from the scent alone.

  Her contact lenses felt dry so she blinked a couple of time trying to regain her focus.

  “Sorry I'm late” he apologised as he took the seat at the end of the table, farthest from Charlotte. Felicity introduced them all and Charlotte could see Matthew trying to act like he'd never met Zach. He glanced swiftly over at Casey and she smiled shyly back before turning away. Aware that Felicity was staring intently at her.

  The wine flowed but Charlotte avoided it and instead drank water. Daniel was opposite her and kept topping up her glass. Over dessert he asked the question

  “Not drinking Casey?” Dan winked at Zach “knocked up is she?”

  “I'm still feeling dehydrated after the flight” she stammered, indignantly.

  “She's a dancer and currently rehearsing for a big London show” Zach explained, staring Daniel down.

  Charlie was stunned that he had said that, but Matthew seemed to perk up at the end of the table.

  “I dance a little” he offered, as Felicity aimed a kick under the table.

  “Oh” Charlie exclaimed, blushed and then excused herself.

  In the rest room she let her body shake and the tears fall. Matthew was Mitchell. Felicity had him under tight control and her disguise was so good that he hadn't guessed her identity. Straightening her dress she reapplied her eyeshadow and returned. Matthew and Felicity had left and she found Zach and Daniel in silence.

  “Shall we head up” Zach asked.

  “Can I come” Daniel slurred, reaching out he just caught the hem of her dress. She flinched and moved away so he slumped across the table. Zach patted his shoulder.

  “I think you've had too much to get it up” he joked.

  A snore escaped in response and Charlotte stifled a giggle as the waiter tried to rouse him.

  Grabbing her hand Zach pulled her into his arms, planting a kiss on her lips.

  “Class act” he whispered, as they left the restaurant.

  Pushing the door open Charlie flung off the itchy wig and shook her hair loose.


  “It’s Mitchell, but how are we going to get proof”

  “Let me sleep on it” Zach said. He took her hand in his and led her to the bedroom.

  “I think this bed will be big enough” he winked and let her go as he walked into the bathroom. She was down to her underwear on his return, her back to him as she stared out of the window. The New York skyline wasa myriad of bright lights from buildings and the cars in the streets. They highlighted her silhouette and Zach struggled for breath.

  He wanted her, but would she welcome him now she had seen Mitchell again? He walked up behind her and she jumped slightly as his hand coiled around her waist. Still she turned to him, tears stained her cheeks.

  “Fuck” all she uttered. He easily carried her to the bed and lay beside her, waiting as the tears still streamed. She held his hand tight until they stopped. Then without another word she started to kiss him, covering his face, neck, chest and lower. But he remained soft, he didn't have the heart to let her thank him in this way.

  His hands pulled her off and he enfolded her.

  “No Charlotte, not tonight” he whispered. She curled into his arms and closed her eyes. Zach tried to sleep but his mind was churning. He needed Mitchell to see the real Charlotte but that was too dangerous when Felicity had him on such a short leash. This was going to take longer than he planned but maybe that was a good thing. Revenge needed careful planning that would not hurt this girl beside him.

  In his room Mitchell stared at the ceiling and wondered what Zach was doing there? The girl had reminded him of his vision from the garden the night of the party. Her build was similar to Charlotte's but then so would any dancer of that size. His muscles twitched while his mind danced the steps.

  Zach ordered breakfast on room service and Charlie ate some before throwing up. They had enough time for a short walk in Central Park before the flight home. Both of them were silently wrapped up in their own thoughts. During the flight Zach explained his plan, he would invite Felicity, Daniel
and Matthew to the opening performance of Dirty Dancing in the hope they would come. He would need some co-operation from Keith. He had a couple of months to work on it. Charlie nodded despondently, she didn't want to wait that long but it was possibly the only way.

  At the flat he paused.

  “Not coming in?”

  Zach shook his head “Think I'll just head home”

  “Oh” she replied, disappointed in a way. Zach reached for her and wrapped his arms tightly. His cheek brushed hers and she glanced at the tickle.

