Pinching the excited nub, she fell even further into her wild, erotic imaginings.
Blindfolded, she felt one of them press his large, muscular, naked body against her, pushing her to back up against the solid wall. Strong arms stretched out, covering hers entirely. Big hands with long fingers clasp hers where they laid clenched against the unforgiving brick surface and pulled them above her head. He offered some stability but even more passion. Using his legs to spread hers wider and then, without hesitation, thrust hard in and out of her pussy. Pounding his cock, she screamed with pleasure and frustration in not being able to move, to meet him thrust for thrust.
The path of her imagination encouraged her to tug, twist, and pull on her clit, but nothing happened. She started to finger fuck herself furiously. The water splashed over the edges, but still no climax.
For what felt like hours, her anticipated lovers possessed her, but she found no relief in or out of reality. Not since the Depravity Dance has she felt the joy of coming. She tried, but nothing has managed to release her from this prison she's found herself in.
Abandoning her bath party, she stood up, pulled the towel from the warming rack and dried herself off.
Tonight they would find a common ground and she'd come, she was sure of it. Frustration made Liana determined to find out what they thought about her desire to explore the world of bondage and possibly further into domination. Yes, she wanted both, desperately, and was going to put the request on the proverbial table for discussion.
Pulling her hair back into a low ponytail, she started to get ready for the evening. Dusting her body with a fine shimmering powder, she considered what to wear and quickly decided on the Parisian standard, black. It was a seductive color, especially against her pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. Maybe she'd tempt them with what they couldn't see, nothing obvious, but some truly sexy lingerie.
One of her biggest joys was in what she chose to wear beneath her clothes each day. They all encouraged her to feel attractive, desirable, and sometimes teased her lust to the surface. Opening her drawers, she finally settled on a dark, navy blue chemise.
Made of stretch jersey silk, the spaghetti strap, balconet cup, one piece clung perfectly to all her curves. Not bothering with panties, she stood before the mirror and readjusted her breasts, leaving the hard nipples to rest over the rolled edge. They'd poked out against her dress, teasing the men with what was ready and waiting. Walking over to her closet, she pulled out a long to her ankles basic black jersey wool wrap dress.
The last item she added was a pair of stiletto boots. Pointed toes and a pencil-thin heel, the black leather smoothed up over her calves, past her knees and stopped around her thighs. If she took a long stride, or used stairs, they'd be visible, otherwise, only she would know how high they went. The wicked wonders were easier to get on than they were off, but she counted on having help with them tonight.
A pair of black onyx studs, matching bracelet and some red lipstick was added before Liana took a last look in the mirror. Satisfied with her choices, she collected her red shawl and purse from her bed and headed down to the living room to await her ride.
The buzzer announcing a visitor was waiting street level rang while she fussed with the perfect placement of her shawl. "Oui?" "Mademoiselle Trudeau? Les frères de Michaud ont arrangé
pour moi vous prendre à Ma Bourgogne. " "J'aurai raison en bas." Her ride to the restaurant and the sexy twins was here. Telling him she'd be right down, Liana took a couple of deep breaths to calm her nerves. She double-checked she had her keys and her lists before leaving for her date with the Michaud brothers. "Bonjour mademoiselle." As soon as she stepped outside she felt a laugh threaten to spill from her lips. The streets on Ile St Louis were narrow and packed, there was rarely space available for residents, much less visitors, which was why she hadn't bothered with a car and chose to either walk or use the metro. Obviously, the brothers had good connections. Pulled up in front of her door was a beautiful black Mercedes, with a driver holding the rear door open for her. Behind it were three cars, and the people behind the wheels were impatiently waiting to make their way down the road.
She might live here, and be the child of French parents, but she'd never understand the ease with which people double-parked or simply blocked roads.
The restaurant wasn't far from her place, but with traffic, it took almost twenty minutes.
Driving around the square, the man stopped next to the restaurant. Both Thorn and James stepped out from the arcade and helped her from the car.
