Her Baby Daddy

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Her Baby Daddy Page 3

by Emma Roberts

  You never really realize until you frequent a nightclub like the Red Room, but arousal certainly has a scent — not a good one by any means, but a distinct one. It was all I could do to stomach it as I trudged over to the bar, beginning to doubt the whole trip. I wasn’t really cut out for this kind of outing, was I? Tiffany seemed to care very little about my immediate trip to the bar, which only knocked my confidence down a few more pegs. I ordered a mimosa in short order, resting my chin in my hand as I stared at the bartender.

  I sensed more than saw someone sitting on the stool beside me, and I stiffened a bit as I tried to covertly glance at the newcomer from the corner of my eye. Oh … oh, holy shit.

  He was a modern day Adonis; that much I could say with confidence. With dark hair and brilliant green eyes, his lips were quirked in a decidedly panty-dropping smile. There was no way I’d have a chance with him, but….




  I wasn’t new to the atmosphere of the Red Room by any means, especially not to the wave of heat that washed over me every time I stepped into the club. Most people came to the Red for one reason — they were horny and looking for a good time. I had yet to figure out any other reason for wanting to come to the gaudy establishment, but the dance floor was nothing to sneeze at. What kind of man would complain about a bunch of feisty young women grinding against him as if their lives depended on it? I certainly wasn’t going to complain about the feminine attention I received, not by any means. I made a habit of coming to the Red Room as often as possible, although I wasn’t exactly wanting for female attention. There was something about seeing those pretty faces flush as soon as I stepped into the building that appealed to me.

  I could have found a woman at any corner. The Red Room just made it easier .You didn’t go to the club unless you wanted to get fucked. I usually spent most of my time on the dance floor, enjoying the sensation of other bodies against my own. It wasn’t a sensation I lacked for — I could always find someone to roll in the hay with. There was something about the hot musk, the pure sensuality of the dance floor, that kept dragging me back. You couldn’t ignore the stink of arousal when you slipped into the Red Room, the acrid scent of a pretty girl wanting to get fucked properly — or in other cases, a smarmy bloke wanting to get his dick wet. Either way, you knew what you were signing up for.

  Tonight, I wasn’t particularly enchanted by the idea of the dance floor, although I did consider the bodies twisting in ecstasy before deciding I had better things to do. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for, which wasn’t exactly the norm for my trips to the Red Room. I usually came in with a game plan of some sort, even if it was just a vague mental outline of what kind of woman I wanted to take home and fuck around with. This time, I had no idea what I wanted, nor any idea of how I would get it.

  The bar was as empty as usual, save for a single woman who sat hunched over the bar top with an expression that could only be described as hopeful. She was drinking a cheaply made mimosa, though truthfully, I was sure she had no idea what a quality drink tasted like. I might have considered her entirely pathetic in other circumstances, and I was tempted to do just that now. However, with every breath she inhaled, her breasts heaved just so, and her ass jutted out even though she was seated on a usual bar stool. It was difficult to make one’s self look sexy while slumped in front of the bar, but somehow, she managed.

  In short, it was a rather easy decision to decide to make my way toward her. She seemed oblivious to me as I approached, and though a typical man might have seated themselves two or three stools away, I wasn’t going to put either of us through any pretenses. I sat casually on the stool just beside her, waving two fingers at the bartender. The staff had learned my preferences in short order, and while I liked to fuck a plethora of exotic women, I tended to prefer the same drink every time I came to the Red Room: a rum and cola. When the bartender caught my eye and caught my panty-dropping smile, he even blushed. I couldn’t help but grin as the woman at my side belatedly seemed to catch on to my presence.

  Stiffening in her seat, it was obvious that she wasn’t used to having such prestigious company beside her. Not to honk my own horn, but I had a way of making the atmosphere bend to my will even when it wasn’t exactly my intent. Her eyes widened marginally, and she considered me from the corner of her eye, her grip tightening on her drink to such an extent that I thought it might shatter in her hand. But I kept my expression casual, offering the bartender a wink as he brought over my drink. He all but melted, and as flattering as that was, he wasn’t my target tonight. I knew what I wanted.

  I wanted the woman at my side.

  I didn’t expect her to actually say anything to me; I mused on how to start a bit of conversation to put her at ease. An ice breaker, as it were. She had now given up all farcical attempts to pretend she wasn’t staring at me, and as my eyes met hers, a jolt that I was unfamiliar with shot through my body. Arousal, no doubt, was a sensation I was used to. However, this time, the feeling was tempered with some other emotion that I could not quite give a name to. As much as this bothered me, I tried not to give it much thought. She was beautiful, sure, but no more worthy of my affection than any other woman. For God’s sake, I hadn’t even begun to exchange words with her yet.

  That problem was going to need to be dealt with in short order if I planned to work my charms on her. Small talk wasn’t exactly my forte, but I could work through it in a pinch. Before I could begin to get any words out, however, she shifted to look at me with a nervous smile.


