Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

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Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3) Page 24

by Unknown

  "Hi Charlie, I'm just parking the car will be up in a moment"

  "Ok Zach"

  He bounced into the flat and made his way into the lounge.

  "I thought you'd be practicing" he commented, gazing down at her prone form.

  "I'm learning my lines before I have a bath and then bed"

  "Oh, can't I take you out for some supper?" Zach reached for her hand and pulled her up from the sofa. His hand reached and rubbed her small bump in an affectionate way.

  "Ok, I'll go and take a shower" she said, smiling and covering his hand with hers.

  While she showered and changed Zach gave his sister Lexie a call and arranged to meet her and her husband at the bistro.

  "Hope this is ok?" Charlie asked, as she strolled into the room and spun round. Her black sundress was loose enough to hid the bump and she had teamed it with her silver cardigan and sandals. Her hair was tied into a messy bun and her lips coated in the same shade of frosted pink he remembered from New Year’s Eve. Her skin was pink and glowing and he reached to enfold her, breathing in her scent of coconut and roses. The taxi picked them up outside and drove through the city to the small bistro. Inside he saw his sister and her husband Duncan. Charlie started and looked up at him

  "You didn't say we'd be meeting your sister"

  "Just a little surprise" he murmured, placing his hand on the small of her back and guiding her to the table.

  Lexie greeted them both with a hug and kiss on the cheeks, her husband shook their hands and they all perused the menu in silence.

  "So how are the show rehearsals going?" Lexie asked over starters.

  "Good, the first performance is on Saturday and it's already sold out"

  Lexie turned to scowl at her brother

  "So where are our tickets for this event?"

  "Untwist your knickers sis, I have a couple for you" Zach laughed as he slipped the envelope across the table.

  Beneath the table Charlotte's legs started to shake at the thought of the opening night, she was so scared that she would forget the lines or the steps. Plus knowing that Matthew/Mitchell would be in the front row watching was almost too much to handle.

  She felt a hand creep over the top of her thigh, sliding on the smooth material of her dress. It stopped and gave a little squeeze, she turned to see Zach smiling at her.

  "Charlotte will be brilliant, this show is just the starting point for her career"

  "Oh Zach, I'm not sure you should say that, you haven't seen me perform yet"

  "Well I saw your audition"

  When the wine arrived with the main course Charlotte asked for an orange juice and when Lexie looked across she smiled

  "I'm on a health kick before the performance"

  "Well, we'll toast you with champagne after the show" she said. Charlie grinned and blushed at the same time, feeling the slight kick from inside her.

  The evening out was just what Charlotte needed but by the time the taxi returned them to the flat she was asleep. Zach lifted her out and carried her in, the judder of the lift woke her and she realised she was held securely in his arms. She snuggled closer into his chest and smiled sleepily at him. He touched his lips to her forehead and then despite her request to put her down he carried her into the bedroom.

  "I'll see you in the morning"

  "Night Zach" she murmured before he closed the door and she peeled off her clothes and crawled beneath the warm duvet.

  In the lounge Zach poured a drink and then retrieved the folder from his briefcase. The picture of Sasha stirred his heart as yet again he read through all the information Keith had found for him. It even included her current address which was only a few miles away from his flat here in the capital. He was going to call round there tomorrow while Charlotte was at her rehearsals, even though he had no idea what he would say or do if she was actually in. Gathering up the information and the photo he placed them back in his case, he didn't want to upset Charlotte with anything else from his past. Turning his thoughts to Saturday evening he couldn't stop the smile spreading over his face when Felicity realised who his mysterious Casey was.

  He peeped into the main bedroom and saw Charlotte's form beneath the covers, he ached to be with her but instead he chose the spare room. Charlotte made coffee the next morning and tiptoed into the room where Zach still lay asleep. The covers were coiled around his sleek frame and she felt a jolt of desire at the sight. She loved Mitchell but what if he was over her? What if he loved his new girlfriend more than her? Opening his eyes he saw her standing staring at him.

  "Uh, I bought you a coffee" she stammered, averting her eyes as his move to sit up uncovered more of his body.

  "Thanks Sweetie, busy day for you I guess?"

  "Yes, practise this morning and then full run through with costumes this afternoon at the theatre"

  Noticing her hand shake as she held out the mug he took it from her and motioned to the space beside him. She cuddled into him and let his hand stroke and sooth away all her worries.

  "I could stay like this all day but I'd better get going otherwise I'll miss the bus"

  Zach reluctantly let her go, missing the feel of her body against his.

  "I'll sort out some food for later, what time will you get home?"

  "Probably seven but might be later, I'll text you"

  He watched her leave the room and a few minutes later the shower started up. Savouring his coffee he closed his eyes and thought about the shower they had shared, she really was beautiful. Perhaps if things didn't go well with Sasha and the baby was his then he might stand a chance?

  The flat was quiet once she left and he took the time to shower, shave and drink more coffee, hopefully to calm his nerves. Driving into the terraced street he found her house and bottled it by driving past. Turning at the end he pulled into a parking space and waited. His heart was hammering in his chest and he felt sick with fear. Closing his eyes only took him back to that night, the terror and hurt on her face as she was abused. He picked up the large bouquet of flowers and walked down the street. Pausing he rang the bell and waited, he was about to walk away when the door opened.

