Phases of Passions (Trilogy Bundle) (Werewolf Romance - Paranormal Romance)

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Phases of Passions (Trilogy Bundle) (Werewolf Romance - Paranormal Romance) Page 4

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Moments after she’d made the declaration, she came as Sean continued to lick and tease her. She shuddered beneath him in satisfaction as his dick grew harder.

  When he pulled away from her, his lips slick with her desire, the hungry look in his eyes had intensified. Erin had never been so turned on in all her life. Even though she’d just come, she immediately felt on the point of climax once again.

  “Fuck my brains out,” she ordered him. Sean grunted in approval and reached out and spun Erin around so that she was now looking down at the stairs. Using his hands, he pulled her up by the hips so that her back was arched and he ran his hands over her backside, savoring the curves.

  Then he pulled himself close and entered her, his dick sliding in effortlessly because she was sodden. Erin let out a gasp as she felt the full extent of him within her. He was so big that he immediately hit upon her g-spot and she let out a euphoric cry.

  Sean almost growled with pleasure as he began to fuck her. It was slow initially, but it quickly increased in pace. Erin squealed with delight as he fucked her upon the staircase. As the pace became more fevered, she dug her hands down into the carpet of the staircase, trying to maintain her position.

  Sean’s impressive size was matched by his stamina. He pounded hard against Erin for ten solid minutes. Each time she thought he was going to climax, he somehow found a second wind.

  Erin came two more times before Sean let his head back and let out a long, satisfied sigh as he filled her with his passion.


  They had sex two more times before exhaustion finally set in with the arrival of the dawn. After their initial staircase encounter, Sean carried Erin up to her bedroom, where they made love with her straddling him and then up against the wall. Both times, Erin continued to come. Previously, she hadn’t even known it was possible to orgasm so many times in one night.

  When they finally parted, sleep quickly took her. Tired yet satisfied, Erin fell in to a deep, dreamless sleep.

  The sound of her alarm clock broke through the wall of rest and pulled her in to the present. As much as Erin tried to resist waking, the shrill alarm forced her to open her eyes and welcome the new day.

  Sunlight was streaming in through the window, the blinds having not been drawn the previous night. Erin squinted in the harsh light and rubbed wearily at her eyes. Sitting up, she tried to get her bearings.

  Her digital clock told her that it was seven in the morning, meaning she’d barely had an hour’s worth of sleep.

  “Urgh,” Erin moaned, her body aching in protest as she tried to get up. The events of the night before came flooding back to her. Sean and the amazing sex. It had almost been too good to be true.

  “Sean, we need to get up for work,” Erin said, her mouth opening to release a great big yawn.

  When Sean didn’t so much as grunt in response, Erin looked across at the other side of the bed where she expected him to be sleeping, but to her surprise, the bed was empty.

  “Sean?” she called out his name, wondering where he had gone. When he didn’t respond she got up and pulled on her dressing gown and walked down the hall to the bathroom, thinking he’d perhaps got up for a shower. But the bathroom was empty, as were the other rooms, upstairs and down. Sean appeared to have gone.

  Wandering back into the bedroom, still feeling like she was in a haze, Erin tried to make sense of what was happening. Had the previous night even happened or had it just been a dream?

  The carpet burns on her elbows and kneecaps were evidence that their passionate sexual encounter had indeed happened, but then where was he? Surely he had not stolen away from the house as she slept?

  Heading downstairs, back down the staircase where hours earlier, she’d had the most intense orgasm of her life, Erin checked the front door. It was unlocked. Sean had left while she was asleep.

  Growing angry, she realized that not only had he left, he’d left her alone sleeping in an unlocked house when there was a killer at large, meaning that he had little to no regard for her safety.

  Feeling tearful, Erin angrily slammed her front door open and shut, then turned the deadbolt. She took a moment to stand against the wall, trying not to let her emotions overwhelm her. She just couldn’t understand why he would leave without so much as a goodbye. Did he think their night together was a mistake? Surely not. Erin could not have been alone in thinking how amazing the sex had been.

