"Ohhh," she pushed her backside further into his groin and wiggled the soft mounds around, teasing him to further hardness. He was tempted to take her up on the pleasure she offered, but had other plans for how the evening would progress. Time was up, he was finished waiting to start.
"Up! Up on your knees, arms behind your back!" When she grumbled in answer, he stood up and gave her bare ass a quick tap with two fingers. "Now, Cassandra."
He didn't wait to see if she did what he asked, he knew she would. Fighting a smile, he moved over his chest of drawers, opened one and pulled out an elegant black leather box. There was an elaborate gold embossed logo on the front, one she'd immediately recognize. Despite this, she wouldn't have any idea what was inside.
A couple of months ago with this day in mind, he'd met with Elsa Puchella, Gabby's favorite jeweler. They sat down in her office and talked about what he was looking for. She'd been intrigued and, after pulling out a tablet of unlined paper, had started asking questions and rapidly drawing. They'd looked like doodles to him, nothing much to look at. After a few minutes she'd turned the paper around and pointed out a few particular items she thought might fit with what he'd been talking about. It was then he understood why his lover held this lady in such high esteem. It had been magic and exactly what he'd wanted.
Max opened the box to double check everything was in order. The collar was more than a simple piece of jewelry, it spoke in elegant terms of what she meant to him, all of him. Thick gold chain links, eight hundred of them, were linked together in a loose pattern. Elsa had said it was her take on the traditional Byzantine pattern for chainmail. She would know better than him, what he did know was that it was going to look stunning encircling Gabby's neck, claiming her as belonging to him, and only him.
A solid loop marked each end of the chocker and acted as the clasp. The two solid loops of gold were overlapped and a small gold padlock locked them together, and he held the key. Underneath the satin lining rested compartments for a matching chain leash for those times they played in that way, as well as a few other pieces to experiment with.
He couldn't wait any longer to put this collar around her neck, bringing with it all the symbolism they both wanted.
Turning around, his breath caught in the back of his throat. She did that to him. In a kneeling and waiting position, she looked incredibly free and ready for whatever he offered. Then, with a more in depth look, he took in her blonde hair tossed wildly around her head from sleep, chest moving with her panting breath, cheeks painted pink, and suddenly she had the aura of a wild animal full of lust clinging to her. She was utterly intoxicating.
"You are so beautiful," he whispered as he settled on the bed before her. While holding out the box for her to see, slowly opening the lid, he told her what he wanted. "Will you wear my collar? Will you be mine in every way? Will you submit yourself to me?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh Max, my heart, body and soul already belong to you. Of course I'll you're your collar, showing the world how I'm yours."
Lifting the gold links from their black satin bed, they clinked together as he held it draped across the palm of his hand so she could see the intricate nature of the piece.
There was a gasp and he quickly met her gaze. There were tears pooling around her golden orbs and, before he could say a word, she spoke on a gravelly voice.
"It's us." One of the most pleasing parts for him was how she saw what he'd been trying to give her with this piece of gold. It wasn't merely jewelry created by someone she respected. It even went beyond being something to symbolize their sexual preferences and their connection in that way. No, this gold collar was them as a couple. There were many qualities that made them into the individual people they were, and the multitude of single rings, represented all those aspects. The enduring metal, tightly and endlessly interwoven, was them, together.
"I wanted something that mingled everything about us into one place." "Oh, Max, I love you." "I love you, too, Gabby." He stroked a finger over her lip before leaning over to kiss her. It was a light, loving touch, meant to ease the tension in his cock, but it didn't. Being near her did that to him. Smelling her uniquely sweet scent, feeling her silken flesh against his, having her fragility resting within his grasp, and knowing what they'd be doing in a few short hours, made it impossible to keep sex out of their kiss.
He pressed his tongue into her mouth, possessing her body and soul. In return, he received a delightful moan that encouraged him to take a step further. Rising up above her, he tilted his head to the side and took their kiss to another level. He poured himself and all that was racing through him into their connection, then felt it come back to him.