  "Mum, there's someone at the door for you" the young voice shouted. Zach was in shock there had been no mention of children in the information that Keith had given him.

  Sasha appeared at the end of the hallway and stared in shock at the young man standing in her doorway.

  "Sorry, I'll go if you'd rather not talk to me" he pushed the flowers into her hands and turned to leave.

  "Zach, is that really you?"

  "Yes, I wanted to apologise for that night. It's taken me this long to find you"

  He swallowed, feeling a lump of regret rising into his throat. She was still stunning, her chocolate skin shone in the sunlight from the street. Her sundress hugged her curves as the little lad peeped round the kitchen door at this stranger.

  "You'd better come in, I'll put the kettle on" He followed her inside and she motioned him into the lounge on the left.

  "Sam, can you make sure your toys are cleared up in there, then why don't you go outside to play"

  Zach perched on the sofa and looked around at the modest but cosy house. It reflected her warm personality and watched as Sam cleared up his cars. Sasha returned with a mug of black coffee for him and a cup of tea for herself. She sat across from him in the armchair and waited until Sam left the room.

  "I want to slap you for that night but I know that you were just as helpless as I was"

  Zach nodded, mute at her straight down to business attitude. He searched her face and eyes, hoping for something, a glimmer of the feelings she once had for him. She wouldn't meet his gaze and instead looked down into her tea.

  "I tried to find you afterwards and then the next day at the Spa but they told me you'd been fired"

  "Bitch" she muttered "She did it, she was jealous of us, she wanted you just as much as she wanted Daniel, probably more"

  "I should have fought for you, I should have
found you sooner" he stifled his sobs, the memories crowding in after being shut away for so long.

  The silence stretched between them, each caught in their own memories.

  "She made sure you would not find me, I still don't know how you are here now?"

  "I employed a private detective, a chap that also works for Felicity"

  "Fucking hell Zach, do you think that's wise?" her fear made her eyes dart beyond him to the door. As if the apparition of Felicity would appear at the mention of her name.

  "She told me that if I tried to contact you she would kill you. Then she placed a large sum of money into my bank account and handed me the keys for this place"

  Zach seethed with anger, trying to keep it bubbling up from beneath his calm exterior. Another life, another love destroyed by her evil. He gripped his mug so tightly that the handle broke and it tumbled to the floor, the liquid spreading out like blood from a wound.

  They watched it spread over the wooden floor before Sasha leapt up and found a cloth. Kneeling on the floor she passed the pieces to him and he placed them on the coffee table.


  She looked up into his eyes and he saw the tears that stained them. He reached for her hands and she let him. Just touching her again brought back the flutter in his heart, the one he thought had been swept away in his efforts to forget. She tried to pull away but he held firm and as she stood he did too. In a swift move he wrapped his arms around her trembling body, feeling the beat of her heart against his own. He swept the tendrils of curls from the side of her face and tilted her head, the overriding urge to kiss her better.

  "Mum....MUM the cats been sick in the kitchen"

  Pulling away she shrugged and picking up the pieces of the broken mug she left him in the lounge. After what seemed like an age she returned with Sam in tow, munching on a biscuit.

  "Well, it’s been lovely to see you again Zach" she said.

  "Can I call again, perhaps take you out for a meal?" he asked.

  "I'll think about it"

  Showing him into the hallway she opened the door.

  "Thanks for the flowers, they're beautiful"

  "Sasha, please call me" Zach pleaded, handing her his business card. She smiled sadly, but in her eyes he caught the look of desire flash there. He could do nothing other than walk away. As he neared his car he saw her watching him from her door, he raised his hand and waved.

  Resting his head on the steering wheel he took a couple of breaths. Well it hadn't gone quite as planned but he hoped that she would relent and call him. Back at the flat he phoned Keith.

  "Hi Mr King, what can I do for you?"

  "Keith, thanks for the information on Sasha but you left out one very important fact, she has a child, one that looks about 6 years old. Who is the father and is he still on the scene?"

  "Mr King, I was not aware of that" Keith lied "I'll see what I can find out"


  Zach hung up and then sat down to think about tomorrow evening and his plan to humiliate Felicity, but his mind kept straying to Sasha. He must have fallen asleep as the next thing he knew a light kiss pressed onto his lips.

  Chapter 35

  I stepped off the plane into the bustle of Heathrow airport. It was nearly midnight but with my case in hand I walked through and saw James. Dropping the handle he scooped me off the ground and whilst plastering my face with kisses he spun me around.

  "Oh my god Steph, I've missed you so much" he gasped, putting me down.

  "James, so have I"

  He took the case and we walked out to an awaiting taxi which took us to the hotel we were booked into.

  "Sarah and Chris are here along with Mum and Dad, but you can see them in the morning. Are you hungry? Do you want a drink?"

  "Just take me to bed" I murmured, brushing up against him in the lift.

