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Dreamlike State (The Magic of Black Forest Book 1)

Page 23

by Macy Farmer

  I dreamt that the vamp girl was chasing me through the woods, angry that Bradley had chosen me over her. I ran, screaming for Bradley to help me. I woke myself up when I screamed his name. Sitting upright in my bed, I realized I was safe at home. It was still dark out.

  I heard Bradley whispering my name in my ear. “It’s okay don’t be frightened.” He said. “Go back to sleep, love.”

  “You’re naked.” I looked at myself. “So am I.” I didn’t remember taking off my clothes. “What’s going on, Bradley?”

  He smiled devilishly, shrugged his shoulders, and said, “You kept telling me you were hot. So to make you more comfortable, I removed your clothes. Why don’t you lie back down? Come on you can still get a few hours of sleep.” Dazed and confused, I just stared at his gorgeous body. I felt myself grinning but I couldn’t make it go away. The man is truly unbelievably beautiful.

  When I finally drifted my gaze back up to his face all I could think of saying was, “Hi.”

  He chuckled and the bed shook. Kissing my forehead, he returned a hello. We just laid there staring into each other’s eyes. Every now and then, I would peek at the rest of his body, which made my grin grow wider. I kept my distance, never letting my body touch his.

  When I awoke in the morning, our bodies were pressed against each other’s. My leg was over his hips and my breasts pressed against his chest, my face hidden deep in his neck.

  I pulled away and looked into his eyes, “Sorry about that.”

  “Please don’t apologize and definitely don’t roll away from me.” Pulling me into him he placed my thigh back on his hips and kissed the top of my head.

  “No, Bradley, I don’t want to cause you any anxiety or stress.” I tried to pull away but the harder I tried the tighter he held me.

  “This feels good doesn’t it? Are you not enjoying yourself?”

  “Yes and of course I like it, I like it a lot. But…” I hesitated trying to figure out a way to bring up his vamp girlfriend, and how I needed to break up with him.

  “Natalia, you’re not breaking up with me because of some ex-girlfriend who wasn’t even a girlfriend to begin with. I won’t leave.”

  “Is that why you came to see me last night? Did she tell you she talked to me?” I was about to say a lot more but I couldn’t think straight with his body pressed against mine and his breath smelled so delicious. “You weren’t supposed to be here with me last night. She said it was her night.”

  “Did you believe her lies?” He asked quietly.

  “I almost let my imagination get away from me but then Seager reminded me of something you said the first week we’d met and about the promise you made me when you put this ring on my finger.” I lifted my hand to his face for him to see that the ring remained where he put it, on my finger. “Why did you come over last night? I wasn’t supposed to see you until tonight.”

  “Seager came and got me at the bar, worried you might leave again. He also said he needed to see for himself. I brought him home and let him in. Then I went to help Jess finish making Colleen’s New Year's gift. We’ve been working on it all week. I promised him I wouldn’t say anything to you or anyone else. When we finished I told him I had to tell you, that your imagination would drive you from me. He just laughed saying he totally agreed and understood.

  “So now you know where I’ve been all week. Do you feel better?”

  “No, now I feel selfish and embarrassed.” My cheeks were scarlet with embarrassment.

  Using his usual technique to make me look into his eyes, he lifted my face to his by placing his finger under my chin. “I love it when you blush, you silly woman.” He kissed me before telling me he had to go.

  “Colleen will be here shortly. Please do not say anything to her.”

  “Why is she coming over?” I asked. This was the first I’d heard about this.

  “Natalia, my true love, I have some serious plans for us tonight. I bought you a new dress and Colleen is bringing it over. She plans to do your hair and nails for tonight. I know how you love that. Please make sure she pretties herself up as well. Jesse and I will be back around three to take you two out for the night.” Frustrated and disappointed, I agreed and sadly said I’d see him later.

  “Aw, I can see how sad I’ve made you. I’m sorry, my love. Would you like a peek at what I sort of have in store for you.” Before I could say another word, he had me screaming his name over and over again.

  With a huge grin on my face, I stood there waving goodbye to Bradley as he drove away. He must have passed Colleen while she drove up the drive because he no sooner left and she was here.

