Dreamlike State (The Magic of Black Forest Book 1)

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Dreamlike State (The Magic of Black Forest Book 1) Page 17

by Macy Farmer

  Yet again, another interruption before we could discuss the flowers. This time the doorbell rang. I answered it wondering who or what it could possibly be. I’d already been blessed with wonderful precious gifts. I opened the door to find Melissa holding balloons and a present.

  “Happy Birthday, Natalia.” She hugged me then went straight to the kitchen. “Wow where’d you get all the roses and your fave… daisies?”

  Smiling I said, “The roses are from Bradley, and the daisies are from Jesse and Colleen. That beautiful truck parked in my driveway is from my aunt.”

  “Wow maybe I should have gotten here sooner. My gift is so small compared to theirs.”

  As I opened her gift I said, “It’s the thought that counts.” I wasn’t prepared at all for her gift. It was a picture of my parents in a beautiful crystal frame. Crying I hugged her, “It’s the best gift ever, thank you, Melissa.” She couldn’t stay; she had to get back to work. I thanked her for my gift and said I’d call her this weekend. Immediately after she left, my aunt was back to business training me.

  This time it took a few hours before we were interrupted by a call from Harvey. As it turned out, he knew Jesse’s friend. He agreed it was a great deal and purchased the house. He told me it was an excellent investment. He also said that I should get up there to see it as soon as possible. I let him know I would be there in two weeks, and that I was taking Melissa with me. He reassured me the house was mine and the keys were on the way along with the rental paperwork for Melissa to sign. Then he wished me a happy birthday.

  After hanging up, I saw my aunt’s eyes were full of questions. She’d been here all day, hinting. She was aware I was leaving but would not ask me to explain. I got the feeling she was torn over wanting to respect my privacy while at the same time dying to know what my future plans were. This was probably one of the things she saw before I started shielding my thoughts from her. Therefore, I decided to tell her.

  “I just bought a house in Lockhaven, Pennsylvania. I’ll be going up to see it in two weeks. Melissa is coming with me. Oh and Melissa will be living here.” Even though I was happy to have my aunt here with me, I still didn’t want her to know everything. I barely knew her really.

  “Well… congratulations. Let me know when you’re having a house warming party and I’ll be there. I’m really happy for you. Now let’s get back to work. We have much to do in a short amount of time.”

  For two weeks, my aunt taught me about the history of our coven, as well as how to use my powers. The house hadn’t been blown up or anything so that was a good thing. I was feeling confident about my new skills. It was pretty neat being able to lift and move large, heavy objects without straining myself physically. I also felt confident that if necessary I’d be able to protect myself, especially with Seager around.

  Aunt Susie got a little upset when she found out that Melissa wouldn’t be able to go with me when I went to check out my new house. She had to work that weekend, it was mandatory. Having only two weeks of training, my aunt grew concerned that I may get myself in trouble if I went by myself. Her concerns were valid, but it didn’t matter. Seager and I were still going to see our new home. I believe in fate and that we were supposed to go alone. Actually, I liked the idea of having the place to myself. It’s an experience I needed to do on my own. To spend the first night in my very own house would be something I’d never forget.

  This time I decided to leave before dinnertime. That should get me there about eight or nine. Melissa made me promise that I would call her when I stopped for gas and again when I finally arrived. My aunt told me to have fun and enjoy myself. I could tell the situation still bothered her, but to her credit, she didn’t try to stop me.

  For this trip, I didn’t plan my timing very well. Too excited about getting there, I forgot how dark it would be when I arrived. We arrived sometime after nine o’clock. The house sat back on the property a little. The driveway, long and narrow, led right to the front of the house. When we pulled up in front of the garage doors, the outside lights turned on. Smiling I thought, love those motion lights.

  Keeping the doors locked, I sat in the truck waiting to see how long the outside lights would stay on. Pitch black and spooky, I didn’t want the lights to go out while trying to unlock the front door. To kill time, I left the truck running and flicked on my interior lights to call Melissa. I’d forgotten about the Bluetooth feature. Instead of music coming from my radio, the phone was ringing. This would take some getting used to. Melissa was relieved to hear from me. She insisted I call her from inside the house to be sure I made it in safely.