  “Take care Charlotte, you were great this weekend and I'll see you soon”

  “Thanks Zach”

  With the briefest of kisses on her cheek he strode to the passageway that led to the parking area. Charlie watched before she took the lift back to the apartment. She was knackered, confused but strangely jubilant. Mitchell was not dead, he was alive. Zach's plan might work but what if it didn't? She felt torn between her loyalty to Zach about staying quiet or telling her Mum and James.

  After a quick shower her head hit the pillow and she slept soundly until her alarm.

  Chapter 29

  I had been in New Zealand over a month and despite the still glorious weather, near vicinity of the beach and the ocean I was lonely. Mum was still deteriorating almost on a daily basis. I could see that the bad days were now starting to outnumber the good ones. Dad had flatly refused to let her go into a home nearby so between the two of us her care continued. I generally took the morning shift and we all spent lunch together.

  If the weather was nice we sat outside, enjoying the ever changing view of the ocean. Its horizon peppered with boats of different sizes. Mum and Dad's yacht was still anchored in the harbour nearby, unused for the last few years.

  “Dad, what will you do with the yacht?”

  “Don't really know, maybe we could arrange to take Mum out on it?”

  “That's a good idea, it might spark some happy memories for her to cling onto?”

  “Yes, it must be hard for you to keep hearing her talk about your.....” His voice petered out.

  I nodded, taking a glance down at my hands. It seemed to be that period she kept returning too.

  With Dad firmly in charge I took the afternoon off and sauntered along the road towards the harbour. It was slightly cloudy but still warm and by the time I reached the water front I was thirsty. I took a table at one of the small bars and ordered a white wine spritzer. The ocean breeze swept over my clammy skin and with the drink helped to cool me down. I stayed to watch the various people wandering by before I drained the glass and walked along to the harbour masters hut. I knocked a couple of times but there was no answer.

  I stepped onto the gangplank that anchored the boats and took a walk along to my parents mooring. Dad had given me the number and I was stunned to find a yacht much larger than the various photographs had depicted. It looked in good order just dirt covered the end. I looked around and found a brush next to a hose reel. I took both from their fixings and ran water over the stern and then lifted the brush and scrubbed. Slowly the name was revealed 'Stephanie's Star' When I finished the job I stood back and felt in awe of my parents love for me.

  Footsteps startled me, along with the sound of wheels on the wooden slats. Shading my eyes from the sun I saw a man behind the handles of a wheelchair. He was struggling over an uneven board so I walked over.

  “Can I help you?”

  “I've not got the hang of these four wheels yet” he grinned, sheepishly. His cheeks coloured slightly as I drew closer.

  “Here let me” I said, as he stepped aside and I grasped the handles. I pulled the chair back and manoeuvred it to the right where the planks were smoother. I pushed it easily forward and shrugged.

  I moved around the chair and he stuck out his hand.

  “I'm Sebastian”

  “Stephanie, glad I could help” I took his hand in mine. I knelt down in front of the young woman in the wheelchair.

  “Hi” I said, but her face remained blank.

  “Lena, say hello to Stephanie who has just got us free”

  I stood up again in the silence and looked across to see his brick red face.

  “Sorry, she has early onset dementia” he struggled to get the words out and I yearned to reach out and pull him close.

  “I don't know if she remembers me sometimes”

  “Tell me about it, my Mum has Alzheimer’s and she thinks I'm still a teenager”

  I watched him visibly relax at my disclosure. He smiled again although the haunted shadow coloured his eyes.

  “Wow, is that your yacht?”

  “It belongs to my parents, I came down to see if it was possible to go out in it with my Mum being in a wheelchair. I looked down at the inert woman, so heart-breaking in her forgotten world.


  “Well, so long as I don't get the wheels stuck then it might just work”

  We grinned at each other and I looked again at the yacht bobbing in the waves. It was a bit like me, moored and waiting to be set free.

  “So do you have a boat?”

  “Nope” he shook his head “We met here as teenagers fifteen years ago. When Lena gets agitated we come here, but this is the first time I've had to use a wheelchair”

  He looked away, at the distant horizon.