  Her voice was melodic, nothing short of an angel’s chorus paired with an innocent smile and eyes that seemed to look into my soul. Believe me, I wasn’t one to typically wax poetic about a woman, but there was something very charming about her. I couldn’t put my finger on it quite yet, but I expected it to reveal itself when I placed my finger directly on her.

  She was nervous; there was no doubt about that. I could only wonder what had her feeling so uncertain of herself, especially considering that slinky black number that clung to each of her curves. She had to know she was gorgeous — absolutely striking — didn’t she?

  “Hello, gorgeous,” I murmured, forcing myself to leave off the inquiry as to where she had been all my life. Her cheeks flushed bright red just the same, and an awkward giggle spilled past her lips as if she’d never had a handsome man flirt with her before. Then again, men of my caliber were few and far between in this city. “Mind if I buy you another drink? You look absolutely parched,” I grinned, sipping from my own drink in turn.

  “Oh, you don’t have to.”

  I was immediately stricken by how nervous she seemed. She didn’t seem particularly used to kindness, which was a shame. In spite of my careless nature with the women I fucked, I at least made an effort to make them feel appreciated. Was the idea of being bought one drink so far-fetched?

  “I don’t mind. Someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t have to buy her own drinks,” I smiled, waving the bartender over and gesturing vaguely toward the woman. She sputtered a bit, her expression shifting to one of barely restrained delight as she seemed to realize that I wasn’t simply pulling her chain.

  “Oh, you’re too kind. I’m flattered, honestly,” she smiled, and for a moment I was stricken by how sincere that smile was. I felt my heart give a solid thump, but I pointedly ignored it as I sipped from my drink.

  “Allow me to be a bit cliché for a moment — what is a girl like you doing in a place like this?” I pressed, giving the bartender a slight smile as he brought the woman’s mimosa. She chuckled breathily, turning to give me her full attention.

  “I suppose I’m here for the same reason as anyone else,” she mused aloud, her expression slightly mischievous. I felt my cock give a slight twitch but made a point to play it cool. I hummed my acknowledgement, shifting a bit to obscure my crotch. I felt like some school boy popping a stiffy for his hot teacher, and while the feeling wasn�
��t altogether unpleasant, I was a bit taken aback. It was unusual for a woman to have such a sudden and undeniable effect on me, regardless of how beautiful she may be. Beautiful though this woman was, she wasn’t the sort you would see in one of those beauty magazines. There was something a bit restrained about her, like a lioness pretending to be little more than a kitten.

  “You don’t seem like the type to come to a gaudy nightclub for a cheap fuck,” I said a bit callously, immediately regretting the words. She smirked, quirking a well-manicured brow. I was sure she would find a reason to slip away from me now, and I cursed myself for my inability to hold my tongue. However, she simply turned to face me, tilting her head slightly. It was adorable, enchanting, and all sorts of things I would never expect from a woman I was having a bit of fun with. She wasn’t outright drooling, but it was rather obvious that she was interested in what I was offering. Then again — did she quite realize what I wanted?

  “Not a cheap fuck, no,” she said slyly, licking her lips sensually. I followed the path of her tongue with my eyes, my heart giving yet another solid thump. I nodded slowly, reassessing the situation. It was quite obvious that she realized what sort of offer I was pitching, though perhaps I was getting ahead of myself. I hadn’t exactly asked anything of her yet; I’d simply engaged her in casual conversation. Perhaps it was time to kick things up a notch.

  “I can assure you that I’m anything but cheap, Miss—”

  “My name’s not really important, is it? Are you willing to share your own?”

  “I suppose not. I must say, it’s rare to meet a woman of your caliber in a club like this.” She seemed amused by my tone, which could only be described as filled with awe. I wasn’t the type to get a fluttery heart over a woman at a bar — I wasn’t the type to get butterflies at all…not since my preteen years. I tapped my fingers on the bar top, wondering if propositioning her would be the right way to go about things. It wasn’t as if I would be losing much if she turned me down — at least, that’s what I tried to tell myself. The truth was, I wanted her. I wanted to make her mine, even if just for a night.

  “Well, handsome, it’s unusual to meet a man of your charms in the Red Room, as well,” she hummed, sipping the last bit of her second drink. The buzz was beginning to hit me from my own exceedingly strong mix, and she had a rather dreamy look in her eyes that spoke of utter inebriation. There would be no better time to make my move, and while hesitation wasn’t normally part of my game, I felt myself giving a slight pause. This wasn’t just the usual club fuck. This was the sort of woman a lesser man could find himself falling for.

  Good thing I was stronger than most men.

  “This may seem a bit bold, but if you would like to get out of here, find someplace a bit more private…” I trailed off, raising a brow slyly. Her cheeks reddened, and she nodded fervently.

  “Of course. We can go to my apartment. I just need to tell my friend that I’m leaving,” she said in a rush, standing and taking a step away from the bar. I smiled, a sensation of warmth brewing deep within me.