  The outside security light finally went off after about twenty minutes. Perfect. I jumped out of the truck, which triggered the light to turn back on. Letting Seager out, I reached inside to grab my flashlight when I heard, “Hey, Seager boy, how are you? Natalia…” My heart started pounding rapidly feeling his closeness and his voice, like the first day we met, made my body tingle excitably. Smiling, I turned to face him. My joy disappeared as soon as our eyes met. His were full of disappointment and sadness. Maybe I should have told him about buying the house.

  Before I could explain he said, “I heard someone had bought the house, that they were coming to look at it this weekend. I stopped by to sneak a peek at the new owners. I’m quite stunned to see you and Seager here.” He closed his eyes, but not before I saw how my not telling him had hurt him. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I wasn’t sure why, but I hesitated. This made him look at me. Betrayal. That’s what I saw in his beautiful eyes. Unsure of how to make it right I reached out to him. Instead of taking my hand, he turned and ran into the woods. I tried to run after him but he was too fast, unbelievably fast. Still I attempted to follow.

  When I turned around the corner of the house, I saw what looked like a snake dangling from a tree branch. Terrified of snakes, I let out a blood-curdling scream. Panicking, I spun around, tripped over my own feet, and fell heavily to the ground, knocking the wind out of my lungs. I freaked out even more when I imagined it falling on me. Trying to catch my breath, I crawled my way to the front of the house. Not thinking rationally, things only got worse when I felt something touch my shoulder. Thinking a poisonous serpent fell on my shoulder, I whipped around to swat it off but instead I whacked my head, hard, on the side of my house.

  “Natalia… you’re bleeding.” Concern and frustration trembled in his words.

  My head hurt so bad that when I heard a low growl, I wasn’t sure if I’d been hearing things. Blackness began to surround me. Fearful the creature that growled was not my imagination, I whispered, “Bradley… don’t leave…”

  When I came to, I found myself alone and in the dark again. My pounding head had a bandage on it. Confused and dazed, I tried to recall what had happened. The last thing I remembered was a snake falling on me.

  “Seager…” He had to be here.

  “I’m here, Natalia. Are you okay? You hit your head pretty hard, actually knocked yourself out. You should really take a chill pill or two.”

  “Quit it, Seager. The last thing I remember was a snake falling on me. Just because you’re not afraid of snakes… well it's obvious I am. How did you get me into the house?” I sighed. Before Seager answered me, the lights came on and I saw Bradley standing there. Relieved, I reached out my hand to him. Slowly he walked towards me. As he got closer I noticed his blue green eyes were black, his skin paler than usual. The muscles in his clenched jaw were trembling. I’d never seen him like this.

  “Bradley, are you okay?” I tried to get up to go to him, but I got dizzy and fell back onto the sofa. When he told me to just sit still for a minute, his harsh voice sounded cold. It startled me. Dizzy, the room spun. Sighing, I put my head in my hands. Fearful of throwing up I asked urgently, “Where’s the bathroom?” When he didn’t respond, I looked at him. He just stood there pointing down the hall. Frowning, I got up and ran for it.

  I searched frantically for the light switch. I just made it to the sink w
hen I hurled. I kicked the door shut and sat down on the cold dirty floor, and breathed slowly and deeply. When I was sure that I wasn’t going to vomit again if I moved, leaned into the tub, turned on the cold water, and splashed it on my face. Feeling the bandage, I ripped it off my forehead. “OW!”

  From the other side of the door I heard him sigh heavily. “Natalia, are you okay?”

  Hearing the question, he asked me many times before I started to laugh. “Do you think you’ll ever be tired of asking me that?” He didn’t answer my question. Slowly I rose to my feet. “I’m better now. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  When I finally walked out of the bathroom I found Bradley standing by the front door again. “Why did you take your bandage off, you’re still bleeding.” His hand on the door he said, “I have to step outside for a minute, I’ll be back.”

  Standing there like an idiot, I let him leave. Still a little dizzy, I pulled out my cell and called Melissa back. Holding my aching head, I told her everything was okay and I’d call her tomorrow. She knew something was up but I assured her otherwise, that I just had a little headache. Little put it mildly. Raging felt more like it.

