Hot Couture

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Hot Couture Page 3

by Greene, Tilly

  Architects weren't rock stars, at least he didn't think of himself in that way. When he designed a self-sustaining structure, district or neighborhood, he didn't do it in order to gain the public's adoration, although he did want to engage them, their sense of community and concern for the environment's future. One of the goals he kept in mind when sitting down before a blank spec was to create something that needed to work on a variety of levels, but should remain practical, workable, and visually pleasing for generations to come.

  Now he had one of the property developers wanting relationship with him. Besides designing a fixed number of buildings for the developer, the firm wanted to set him up with his own office in order to bring the environmentally conscious mandate more to the forefront of society. Show them how affordable these structures could be, without having to compromise on style or design.

  The offer was everything he'd ever hoped would be possible within his field, but it had to suit Mimi before he could accept. He'd kept the proposal a secret while working through the details to see if it was viable before taking it to her. Nothing Armand had mentioned happening in this past week was something he'd ever expected, least of all her doubts in his feelings for her. If he thought about it too much he'd get mad by her surprising lack of belief in him and them. Didn't she know how important she was to him? world’s most successful to create a working

  From the very beginning he'd never hidden his feelings for her. She was a beautiful, confident, successful woman who could have any man she wanted, but she was his. Nothing else really mattered to him because he wasn't about to relinquish his hold on her. Although it was apparent he needed to remind her how tightly they were tied to each other. "Sir, your flight is ready to board now." "Thank you, I'll be right there." Yes, he was eager for Armand's fashion show to start and all the excitement it would bring with it. Mimi was a sexy minx and this event was all about her. Standing up, he collected his briefcase and bag, then made his way through the waiting room, toward the gangway leading down to the plane and eventually home.

  Rick had a large grin spreading across his face as he handed his ticket over. His woman was organized and liked everything in its place. His being gone for longer than anticipated must have thrown her for a loop. No problem. He'd make everything right again and then some. Oh yes, she was definitely in for a surprise!

  * * * * Getting off the express train at the Sheridan Square station, she made her way up to street level. A blast of cold air hit her in the face, bringing moisture to her eyes. Taking a moment while the light was against her, she rewrapped her scarf so it covered her mouth and nose as well as her neck. When the green man appeared she walked briskly across the busy intersection. Five minutes later, she turned onto Grove Street and was immediately in a lighter mood. This was where she lived and loved how the area ignored the fact it was a part of a major city.

  The street she lived on could have been located in any US neighborhood, in any state. There were trees running down each side, plants climbing wrought iron fences and others in pots decorating front stoops. The leaves had long since fallen, but come spring, life would come back all green and fresh. She'd been lucky to find such a fabulous apartment so quickly. As most things in the city, a friend of a friend was getting married and had been looking for a responsible person to rent the place so she wouldn't have to sell. She'd been living here for almost three years and loved the place and the neighborhood. It felt like home now.

  Walking up to the front door, she unlocked it and stepped into the foyer. She checked for mail before making her way up to the top floor. Once she'd set her keys down and took off the paraphernalia of winter, she moved into the kitchen for a glass of water. Looking out the window while she sipped on her drink, she realized she felt better for her chat with Armand. Of course, nothing would be fine until she could get in touch with Rick.

  Setting the unfinished drink down, she walked over and sat at her desk. Her laptop was on, so took a chance and double clicked on the icon to open her email account. No new messages. Like many people these days she no longer had a landline, instead she used a mobile. She opened her purse and pulled out her phone to check again for any missed calls or messages. Nothing. "Darn it, where is that man!" Out of what had recently become habit, she phoned

  him and left yet another message. "Where are you, Rick?" She started off strong with a little anger running through her voice. Unfortunately it didn't last and her voice quickly turned as shaky as her emotions. Pausing for a moment to catch her breath only encouraged the tears to gather. When she knew there was no way to stop them, she rushed through what was on the top of her mind.

  "I hope you aren't hurt somewhere because if you are, I think you should know I'll be forever on the Devil's list and it will be your fault. For your information, my eventual damnation is because of all the horrible things I've thought about you this past week. Would you please at least call and let me know you're okay? Please?"

  She ended the call and did little things in a bid to delay the inevitable flood of tears. Taking a deep breath, she held it and focused intently on her shaking fingers as they fumbled hooking the handset back in to charge. She picked up the pens in the cup, only to resettle them all back down. Next she shifted this piece of paper then that one, running her finger along the writing as she pretended to read and absorb her to do list. In reality, she saw none of it. When there was nothing left to fuss over, she let the tears fall down her cheeks. She cried for the loss she was feeling in her heart.