  Whatever the reasoning, it didn’t matter. Sean was gone and Erin was alone. Saddened by his departure she went upstairs to shower with slow, heavy footsteps. She kept re-running the events of the previous night. Had she said something wrong, appeared too clingy? They’d barely even spoken. They’d not had chance between the numerous bouts of sex they enjoyed together.

  As Erin got in to the shower and allowed the hot water to pass over her, washing away the final remnants of him upon her skin, she feared that inviting him into her house had been a mistake.

  Her penchant for bad boys brought her nothing but grief. None of her unions with men who were troubled ever ended happily. It as though she was drawn to their troubled nature like a moth to a flame, powerless to resist and end the cycle.

  Erin knew from past painful experience that only the guys with something to hide leave you as you are sleeping. The more eager they are to leave, the darker the secret they are trying to keep.

  TO BE CONTINUED IN BOOK TWO: Crescent Moon - Volume 2


  Crescent Moon


  Dressed for work, Erin headed downstairs. Her mind was still muddied with doubt about why Sean had left while she was sleeping, but she tried to push those thoughts away and focus on getting up and getting ready to start the new day.

  As she stepped off the bottom step of the staircase, she suddenly felt overwhelmed by a disgusting smell of rotting. Doubling over, Erin clutched at her stomach and started retching.

  The smell was intensely horrific. It fogged her senses, stinging her nostrils and coating her throat. Erin tried to brush it away, but it was too strong. It was preventing her from being able to even stand straight.

  Bemused, she knew that she needed to reach the source of the smell and eliminate it. Yet the stench hadn’t been there the previous night. Daring to inhale to further identify the disgusting odor, she was certain that it smelt of something rotting, which meant it must be an old smell. How could she not have noticed it sooner when it was so overwhelmingly foul?

  With her hand on her stomach, still bent over, Erin followed the scent to the kitchen where it became its most pungent. Shielding her mouth, Erin scanned the room, searching for something rotten. Her eyes settled on her steel trash can. Daring the take a step closer she was immediately certain that the stink was emanating from within it.

  Gagging, Erin moved with one swift motion and opened the lid, allowing the full extent of the smell to come tumbling out in to the room, engulfing her. Certain that she would vomit, Erin backed away from the bin, holding her hand over her mouth. What the hell was in there?

  The smell was like rotting flesh and it made her skin creep. Even though she’d only just showered, the smell made her feel dirty and soiled. Whatever was in the bin, she had to get it out; she couldn’t stand having the house stink for a moment longer.

  Pushing through the fog of the stench, Erin looked down in to the bin. To her surprise, she found nothing unexpected in there. There were a few egg shells, a letter she’d discarded, and the remains of a chicken sweet and sour meal she’d been unable to finish. Yet looking down, the smell became its most potent. It must be the chicken.

  As her eyes watered with the stench, Erin scrutinized the remains of the chicken. It had only been in the bin for a few days, if that. Normally it wouldn’t make such a horrific smell. Confused, Erin forced herself to remove the bag and take it outside to her outdoor bin. She ran with it, holding it at arm’s length as though she were dealing with some toxic contaminant.

  Back in the kitchen, Erin set about tr
ying to make her house smell fresh again. She opened every window, letting in the cool morning air, and used a whole can of air freshener, yet still the horrid smell clung to the air, refusing to budge.

  Exhausted and nauseated, Erin sat at the foot of her stairs and rubbed wearily at her temple. A quick check of her wrist watch revealed that she was already late for work. The drama of the morning, coupled with Sean’s unexplained departure, left her in no mood to face the office. The last thing she wanted to do was go to work and be forced to face him and pretend that everything was okay. She wanted to yell at him for leaving so abruptly and demand and explanation.

  The debacle with the bin also made her wary that perhaps she was sick. It was unlike her to react so strongly to a smell. Deciding that a day’s bed rest was in order, Erin called the office and made her excuses for not coming in that day.