  When she got up on the porch, she made a comment about the bright glow reflecting off my body and asked if I knew what they were up too.

  “I have no idea but supposedly you have something for me and we’re supposed to dress up including doing our nails. Did you bring your manicure kit?” I laughed at her expression. She lived for this girlie-girl stuff.

  We passed the entire day beautifying our nails and hair. I actually got into it this time. I was telling Colleen how much fun I was having when I heard a knock at the door. Before Colleen could stop me, I opened it. Standing in the doorway, with evil in her eyes, was the vamp girl, Jessica.

  Annoyed, I asked, “Can I help you?”

  “No, I’m looking for Brad. Can I talk to him?” She tried to see into my house, so I stood in front of her, blocking the view. Angered more she snapped, “We were interrupted last night…”

  That’s when Colleen yanked the door open, “Listen, bitch, do everyone a favor, and stay away from Brad. Don’t make me come after you.” She put herself between me and the vamp, her body trembling. She backed the vamp onto my lawn while telling me to stay back.

  The vamp hissed and swatted at Colleen. Colleen let out a wicked laugh before her image blurred and her clothes flew through the air. She changed shape into a huge grizzly bear that stood over the vamp. Colleen, in her grizzly form, furiously growled at the vamp, and drug her foot along the ground throwing dirt and rocks into Jessica’s face.

  In awe, I couldn’t move nor could I wipe the smile off my face. I knew I should’ve been scared but seeing Colleen as a grizzly bear, rendered me speechless.

  When the vamp didn’t run, Colleen stood on her hind legs. She was gargantuan in this form. I wouldn’t have thought that little ole’ Colleen would be such a big grizzly.

  Colleen swung her paw and made contact, throwing vamp girl through the air and right into a tree. The impact cracked the trunk and the tree fell crashing to the ground. I gasped with disbelief. The vamp jumped upright and told Colleen that she was going to be sorry before running off into the woods. Colleen roared in response, so loud that it echoed several times through the forest. After a few minutes, Colleen changed back to her naked self. I ran in and grabbed my housecoat for her to wear.

  Putting it on quickly she said, “The guys are coming. I think they heard me. It’ll ruin the night if we say the bitch showed up here. Let’s tell them that you wanted to see what I looked like. I’ll pick up my clothes and you let Seager go. I tied him up in the kitchen.”

  Running to Seager’s rescue I asked, “Why did you do that, Colleen?”

  She met us in the living room, “Sorry, Seager, it was for your protection. Jessica could have used you against me. Come on and let’s get changed. We have less than a minute. Seager, mum's the word until after our evening is over please.”

  Quickly, we changed into our dresses. I couldn’t stop laughing. This was so exciting.

  “Wow, Colleen, you were beautiful!”

  “Thanks, Nat. Not as beautiful as you. Damn, Brad has good taste in clothes. That color is perfect for you and it is revealing just enough to make you want to look more. Darn it. I’m slapping the shit out of Jesse when I see him. I had to buy my own dress.”

  We heard the front door open and close before Jesse shouted, “Are you ladies decent?”

  When we entered the living room, I saw
Bradley and Seager were having a private conversation. I scowled at Seager. I heard a slapping sound followed by Jesse yelling, “Ow! What did I do this time?”

  “It’s not what you did. It’s what you didn’t do.” She pointed to Bradley then to me. “Brad picked out that dress for her. Look how beautiful it looks on her. I had to pick out my own dress…” Before Colleen could finish Jess took her in his arms and kissed her.

  I couldn’t help but laugh aloud. Tears of laughter were running down my cheeks when I looked at Bradley. Though his eyes were troubled, his jaw was on the floor. He repeatedly caressed my body with his eyes, pausing at my cleavage. With the troubled look in his eyes, I could not tell if it was too revealing.

  I placed my hand over my cleavage and asked, “Is it too revealing? Should I change or get something to cover it up?” When I looked back up from my cleavage, Bradley had been standing directly in front of me.

  He pulled my hand away from my cleavage and said, “Not too much at all, just right.”

  “Then what’s up with the troubled eyes?” I whispered into his ear.

