Gone Rogue

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Gone Rogue Page 25

by A McKay

  “I am home,” Slade spat out blood from his mouth.

  Slade scanned the ground for a weapon but couldn’t see one his guards fighting what was left of the agency.

  “Then you will die.”

  With that, the captain swung his sword down, time slowed again. Slade watched as the blade started to descend toward his body. Slade sidestepped and grabbed his captain’s arms. He slammed his elbow in his enemy’s elbow breaking the man’s arm in half. He backhanded Robertson’s face, before he could react to the hit. Slade took his knee and drove it to his gut. With the captain bent over, he took both hands and slammed it down through his back breaking the captain’s spinal cord.

  Slade took a breath and time regained control, the captain laid on the ground paralyzed. “Captain Robertson, I decline you offer to return.” Slade walked away to let Robertson lay there watching his boots.

  His arm throbbed from the arrow sticking out of it, but he didn’t care. Then he heard a cry from above, “Phoenix.” He said turning to look at her carrying several amazons on her back.

  “King, we couldn’t hold her,” the Amazons said jumping off in the sand. Slade just laughed, seeing them. Slade scanned the beach, and saw Zach lying in the sand, the demon witch nowhere in sight.

  “Shit, Zach,” he started to run over to Zach. Somehow, the captain kept his mouth moving even after not being able to move.

  “You los…” he was unable to finish his sentence for the gold dragon planted her foot squarely on his head. That’s for Gargan! Slade could hear Phoenix in her true form.

  Slade reached Zach, his body laying still, his eyes open not blinking. Blood dripped from the side of his mouth. He was still alive but barely.

  “Zach, we will get you healed.” Slade looked to Phoenix who now was over by him in her human form.

  “If… I…” he coughed, “learned anything… is I lived a complete life.”

  “No…” Slade said, “No, shut up you didn’t.” Slade held his head, “Guard,” he yelled both of his guards showed battered but alive.

  “Get Zach to the medical…” he stopped as he saw four figures appear. He didn’t know if it was mirage or not, but Phoenix backed away from them as if she saw them also.

  A man that he saw in a vision, the man that sunk the stones in his skin, a woman that he assumed by the warrior shape, hair color similar to of Phoenix next to him. That wasn’t what had Slade silent; it was the other two men. One in flannels and blue jeans, his head blonde, the face similar to his own as his raw hands hung on his side, as he walked through the sand his face calm like always. No alcohol smell escaped him this time, only a badge on his belt.

  The man next to him with a badge on his belt wore black Slacks and a blue polo. His hair was black and in a nice comb that piled over itself. He wore sunglasses and with his badge, he carried a gun. His face had stubbles like his son that lay in the sand.

  “Dad,” Slade said in a kid way of manner. He nodded in response; a calming effect flowed over Slade. “Why didn’t you tell me, why didn’t you teach me of this.” He didn’t answer, his brother walked over to Zach. The other two guardians walked the sand lifting the souls from the fallen up to stand with them.

  “Son,” he finally said, “You found the Sacred Island, you found the weapon.”

  “She is not a weapon, she is my lover.”

  “That is the weapon, love, something that hell queen will never give up on trying to find. I heard you when you said that she wouldn’t have to fight. That is a fate you cannot to assure her of. The blood of guardians grew due to the rising of danger. You need to find more to fight with you, the queen is starting her control, and the world will grow in Chaos. Humans will declare it on earth but it is not.”

  “Father, why me”

  “You are your size for a reason; you now have to hold peace on those shoulders. You will have to hold not only ours on those but those.” His arms opened to all the creatures that fought with him that day.

  “I am proud of what you have accomplished, but this is just the beginning. You will need to find others. Just remember I will always love you. I now will with your ancestors and mind move on, for we know the land is saved.”

  “Why, why can’t you stay in this form and guide me, stay with me.”

  “Your mother awaits me to join her; I am no longer needed in this plain of life. I believe in you.”

  His father walked towards the ancestors and helped collect the fallen bodies. They soon started with the agents that died. Not even the agents would be blamed for how the queen tricked them. Something was peaceful about this, Zach fathers though stood by Zach.

  “You can’t, don’t take him please, I need him here.”

  His dad didn’t speak but move to the side so Slade could see Zach’s body. Parts of his body began beaming with light, then an explosion brighter than the sun. Zach laid there, and both their fathers now walked to the others that were leaving this world.

  Slade looked at the group and they stared back before their body evaporated. Zach coughed, and Slade looked down at him.

  “What the hell happened?” He asked slowly sitting up holding his stomach. “All I know was that I started to run at her and next I was hit hard when her hand rose up.”

  “All that matters is your alive and” Phoenix crouched down by them. “You’re alive.”

  Phoenix touched his shoulder, he was ready to cry out in pain, but it never came. He looked at his wounds, or where they should have been, but they too like Zach’s were healed.

  “You are alright,” Phoenix asked

  “Yeah, just now we are alone.”

  “No, no we aren’t,” Zach stared over to the sand where his father was last seen. “We have an entire kingdom, and family.”

