Her Baby Daddy

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Her Baby Daddy Page 6

by Emma Roberts

  Never before had I cared so much.

  It was agony, but I was sure the sultry women at the resort would know just how to clear my mind. At least, that’s what I told myself. I had the suspicion that as soon as I entered one of the women, I would be making mental comparisons. It was a bad habit to have, but in most cases, I had a series of women that made up my ‘perfect fuck’ list. I guess I just hadn’t known what perfection truly was until it had been thrust into my hands. Well, onto my cock, more appropriately. Even the thought of her was causing a familiar stirring in my pants, and I gritted my teeth to try to ignore just how badly I wanted to touch myself. I was above it. I could have any woman I wanted, practically, so touching myself would almost be a crime. Yet as my mind’s eye pictured those thick, glossy lips wrapped around my dick, I realized that I was fighting a losing battle.

  I pulled to the side of the road, glancing around to ensure there was no one in the vicinity. Not that it would have mattered — they’d have enjoyed the show. I tried forcing myself to simply focus on the task at hand and not let my mind wander to dangerous places. As I unzipped my jeans and reached into my boxers, a sudden jolt of pleasure shot through me. I didn’t want to stoop as low as masturbating to a woman I’d slept with — the fact that I was fucking myself in the first place was bad enough. Yet as I established a steady rhythm, I found myself matching the tempo she had set while she was blowing me. A squeeze there, a little brush to the head.

  God. I was so into this strange woman that I was going to risk ruining the interior of my car. It wouldn’t take me long at the rate I was going, and I was suddenly stricken by an entirely unwelcome thought. I wished I knew whose name to scream as I sullied my dignity, as well as the floor mat I was aiming for. At least that could be easily cleaned or, better yet, replaced. I hated myself in that moment, despised how weak that siren had made me — what I’d been reduced to! I hardly ever bothered to learn their names.

  I guess hindsight is 20/20.



  “Why so glum, chum?” Tiffany asked mildly, sipping the usual swill provided by the school. I sighed, not bothering to look up from my day planner. She took a seat opposite me, observing me with a raised brow. “Still hung up on that guy from the club?” she pressed, and I glanced up with an embarrassed expression.

  “I know, I know. I’m being ridiculous,” I admitted, resting my chin in my palm. Tiffany smiled sympathetically, reaching out to comfortingly pat my arm.

  “I don’t think it’s all that ridiculous. I just think you should try moving on. Come back to the club with me. We’ll have a blast,” she grinned, and in spite of how tempting the offer might have been, I shook my head.

  “Maybe it’s better if I focus on myself for a little while. Learn a bit of independence,” I chuckled, knowing full well that being alone was the last thing I wanted. I didn’t want to seem like some needy woman who couldn’t make decisions for herself if her life depended on it. I wanted to seem strong, though I was sure my best friend saw right through my facade. Nonetheless, she smiled, drawing her hand back to herself.

  “Well, if you ever need to talk about it…” she trailed off, her smile turning a bit awkward. As wild and uproarious as Tiff could be, she was a good friend. I just didn’t want to burden her with my life problems, especially considering that I could barely handle them myself. As much as I wanted to get all of my feelings out in the open, it just seemed a bit pointless. Nothing was going to fix my past with Chad, and nothing was going to fix my pointless crush on the man I’d had a one night stand with. It was so typical for me to do something like catch feelings after a bit of good sex.

  “Thanks, Tiff. I appreciate that,” I murmured, glancing at the clock and nearly spitting out my coffee as I saw the time. “Shit! It’s late. I didn’t mean to keep you here all day. I know you probably had a date planned—” I began to ramble, but Tiffany only waved a hand and tossed her cup in the garbage.

  “I should have made some lesson plans. At least you did something remotely productive,” she laughed. “There have to be better places for us to relax than the teacher’s lounge after hours. It’s just so convenient, though.”

  I managed a laugh in response, gathering my things and tucking them into my bag. The other teacher gathered her things as well, but she didn’t seem terribly hurried.

  “No date tonight, then?” I asked as she threw her bag over her shoulder.

  “Oh, yeah. I have time, though. You never want to show up to these things on time, hon,” she smiled, winking before slipping out the door with a flourish. “Take care of yourself, alright? If you need anything, you have my number,” she called back. I smiled and nodded gratefully, trailing behind her a bit as we left the building. I waved as she walked to her pristine car, wistfully sighing before slipping into my own beat-up ride. I examined my reflection in the mirror, none too pleased about the exhausted bags under my eyes.

  Every time I went to sleep, the handsome stranger’s image was projected onto the back of my eyelids. I could feel him inside me, rutting me like we were wild animals. It was getting to the point that I couldn’t go longer than a few moments without thinking of him. It was pathetic, in a way. It wasn’t as if anyone in my shoes would have been able to do much else, though. At least, I comforted myself with that theory. The man was a modern-day Adonis, looking like he had been meticulously carved out of marble by a Renaissance artist.

