Hot Couture

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by Greene, Tilly

  Published by Phaze Books Also by Tilly Greene

  The Leather Bride (eBook) Taming Marie Antoinette (eBook) OohRah! (eBook)

  This book contains explicit language intended for the enjoyment of adult readers. Please keep out of the hands of children.

  Hot Couture

  A collection of erotic romance by


  Hot Couturecopyright 2007, 2008 by Tilly Greene

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  A Phaze Production Phaze Books 6470A Glenway Avenue, #109 Cincinnati, OH 45211-5222 Phaze is an imprint of Mundania Press, LLC.

  To order additional copies of this book, contact: [email protected]

  Cover art © 2008 Debi Lewis

  Edited by Alessia Brio and Stephanie Balistieri Proofed by Michelle Dowdey

  Trade Paperback ISBN-13: 978-1-59426-716-1

  Trade Paperback ISBN-10: 1-59426-716-2

  First Print Edition – April, 2008

  Printed in the United States of America

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Table of Contents

  The Leather Bride ....................................................6

  Taming Marie Antoinette.....................................73

  The Gilded Cage..................................................132

  The Leather Bride Chapter One

  New York City, New York

  "Oh, baby girl, you look so sexy. Give me your safe word. Let me hear you say the word so I know you remember it."

  "I won't need it." "Humor me." "It's frost, but I won't need it." "Promise me you'll use it if you're scared or hurt by

  anything we—" "Stop! Come here and love me." Rick sat beside her on the bed. His cock pulsed with need to bury itself inside her tight grasp. Leaning over, he pressed his lips against hers, testing the resiliency of her soft plump folds. Mimi St. John meant the world to him. When he hadn't been looking, he'd found the one woman who completed him. He'd do anything in his power to make sure her life was peaceful, full of love and joy, and at his side.

  It was only a year ago when he'd walked into a gallery for an opening and, with one look, his entire world turned upside down and inside out. He'd been left uncomfortably open and vulnerable before her and yet didn't question the discovery. Instead, he went with the flow of unimagined power and the woman who brought this side of him to the surface. Taking her bottom lip between his teeth, he looked

  into her green eyes and tugged. "Do you remember the night we met?" "Of course. I was attending the opening for an up-andcoming artist who the critics unbelievable talent, ability, and everything they said and more. Her carved stone appeared so fluid-like and was fascinating, but then my head was turned. You were too handsome and so sure of yourself. Walking up and introducing yourself in your deep sexy voice, then offering me a glass of champagne drew my attention away from your other flaws. No doubt from the minute you saw me you'd quickly determined I'd be an easy catch for a stud like you, and I was. Now will you fuck me?"

  "Hmmm, so demanding and eager. You know how much I love that about you. So much so, I'll ignore the flaws bit." He could tell she was anxious for what was coming her way. Her body fairly vibrated with need and had already ramped up until it seemed as if she was seconds away from shaking out of her skin. There was no rush this evening, he wanted to enjoy every inch of her body. "How about if I beg? Will you take me then?" "Absolutely, just not yet." "Ohhh!" Her groan was riddled with sexual frustration and, he was sure, intended to make him aware of her rising needs. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as she tugged on the leather cuffs holding her hands securely above her head. It was a beautiful movement, or lack of one, which tugged on the lines holding his heart and soul securely to his desire.

  There was no way he'd ever harm a woman, particularly this one. Pain wasn't something he enjoyed giving or receiving, especially during pleasurable activities

  were touting had

  finesse. She was and Mimi was the same. He knew he'd not be able keep either one of them from fulfillment for long, but he did enjoy pushing her passion to the limits. Rick knew if everything went how he expected it to, then by the end of the night, he'd be greatly rewarded for his steely resolve.

  "So smooth, delicate, ladylike, and yet still a feisty fuck."

  He traced a fingertip over her collarbone and down along the soft tempting flesh between her large breasts, then slowly skated over the swell not covered by the small see-through black blouse. The sheer top buttoned up the front, and the pearly disks were popping free of their holes with each breath she took. Looking away from his fingers, he found her large pink nipples were hard as rocks. The pointed tips poked through the thin fabric and were far too tempting for him to pass by.

  Shifting a little bit, rested a hand on her bare belly, placed his open mouth around one covered pink circle and suckled. "Uhhh!" Her gasp of unadulterated bliss thrilled him. Rick moved his mouth to the other breast and nibbled on the tender flesh while his fingers traced the gentle swell of her belly and the center indentation. After circling the dimple, his hand moved on to slip beneath the loose waistband of low riding silk shorts. "Yes, yes, please, lower." Using his teeth to release the remaining buttons of her top, his fingertips teased the soft hair that covered her mound. He knew the silken strands were blonde, just like the short wavy locks wildly tossed around her flushed face. Tugging gently on her lower curls brought a long and lusty moan. His free hand moved the two sides of her blouse apart and bared her breasts. They were real, simply stunning, and made his dick harder just to see them being jostled by her panting breath. Not able to hold back, he latched on to first one nipple, then the other, savoring the flesh with his tongue.

