Thorn stood back up and after placing a kiss on her shocked lips, waved her ahead of them. "After you, Liana." With a hesitant nod, she made her way out of the room and listened to herself walking. She was in serious trouble now. They stepped over a line she hadn't expected, but at the same time was thrilled that they had and wouldn't want it any other way. The only problem she saw was how at the start they'd all agreed to a no-strings relationship of sex. Now she wanted to be kept by them forever and this move, alongside their attitude, made it seem like they did as well. Walking into the other room, she decided this was something to ponder at a different time.
Kneeling between them on a cushion, she was handed a Kir Royal to sip. In the beginning they all spoke about their day, but it took little time for anything of substance to scatter. With everything going on inside her, her mind couldn't stay with the conversation. She kept slipping away into the comforting space where her body waited for fulfillment.
"Shall we move into the dining room?" Thorn asked as he stood up and reached out a hand for her to take. "Certainly," she whispered, trying desperately to hold
on to reality. With a man on either side of her, they all moved into the dining room where she was laid upon a luxurious cushion placed down the center of the table. Once they had her positioned comfortably and to their specifications, she was told not to move. "You may begin serving." Thorn's announcement took her by surprise. She hadn't known anyone else was in the house, but was too far down their sensually laid path to care. She didn't bother to look away from her lovers, or comment on the quiet and efficient presence. They were the only ones there that mattered.
Thorn fed escargot drowning in garlic butter to her, while at the same time his twin was playing with her nipples or some other place on her body. Later, James dropped a morsel on her belly and leaned over to lick it up. The muscles in her belly went wild with his attention and soon found some relief when he slipped a finger into her pussy.
For what felt like stroked, watered, and think a meal could be any more delightful than this one had been. Even without obtaining a climax. Many times, she came close to the edge, but they'd pulled her back with some question or other. Liana was well beyond the realms of reality and could only think of being filled and fucked.
"Shall we have dessert later?" Thorn whispered around her breast while James licked the honey from her slit. "Hmmm." "We'll take your moan as a yes." They helped her off the table, but made her walk unsteadily on her own as she assumed they would move back to the living room. "No Liana, we're going to James's cellar."
hours, she was pampered, fed, generally pleasured. She didn't
"The cellar?" Her back stiffened a bit at his words, not with fear but excitement. She hadn't been down there yet, but they'd mentioned it was where they kept some of their more elaborate sex toys. "Okay."
With one in front and the other behind, she was escorted through a connecting door, entering James's home and maneuvered down some stairs. A film of moisture covered her body by the time they stood before the door. The silver toy in her ass and the baubles attached to her nipples and clit, were keeping her on a knife's edge and she knew which side she wanted to fall over.
"Here we are." James opened the door, stood back letting her go first, while they followed behind. The lights were on, low enough to see, but a bright spotlight called her attention to a bench underneath it. She walked up to the piece of furniture and moved her hands over various parts, and could tell immediately how it was to be used. The center bit would support her chest while the side planks is where her legs would go, leaving her ass up and on display. There were bands all around the well-padded bench to hold various body parts firmly in place.
Turning around she looked at what else she could see in the room. There was a low cage, suspension cuffs hanging from the ceiling, also a swing, and a wall with cuffs for wrists and ankles hanging at the ready. There was more, but she was so turned on by it all, she wanted to start immediately.
Standing before the bench, she placed her hands behind her back, widened her stance and waited for them to come forward.
"We're going to punish you for repeatedly leaving without permission." Thorn advised her as he stroked a hand over her ass. "This behavior will stop here." She didn't move a muscle or say a word. James helped her up onto the bench until she was basically straddling the center piece. She wasn't entirely sure where to put her hands until Thorn helped settle them down along the wood legs. Her breasts hung down on either side, with her bells tinkling with her body's movement. Methodically, the guys worked to secure her arms and legs to the bench, stroking hands over her body as they went.
Liana felt only pleasure in the moment. She was eager for however they wanted to punish her. They moved away and kneeled on the ground in front of her. "Do you want to give us your word, mon coeur?" "No!" The quickness of her response made them both laugh. Thorn continued when he once again had her full awareness.
"Okay. We have something for your mouth but I won't secure it. This way, at anytime, you can spit it out and give us your safe word, Dali I believe it is." "I won't need it." "Safe and sane, remember." "But I want—" "We know, now open wide." Once her mouth opened, he lifted what looked like a big pacifier, only there was a cock on the end. James moved it forward until the tip rested on her tongue. "Remember, if you need to use your word, spit this out."
"Mmmm." It tasted like chocolate. How they'd managed this, she would have to ask later, but right now, she wasn't letting it go. Besides feeling their hard-ons touching her, this was the first dick-like object she'd seen this evening and was eager to vent her passionate needs on it.
"I think she likes it." Thorn laughed as they teased her into thinking they were going to take the tool from her mouth. "Okay, let's get started." They moved away, leaving her to enjoy the sugared cock in her mouth. Faintly she heard them moving around, but she wasn't paying the noises behind her much notice. Instead, she was looking at the cage sitting on a platform in front of her. It was a curiosity to her. The bars looked very real and placed maybe three or four inches apart. There was also framed out sections at either end.