  After hanging up, I looked out the front window and didn’t see Bradley. I really did it this time. It was inevitable I guess, just a matter of time before he left me again. I have a habit of hurting myself. Protecting me is a full time job. Let’s not forget I kept the information of my buying the house from him. I really couldn’t blame him for leaving. Too tired and in too much pain to run after him again, I just wanted to go to bed. I found the outside light switch, turned it on, and walked outside to get my things.

  “Come on, Seager, I’m not going out there alone.” I grabbed my clothes, my sleeping bag, and pillow. Everything else will have to wait until the morning. I rolled out my sleeping bag on the living room floor and laid myself down. Sleep… that was all I wanted right now. Everything else, including Bradley, would have to wait until tomorrow.

  Just as I started to drift off into a deep sleep, someone knocked at the door. “Seager, who is it?” My head hurt so bad I couldn’t even make myself get up to see who it is.

  “It’s Brad, Jesse, and Colleen,” he replied.

  “Ugh.” I crawled to the door, unlocked it, and began crawling back to my bed.

  “What’s up, Nat? Heard you hit your head pretty bad,” Jesse teased annoyingly while kneeling over me to check out the wound on my head.

  “I’m o-okay. Just need some sleep. How about you guys stop back tomorrow? Could you lock up when you go?” Practically delirious from the pain, I must have hit my head pretty hard.

  “Natty, you can’t fall asleep just yet. Why don’t you sit up and talk for a while? You may have a concussion.” Colleen took her turn at bending over looking at my forehead. Both of them lifted me from the floor and sat me onto the couch.

  Holding my head, I looked around the room to see where Bradley was while all of this was going on. He stood by the door with one hand on the handle, ready to bolt out the first chance he got. That irritated me to no end.

  “Bradley, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I bought this house. I didn’t want anyone to know, not yet anyway. However, please don’t let me keep you. If you want to leave… then go…”

  “Knock it off, Nat. It’s not like that. And starting tomorrow you and Brad are going to tell each other all your secrets.” Annoyed Jesse pressed a wet rag on my forehead. “We have to get the bleeding to stop.”

  I looked at Jesse straight in the eye with tears filling mine I said, “I already told him everything. I completely understand why he wouldn’t want to be with me. Why put him through this, Jess? He has no obligation to me…no promises.” I leaned my head on Jess’s chest, just crying, and waiting for sleep to take over.

  It didn’t happen, and instead I felt myself being pulled from Jess. I didn’t need to see who it was, his touch alone told me all I needed to know. It felt like home. I looked up at him, his jaw taunt, talking through clenched teeth, he promised, “I’m not going anywhere, Natalia.”

  Hearing him say my name, I offered a little sigh and laid my head against his chest, wrapped my arm around his waist and it was off to sleep I went.

  “Okay, Brad, that’s not a good idea. Nat, get up, no sleeping.”

  Jesse tried to pull me from Bradley, “No, Jess. Let go of me.” My eyes were still shut when I promised, “I’ll stay awake.”

  I heard Jesse start to laugh. “She’s as bad as you are, Coll.” Then I heard someone being slapped.

  “That’s one for, Colleen,” I said almost laughing. It hurt to laugh. Not letting go, I looked up at Bradley. He still had his jaw locked and refused to look at me. Maybe I should just give him some space. I went to pull away but he held me tightly against him.

  Talking through his clenched teeth again he said, “Guys, I think Natalia could use a bandage over her wound. It looks like the bleeding has stopped.”

  Without letting me go, Colleen and Jess dressed my wound. “Brad, I think we should change her clothes. Maybe you’ll both be a little more comfortable without all the blood.” I let her pull me from him; she grabbed my bag and helped me into the bedroom. She dumped my clothes on the bed.

  “Come on, Nat, is this all you own, tee shirts, jeans and sweat pants? Sheesh. When you move up here the first thing we’re doing is getting you a new wardrobe.”

  “I like my clothes, thank you very much. They’re comfortable.” I said, slightly irritated. My eyes scanned the room and it suddenly hit me. I’m in my house. Mine. “Wow, this room is huge. Come on, I want to see the rest of the house.” My excitement made my head hurt more, but I figured if I couldn’t sleep, I might as well explore. I ran past the guys and into the kitchen. “Unbelievable.” I spun around, which wasn’t a good idea because I got dizzy again and almost fell. Luckily, Bradley caught me.