  Her breasts were more than a handful, and the tips were a perfect mouthful. Pulling off her nipple with a wet pop, he squeezed one ball until the pink point burst from between his fingers, and then gnawed on the peak as if it was his last meal. "Oh, Stud! So good…" Keeping Mimi's sensual focus bouncing between her breasts, pussy, and ass always drove her wild. Between them, her lust always skyrocketed to unimaginable heights, and took him along for the ride. He thrived on giving her whatever she craved, whenever she wanted, just in his special way. She'd pleaded and reasoned with him to let the tight grip he held on this side of his lust free and take her as he truly wanted. It had taken many discussions before he'd agreed and tonight was the result.

  Two fingers caught her excited clit between them, tightened, then sawed back and forth around the trapped bundle. Immediately, her breath fixed in her throat. He had her now and held her there, teetering on the edge of coming, groaning for satisfaction. Her siren's call was total temptation to him and screamed for satisfaction. It was impossible to deny the sultry notes. Again, he moved away from her lush breasts and when he took his hand away from her pussy, he watched her face as her body backed away from climaxing. "No! No, don't stop!" "Be patient." "Hmph!" It was too difficult to hold in his bark of laughter. Mimi had
made it perfectly clear she was unhappy with him and looked ready to do him bodily harm, if only she could move in her current restricted position. He changed her focus by moving on to the drawstring ties on her shorts. After he tugged on the ribbons, the knot slipped free, and he heard her sigh with relief. "Yeesss!" Rick slid his hand over her mound, down between her thighs and, without pause, slipped two fingers between the full lips, and into her slit. The reward was hot liquid surrounding his digits. He felt her pussy squeeze him, trying to hold his fingers inside her, then her body tightened and strained upwards in an effort to take more.

  "Squeeze me hard, baby. Surround my fingers with your lovely cunt and hold me tight as if you never wanted them to leave." "Mmmm." Movements hampered by leather leg restraints to match those on her wrists detracted from her obvious bid to find whatever fulfillment the buried digits may offer. He'd warned her there wouldn't be easy climaxes tonight, but when they did come, they'd each be welcomed.

  A cool band of heady arousal rushed down his spine, affirming the decision he'd made had been the right one. They were happy healthy adults who, when it came to sex, enjoyed playing around. There were a plethora of toys in the bedside table, and they frequently used them to both their satisfaction. Nothing was off limits between them. There was no doubt he was the dominant personality in their relationship and with her approval, brought it into the bedroom with them. They loved it when he spanked her, even fucking before other people—friends and strangers alike. But bondage, while something he'd dabbled in before, was a new venture for them as a couple. This night he was going to loosen the hold he'd had on his more intense dominating needs, and see if she truly wanted to tread along the special path he could offer her.

  After months of her throwing hints about wanting him to take what he needed from her, they'd finally settled down to discuss their options before settling on how they'd enter this intriguing and sensual forum. Last week, they'd gone shopping together and bought a full set of padded leather restraints. The leather had been an easy choice because Mimi loved everything about the natural material and was often turned on by wearing it next to her flesh. Unfortunately, before they could play, his boss had called him in for an emergency meeting, which led to even more late nights.

  This was the first opportunity they had together to try everything and have some fun. Tonight, before Mimi had come over to his place, he'd arranged the cuffs on adjustable straps at the four corners of the bed. He wanted to visualize how she'd look bound and spread out on his dark green sheets. With everything laid out, he saw something was missing. They'd overlooked one specific item, one he felt would offer her a more complete introduction to the bondage experience. There'd been enough time before she was to arrive, so he'd returned to the shop and purchased an additional strip with cuffs attached to each end. This last section went beneath the bed, in the middle, stretching from one side to the other, and was a personal favorite for him. The bands came up and embraced her thighs when her legs were bent and laid flat on the bed.

  "Do you like my surprise?" He ran a finger along her flesh were the edge of the leather pressed against her thigh. Looking down where other fingers slowly fucked in and out of her slit, Rick was thrilled with how her legs were restrained, held wide open for their pleasure.

  "Hmmm, yes. The constraining feeling is…is… it's amazing."

  Moving his head within a breath from her pussy, he inhaled, taking in her special scent, and his cock leaped in response. The movement between his legs went directly to his brain, trying to shut down everything but the need to fuck. Flicking the tip of his tongue over her covered clit merely encouraged his lust to strain forward for more. Further dampening her shorts, he traced her slit from the hard bundle of nerves until it sunk in to her pussy. Pulling back, he held the black silk of one leg opening to the side, uncovering more of her mound to his greedy attentions.

  He dipped his tongue in for a real taste, again and again. She had a unique and delicious flavor. After sampling more, he quickly became single-minded in his quest to make her scream with passion as he gently fucked her with his mouth. He felt her try to shift her pussy up, so he'd slide even further inside her, but the leather cuffs kept her body flat on the bed. "Mmmm, you taste so good." "Please, Stud, please…" "I will, baby. Just let me feast a little longer." "Uhhh!"