An open-handed slap landed on her ass, pulling her immediately away from the possible usages of the cage and back to the two men behind her.
There wasn't pain as much as a sensory assault. She couldn't turn around and see who or what they were doing or move away from their intentions. The noise the smack had made was loud, sharp, intense, but the saying "it sounded worse than it felt" trickledthrough her brain.
Another slap landed on the opposite cheek, and another, without stopping. One side and then the other, her ass was being thoroughly spanked and she loved it. She was sent spiraling into a vat of pleasure when one of her lovers unhooked the bells from the anal beads handle and started to play with it in collusion with her other man who continually warmed her backside.
The chain hooked to her clit slapped against the bench, ringing wildly as they lavished attention on her needy form.
Swimming within the thick morass of bliss she'd found with each slap landing on her ass, each stroke from a hand over her heated body, screwing of the beads in her back channel, she listened to everything they said. The brothers were praising her and how red her rear looked, how well she took her punishment, and how much they enjoyed having her there before them.
Liana thought her pinnacle had been reached when one of them slid their cock into her pussy, bottoming out with their balls rubbing over her clipped nub. Her body ruptured, spasmodically clenching around the tool in her ass and the real rod thrusting in and out of her cunt.
When she thought she had nothing else to give, Thorn was in front of her, pulling her sugar treat out of her mouth and holding his cock in front of her.
"Suck on this, mon amour, take this one in your mouth."
She latched on and suckled as if her life depended on it, because she felt like it did.
Hands gripped her head, as he smoothly moved in and out of her mouth, whil
e James continued to fuck her and play with the anal beads. All of this passion, mixed with her bells ringing non-stop, and she reached another peak.
Screaming around the cock spurting warm, salty cum down her throat and the other throbbing, shooting seed against the walls squeezing him, she decided this was everything she wanted, pleasure reincarnated.
It wasn't until they both stepped back, taking their rods with them, leaving her body feeling bereft of their presence, did she realize this was a mere taste of what was out there waiting for all three of them. There were no doubts in her mind. She wanted to experience more of this bondage and domination path, and only with them.
Chapter Five
In less than an hour, the media would be let in to view her show, write reviews and articles, and Liana was a more than a little nervous. Not because she thought there was something she should've done differently, but because this was the end result of so much hard work.
The exhibition's program with her illustrations turned out beautifully, as did the postcards and other items visitors liked to take away from a show as a memento.
Taking a deep breath, she doodled as a means of releasing some of her pent up energy. There has only been one major change and it regarded both her fine arts supervising professor and another from the art history department from her university. Instead of a private showing with just her, they'd be here tonight, mingling and listening to the media guests. The new plan would allow them to make their own way through the show this evening. Tomorrow they'd come back and go through again with her for the verbal part of her doctorate.
She knew her subject very well, but like any normal person, add the word or idea of a test, and she became a little anxious. On her last pass through the exhibition she'd found a couple of little things to fix or change. A light's direction in one room, the position of a set of forms in another, and a couple label placements on others, but now she was pleased.
A smile bloomed across her face as she took in what she'd been drawing. A feminine form, kneeling with her arms locked behind her back. Yes, the night before last with her lovers was where she'd left all her worries behind. They had done what they'd claimed to do the first night at the Depravity Dance—tamed her to their cocks.
They would be here this evening. She asked them to attend for moral support and they accepted. Leaning back in her chair caused the bells hanging from her nipples to quietly tinkle. She loved her nipple rings. The gentle music they made when she moved and the pressure they placed on her hard tips was delicious. The silver pieces allowed her to feel both desirable and desired. While she was dressed, they were her naughty secret. Well, hers and her lovers' secret.
Tonight formal attire was the required dress code. It fit both an opening and the show's subject. Armani had kindly created a gown for her, one perfectly suited for her position as hostess. A dark, navy blue satin strapless gown, with an empire waist and ended in a subtle train. Over this, she wore a matching short velvet jacket stopping beneath her bust. Wearing the ensemble, Liana thought she looked long and lean, elegant, like a modernday Napoleonic fashion plate. To complete the whole image, she visited a well-known hair stylist to have her hair curled and secured in a loose updo, and finished off with a thin navy headband. She felt beautiful, even with a bit of make-up on.
At least the bells would help keep her grounded within her true self. Thankfully, her nipple decorations stayed hidden beneath the evening coat. This way she wouldn't disappoint James or Thorn, nor would she need to answer questions about any visible body jewelry.
Liana looked down at her watch and decided it was time to make her way upstairs. Pulling the office door behind her, she locked it, and tucked the key in a pocket concealed in one of the sleeve's lining.
In little time she was in position at the main doors. With a couple of directors from the Grand Palais at her side, she was ready to greet the guests, ensure they checked their coats and were pointed in the direction of the cocktail party.