Pleasure was inching ever forward, to the point where it wouldn't be easy to deny so he pulled back from the temptation she presented. This wasn't how he wanted to take her tonight, not without her collar on. Setting the box down, he moved behind her as she lifted her blonde locks up, baring her neck to him. With great care, he placed the chocker around her neck. He leaned over her shoulder to set the lock and sat back on his heels to take in how it looked.
"Perfect." Max reached around her and tugged her nipples, bringing a groan from her. "Please, take me, lover. I've missed you so much." "I will, baby girl, I will. Just not right now." Rolling the hard tips, he smiled when she let the sounds of disappoint and pleasure escaped. "But—" "No, no buts, although your ass may receive a special treat later tonight. We'll see." She wore her lust well, so he decided to work her up even further before they made their way downstairs. "Lie back for me, Gabby. Let me see all of you."
It looked as if seduction was her game. She moved slowly, tempting him to reach out and take what he wanted, but didn't. Neither right now nor later tonight, was about instant gratification for either one of them, although they'd both definitely experience plenty of satisfaction and pleasure.
Using her hands to stroke her body as she spread it out for him was persuasive, but he knew that they had guests arriving in less than half an hour, and tonight was all about playtime. Without giving her any warning, he leaned over to press her hands above her head and knocked the crown of his hard-on against her pussy. Nudging the knob and a more inside her warm heat, he teased them both with the magic cross. After a few halfhearted thrusts, he pulled out, and reached out to hold her legs spread apart. Shifting around until he laid between her limbs, he took a gentle nibble out of her inner thigh before dipping his tongue between her lower folds. The sweetest honey tempted his taste buds and desire to charge forward and made him want to plunge inside her heat, but held back.
After a few more forays inside her pussy, he made the delicious journey up her slit to uncover her hard kernel of pleasure. Two fingers trapped the trembling flesh for him to lick like a piece of sweet boiled candy. Rasping the nub with the flat of his tongue, he lingered and strived to push her to find her limits. When he heard her breathing change and her thrusting against his face became more sporadic, he knew she was close.
With one last swipe from his tongue, he pulled away and stood up, moving away from temptation. "No! I was so—" "Mmmm, I think it's time to get ready." Max turned around and went into the bathroom to shave before getting dressed. Turning on the water, he brushed his teeth and moistened his face. Leaving the water running, he lathered his face and made short work of shaving. He knew exactly what she was doing while his attention was diverted and wanted to figuratively give her enough rope to hang herself with. Only the timing had to be just so, he wanted her wet and throbbing, dancing on the edge of coming when he caught her.
While he wiped his face free of any excess foam, he walked back into the bedroom. As he thought about what he'd find, Max was pleased to have been right. There she was, laid out on the bed with one hand between her legs and another on a breast.
"Naughty, naughty, you know the rules, no touching without my say so."
"But you left and I—" Sitting up quickly, she was gasping for air and words. Like a fish out of water, her beautiful li
ps were opening and closing, dithering around having been caught masturbating without his permission.
"Yes, I know, you were trying to get off. Rules are rules." "Oh." "Come on, sweetheart, let's finish getting ready then
we'll head downstairs to greet our guests." Holding in his smile was difficult. She was looked out of sorts sitting on the bed, with traces of her imminent orgasm tickling between her legs. Walking over to the wardrobe, he opened it up and pulled out a nice pair of black trousers and a simple white dress shirt. While he dressed, he heard her move into the bathroom. Moving over to his dressing table, he put on his watch then emptied the contents of the leather case into his hand and looked over the gold pieces accompanying her collar. They'd definitely come in handy for what he had in mind, so he put them in his pocket.