  As the day progressed, Erin slept in her bed but she got little rest. Her mind was plagued by horrid nightmares where savage dogs snarled and barked at her, chasing her down dark, endless streets, snapping at her ankles and baying for her blood.

  She awoke numerous times, panting and terrified to find the sheets around her soaked with her own sweat. The smell repulsed her. It bothered her to the point where she was forced to sleep with the bedroom window open just to let in some fresh air.

  After waking for the fourth time mid-afternoon, Erin decided to just get up. She took another shower, feeling that she smelled. Refreshed, she heading downstairs and was relieved to find that the rotting smell had now dulled to an unpleasant after-odor, no longer the debilitating stench it had previously been.

  Erin didn’t feel like herself. She felt sick and ravenous all at the same time, and craved food she wouldn’t normally eat, like raw steak. Sickened by her impulses, Erin tried to ignore them. She sat down in front of the television and tried to focus on what was on, but it didn’t work. She felt restless and uneasy. Getting up, she started to pace around the room but still she felt like she had energy to burn.

  Powerless against her sudden strange impulses, Erin decided to go for a run. It was still light out, so there wasn’t the added element of danger with the lurking killer still at large. Pulling on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, Erin tied up her running shoes and left the house, making sure to lock the door as she left.

  Erin had always enjoyed running. She found it helped clear her mind whenever she was feeling weighed down with indecision. The momentum of running, the rhythm of her movements, she found cathartic, and today was no exception. Erin ran out of the estate where she lived, relishing the feeling of freedom that came with each step forward. Her tied-back hair bobbed along behind her like a dark kite.

  Pushing herself more than normal, Erin maintained a fast speed. Usually, she slowed to a jog, but not today, today she had energy she had to burn. Energy that made staying in the house make her feel like a caged animal, prowling and desperate to get out.

  Her lungs burned from the excursion, but still she pressed on. She wanted to run until her legs gave way beneath her and she could run no more.

  Erin ran and felt free. Her legs pumped beneath her, pulling her further forward, out and away from her estate, deeper in to town. She felt an overwhelming urge to escape, to run away from everything and running seemed like the only way to do it.

  She kept running as the houses and trees beside her became a blur, everything merging in to one long image. But eventually, her legs buckled from exhaustion and she was forced to slow and eventually stop.

  Breathing hard, Erin placed her head between her knees and waited for her chest to cease heaving and her breathing to regulate itself. Her legs trembled slightly, worn out from overuse. Her back was soaked with perspiration, seeping out and wetting her thin t-shirt and making it stick to her skin. Erin smelled herself, smelled the sweat, and felt a shudder of repulsion. When she was back home, she’d have to shower yet again.

  Standing up, Erin stretched and flexed her arms and legs. They ached in protest. She knew she wouldn’t be able to run anymore that day; she’d already overdone it. She would have to walk back to her house. Looking around she tried to get her bearings. She was in an unfamiliar part of town full of run-down apartment buildings, yet somehow she knew instinctively which direction to go in to get home. Turning to the south, she began the tedious task of walking back.

  Erin cautiously surveyed her surroundings as she walked, feeling uneasy in such a foreign area. Most of the windows in the buildings were boarded up, presumably after the glass had been shattered. There was graffiti sprayed everywhere declaring various gang allegiances. Erin tried to ignore it all and just focus on getting back to her own, familiar estate.

  A sudden low, guttural growl made her stop walking. She looked and saw a large bulldog standing behind a rickety wooden gate. The dog was staring directly at her, baring its formidable sharp teeth and growling.

  When Erin locked eyes with it in bewilderment, it started to bark manically, foaming at the mouth and ramming its considerable weight against the gate, causing the wood to bend and snap at the force.

  It was like back in her nightmares, where the snarling dogs were chasing her. What was going on? Why was this dog suddenly going crazy at her? Why could she smell everything so strongly?