"I'm glad we found you again." James whispered as he pressed his lips next to her ear. "I am as well, James." "You look beautiful, Liana." Thorn put his hands on her waist and pulled her flush against his body as he greeted her. She was excited to feel his hard-on press against her belly.
"Thank you, Thorn. You both look very handsome tonight."
After a brushing kiss to her cheeks, from both men, they each took an arm and led her inside. The maître d' showed them to a table in the front corner, near the fireplace. It was a rustic looking room, all brick walled and roughhewn chairs and was quiet compared to the front section. The restaurant was always busy because the food and wine selection were considered excellent.
While they were ordering, she took a quick look at her dates. It was easy to see how many people wouldn't be able to tell them apart, but with them both at hand, she thought there were obvious differences.
Visually Thorn's eyes leaned toward being more greenish hazel and his hair was perfectly cut, while James's orbs were more a golden brown and his brown locks a little longer and less disciplined. Thorn had to be the eldest, he was serious and seemed to be the one in control, where James was more relaxed and quick to smile. They didn't dress alike either, although up until tonight all she'd ever seen them wear was suits. Thorn had more of a quiet style about him. He wore a white shirt, with the single button at the neck undone, and a navy blue jacket and pants. James, on the other hand, wore black pants and jacket, with a silver shirt beneath.
They truly were the most stylish, striking men she'd ever encountered.
Sitting there, enjoying the atmosphere and heat from the fire, they sat back and slowly made their way through dinner. Their conversation moved easily along the lines of getting to know each better, outside of bed. Almost at once, they discovered they were all coming from a similar place: born in America with French parents. James spoke easily about their property development firm and the challenges found in trying to take the old, rehabilitate it to a level where it would be an asset in the future. Thorn was more practical and explained the various methods they've used to make a structure self-sustaining, or as close as was currently possible.
In return, they listened, appeared interested and even asked questions about how she'd come up with her dissertation topic. They asked which couture houses and designers were taking part as well as what kind of problems she was anticipating. Thorn was the one who was most curious about how the show was going to be organized. She explained how the space was large, imposing, empty, and how she'd worked on a layout so it felt intimate, inviting, and engaging.
By the time their sweets were delivered, the conversation had changed to the one utmost on her mind.
"Let me start this discussion by telling you James and I share everything. There are no secrets between us. We like sex, period. There are some things we like that society says is kinky or even wrong, but if we like it, we do it." "Sounds fairly close to my way of thinking." "We enjoy watching others and each other having sex,
as well as get off having people watch us." "Yes, I'm with you there." "We're clean and have the paperwork to show you. We wore condoms the other night because it's required but would honestly prefer not to have to again. The choice is yours, although I'll admit the thought of seeing our seed slip down your inner thigh quite frankly turns me on." "Us on." James added with a grin. "I've never had sex without a condom, unless I was in a relationship, and those have been few. Bu
t I, too, have a clean bill of health, and am on the Pill for medical reasons."
"Are you okay?" Thorn sounded concerned, no, more like worried about her. Liana reached over and covered his hand with hers.
"I'm fine. They do double duty, both make my periods easier to handle and of course offer some protection against pregnancy."
"Good. Good. Are we all settled? Can we go fuck now?"
She wanted to laugh because James sounded as eager as she felt, but this was the first opening she had to bring up her intended requests. Suddenly she wasn't sure how to begin. "Ummm, I have something to ask first." "We have all the time you need to be sure about all
this." Thorn said in a tone that eased her mind. "Oh, I'm absolutely positive. Only there are, well, a couple of things I wanted to say. First, you have no reason to fear strings. My visa will expire and I must return to America once my show is over."
"And?" It was a turnaround from a few seconds before, and although she knew it wasn't possible, she thought Thorn sounded almost angry at her reassurance. Maybe he was eager for her to get on with it.