  “We’ll talk about it later. I don’t want it to spoil the evening. You look delicious. I’m not sure if I’ll make it until midnight. I may have to bring you home sooner.” His eyes burned with desire, longing to take me into the room and please me all night long.

  “Whenever you’re ready to call it a night I’ll be ready, just say the word.” He dazzled me with his smile leaving me breathless.

  “Oh my god! Look, Natty…” She shoved Bradley out of the way to show me a ring that Jesse made for her. The wooden ring, had the head of a grizzly bear. “We’re getting married.” She jumped up and down, spinning us round and round. I almost fell but Bradley caught us both.

  “Careful, ladies, you don’t want to tear your dresses,” Bradley cautioned.

  “Congrats, Coll!” I gave her a big hug and congratulated Jesse the same way. That was the first time I had ever thought about marriage. It felt like someone punched me in the gut because I knew Bradley would never marry me.

  Colleen broke through my thoughts by grabbing my arm. “Come on, Nat, let’s go celebrate.”

  “Yes, let's.” I had to remind myself not to sulk and ruin this night for Colleen and Jesse. That would have been very selfish of me.

  Bradley sensed my mood shift so he quietly asked me about it. I just smiled and said nothing while I fidgeted with my dress.

  “You do have good taste in clothes. Did you pick this out yourself? It’s really beautiful.”

  “Yes, I ordered it online immediately after you ruined the dress you wore on Christmas Eve. Hmm, I guess technically you helped me pick it out.” He laughed.

  “I love it. Thank you.” I leaned forward to see Colleen’s ring again. “Jess, it is a beautiful ring. Nice wood carving skills.” I complimented.

  “I couldn’t have done it without Brad. He drew it up for me and I created it from there. Every time I got stumped or broke the ring, he drew up another picture or idea for me to use. Thanks, Brad, you’re the man.”

  I leaned back and said, “Good job, my love.” I placed my head on his shoulder and asked, “Where are we headed to?”

  Jesse replied, “First we’re going to Lee’s for dinner, then we’re going dancing.”

  I froze the minute he said Lee’s. I could tell that Colleen suddenly felt nervous too. When Colleen and I got out of the truck, we eyed each other. I could tell she was worried but wouldn’t admit it.

  We were just about to go in when Bradley stopped us. “One second, Jess. Ladies, what’s going on? Is there something we need to know?”

  Colleen answered first, “No, why?” I just rolled my eyes. With Bradley, you never asked ‘why’. He’d have us spilling our guts in no time.

  “Well the second Jess mentioned we were going to Lee’s, Natalia froze and you started fidgeting. Coll, you only fidget when you’re nervous about something. Am I right, Jess?” That was his way of including Jesse, who by the way, seemed clueless about what had transpired.

  “You’re absolutely right Brad. What’s going on girls?”

  “Who are you calling a girl, boy?” Colleen tried to change the subject. It was a good effort but it wasn’t going to work.

  “You know exactly what he meant, Coll. Don’t even try to change the subject. Tell us what’s going on or we’re going home.” Bradley barely finished the word home when Colleen started spilling her guts. It made me laugh out loud. I’ve been on the other side of Bradley’s scolding. For a change, it wasn’t me confessing everything. And that felt good. I was just surprised she didn’t hold out longer.

  “What are you laughing at, Nat?” Colleen said frustrated. She told them that Jessica stopped by, how she tied up Seager, and changed into a grizzly. The entire time she explained, I stood there with a huge grin on my face.

  When Colleen finished explaining what happened, Bradley turned and glared at me. In a wrathful voice he demanded, “Is that it, Natalia?”

  “Yep, except that Jessica said she was going to get Colleen back.” Too excited I ignored his scowl and added, “You should have seen Colleen. She was incredible. She stood over six feet no seven…” I reached up my hand as high as I could to show how tall she stood. “…on her hind legs, maybe even taller.” Then I turned back to Colleen. “That really sucks about your clothes. How often do you shred your clothes like that?”