  Once the well was dry, she rubbed her hands over her face, cleared away the moisture, and went to the bathroom to take herself in hand. Feeling sorry for herself wasn't her thing, and yet for some unknown reason, she'd fallen within its evil trap. Filling the tub with extra hot water, she added a good dose of mint suds before lighting a few candles and turning out the lights. Mimi stripped, hissed as she stepped into the steaming bubble bath, and leaned back. Feeling relaxed, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the cool scent and its soothing properties. In a few short minutes, she felt more in control of her emotions and moved on to evicting the stress from her tired body.

  Finally, when everything felt in sync, she mentally worked on how to find her way out of the situation she'd found herself in. Material things weren't necessary, but there was much she did want. She wanted a life full of joy and happiness, a man who loved and respected her as much as she did him, and a career in which she could excel. She thought she had it all, then something happened and suddenly a big part of her and her dreams had disappeared.

  Mimi hadn't been exaggerating earlier when she told Armand about how happy she'd been with Rick. Especially on that last night they'd spent together. It had shown her more than she'd ever thought could be possible for them. She'd asked, even begged him to take her for months Bind and take her. In the end, she hadn't really known what she'd been asking for. As she'd fallen asleep that night, one last thought had resonated throughout her being, and still did. His controlling her body had spoken directly to her soul and left her feeling whole.

  Upon first moving to the city, she'd spent time on the fringes of the BDSM crowd with a friend. It had been exciting, exotic, and different from anything she'd ever seen. Visually, it was an erotic scene, but she quickly discovered for those who did more than play with the lifestyle the sex involved so much more than physical gratification, although that was important too. Her friend had explained how mentally the participants had to want the same thing to be compatible in what they sought besides orgasms. Often her body's reactions to what she'd seen had tempted her to step up and take part. But by nature she was cautious, and this meant she'd stayed back, watched, and waited for the right man to lead her down the unique path.

  Waggling her hands caused the water to waft hot waves over her belly and stirred up the mint aroma. Time to look at her life was just what she'd needed. She couldn't help snorting when she thought about how odd her own life choices were. There was the physical attention her body wan
ted and then, as a polar opposite, there was how she conducted herself professionally.

  For work she was based in the fascinating world of finance. It was a good fit. She liked and was very good working with numbers. Her day-to-day focus was about closely managing a group of fresh accountants, ensuring they served the client's needs without error. Whenever she was in the office, she was in complete control. Her single night of bondage had opened her eyes to the desire to walk in the front door each night and hand the power over to Rick.

  The memory of their last night together played like a movie across her mind. He was her heart. Mimi once again felt tears gather behind her eyes. Would it ever hurt not to think about him? The day she'd met Rick she'd known he'd be important in her life, just not as much as he'd become. He'd been so sure of his feelings for her while it had taken her longer to accept what she felt for him was love and not just lust. In everything important, they'd been compatible, but especially in their sex life. They'd played around, experimented in various areas and found what pleased them both, but for her, the last night had been their best.

  No matter how much she searched, nothing came to mind as being a trigger for his cutting all contact with her. What had gone wrong?

  Chapter Three

  Nerves and adrenaline ran wild through Mimi. A small trickle of sweat slid down her spine and settled in the small of her back. Today was a day that has turned out to be very exciting. Of course she would survive this upheaval in her private life, there was no doubt of that. But a muse was a fabulous title and one she wouldn't take lightly. She'd ignore everything else to bring this about for Armand, all while luxuriating under this new and unusual spotlight. What was important was that she'd enjoy helping her friend make a huge splash this Fashion Week.

  As quietly as she could in the extremely high heels she wore, she carefully stepped out onto the dark stage, and prepared to strike her opening pose. In the back of her mind, she kept repeating her goals for this event. While acting as Armand's muse and model, she needed to entice the buyers to buy and impress the magazine editors to put the ensemble both on their covers and between them. Then there was the fashionistas in the audience to wow so they'd want to wear it for some event, even if it was a private party. If she could accomplish all of that, then her nervousness would be worthwhile.

  In a moment of weakness, she thought about how Rick had planned to be here, participating in this once in a lifetime experience with her. Now the event was here and she was alone. Unlike her usual self, Mimi felt unsure, restless, a little scared, and heartbroken. She just wanted it all to start. She was sure once the first steps were made, everything would be fine.

  Shaking her head, she took a steadying breath and tried to redirect her thoughts to something more banal like where the event was taking place.

  Bryant Park, located in the heart of Manhattan between Fifth and Sixth Avenues at the cornerstone of Midtown and the Theater District. It was a square of green serenity surrounded by a sea of tall buildings. One of those stone monoliths was the New York Public Library, which offered a majestic backdrop to the white tents pitched for the bi-annual Fashion Week.

  Armand told her how he'd made an early decision to do something unusual this year and had opted for an evening slot in the library's Astor Hall for his show. The catwalk was placed in white marble, vaulted ceilings and very detailed beaux-arts entrance hall for the library. Despite the incredible height of the ceilings, she thought the space was much more intimate and elegant than a tent. No matter how much the latter was dressed up, it couldn't match the style found in the historical setting.