"I have these." Pulling the notes from her purse, she handed one to each. The coward in her wanted to dash off to the bathroom while they absorbed what she'd written, but this wasn't how she led her life. "What are they?" "Today I wrote down a list of what I enjoy or am
willing to try, and what I won't do." James opened the note and read it through before she'd finished speaking, whereas Thorn listened to her and then looked down at what she'd written. The first inkling she had they were on the same page as her was the twin smiles lifted up to her. "Mmmm, yes, I see no problems here. James?" "No, no problem at all. It seems we're well suited for
each other." "I thought we might be but I wanted to be sure." Both men stood up after she pulled her shawl off, reached for her purse and stood up. She moved her chair back and prepared to leave the table. "I'll go freshen up before we go." "The restrooms are at the top of those stairs." James
offered her directions. "Thank you."
* * * * They watched her walk away and both let loose a low whistle when she took the first step, flashing some leg along with boot. They sat back down but neither man took his eyes off the stairs.
"Shit! Did you see what she had on beneath her dress?"
"I couldn't pull my eyes away from her tits. Those beauties were hard, free, and screaming for attention."
"Tonight, let's go easy on the bondage thing. Her note said she'd like to try it and I don't want to scare her away by going all out on our first night. I think we should also wait on the other as well." Thorn didn't want to risk upsetting this woman, she was turning out to be perfectly suited to them.
"When I first started reading her wish list, I'd thought we'd finally met our match. But man oh man, by the time I'd finished I knew we'd died and gone to heaven."
"I know, but let's take it easy. A blindfold and some suspension cuffs should give her a taste of the game. See if she likes it and then go on from there."
"I was thinking the same thing. Nice and slow, no pressure to move too fast."
"I'm going to go upstairs as well. Those boots—" Thorn took another sip from his water glass and couldn't hold back any longer.
"I understand, she teased on purpose, you need to set her straight." James smiled up at his brother, accepting his need to be in control. "I'll wait for the bill."
He nodded in appreciation and made quick work of the stairs. The landing was small, especially with the communal sink and its lusty satyr faucet. Knocking softly on the wood panel with a brass medallion showing a young girl sitting on a toilet, he called out on a whisper. "Liana?" As soon as he'd said her name, the lock turned and the door opened. The ladies' room was small, but he now knew it was even smaller than the men's.
Stepping in, crowding her back against the wall, he pulled the door closed behind him and locked it.
"Liana, love, I must see what you have on beneath this dress." "We're in the ladies' room." "Who cares? I saw a hint of thigh as you walked up the stairs and now I have a hard-on that must find some solace. Now unwrap my present." "What?" "I think you heard me, now do it." Bright blue eyes flashed and held his for a few seconds, before she reached down to untie the bow at her waist. Her dress flopped open for a moment, and right as he was ready to tell her to open it, she put her hands on her hips, shifting the dress behind them. "Well…" The words he'd been about to speak froze in his throat. She was naked, only she wasn't. The dark yet sheer undergarment lifted her breasts up, presenting them for his pleasure. He thought the nipples were beautiful, pink and hard, ready for attention. Slowly he slid his gaze down, past her belly button to her tidy blonde curls covering her mound. Whatever it was she wore under the dress stopped a few inches below her cunt, leaving her thigh bare until the black leather boots started. "You are fucking sexy." "Thank you." "Put your foot up on the toilet." As soon as she brought her leg up, he could see her lower lips were already plumped and a little dewy. "Are you wet Liana? Are you eager for what tonight will bring?" "Yes! I haven't come since the Depravity Dance." "You will tonight." While he spoke, he reached down and released his cock from its woolen prison. Stepping close, pressing his hard-on against her, he laid his lips against hers. "Put your arms around my neck and don't let go."
With his other hand on her thigh, he helped her wrap it around him. He almost lost his mind as she squeezed him close. Thorn kept his eyes open, watching her. He took a step closer, placing her back against the tiled wall as he pushed his cockinside her soft heat.