  Not that a man like that would have any genuine interest in someone like me… I was shy and was usually found with my nose buried in a book or pressing gold stars to the top corner of my students’ papers. To put it simply, I just wasn’t all that interesting.

  Pulling into a parking spot, I reflected that I had more or less driven home on autopilot. Probably not the wisest or safest choice, but at least I could go collapse in my comfy bed… a bed that still smelled vaguely of cologne because I couldn’t bear to wash a pillow that was saturated with his scent. I figured he would probably think I was just some kind of psycho if I ever saw him again.


  Throwing open the door to my apartment, I felt a sense of crippling loneliness come over me. Maybe I would have been better served to go with Tiffany to the Red Room. In that moment, I vaguely wondered if it was worth looking into my apartment’s policy regarding pets. If nothing else, I was sure I’d thrive as a crazy cat lady.

  I had to get over this silly crush. I didn’t quite know how to manage that, but I knew how to accomplish just the opposite. Thoughts of him raced through my mind as I retreated to my bedroom, intending to take a short nap — what else was there to do? However, as I began to undress, it occurred to me that there was something else to do that could be more fun than sleeping the hours away. Standing near the edge of my bed, I inhaled a shuddering breath as I experimentally touched one of my breasts.


  Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic, but I was so goddamn sensitive in that moment that I was sure I could cum from rubbing my breasts alone. Not that I would deprive myself of a proper good time… I stared at my bed for a moment before slipping under the sheets and bringing that damned pillow closer to me. I pressed my face into it, inhaling deeply as I slipped my hand into my panties. I was already pretty wet; I hadn’t realized how worked up I had gotten.

  My body shook with desire as I curled around the pillow with a soft whimper. I didn’t want my own musk to cover up his delightful scent, so I maneuvered carefully to keep my face pressed into it while rising up on my knees to get a better angle. My ass was high in the air, and I probably looked like a bitch in heat, but no one was here to see me. It was just me and my fantasy, my dream man. I imagined it was his larger hand working between my thighs, stroking firmly along my soaked slit before sliding a finger into me. I cried out, my legs shaking as I struggled to hold my position. I thought my tits had been sensitive before, but that was nothing.

  I guess that’s what happens when you sleep with a literal sex
god. It was as if my own touch was electric, burning a trail of desire along my body. I finger fucked myself relentlessly, salivating and essentially humping my own hand. In my mind, I was pressing to meet his touches, and God, I needed more.

  I ripped myself from my fantasy long enough to scoot off of the bed and grab the shoebox that was stashed underneath it. I tossed the top to the side, grinning as I pulled out my favorite plaything. It was a bright pink vibrator with plenty of girth, and long enough to reach every nook and cranny of my aching insides.

  Exhilaration surged through me as I hopped back on the bed, switching the vibrator on to its highest setting. It purred like a kitten, and I made a sound that was remarkably close to that as well. I traced the tip of the vibrator between my breasts, drawing my lip between my teeth as it began to work in earnest. I spread my thighs, reaching between my legs to spread my labia as I pressed the vibrator along my moist folds. A shudder rocked through my body, and my lower half nearly lurched off of the bed as I worked myself at a slow and sensual pace. As I pushed it inside me, not hesitating to take nearly the full girth in one thrust, my free hand tensed in the sheets beside me.

  My eyes fluttered shut as I imagined it was that sinfully gorgeous stranger working me into such a frenzy. Soft, breathless gasps escaped my parted lips, escalating to near shouts as I began to fuck myself at a steady pace. My toes curled, and I knew I was close—so close. One final huff of his scent was enough to throw me over the edge. I buried my face in the pillow, nearly sobbing from pure pleasure. It hadn’t been as good as the real thing, not by any means, but it was close enough.

  I quickly shut off the vibrations, content to let the length of the sex toy remain nestled inside of my tight cunt. It helped with the aftershocks, and I just loved the sensation of being filled up. After sex, however, I had a habit of getting a bit emotional. The same went for masturbation, which was why I so rarely indulged in it. A whirlwind of feelings, both good and bad, washed over me, and I pressed the heels of my hands to my eyes. No, no. I wasn’t going to do this. I wasn’t going to cry.

  There was something so pathetic about the situation, though. The mind was a beautiful thing, but the images I’d conjured in my mind had only served to fill me with sorrow. Here I was, fucking myself to thoughts of some hot guy I’d spent a matter of hours with and would likely never meet again. The thought was not a pleasant one, but it seemed almost invariable.

  To make matters worse, in the process of getting laid by a stranger, I’d forgotten about my actual dream: to have a child. As nice as the idea of a handsome husband was, I realized it just wasn’t in the cards for me. At least the memory of that night was good, but I was sure if I had gotten to know the man, he’d be just a usual guy. Rude and so far up his own ass that he couldn’t possibly make time to worry about silly woman problems.