  * * * * If he didn't stop teasing her, Mimi thought she would surely die unfulfilled. Her body felt tight, ready, eager to come, only there was something holding her grounded. It was as if there were a multitude of thin strings holding onto her pleasure just before a release, and they seemed to have the strength of thousand people. Being bound up gave her an entirely new experience. She had to wait for him to give her pleasure and a climax. It was a total rush to be at his mercy.

  Despite the frustration, she was in heaven. Being pleasured by her lover was always extraordinary. They'd been a couple for a year, and she wouldn't change one moment they'd had together. Rick Milston made her want to reach higher, for more, and with his support she had. Her inner woman stretched, preened, blossomed, and dreamed of submitting body and soul to his command. Finally, after dropping hints then telling him flat out what she wanted, he had her tied to his bed.

  As her mind floated around, it stopped on the memory he'd started earlier: the night they'd met. If it had been up to her, she would've walked away from him. The man was too handsome with his lovely brown hair, which she now knew leaned towards wavy so he kept it closely cropped. She thought his grey eyes were like soft clouds waiting for her to fall so he could enclose her in a soft and secure embrace. His body, even clothed in a traditional suit and tie, had been obviously fit. Broad shoulders tapered down to a lean waist, long legs, and the best ass she'd ever seen. It sounded stupid to her now, but she'd thought any woman who hooked up with him would easily find herself giving in to his every whim and possibly losing her sense of self.

  She looked down at the man kneeling between her legs, tempting her to trust him to please her and move them even further down this new path. How right she'd been with her first conclusion of his appeal, only she never would've believed she'd have to lay out her case for wanting to move into this fresh direction with him. Early on he'd admitted to having played in the BDSM arena and had made it clear he'd be more than happy to step in again, but only if it were what she truly wanted. Rick had set firm boundaries, he'd only do this at a slow and easy pace, and she'd had to swear to tell him if it was no longer enjoyable.

  What he didn't understand, or maybe he did and still worried, was in how this night was one of unimagined pleasures for her. Yes, everyday he made her feel desirable and sexy by how he looked, touched, and spoke to her. But tied to his bed she found it even more intoxicating because she felt the bonds of love, trust, and respect twining together and around her heart.

  "I'm begging you, please finish me off. You're killing me!" "Shhh! Do you want me to stop? Do you want to give

  me your safe word?" "No! No, I want you to fuck me! Hard and fa—uhhh!" Before she could finish speaking, he'd gripped one side of her shorts with both hands and tore them apart. Mimi looked up and caught his gaze upon her. He looked confident and sure of what he was doing, but there was also a questioning look on his face. She wasn't sure what he was waiting for but nodded, giving him her agreement for whatever he needed it for. In a few seconds, she understood when he ripped the other side of her shorts and pulled the shreds of black silk from her body. "Oh, my." Sighing, she looked at him from beneath her lowered lids as he stood beside the bed and slowly started to take his clothes off. The man was a seductive beast and by the serious look on his face, she assumed he had a mission in mind. Naked, he was even more powerful looking than when dressed. The man had no problems ruling her world with the majestic steely rod and balls hanging between his legs.

  Clenching her fists with frustration, she gave the straps holding her hands above her head a tug. Her mind screamed with the need to feel his flesh against hers, to touch him every inch of him, stroke
his body from the toes up. Instead, she'd asked, no, begged for this restriction. To willingly deny any part of her passion was new and had to be handled differently. Putting her pleasure entirely in his hands had not been a hard decision, but as the time passed, it was becoming more difficult to handle than she'd anticipated. Her saving grace was a gentle voice in her head, whispering about how in the end it would all be worthwhile. "Please." Rick stepped onto the bed, kneeled between her limbs, and blew on her exposed tender clit. Her flesh quivered when he braced his hands on her thighs, bent over, and circled the bundle with his tongue. The man had her in his grip, easily sending her straight into a realm she'd never before been.

  Very softly, his big hand stroked over her inner thigh, tempting the skin to raise gooseflesh while the other spread her lower folds. Licking her dry lips in anticipation of his tongue slipping inside her, he surprised her by thrusting hard, two fingers that ended the stroke by twisting around.

  There were so many thoughts rushing through her mind. Pushing them all to the side she focused on the thick fingers pounding in and out of her pussy. There was no other rhythm, only in and out. She willingly laid there taking, thrivingon the pleasure she received. She gave him moans of encouragement, words of nonsense and praise in return for more. Then, he stopped.

  Before Mimi could do anything other than groan her discontent, he'd grasped her clit between his teeth and pulled the flesh out while slowly, methodically, moving the fingers back in. With a tenacious grip on her nub, his digits circled her slit, teasing the slick walls, then he started pulling them out. Not willing to let them and the pleasure they granted leave, she clenched her muscles and tried to trap them inside her pussy. She lacked the strength to hold him. Thankfully he returned and by the fifth stroke, she was spinning out of control and falling into the black passionate embrace of climax. "Rick!" Panting, searching for solid footing, she screamed his name and found herself comforted by his presence and soft cooing against her pulsing mound. Her lover never stopped nibbling and swirling his fingers in her honey and eventually managed to bring her mind back into her body. She blinked and looked down at the dark head feasting between her legs and relaxed.


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