  “That’s enough, Natalia. Jesse could you please make sure she’s not here so that we can get the ladies something to eat.” Once again, my reaction, or lack of fear, disappointed him. It seemed like he wanted me to run away screaming. Well that isn’t going to happen. I’m stronger than that.

  With no vampires in sight, other than Bradley, we had our dinner at Lee’s. I ordered another cheeseburger and fries. Our waitress worked as the bartender last night when I had dinner. Making casual conversation she said that she saw me as well as Bradley with Jessica. My chest ached when she mentioned that he was with her. He grabbed my hand and put it on the table, never letting it go. The waitress just looked down at our hands then turned and walked away.

  To break the uncomfortable silence, I asked where we were going next. Bradley seemed pleased by my change of subject. Before he could respond, Jesse blurted out that we were going dancing. As soon as we were finished eating, that’s exactly what we did.

  We danced all night until the ball dropped. Exactly at midnight, Bradley took me in his arms and kissed me in such a way that I practically came right there in the middle of the dance floor. Amazing, how every one of his kisses left me breathless.

  “Are you ready to go home my love,” he asked.

  “Yes,” I giggled.

  Bradley drove back to my house so that Jesse and Colleen could make out in the back seat. I laid my head on his shoulder and the next thing I knew he was carrying me into the house and putting me in my bed. I heard him and Jesse talking about getting together tomorrow afternoon. By the time Bradley took care of Seager and came to bed, I was already naked, my dress thrown on my dresser.

  I heard him laugh as he got into bed. “I was hoping to undress you myself.”

  “Um,” was all I said before I fell back to sleep in his arms.

  I was having the sexiest dream I had ever had. Bradley was letting me explore his body I was rubbing and stroking him. He, fighting to keep in control, was longing for more. His breathing was heavy as he growled my name…

  “Natalia, be careful. It’s time for you to wake up.” I didn’t want to wake from this dream. I was pleasuring him and he was enjoying it.

  “Natalia… please… you’re driving me crazy.” He was breathing heavy, like in my dream, when I finally woke. I woke up to my naked body lying across his with my hand between his legs stroking his huge stiff shaft. I let go quickly and got off of him apologizing.

  “Oops. I guess I wasn’t dreaming after all.”

  “No, you weren’t.”

  Rolling over, face to face, he kissed my lips,
cheek, and throat. When he got to my ear he whispered, “Please don’t stop.”

  Without hesitating, I started again. I threw myself onto him and he instinctively threw me to the other side, angrily, “No, not that.”

  “I’m not, my love, just switching sides. I’m right handed, remember?” Kissing him on his throat, I began rubbing my hand between his legs. Clueless on the subject, earlier in the week, with all my free time, I read a book on how to pleasure your man. It told you how to give him the best hand job ever.

  Squeezing firmly, I stroked his shaft from top to bottom, occasionally giving his balls the attention they deserved. When it became too much for him to control himself, he grabbed my hand, threw his body on mine, and started fondling me. His grinding was rough on my body but I couldn’t stop him. I wanted him to come. He thrust his hips harder, painfully against my thigh. His eyes turned to a smoldering black. I knew he was on the edge now so I locked my fingers into his hair. Pulling with all my might, I forced his lips to mine and kissed him passionately. He pulled from me wildly exposing his neck to me and I bit him as hard as I could. He screamed my name as he thrust himself against my thigh one last time, hard. I felt his cum shoot onto my leg. He rolled onto his back trying to catch his breath. I draped my body over his and ignored the aching pain in my thigh.

  Happy I couldn’t help but snicker as I asked, “Was that good?” At first when he looked at me, I was a little startled. It had been the first time I’d ever seen him look like a vampire. The hunger in his eyes, heated and intense, screamed he wanted to take me right then and there. Not willing to let this scare me, I laid my head on his chest, “I love you, Bradley.” My voice gave me away by trembling a little.

  With his hand shaking uncontrollably, he placed his finger gingerly under my chin to lift my face to his. His facial expression unchanged, his smile even more devilish than before, he just stared at me wildly, seductively. He rolled us over and pinned me under him while he placed both of my hands above my head manacling them with one of his. Never taking his dark eyes from mine, he gently massaged my breasts making me long for his lips to suckle my nipples.


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