  “Yes, yes we do,” Slade, agreed looking at how everyone was working together to help the injured. No one even questioned the missing dead bodies; they just accepted it as the magic that covered the land.

  He looked out to the ship, “We need that ship burnt before someone see’s it.” Phoenix winked at Slade and ran to the water changing to her dragon form in flight. Slade stood, soon followed by Zach as they watched the golden beast burn the ship to the ground. Soon his guards stood behind them waiting the next orders.

  Slade nodded to his guard, and felt the hand touch his shoulder. Slade reached out and touched Zach’s shoulder. With a blink of their eyes, they were standing by the well that started it all.

  Epilogue, SUMMER

  Slade watched as the emblem was raised on the towers, signifying the agency that would fight evil. He walked the grounds, both his guards following him in their usually pattern. The heat in the air breathing down his skin like the fire of a dragon’s mouth, he had to give them credit they were right, the temperature was just as bad if not worse than Wisconsin’s. “Fucking humidity!”

  He looked to a building that was changed to be Zach’s own place. Something told Slade that once they figured out how to control his guardian powers that were the same as his guards he would go hunting for her. During the next day after the fight, his body changed more. He was able to do similar things like his guard Sophia could do. Sophia said that once that her race worked with the guardians but never did she hear of a Guardian being one of hers.

  “Yo, Zach,” Slade noticed a tool floating by itself, the place with enough shadows and darkness for his guard to walk through without being seen.

  “I don’t think you are supposed to use yo, as a king either.” He said, lately trying to make Slade more formal by correcting Slade’s words.

  “How’s the control coming?” Slade said ignoring his comment

  “Good, I think soon I can watch all the girls get naked around here.”

  “I think Phoenix and I are going to the cabin.”

  “Son of a bitch,” he said as a tool fell and hit him in the head. He stood up and started to wipe his hands clean with a rag.

  “Don’t you have a kingdom to run?”

ou can do it for a week or so can’t you?”

  The land joined the kingdom after they heard of how their king fought with all his strength to keep the agency from coming upon the wonderful island. Phoenix was flying through the land receiving the vows from every one out there that joined her protection. Several Amazons went with for protection a bond made by having both similar feelings. A feeling that scared the shit out of Slade.

  “I guess you need some time to have some fun I guess.” Zach said with a smirk on his face.

  “Don’t make me wipe that look off your face.”

  “Don’t make me wipe that look off your face,” Zach mimicked his king, “Always so violent.”

  “This is why I need a break,” Slade said as he walked out of his dark place.

  Slade walked to the gate and checked the stone guards that stood there; they were punching each other in the head for some reason. They looked at their king and then looked back at each other.

  “Me cool, you air head,” the guard said before punching the other again in the head.

  “No you air head.” The one that had his head punched, punched back.

  “You’re both air heads,” Slade said turning to walk away. The punching stopped.

  “Thanks king,” they said both staring at each other. Then he heard them again punching each other as he turned away.

  Slade just sighed and continued to walk; he noticed that Frank, his personal stone guard seemed just as confused. Then he noticed that Vector, his other personal guard was gone again, always disappearing, and appearing.

  “Ok new rule,” Slade said as Vector appeared, again “You two need to get a hobby, instead of following me every direction I go.” The two nodded and then followed Slade again. “As in not following me.”

  “I go make pretty flowers that Zach destroyed,” Frank said and walked towards the garden. His personal guard was offended when Zach kicked a budding flower in front of him just the day before.

  “Sire, I don’t know what to do,”

  “Go make weapons, or something, I don’t care, I need room to breathe.”

  With that, Vector smiled with a bow and teleported away. He heard shouting from the giant and laughed knowing that it wasn’t going to work for Vector.

  No more fricken guards finally. Slade started to walk back to the keep, and noticed Frank in the garden. He looked to be singing to the flowers, and so Slade just continued into the keep. The queen was sitting on her throne in the main hall. She was back which Slade wasn’t expecting.

  “Let’s make love,” he said in a loud voice that had the room clear in seconds. “Now that’s better.”

  The guards left behind the servants, the nymphs not in this realm at the time, leaving them alone, “that’s all I had to say to get it quiet,” the queen said with relief in her eyes now.

  “I’m not just a guardian against demons; I know how to clear a room in seconds for the most beautiful.”


  “You didn’t let me finish, beautiful and toughest dragon out there.”

  “I see, too bad that is all for show and no action.” The queen opened her legs revealing the lack of under garments underneath her gown.

  “Well maybe,” Slade walked to the queen, “maybe we can pursue that idea a little more.”

  Author Bio

  A. McKay (self published) (Andrew McKay) (Real Name Robert Yerges) was raised in the small town of Lomira, Wisconsin. He grew up enjoying the country life and being close to his grandparents along with his cousin that is still his best friend.

  While struggling through school he overcame his disabilities of a speech impediment and learning disabilities in writing and reading. He became a small time commercial scuba diver for local golf courses that later became his passion. His cousin joined him on several of these adventures that made lasting memories.

  He soon found the security business that on several occasions brought boredom until his fiancée Jaclyn had him falling in love with paranormal romance. Falling in love with other worlds created by authors he soon found himself wanting to create his own.




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