Gone Rogue

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Gone Rogue Page 17

by A McKay

  Slade looked up to the queen who was wearing gold plated chest plate that went down to her stomach then flowed to a white dress that covered her arms and Slade imagined it flowed freely down the back and front of her legs. He couldn’t help himself and stare the flawless and most gorgeous woman he ever seen. At that moment, he didn’t care that she was a dragon; he wanted to continue his dream.

  “Boy, you better be staring at the food, and not staring at her chest!” Gargan snapped as he rose to his feet ready to end Slade’s imagination. Smoke drifted from his nose as he put a hand on his battle-axe. Slade ignored the threat and walked towards the queen.

  “Gabrielle is that you?” Zach broke up the silent stares. Slade looked to the other woman that was sitting at the table. Gabrielle looked so different, that he could barely recognize her. Her hair fell down her back. Her top that seemed to be made from some type of animal and her dress was to her knees. The top of her dress was tight to her stomach and stopped just below her belly button leaving plenty of skin to see.

  Zach went to a knee as Slade did and copied his gesture and kissed the back of her hand. Slade looked up and saw Gargan staring, a small growl started to escape, and smoke came from his nose more steadily. The crowd was still staring at the scene, and Gargan looked up and saw everyone was watching them. “Go back to eating, or off with your heads.” The group started to chatter, and soon dinner broke out again. Music soon filled the air over the chatter as Zach and Slade found their seats.

  "Enough of this pleasant re-acquaintance," Zach interrupted the smacking from their mouths, "how are we going to do this."

  "Brother you explain.” Phoenix said.

  "Yes, my lady. We know by using it as a water source it is water from the other side."

  "A real detective here," Zach interrupted him

  A growl came again out of Gargan's chest that shook even the castle's walls. "Anyways, we will jump through there and hopefully swim to the shore.”

  "That’s it, that’s the plan?” Zach asked beating Slade to the question.

  “Why do you need us?” Slade asked

  “We need the blood of a guardian to reopen the doors, according to the prophecy.” Phoenix said before taking a drink of something that looked like wine.

  "Sounds like a good enough plan to me.” Gabrielle now spoke.

  “And who is going to run your kingdom, Queen.” Slade asked

  “My two maidens will run the kingdom, while I am gone.”

  “When,” Zach said

  “After the entertainment of course,” Gargan said

  “I don’t want anyone to see how we go through there. I don’t want to be responsible for the deaths of failed attempts.” For the first time Slade could hear sorrow in her voice.

  The evening grew with more wine and dancing. Slade learned this was a common event at the kingdom. They celebrated each night the hard work and the joy of life. He didn’t know why but he wanted to celebrate it with them, just that he couldn’t yet.

  Night fell deeper onto the land, and the servants and guards fell asleep. After the guardians had filled their stomachs the guards were given strict orders, and the five of them headed to the well that they got fresh water from.

  They surrounded the well. The night air was cool on their skin; the moon was the only light besides the flowers. It was so peaceful. "Ummm," Zach looked up to Slade. "Who’s jumping in first?" He knew as well as Slade did, that it should be one of them.

  He didn’t know if was from the wine, but Slade wanted to go first. "Rock, paper, scissors?" He asked putting his hand out shaking and Zach joined in, "one, two, three," Slade picked paper, which he figured would beat the rock that he usually and always picked, but for this time Zach picked scissor.

  "Dude," Zach said, "I was trying to lose."

  Slade patted him on his back and winked. "Dive in after me then right away."

  "Deal," they would have both jumped in together but the well could barely fit Slade’s massive size.

  “I will lower one of you into the well,” Gargan said

  With a wink at the queen, “maybe another time,” Slade answered as he dove to the well heading head first into the unknown. He heard a gasp, and then he heard Zach comments while just hitting the well. Time seemed to slow as his adrenaline kicked in.

  "I hate it when he does this,” Zach said before Slade figured he jumped in.

  Slade took a deep breath just before he hit the portal that felt like a liquid with a metallic feeling in complete darkness. The blue light grew to a blinding light. The liquid was warm, but it was only for an instant like going through Jell-O. He just hoped everyone else took a deep breath before the vertex, because they had no clue how deep they were jumping in.