It seemed as if everyone descended at once. There were crowds of people, editors representing newspapers and magazines, from both France and around the world, as well as political and fashion dignitaries and the famous from all over. A couple of producers from televised shows and news programs had previously requested on-camera bits from her. One she would do here at the main doors before formally starting the evening, the rest had been arranged for after the showing had finished.
Standing before the small camera crew, she smiled at the interviewer and waited for the short Q & A to begin.
"We are here with the organizer and illustrator of the History of Haute Couture, Liana Trudeau, are you ready for this eagerly anticipated show to be opened?"
"Yes, it's been a long time in planning and I'm excited for people to see how extensive and groundbreaking this industry is."
"What have you learned about haute couture while working on this project?"
"How forward thinking the designers were and are. In most cases the items, be it dresses or accessories, are more like pieces of art than clothing." "Do you have a favorite?" "Oh no, I adore each and every one of them. Their individuality and superior workmanship is what we're celebrating here." "When does the exhibition open to the public?" "In two weeks, November first and runs through
January." "Thank you, Mademoiselle Trudeau, for taking the time to speak with us before the opening of the History of Haute Couture. We look forward to the show." "Thank you." The camera and light flicked off and she felt pleased with this first taped spot. After shaking hands with the interviewer and accepting the reminder of one more taping inside the show, she moved off to the side and greeted her lovers. She'd seen them come up behind the crew during the interview, and had been bolstered by their appearance. "I'm glad you are both here." "You always look beautiful, but tonight you shine, mon amour." Thorn whispered to her as he kissed both her cheeks. "Are you wearing your—" "Yes, yes, James, of course I am." She smiled back at her lovers and decided to put them on their toes. "In fact, I have on everything you gave me the other night." "Everything?" "That's right, filled with beads and clipped." Turning around she started to lead them toward the party, but stopped as if she remembered something important. Once again she faced the men, and gave them what they were least expecting on a confidential whisper. "You two should know that you've tamed me as you promised, I'm all yours." "Shit! Mon chaton, you can't say…" "Mon coeur, you'll pay later for giving us this
wonderful news at such an inopportune time like this." "Promise?" "Absolutely." "I'll look forward to it, with bells on." She laughed and continued on into the cocktail party and mingled. They settled her, and later, when they were alone, she'd tell them what was in her heart.
Throughout the evening, her lovers were always there, close at hand or within sight, although they didn't crowd her. Nor did she think anyone put them together as a trio, although one woman asked if she knew the Michaud brothers personally. Unable to wipe the satisfied smile from her face, she'd nodded, and the other woman merely sighed and walked away, muttering something about her possessing every man and woman's dream come true.
The night wasn't all easy, it seemed to drag on thanks to her little jingling reminders, and she couldn't help but feel how moist her pussy had become. It throbbed with want of filling and her nipples remained pebbled beneath her dress and short jacket. She wanted to let her lustful needs free for her lovers to rein in and control.
In the back of her mind, a picture of the cage she'd seen in James's cellar seemed to have taken residence, always taunting her with its presence. She wanted in there, held captive for their desires.
* * * * International Herald Tribune - Monday Edition The History of Haute Couture, opening to the public in two weeks at the Grand Palais, should not be missed. The organizer, American Liana Trudeau, has created a simple yet elegant forum to showcase the fashion and its respected designers, but also manages to incorporate the social aspects and the immense workmanship that goes into each piece.
bsp; Throughout the exhibit, there are separate venues for specific designers, accessories and other points of interest to settle the viewer into the period in which they were designed for. Nothing was overlooked or skimmed over, not even the many skilled workers attached to each design and devoted ateliers.
The evening was filled with a who's who in the fashion world, and I had an opportunity to meet with the young lady during the show. It would be fair to say she literally rang with pleasure over her success. There is little doubt to this seasoned fashion maven, we'll be seeing more from this woman. Her illustrations, which are included in the shows program, are of great quality and rumor has it a big fashion house has already requested she work with them on a promotional campaign. I was inspired by her enthusiasm, as well as her grasp on the purely French phenomenon that is Haute Couture. She has only the utmost respect for history and the fashion artisans place within it.
On a personal note, I suggest you don't make the mistake in thinking this woman is all about work, her love life seems to be on the right track as well. There were two gorgeous men following her every move. Not naming names but these men are a success in their own right by renovating for the future. In this viewer's opinion, they looked like a triumphant trio on all fronts.
Congratulations, Mademoiselle Trudeau, you are a woman victorious in both work and love! Viva Paris et l'amour!
The Gilded Cage Chapter One
London, England
"Who is that?" Max Stephenson nodded toward a busty blonde who was practically nude standing a short distance away. She wore a half mask that covered her eyes and nose and a pair of black tight to mid-thigh, ridiculously high stiletto boots. His gaze raced over her curvy form pausing briefly on her big breasts and bare mound. An enchanting package to say the least. "Ahhh, that's Cassandra." "New?" "No, she's been a member for maybe two years, but
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