The effort he used to hold back and slowly possess her left him breathing hard against her lips. She swiped her tongue out along her lips and managed to tease it over his and he lost his grip. "Hold on." Placing his hands on the wall beside her head, he pounded in and out of her grip, while she panted and moaned. Thorn knew she was aware of where they were, but like him, cared more about releasing the sexual tension in her body than whoever might hear them fucking. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" She chanted as she came. He grunted and moaned against her lips, accepting her exclamations of pleasure in return. Soft gentle hands cradled his head, and held his lips to hers.
Thorn wanted more but would take this moment with her because there was much more coming his way later.
Before he could back away, her tight channel squeezed him, over and over, pulling him further inside her. There was no way he could deny her focused attention. He felt the seed churning in his balls, shoot out from the tip and spray against the walls of her cunt. Marking her as his. He pressed his lips firmly against hers and sealed
their breath together. They pulled apart when someone lightly tapped on the door. He slid his cock out of her gently beating hold and set her leg back on the ground. After using some toilet paper to wipe himself off, he stuffed his hard dick back in his pants, and handed her some paper to use as well. He wouldn't allow her to clean up the next time, he wanted to see his seed slipping from her cunt. Leaning forward Thorn softly kissed her. "Shall we?" She nodded as he reached out and unlocked the door. Pushing it open, he prepared to give a fierce look to whoever interrupted them and ended up smiling. "James." "We'll be just a moment." He'd been turned on, knowing what they were doing up here. After having paid the bill, he'd come upstairs, heard them fucking and wanted her immediately too, more than he ever had another before. After handing her shawl and purse to his brother, he put his hands on her hips and walked them back into the bathroom. Impatient because he knew what they'd been doing, he didn't bother to unwrap her dress. After he unbuttoned his trousers, he slid his hands under her dress to push her skirt out of the way and grabbed hold of her ass. Lifting her up, her arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his hips. He thrust into her cunt, hard, taking her breath away. "How did you know—no panties—" "My brother wouldn't have allowed you to keep any on." James repeatedly thrust, faster and faster, quickly throwing her right back up the ladder to climax. "Yes!" "There you go, baby, reach for it." "Uh!" She groaned while he nibbled on her neck. A ge
ntle scent of roses teased his nose as he feasted on her soft flesh. He was about to come, but couldn't, not without Liana. Shifting one of his hands, he pressed a finger to her back rose. With his next thrust, he pushed her onto his finger, and kept her there as he slammed in and out of her tight pussy.
When he added another digit, she came, taking him along with her.
His mind was spinning so quickly, he felt as if he was falling. Wanting to have her breath be his next, he kissed her with care. He pushed against her, wanted to be even closer to her and couldn't in the small closet of a room. "Let's go home so we can get naked." "Sounds perfect." They had a little more time to pull themselves together, but didn't dally. Once they were both reasonably put back together, they left the ladies room and washed their hands before heading downstairs to meet up with Thorn.
Calling out another thanks to their server, they left the restaurant and made their way down the covered arcade. They explained how they lived on the square, with houses next door to each other. In less than two minutes, they stood before James's door. He unlocked it and stood back for Liana and his brother to enter before him.
"Are you ready, Liana?" He asked when he shut the door behind him.
"Definitely. The ladies' room only managed to remind me of what I've been missing."
"Good. First, give us your stop word." Thorn put his hands on her waist and nibbled on her ear as he spoke.
"Oh, we're going to…" She stammered with nervousness and was unable to finish her thought. Not because she thought they'd hurt her, but more for the reason that she wondered what would happen next.
"Shhh, we'll start slow, see how you like it before we move on to the next level. First things first, we need a word you don't normally say to bring everything to an immediate stop." James stepped more fully behind her, effectively sandwiching her between them, easing any fears she may have. "Dali." "Dali? As in the artist?" Thorn pulled away from her
neck and looked at her with surprise in his eyes. "Yes. His work never did much for me personally. If I
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