  17The warm liquid of the vortex soon turned to the cold water of a deep lake. Slade lucky on taking a deep breath saw no one for a while. He had to close his eyes for a while and focus on the way his body moved, the water wanted him to float to his feet, which meant he was upside down in the water.

  He turned himself around and waited for the others to come through. First was Zach and he grabbed him and shoved him the right direction. Zach nodded and obeyed orders swimming the best he could. Slade being such a large person and being a trained diver from the Sanctum he could out breathe anyone under water. To his surprise Phoenix came through next, he wouldn’t think the queen would have dove in until the others did. She looked as calm and beautiful as she always did. The water just added more beauty too her. Slade grabbed for her and she let him pull her in tight, their eyes locked, Slade wanted to go for a kiss even if he was taught to hate her kind, non-human that is. Off the corner of his eyes, he saw Gargan come though and he quickly pushed Phoenix the same direction Zach went.

  She looked back and then at her brother, who was staring at Slade in a severe matter. Slade feeling his battle-axe already he pointed the direction to go. They both swam faster than Slade could go; they looked to be swimming as fast as a trout could go which was amazing.

  Next through the opening came Gabrielle, she looked disoriented and confused which added to her panic. Slade knew if she didn’t calm she would not make it. He quickly went for her and surrounded her body with his hoping his presence could calm her. Slade could tell she didn’t get a good breath of air and was drowning. He hoped no one was looking when he grabbed her mouth with his and breathed air into her lungs. His lips met hers but it didn’t feel right, it felt wrong, it felt bad, he almost wanted to continue to find out but stopped when he felt a hand grab his should and spin him.

  Gargan was treading water, grabbed Gabrielle, and swam even faster towards the surface. Slade just stayed there a moment, not sure, if he was frozen cause of the kiss or from Gargan showing care for someone else. He shook his head clear knowing this was no time to contemplate life mysterious questions. He started his swim to the surface knowing he had a minute or so before his body grew weak from the lack of oxygen. He trained his body not to get the panic that came from being low on air. The downside of that was it was the only way the body warned you from drowning.

  He saw Zach slowing his pace meaning he was exhausted his oxygen low. The dragons already long gone Slade started to feel the panic creeping its way back in his mind. Slade touched his brother’s shoulder and grabbed his arm to help him pick his pace back up. They were steady again going to the surface. The surface had to be close, for the pressure of his lungs was changing.

  Then in the blackness of the water, his head hit cool air, Zach gasping for air and Slade soon joining. He couldn’t make anything out for it was pitch black but he knew they were above the water surface. Slade’s breathing returned to normal, Zach still gasping for air. Slade was about to say something as one of the dragons hands erupted in flames. It lit the cave, Gabrielle following Gargan on climbing out on a stonewall to something above the water.

  Slade wanted to panic now for he was pissed off. This was one of the worst things that could happen being in a fucking, “cave,” he said clim
bing up the wall and then helping Zach to the stone. Gargan in the meantime lit a torch he had on his back. The flame bright enough that Slade could see through the clear water at different rocks that laid beneath the entrance.

  “Why so distressed about a cave, a cave is a dragon’s best friend,” Gargan said as he studied the walls.

  Slade didn’t care if the cave was made of diamond, or filled with gold. It was just when you hit one from being underwater it was anything but pleasant. “The cave, or so called best friend could still have us stranded a hundred feet underwater with no escape.”

  “Shit,” Zach said hitting the wall on his side. His hand than opened up and he stared to feel the wall. “Shouldn’t the stone be cold?” Everyone started to grope the cave walls, and Slade couldn’t hold back a smile.

  “Gargan, your friend is about to blow.”

  “I do not follow human.”

  “It means that there is active magma somewhere in the cave.”

  “Great,” Phoenix said with a sigh, “What are the chances we get lucky enough that the volcano reached the surface.”