Having just finished putting on his shoes, he was sitting on the bed when she came out. Face fresh and long blonde hair, curling around her head, leaving her newly collared neck the center of attention. Gabby took his breath away. Without any artifice, she was simply stunning. Her skin glowed and begged to be stroked.
"Okay, I brought a lovely tea dress, but I'm thinking you have something else in mind."
"I love how smart you are." He walked over and wrapped an arm around her waist, leaving her nipples to poke against his chest. Max used his other hand to reach up and play with the links of her chocker. "Nothing but this. You're too beautiful to be covered up." "No shoes?" "You won't need them, I have a perch all ready you." "A perch?" "Follow me and I'll show you." Eager for her to see what else he'd had made for her, Max took hold of her hand, led her down the stairs and out into the garden. In the center courtyard, glinting beneath the sun, was a large golden cage. Standing back, he watched as she walked up to the metal structure and stroked a fingertip down a bar until it traced over the open boxed section. His cock stretched out and tugged against the piercings. He was anxious to have her kneeling on the padded floor while suckling on him from behind the bars.
With her standing there, the metal structure looked almost delicate, but he knew it was strong and built to hold her safely. There were hooks from the ceiling to hang a variety of things from, including her. Early on they'd both admitted to enjoying their second night together at Succulent, and talked about doing more with confinement. This was his answer to her needs, and it happened to work for many of his as well.
"Max?" She said his name more on a groan than as if she was saying it, and he liked it. "Your personal perch." Hanging down in the center of the cage was a swing of sorts. The seat was padded leather and had a shiny metal knob sitting in the middle. It was nothing to get her off, merely something to fill her, tempt her and her pussy to think of something more. His hard-on stiffened further when he stepped closer to her and heard her quietly moaning. Her hands gripped the bars, hard, and randomly bumped her mound as if searching for him.
He thought he knew what was going through her mind, but wanted to hear her say it. Moving in behind her, he wrapped his hands around hers and nudged his prick into the small of her back, pulling a sharp intake of breath from her. "Tell me what you're thin—" Before he could finish asking her to give him the details, she'd turned around and climbed him, literally. Her arms were tangled around his neck, legs wrapped around his waist, as she panted a single word into his ear, over and over again. "Yes!" "Yes what?" "Place me inside this decadent cage and have me
anyway you want me." "And if I want you on your knees taking my cock?" "Any place, any way." "Shit, baby girl, you're giving me the world." "It's yours to do with as you want." "I most definitely want." With a great deal of care, he unwrapped her from around his body and helped her into the cage, and up onto the perch. The seat wasn't so high she couldn't get off and back on under her own effort, it was merely more satisfying for him to help. Once he had her settled onto the faux cock, he spread her legs apart, helping her find her center of gravity for better balance. If she wanted to, there was room for her to gently swing, but nothing would drive the knob deeper insider her pussy. "You all right?" "Oh yes." There was a beautiful smile lighting her face. "There's a few more things I need to do, so don't let go. Okay?" Once he received her nod, he reached up and rolled a tight nipple between two fingers, while fishing in his pocket for a long thin chain with a circular band on each end. Slowly, he worked the thin coil around the hard flesh point. Turning the gold loop with great care, he pinched and encircled her nipple. The way she thrust her chest out further for attention, he could tell the twisting motion was making her crazy.
When both of her nipples were decorated with the gold rings, he took his time in straightening out the chains hanging from them. There was an occasional tug to bring a gasp from her lips, but it was all business once he had them in order and he held the thick bands together. So he didn't hurt her, he carefully pulled her excited clit through the hoop' opening, then pulled a bit more to make sure the bundle of nerves was snug in its erotic snare. The tender flesh could escape, but only if the rings were pulled off or her nub was no longer filled with blood or throbbing with lust. "Ma-ax!" "Uh-hmmm." Looking up into her beautiful golden gaze, he strummed his thumb over her trapped nub. It was obvious he was working her passion back up to that point where she'd been ready to get herself off, and that was where he wanted her to be.