  “She's forgotten so much, so quickly” his voice a whisper, hiding the sob in his throat. I heard another set of footsteps and an old guy in overalls approached.

  “Can I help you”

  “I was looking for the harbour master” I replied.

  “Well, you've found him” he smiled and we shook hands “I'm Russell and I hope I can help you”

  He looked across with recognition at Sebastian and Lena.

  “Great day for it eh, Seb. Looking gorgeous as ever Lena” he patted her shoulder.

  A terrier bounded forward and between his legs, before jumping up on Lena's lap.

  “See even Wilbur is pleased to see you”

  The little dog licked her cheek and a small giggle escaped her lips. Her hands closed over the dog’s body and she started to stroke.

  “I came to find out if it was possible to board a yacht with a wheelchair. I'm parents Vic and Sandra own it” I paused but didn't need to say another word.

  “Yeah, sure that's possible, haven't seen them down here for a couple of years now. If you want I'll get my son Josh to give her a clean for you”

  “That would be great, can we give you a call with a date as it all depends on how Mum is and not just the weather”

  He dived into his pocket and produced a business card.

  “Just give me a ring on the morning, I'll get it cleaned over the next couple of days”

  “Thanks Russell”

  “My pleasure Stephanie” his eyes flitted over the name on the yacht. I blushed and smiled.

  “A beautiful name for a yacht”

  With a quick whistle Wilbur jumped down and they made their way back along the walk way.

  “I'd better be going, thanks again Stephanie”

  “Just call me Steph and if you ever need to chat about things”

  “Yeah” the sound of a scream wrenched through the air from Lena. Sliding his hand along her bare arm he silenced her and then moved behind to grasp the handles. He strode away and it was only when he was out of sight that I realised we hadn't even exchanged numbers. I reached out and touched the smooth wood, tracing the stylised letters of my name. I pulled out my phone and took a photo, sending it to James with the message “Our dream” I knew I wouldn't get a reply until later.

  The next few days passed with a mixture of rain and Mum in no suitable state to go anywhere. But then a break in the clouds and her mood changed so Dad gave Russell a call and told him we'd be down. I had been haunted by thoughts of Sebastian and I hoped that perhaps I would catch him again on our trip to the harbour. We were greeted at the gateway entrance by Russell and Wilbur, who eyed my Mum's lap. I saw Russell greet my parents
and a small spark appeared in my Mum's eyes. She unfolded her arms and Wilbur quickly jumped up and settled there.

  “I think he wants to go for a ride” my Mum said, a smile played on her lips as her hand took pleasure in the feel of his soft hair.

  Dad pushed and we followed in a train behind her wheels. Reaching the yacht I gasped to see it in its full gleaming glory. A wide ramp had been anchored between its side and the boards and between Dad and Russell Mum was soon on board. Wilbur jumped down as we fastened a life jacket on her and then helped her from the wheelchair to a seat. I folded up and looked around for a storage solution.

  “Here, I'll look after it” Russell said, reaching out and picking it up “just radio when you're on the way in and I'll be waiting”

  Dad shook his free hand and we watched him and Wilbur return to the walk way.

  Freeing us he tossed the rope aboard and I caught it while Dad took the wheel. The blue sky was dazzling as I took the seat next to Mum and we motored out past the harbour walls and then onto the open ocean. Then Dad called me forward.

  “Take the wheel and I'll unfurl the sails” I nodded, slightly apprehensive at my first sailing lesson. Glancing back I saw the brightness in my Mum's eyes as the wind whipped her hair to and fro.

  Dad took the time to show me all the ropes, so to speak and the difference between port and starboard. For a while he let me take control again as we followed the shoreline and he wrapped his arm around my Mum's shoulders. It was the best feeling with the wind in my hair and the tang of salt water on my skin. I had caught the sailing bug as we turned back towards the shore and the harbour walls. With the sails back down I steered us in under Dad's guidance and let him toss the rope back to a waiting Russell. I scanned the walk ways but saw no sign of Sebastian and Lena.


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