  “Let’s find out.” The group started to walk the narrow paths of the cave that were formed from magma that already flowed though the softer parts of the stone. The further they walked the warmer the temperature was that’s when Slade noticed his outfit already was dry and that it was keeping him at a comfortable temperature.

  “I see light ahead,” Slade yelled back to the party picking his pace up. It was either fire or a sunrise he thought. The opening grew in sight, his excitement growing, as they got closer. The others just as anxious as he was as they reached the opening that made him stop instantly. Someone didn’t stop fast enough and bumped Slade making him lose his balance, but Zach caught him before he fell to his death.

  “I got you,” Zach said reaching and grabbing on Gargan’s arm as they worked together to stop Slade’s demise. Slade looked up as he was pulled back up. He could see the sky above him through a hole in the active volcano.

  As Slade regained his balance he asked, “Can you fly us up?” Slade remembered seeing Phoenix for the first time in her beauty.

  “Too small of an opening,” Phoenix said eyeing Slade probably due to the look he was giving her.

  “Zach you still an expert on rock climbing?” Slade asked seeing the side of the cave.

  “Yeah,” he slowly said sticking his head over the edge seeing the magma flowing below them. “Fuck,” he said turning his head seeing where Slade wanted him to climb.

  “If you fall, I will make sure your body does not go to waste,” Gargan licked his lips.

  “I hear he tastes like a juicy sirloin,” Slade added.

  Zach ignored the two guys who now were getting along like lost brothers picking on the smaller one. Zach started to climb the wall. He moved slowly but precisely each footing calculated. Each hand grab calculated for his weight. The dragons watched him in a peculiar look.

  Gargan let go of a thundering laugh, “He climbs like an elf, or an orangutan.”

  “I wonder if he is as hairy as one, because he smells like one.” Phoenix said.

  Gargan and Slade turned and both replied together. “You won’t find out.”

  Zach made the ledge and without warning, a rope was swung up from Gargan, Zach catching it. “Maybe next time you can give me a warning.”

  “Here’s your warning I’m coming up.” Gargan yelled and jumped up the rope and moved as fast as he did in the water. Slade was sure he was going to fall; there would have been no way Zach could hold his weight.

  Slade just watched as Gargan made the ledge and then he followed as Gargan waived him up. Slade reached the top and noticed they were pretty tight up there and the girls would have to wait before they could get them up. Gargan pulled the rope up. Slade looked over the edge at the two girls, something about seeing them so vulnerable made it even harder to resist his urges. They both looked up and saw him staring.

  “Umm, we will get you girls up after we find the next point, the ledge is too short.” Slade hoped he saved himself, but Gargan was in his face when he turned staring hard at him.

  “I think that should be enough rope for an arrow to get stuck above.”

  Gargan stared at Zach when he said that. “Oh, you expect me to make that shot.”

  “You are the archer.” Gargan replied.

  Slade was still staring at the hole that was a hundred feet above them yet. “Yup, we are dead, good luck Zach.”

  “Smart ass, I will shoot it, just to make you realize why they call me chopsticks.”

  “Yeah that was with a gun.”

  “And this is with a bow.” He didn’t wait as he took his bow from his back and tied the rope to two arrows. “God I hope this works.” He aimed his shot; both men stared at him hoping it worked. He shot an arrow, the rope flying with it.

  “Holy shit, you can shoot a bow.”

  “You fools,” Gargan yelled.

  “What,” Zach and Slade yelled back, to where Gargan pointed to where the end of the rope now dangled ten feet away over the straight fall to the lava.

  “Crap,” Both of them replied at the same time.

  "We can jump for it," Zach said, Gargan shaking his head.

  "No, we are too heavy for it; the rope needs to be secured first."

  "So who were you thinking would climb it before?” Slade asked getting angrier that he failed to mention this before.

  "The only one among us that is light and fast." Right there Slade knew he meant the one person that was supposed to be protected at all cost, it was his sister, Phoenix, the queen.

  "Great, so if the rope falls, she dies." Zach spoke Slade’s concern.

  "Yes, before I could have caught her, now we are relying on that shot."