  “Be careful hon,” he seemed more relaxed this time, no longer talking through his teeth. “Would you mind if we experienced the first walk-thru of your house together?”

  “I’d really like that. I can’t get over this kitchen. Its bigger then my parents' kitchen. Let’s go check out the upstairs.”

  With his arm around my waist he smiled down at me adoringly. “Let’s.” We walked up the stairs together while he securely held me upright.

  “Oh, Bradley, this house is more beautiful than I ever imagined. I’m so glad you’re here with me.” I cupped my hands around his face; stood up on my toes, and pressed my lips against his. Hungry for more, I clenched my fingers into his hair, moaning. I missed his sweet breath. I kissed him passionately, and wanted to make it obvious just how much I had missed him.

  I heard a low growl, and realized it came from him. “Careful, Natalia. Not yet, it’s too soon.” Puzzled, I stepped back and searched his face. His eyes were black again. Breathing heavily, he stared into my eyes and started growling softly. The growl didn’t scare me. The seductive sound excited me. I moved toward him, eager to feel my lips on his again but before we touched, he took my arms, holding them against the side of my body, and snarled, “No.” We stood there scowling at each other. His mood swings were driving me nuts.

  His denying my affection filled my mind with irrational thoughts. Does he not want to be with me? Was he wishing I had not bought the house and wasn’t moving there? I couldn’t take it anymore. I kept putting myself out there and he kept rejecting me. I shook my arms free from his grip, and looked away. I knew the angry tears were coming and didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. “I’m going downstairs.”

  “Natalia, wait, let me explain.”

  “No need to. It’s okay. No big deal. It won’t happen again. I just misunderstood the look in your eyes. I need to take Seager out anyway.”

  Before I got to the top of the steps, I heard Jess shout, “Just tell her, Brad. She has a right to know.”

  Without turning to look at him, “I already know, Bradley. You’ve found someone else. That’s fine.
You deserve to be happy. It would be easier on me if you just left.”

  Laughing, he turned me around to face him. He lifted my chin with his finger and said, “You silly beautiful woman, is that what you think?” I nodded yes, while still trying to not look at him. Tears poured from my eyes, so I tried to pull my face from his hand.

  “I think Jesse is right, we need to talk.” He held me there and asked Jesse and Colleen to take Seager out for a walk and give us a few, but reminded them to not go too far. Once we heard the front door close he released me, took my hand in his, and led me downstairs. After I sat down on the couch, he took a seat directly in front of me.

  “Natalia, I love you. I have something I must tell you, but first know that it wasn’t my intention to keep this from you. Once I realized I could not live without you, I’ve been spending all my time trying to figure out a way to tell you. You have told me all your secrets and now I want to tell you mine. If, after I tell you, you want me to leave I will completely understand.

  “Natalia, well, my mom… no… I don’t know how to say it.” I had never seen him have such difficulty with his words prior to this. It must be something bad. He was probably searching for a way to tell me he didn’t love me the way I loved him. Probably just as friends, or like Jesse, as a brother. If he didn’t hurry up, my imagination would drive me crazy thinking he was married or something. As if he heard me, which I know he didn’t, he blurted out, “Natalia, I’m half human and half vampire. My father is a vampire. My heart beats but I haven’t aged in over fifty years. I stopped aging when I turned twenty five.”

  The moment my aching mind registered what he said my jaw fell open. With my mouth gaping wide, I stared at him through new eyes. My hands still in his, “Did you hear what I said?”

  Distracted by a conversation I had with my aunt, I nodded. I recalled the first day I met my aunt. She asked me how I could have fallen in love with a vampire and about shape-shifters. That’s when I remembered what I’d forgotten about the bear. The bear at the pond, it had to be Jesse. He’s the shape-shifter. Could Colleen be the other one? This couldn’t be true! I must still be unconscious from hitting my head. I took my hand from his and pinched myself, “OW!” Laughing now I stammered, “Well I’m awake.” I looked into his eyes again and they were a beautiful blue green with a golden yellow star around the pupils, drop dead gorgeous. “Is that why your eyes change from green to black? I never really noticed it until tonight.”


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