  This building was one of her favorite in the city. The architectural design was the first thing that had drawn her attention, but the interesting exhibitions showcasing their encouraged her to become a member. Even now two grand lions found outside flanking the front door protected her much as Rick would have.

  Darn it! Mimi gave herself a mental shake. She'd been doing so well keeping him from her mind. She'd have to think of something else to help her find the muse Armand had designed this outfit for. Leather. That's it, she'd think about her love of leather and how today Armand has dressed her all up in the luxurious natural material. It gave her great pleasure to wear and smell it. She felt desirable when surrounded by it. Add in a chance to act the supermodel while wearing it, and she

  events and spectacular private collection had knew she'd have fun strutting her friend's clothes in front of an audience.

  Traditionally in a fashion show the final model sent down the runway represented the designer's piece de resistance in the form of a bridal gown. Today she was the bride, albeit an unconventional one. When Armand first asked if she'd be willing to make this walk, she'd been very hesitant. Not because she was ashamed of showing her body, she was pleased with her very real figure and its full curves. It was more because she knew the fashion world could be a cruel arena for anyone who colored outside the box and this show was further out there than he'd ever gone before. He'd instantly pooh-poohed her concerns and continued down the path exactly as he'd envisioned it.

  Mimi focused on taking slow, calming breathes through her nose. She thought about how each piece of clothing, designed specifically for her felt, and savored the moment. Her pussy clenched with pleasure as she inhaled the delicious aromatic quality wafting up, surrounding, and encasing her body. The alluring fragrance from the leather, along with the type of garments they were, brought moisture to slit.

  Today, she did not model the usual virginal bridal attire of white satin and lace. No, that type of gown would be impossible for Armand to envision. His bride was an independent spirit, a mysterious, unique woman who was not afraid to show her erotic side while making a very serious declaration to the man she loved.

  Every item she wore for this show left her feeling as special and beautiful as any woman about to walk down that particular aisle. What was different was that this bride freely chose to walk down the aisle dressed entirely in black leather, sexually vulnerable, ready to submit body and soul to her mate.

  Time seemed to have stopped as she stood there in the dark, perched on five-inch stiletto-heeled leather boots that smoothed up her legs to stop mid-thigh. The fit was so perfect they felt painted over her flesh. One of the more symbolic pieces in this bridal outfit was found on her arms, and depicted the very real submission Armand's bride willingly accepted. They were wrapped in leather binding cuffs that stretched from her wrists and stopped above her elbow. Using five sturdy ties the two bands were locked together, leaving her arms secured behind her back and unable to bend.

  Stretching her posture to perfection caused the classic Victorian style corset of leather to pinch her in a delicious manner. The movement pulled on her large breasts and allowed the taut red nipples to peek just over the hard rolled edge of the cup, where they remained perched, eager for attention. Laced tightly up the back, she knew how the precise line of ribbons looked seductive and promised as much in the wearing as it did in taking it off. The end of the laces had been tucked beneath the bottom of the piece so they didn't distract from the smooth seductive curves it took above her hips, down over her small belly and straight across the small of her back.

  With her arms secured behind her, Mimi was left in an exposed position. The audience would be able to plainly see what wasn't a part of Armand's design: panties. There was nothing to hide her tidy blonde strip of feminine curls, the barely visible lower lips, or the dark crease that separated her ass. The lovers of all things fashion forward and outrageous were in for a real treat with this ensemble.

  Butterflies fluttered uncontrollably in her belly. Mimi knew there was going to be nothing traditional about her one walk down the runway. In fact, it may shock those who have never attended one of Armand's shows. The man was as much a showman as he was a designer. He had a reputation for creating shocking designs as well as hosting non-traditional and over-the-top shows.

  This fall/winter show for next year was provocatively titled
Safe, Sane and Consensual. She thought this was an appropriate title.

  Somewhere behind her, on a soft whisper, she heard the countdown begin for the pure white spotlight to open on her.

  Placing her weight more on one foot than the other popped her hip out dramatically. The seductive pose nudged the plug lodged securely in her ass and lightly shook the thick multi-strand leather tail that dripped down from the end. Twenty odd individual strips of black leather trailed behind her and onto the floor for a few feet. It was an utterly sinful bridal train.

  Before she'd left the dressing area backstage, she'd seen how she looked in one of the full-length mirror. There was no doubt in her mind that she presented an image that was beautiful yet provocative and very erotic.

  Mimi moaned with pleasure. No one heard her with the gag in her mouth and strapped around her head. The fastening was hidden beneath the mass of short blonde curls the hairdresser had teased to distraction. Armand had made a cast of Rick's cock and then created a stuffed leather copy from the first three inches to fit perfectly in her mouth. Although he wasn't actually here with her, there was a part of him that was. She sucked hard on the imitation tool, hollowing her cheeks seductively. The plug filling her rear passage was also made of leather and formed from the same cast. She was comforted by their presence.


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