  “No problem. Of course.”




  To be frank, I wasn’t sure how I had pulled it off. I had managed to flirt with one of the most handsome men I’d ever met, and now I had asked him to come home with me. It was unlike me to be so bold, and I was sure Tiffany would be rather startled by the fact that I’d already found someone to go home with. I could only hope she didn’t think I was desperate for going with the first man to speak kind words to me, but once she got a good look at the gorgeous stranger, I was sure she would understand my decision.

  I squeezed through the writhing bodies on the dance floor, grimacing at the sensation of sweat soaking my bare skin — sweat that was decidedly not my own. The lust that permeated the crowd was hard to ignore, and I was somewhat worried I’d be unable to find Tiffany among the horny crowd.

  When I laid eyes on her, I was unsurprised to see her grinding against a young man who had to be at least five years her junior. I fought the desire to snicker, approaching the pair and waiting until the other teacher noticed me. It didn’t take long before she stumbled away from the handsome young man, her face flushed.

  “What, you aren’t ready to go already, are you?” she asked in a bit of a whiney voice. I decided to have a bit of fun with her.

  “It’s just…this isn’t really my scene, Tiff. I hate to ruin your good time, but since you drove me…” I trailed off, entirely expecting her to blow me off. However, she straightened up and brushed her hair away from her eyes before fumbling in her purse.

  “I shouldn’t have dragged you out of your comfort zone to begin with. Of course I’ll take you back to your apartment, Kim,” she said with a faint smile, producing her keys. I’ll admit, I was taken aback by her willingness to take me home, even as she cast a longing stare at the young man behind her. I chuckled a bit, giving her a nudge back in his direction.

  “I’m fucking with you, Tiff. I… uhm… sorta found another way home,” I began, gesturing vaguely at the bar. The other teacher’s eyes widened almost comically, and she reached out to pull me close, speaking in hushed tones. I tilted my head, but I was unable to make out her quiet words as the music hit a particularly loud part. She repeated herself, and I made an effort to read her lips to no avail. Suddenly, just as the music hit a lull, she shouted out what she’d been trying to express.

  “That’s a hell of a way to end your dry spell, girl!”

  I felt my cheeks get hot as the people in our immediate area began to chuckle. She looked chagrined, patting me on the shoulder and pushing me back in the direction of the bar. I could barely make out her muttered apologies as the music began to thrum again, but I dared not ask her to speak up again. I couldn’t deal with any more embarrassment on that level. However, a brief sensation of doubt washed over me, and when we reached the outer edge of the dance floor, I pulled the other teacher closer to whisper into her ear.

  “I don’t know if I can do this, Tiff. He’s so gorgeous. What on Earth would he want with a plain Jane like me?” I hissed, drawing away to look her in the eyes. She fought a smile, as if I’d said the most hilarious thing in the world. I felt my ire rising and was tempted to give her a piece of my mind before she drew me back in.

  “Plain is the last word I would use to describe you, girlfriend. I told you that you deserved lobster tail, and there he sits, in all his delicious, buttery goodness,” she murmured. I smiled in spite of myself. “No more generic brand fish sticks, alright? Go for it. I know you have a sexual deviant inside of you… deep, deep inside. Give this guy what he wants, and have a bit of fun in the meantime. You have my number if you need me,” she assured me, her expression glowing with delight. It was almost as if she were the one going home with the stud of a man, but I realized that she was simply thrilled to see me flourishing.

  “You’re a good friend, Tiff. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,” I said quickly, pecking her on the cheek before sauntering back to the handsome stranger I’d left at the bar. His eyes twinkled with mirth, and before I could ask what was so funny, he swiftly filled in the blanks.

  “Dry spell, huh? A gorgeous woman like you? I can scarcely believe it,” he hummed, looking me up and down in a manner that could only be described as appraising. I was humiliated that he had heard the exchange — at least, part of it. I could only pray he hadn’t heard us comparing him to a fresh seafood dish. “Well, it is an honor to be the one to put an end to that. Assuming, of course, that is what you want,” he said smoothly, wrapping an arm around my waist as he placed a wad of bills on the bar top. My eyes widened, and the bartender seemed equally stunned, swiftly working to get the proper change. Before the young man could get the cash gathered, the man at my side smiled broadly, waving him off. “Keep it. I’m in a good mood.”

  God, he was gorgeous, charming, and generous to boot? Not to mention he had to have his fair share of money to throw around
if he was willing to part with such a sizeable wad of cash. I tried not to let the situation intimidate me, allowing the man to lead me to the door of the club. He withdrew his key from his pocket, guiding me toward a bright red sports car that looked like it belonged in one of those car chase movies. He pulled the passenger door open without a second thought and gestured for me to get in. I paused slightly, wondering what exactly I was getting myself into. Before I could doubt myself too terribly, I slipped into the car and fastened the seatbelt, my heart hammering against my ribs as he eased the door shut.


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