  I wasn’t sure I was willing to wait until I found the supposedly perfect man to have a child with, especially with how quickly the years seemed to pass. Before long, I’d have no chance of producing a healthy baby — if I even could in the first place. I had to look into my options; I absolutely had to. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, doing a quick search on local fertility clinics. There was apparently a really classy one in the middle of town, and they boasted some of the highest success rates in the country. It would deplete my savings almost entirely, but that was alright. Money could only bring so much happiness, and if I were to conceive… I’d be the happiest woman alive.

  Dialing the number for the clinic, I made an attempt to keep my voice steady as I spoke to the friendly receptionist.

  “The doctor is out for the next two weeks, but we can block you in immediately upon his arrival.”

  Of course, there always had to be some kind of obstacle. I wanted to ask if there were any other doctors available to see me. However, this guy seemed to be the real deal when it came to getting women pregnant. When I said as much to the receptionist, she laughed a bit airily.

  “You have no idea.”

  I didn’t know what she meant by that, but I awkwardly laughed and thanked her before hanging up. I stared at the screen of my phone for a long moment, where my calendar app had placed a reminder for the appointment. I had done it. I’d taken the crucial first step.

  Now what?



  “How was your vacation, Davie?” Angel grinned, looking a little too smarmy for my liking. It was almost as if she somehow knew what a bust it had been. Knowing the brat, she probably thought it was because I had left her behind.

  “It was fine, Angel,” I said dismissively, sorting through some papers on my desk. Angel laughed that nasally laugh of hers, stepped up behind my chair, and placed her hands on my shoulders.

  “Only fine? Goodness, you seem so tense. You know, you can relax with me,” she purred, likely thinking herself the queen of seduction. She began to awkwardly rub my shoulders, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at how dense she was.

  “No, Angel. I’m not quite sure of that. After all, you told the whole office about our stupid little fling,” I said calmly, sipping from my bottle of citrus-flavored green tea. Her eyes widened a bit, and I managed to swallow my laughter. Looking her up and down, I raised a brow quizzically. “Don’t you have work you should be doing? It is your shift to work the front desk, unless there’s been a schedule change.”

  She beamed, and I couldn’t begin to guess what had her so pleased.

  “You know my schedule…” she murmured, answering the question I hadn’t cared to ask. It took me a moment to realize why my knowledge of her schedule was of any consequence, but when it struck me, I fought not to groan aloud.

  “Don’t make it into something it’s not,” I ordered, shaking my head and busying myself with arranging the papers on my desk. She laughed, resting her hip on said desk before smiling seductively.

  “But it’s a bit telling that you went through the trouble of memorizing my schedule,” she purred. I scoffed, unable to believe how audacious she was being.

  “The schedule is sent to everyone’s work email, every week, Angel. If you bothered to check in, you’d understand that I haven’t memorized anything,” I said sourly, looking over the genetic testing we’d had performed on the first couple who was supposed to arrive that day. Everything seemed to be in order, although the father was at mild risk for heart disease. I could only hope the couple wouldn’t take that tidbit too hard.

  “That seems a little stupid. It’s no one’s business what my schedule is,” Angel muttered, her tone a stark difference from mere moments ago. I snorted. The reason I liked to know her schedule was so that I would know whether a day was going to be agonizingly long. I continued to ignore her, but she didn’t seem to quite take the hint that I wasn’t interested in speaking to her. “Well, either way, it’s kind of romantic for you to care.”

  I glanced up, resisting the desire to throttle her.

  “I assure you, it’s anything but romantic. I’ve decided that it would be best if I left my work life and my sex life completely separate. As such, I won’t be needing you to drop into my office any time you’re bored and want a quick fuck,” I said as civilly as I could manage. I’d be the first to admit how obvious my scorn was, but as usual, the young receptionist didn’t seem to pick up on the cue.

  “Oh, please. Like you can go all day without a blowjob or something. Come on, David, I’ll even blow you under your desk right now. Just throw a girl a bone, here,” she grinned, giggling as if she had made some brilliant joke. I frowned, steepling my fingers on top of my desk.

  “I’m not quite the sex fiend you’re trying to make me out to be. I appreciate the effort on your part, at least. Unfortunately, I’ve made my decision, and that decision is final. I will no longer be sleeping with coworkers. Now, go see if my first patients of the day are here. They’re probably wondering what the hell is taking so long,” I said firmly, waving toward the door in an attempt to dismiss her.

Well, I’ll be back later… when you’ve changed your mind. You’re hilarious, Davie, just hilarious,” she said with a soft laugh, shaking her head as she walked out the door. I watched her go, resisting the desire to fling my empty tea bottle at the back of her head. It was difficult, but I managed to refrain. Instead, I tossed it into the bin beside my desk and closed my eyes in an attempt to calm myself down. I knew women could be needy, or clingy, or any number of horrible descriptors you could use — I just hadn’t realized how needy. I was sure that the woman I’d met at the Red Room was nothing like that.


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