  The anger with Slade raged, "Don’t you dare put this on Zach's shoulder, you bastard, it was your rope, you should have held it."

  Zach looked at his brother, "we have no choice, and we better get the girls up here."

  "Gargan, I suppose you don't have another rope?” Slade asked the dragon that had smoke flowing from his nose.

  "No," he glowed.

  "Zach, I’ll grab your ankles, Gargan grab mine." Slade said wondering why he would trust such an enraged beast. Slade grabbed Zach's ankles as he leaned over the edge, and they slid down, not feeling the dragon grabbing Slade’s ankles yet, it made Slade second-guess his decision. "Zach hold on." Slade said ready to fall too their death, at that time Gargan grabbed his ankle, with one hand and stopped their sliding.

  "Hiya, girls missed me?" Zach said meeting them at the edge of the hole.

  "Okay got one, pull me up." With that, Gargan pulled on Slade’s ankle until Phoenix was the first one to be pulled up.

  "So where is that rope you guys had?” Phoenix asked, and they pointed to it.

  Phoenix started to laugh; Slade couldn’t tell if it was ready for a kind of death laugh, or a laugh of them being idiots. The laugher soon turned to words, "Men, can't do anything right."

  Before they could even move, Phoenix took as much of a start as she could and jumped for the rope. "Holly shit," Slade said, not believing she just jumped for a rope that far away without even being asked. Phoenix was still swaying on the rope, already half way up the rope and moving.

  "Wow, she is fast," Zach, said to Slade who was wondering, what else dragons can do. Slade knew one thing they could do, and that was something hopefully Slade would experience again.

  They redid the same technique that pulled Phoenix up with Gabrielle, and by the time they rose, they couldn’t see Phoenix anymore and the rope was being pulled up. The rope came back down in the same place and then swayed back and forth until Gargan reached for it and caught it. He tugged twice to ensure that the rope was sturdy. Slade felt like a newb at this whole dimensional jumping thing, and stood there with his mouth open. He had to admit that the dragons were talented as humans also.

  "Somebody should really head up," Gargan said and Gabri
elle stepped up. Zach and Slade were still trying to figure how someone could jump that distance and climb so fast. Gargan tied a knot around Gabrielle. "We will climb but you might not be able."

  She was hoisted up like an elevator. A simple jerk on the rope signaled her to be lifted. Holy shit, no wonder the dragons could climb rope so fast they were very strong.

  The rope came slithering back down moments later with the same swinging technique and Gargan grabbed the rope. "Okay whose next," Zach asked, as Slade heard a bubbling a little closer than before. Slade looked over the edge and noticed the lava was bubbling and reaching the hole where they just came from.

  "I think we all should go on this one." They looked at Slade who stared over the ledge. Zach and Gargan followed him and shook their heads as the volcano started to become violent. Zach grabbed the rope first and started his climb, Slade grabbed the rope where Gargan was, “Go lizard," Slade bellowed at Gargan, he was about to argue and now saw the lava reaching the edge of the cave. The heat started to overwhelm the air around them. Slade grabbed the bottom of the rope and started to climb just in time, before the lava took the ledge that they were on.

  The dragon being slowed by Zach growled, "Move your arse, human." Slade looked up and saw Zach moving as fast as he could, the lava gaining on them still.

  "Move, guys, move, it is getting hot here," the lava a couple of feet below Slade’s feet. Smoke starting to come from the rope.

  "Pull," Gargan yelled to where Phoenix could hear.

  The rope started to slide up on a slower speed and a female voice yelling "pull, come on Gabrielle, pull.” They still climbed the rope as the lava grew. Zach just reached the hole, a second later Gargan escaped, and Slade was hoisted out of hole. Slade looked back down and the lava that was sinking again in a fast pace, steam billowing around them. "That was close Gargan."

  Gargan looked down at the sinking lava. "That steam needs to blow somewhere!" he said back to Slade and Zach who were resting on the side of the active volcano.

  "O crap," Zach said. They jumped to their feet to an instant run trying not to tumble down the hill. Wagon’s laid in the middle of a man made trench.


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