  "With pleasure"

  Lying sated in his arms he traced patterns between my freckled skin.

  "So everyone is alright?"

  "Yes, we'll not get to see Charlotte until after the performance but then I've booked us all in for a late supper in a restaurant near the theatre.

  "Great, I've missed her so much, being with Mum and Dad has made me realise how short life really is. I don't want to miss another minute of hers"

  "You won't, now you're back where you belong"

  He turned, pressing his firm chest against me, his hands tangling once more in my messy bed hair, his lips claiming mine in an eternity of pent up passion.

  At the flat Charlotte tossed and turned, her mind just wouldn't switch off and let her sleep. Every possible scenario was jostling for position in her head and heart. Admitting defeat she slipped into her practise clothes and padded along the hallway to the dining room. With the music on as quiet as she could the melody and voice of Patrick Swayze filled the space around her. Her body felt the words wrap around her, placing her limbs in the positions they had created together. With her eyes tightly shut she danced with his memory, like a shadow in the room lurking just out of reach. Climbing off the floor she saw a figure lounging in the doorway.

  "Can't sleep?"


  "I'd offer you a drink but you can't" he grinned.

  "A hot chocolate might do the trick" she walked across to him. He followed her into the kitchen and watched her fill a mug with milk and heat it in the microwave.

  Zach sat down at the table and she was about to pull out the chair next to him but he quickly offered his lap instead. Her sweat glimmered in the moonlight that flooded the room, like tiny crystals brightening her skin.

  "Oh Zach, what's going to happen tomorrow?"

  "As soon as you come off stage I'll be phoning the police. I'm sure they will be very interested in some of the things I can tell them about Felicity"

  "They won't arrest Mitchell will they?"

  "I don't know I guess they'll need to speak to him about what happened"

  She leant against his strength and bit her lip as the tears of fear threatened to spill over. He could feel her trembling and he hugged her even tighter and when she looked up at him he couldn't resist parting her lips with his.

  The hot chocolate forgotten he led her to the bedroom and lay down beside her, letting her cocoon into his body in a foetal position. She placed his arm around her and let it rest beneath hers atop of the small bump. In that moment Zach realised that the little boy he had met this morning was his. How could he involve Sasha back into his life when the life beneath his fingers could also be his? Closing his eyes he found Felicity waiting for him, the cruel hard look in her eyes crumbling as he stood above her, throwing blood dripping hearts at her feet of all the love she had ruined. Tomorrow was going to be some sort of day.

  Zach found the bed empty beside him and music echoing around the flat. It was still early but he knew how important this day was for Charlotte. Shrugging on his dressing gown he wandered past the dining room on the way to the kitchen. He ordered them breakfast and then made coffee and waited for Charlie to join him. He heard the music stop, then the shower before she appeared wearing a loose sundress, her hair still damp.

  "I'll try and eat but I normally end up throwing up before a performance"

  "It's not until this evening, I hope you keep something down"

  "It won't matter I'll eat loads when I come off stage, Mum and Dad, I mean James are taking me out to dinner. I told them to book in at your sister’s restaurant"

  "Excellent, I'll tell her staff, make she you all get treated to a first class service"

  "Well, you're coming too I hope?"

  "Let's wait and see what happens" he turned away from her gaze, afraid to show the emotions that were simmering close to the surface.

  He drove her to the theatre and then wandered around the shops in London. He bought a new suit to wear, a fabulous evening gown for Charlotte that he hoped she would wear. In Hamley’s toy store he found a giant train set that he thought Sam might like. The store assistant wrapped it for
him and with trepidation he drove back to Sasha's house. He knocked the door but there was no answer so risking his luck he left the parcel on the doorstep, hidden behind a large planter. He slipped a note through the letterbox and then drove away. Also in the boot of the car was a soft yellow teddy bear for Charlotte's bump. Back at the flat he found a message on his answerphone from Daniel.

  "Just to say we've landed, can we call over and use the flat"

  "Sure, I'm going to be out but I'll leave a message with David on reception. I'll see you in the theatre bar at around six"

  He found Charlotte's case and started to move all her clothes and toiletries away to the lockable cupboard in the spare room. An hour before their arrival he changed and left the flat. He had a feeling he would be there on his own later. He took a taxi to his favourite bar for a drink and as he sat nursing his usual his phone beeped.

  "Thanks for the present Sam loves it but please no more extravagance until we've had time to talk"

  "Sasha, just one question - is he mine?"

  "I don't know, let’s talk about this soon. I can't right now"

  "Ok, Sasha keep in touch and take your time"

  His finger hovered over the 'x' but decided against it.

  He emptied the glass and had a refill before walking around the corner into the theatre.

  He typed a quick text to Charlotte, not sure if he would get a reply

  "Good luck, break a leg"

  "Come to the stage door, just ask Ellie on the bar she'll show you"

  She was waiting, draped in a large dressing that covered her costume, her fresh make-up hardly disguising her pale skin. She let him into her small dressing room and then lurched through another door, heaving into the toilet bowl.

  "Are you sure you're ok?" Zach asked, passing her a wipe.

  "Just give me a hug and tell me that I will be"


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