Right as he stepped back, Gabby's head fell back and a long, deep, moan escaped. Anytime her breasts moved, they'd pull on her clit. She'd be lost in her need to climax until it all became too much and she pleaded for release. Closing the cage door, he pointed to a smooth cylinder in a brace on the inside of the cage.
He strummed a hand over her thigh until her gaze lifted to meet his and he waited for them to clear so he was sure she understood what he said.
"Give me your words, sweetheart, let me know you're clear headed and understand." "Carrot to stop and train to pause." "Good. Over here is a water bottle—" "It's a dick." "—for when you're thirsty. Wrap your lips around the end and suck, hard, because there's a silver ball inside to keep it from leaking." "Oh my, this is the wickedest cage I've ever seen." "And it's all yours." "Ours," she whispered, and his breath caught in the back of his throat. This woman was his match in every way imaginable. They'd work it out so they were together more than they were apart. No matter what the sacrifices, having her at his side was worth any price he'd have to pay.
He heard the door bell ring and laughed as he moved his fingertips down to tease her bare mound. "Sounds like our guests are arriving. Trust me?" "Always. Do you need me to do anything?" "Yes, don't hide your passion this evening, let
everyone bask in its heat." With a couple of last flicks to her hardened and deliciously protruding clit, he left to greet their guests and bring them out to meet his newly collared mate.
Chapter Nine
Slightly swinging in the gilded cage, Gabby was lost in her own world. She had been since her lover, Max Stephenson, had collared her. The moment had been as poignant to her as a bride and groom exchanging rings. The stunning gold links circling her throat told anyone who saw them that she was in a serious relationship.
She tossed her head, shaking her untamed curls while listening to the seductive clinking around her neck, and then moaned. The simple action caused her nipples to move, which pulled on the chains to tug the rings circling her clit. Her lover was a deliciously wicked man, he knew her and her needs so well. Unfortunately he'd left her dancing on the edge of climaxing. The release was there, shimmering through her body, waiting for her to claim it. She was held in a lust-filled limbo and all she wanted was to feel the rush of her orgasm race through her.
The sounds of voices had her looking to the left, to where her man stood with Alex, his friend and partner from Succulent, and a handful of other people. She may know them, but at the moment, her attention was diverted. The slow steady back and forth off her swing slipped the knob in and out of her slick pussy. Her needs weren't satisfied, merely encouraged to keep her wanting for what was just out of her reach.
As one, the group turned to look at her and she immediately felt incredibly beautiful and sexy. Straightening her posture to perfection, she thrust her chest out a bit further and groaned as the chains once again pulled on her nub. Her eyelids slipped down, shutting out the garden, as she forgot all about the people watching her lazy swaying and sank further into lust's embrace.
A finger, sliding along her inner thigh to her knee and back, pulled her back to the garden party. "Cassandra, you appear to be enjoying the cage." "I am, Sir, I am." "Allow me to introduce our guests. You already know Alex, and these two beauties came with him. This is Lila and, here with the interesting pussy rings, is Daisy." With an easy smile for the man, she nodded to each of his ladies. She looked down and saw what Max meant by interesting. There were a couple of hoops on each fold with a satin ribbon tying them together. With understanding came a shiver of a step too far for her. The woman wouldn't be able to easily open her legs, and if she did, she'd rip lower lips to shreds.
Looking back at Max, she found him watching her with love and knew in that second, he wouldn't like it either. The nipple coils and clit rings weren't painful or inhibiting, they brought a higher level of eroticism to her body. Sexually, she was enjoying them and how they made her feel.
Lost in his gaze, and mesmerized by his stroking fingertip, she automatically nodded as he continued to introduce the rest of the group. With that one finger on her flesh, he was sending her swiftly back to the precipice. Not wanting to be completely lost to what was happening around her, she leaned over and wrapped her lips around the glass cock water bottle for something to moisten her throat.
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