  But Erin didn’t have the luxury of time to stand and deliberate on what was happening to her. Other dogs were being called to arms, barking from within their own yards. Harsh, vicious barks filled the air. Looking at the wooden gate and the surging bull dog Erin could see it was just a matter of time before he broke through and came barreling at her, teeth out and ready to rip into her flesh.

  As much as she ached, Erin forced herself to run. She had to get out of there. Her legs felt heavy and wooden but she forced them into action, making them push against the street, to propel her forward and remove her from danger.

  She ran, wincing at the pain, trying to block out how much she ached. Her ears were ringing with the sound of the shrill, angry barks. She wondered briefly what she had done to agitate them so fiercely, but also didn’t want to stick around and find out.

  Even out of the area, with the dogs behind her, their barking still rung out in ears as though somehow she could still hear them, could hear their throats beginning to grow hoarse yet still they barked. Far behind her now, the bulldog broke loose and began running after her scent but his efforts would be in vain. She was rounding the corner to her estate now and soon she’d be back in the safety of her small house.

  Erin continued running, her sweat pouring down. She could see her house; see the safety of the front door waiting to lock her inside. Still she could hear the barking, lingering in her senses, not letting her dare to stop even for a second.

  Eventually, Erin opened her front door and came crashing down into the hallway. She turned on to her back and used her feet to push the door shut, watching it close with a weary sense of satisfaction.

  Breathing heavily, she lay panting on the floor, her eyes trained up to the ceiling. She ran a hand across her forehead and it came back moist. She’d never sweat so much before; if she wasn’t so exhausted, she’d be repulsed by it.

  For now, though, she was exhausted. Her eyes grew heavy as she lay on the floor, unable to move. The barking had now become silenced, much to her relief. It had terrified her to see an element from her nightmare out there in the real world. She feared that maybe she was going mad.

  “I’m just sick,” Erin told herself. The smells, the barking, the nightmares, surely it was all a sign that she was unwell, probably lost to a fever. She just needed to rest. Carefully, she lifted herself off the floor, each limb screaming out in discomfort as she did so. She needed a long, hot shower and then she’d go back to bed. In the morning, by the light of a new day, everything would look and feel better…at least, she hoped so.

  In the fog of exhaustion, she thought momentarily of Sean. She’d have to go to work the following day and face him. She couldn’t put it off any longer.
br />   ***

  The dogs chased her. Each of them snarling and baring their teeth as they raced after her, desperate to bite in to the pink of her flesh. Erin ran from them, pumping her legs hard, her chest heaving.

  She didn’t need to look back, she could still hear them in hot pursuit, growling and panting as they ran in her wake. There were dozens of them and they were growing in numbers. Erin knew that if she paused even for a second, they would reach and overpower her and she’d meet her end as they tore her apart, limb from limb.

  The savagery in their chase made her body break out in fearful sweat. She continued to run, with no idea where she was going. All she knew was that she had to evade the dogs who continued to relentlessly chase her.

  She ran through unfamiliar streets, never looking back, always pressing forward. She ran past trees which scratched at her cheeks with their extended branches but she couldn’t stop to survey the damage, she had to carry on, had to get away from her pursuers.

  The high-pitched angry barking was piercing. It ripped through the night sky and tore in to Erin’s eardrums as she ran. Each bark seemed to alert nothing dog to their cause as they massed in numbers, all of them large and angry. As she kept running, Erin became too tired to be angry or scared. She was existing solely on instinct, a desperate desire to stay alive.

  The dogs were gaining on her; their shrill cries were becoming worryingly close. Erin pushed forward, tried to create some extra speed in her legs, but she had nothing left to give. Desperate, she looked for somewhere she could escape to and hide, but the world seemed full of nothing but dark emptiness, leaving her nowhere to go.

  Running on her last remaining ounce of strength, Erin began to fear that she’d soon succumb to the savage fate which chased her. Exhausted, her legs became like jelly beneath her and gave way without warning, sending her crashing to the floor. Erin tasted wet dirt as she connected with the ground. Spluttering, she tried to get up but it was no good; she had nothing left.


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