Paradox I

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Paradox I Page 12

by Rosemary Laurey

  Her gaze shifted to the bottom panel. Two people, a man and the woman in the white cape walked hand in hand. Her cape lay in a pile on the ground next to a broken gold chain.

  “What do you think of it?” he asked.

  “It’s beautiful.” She looked at him, his handsome face highlighted by a beam of moonlight piercing a jeweled red section of glass. “I’ve never seen anything like it. What does it mean?”

  “It’s a Wryven fairy tale.” He turned away as his valet appeared to help him remove his clothes. “I’ll tell you about it sometime.”

  The valet unbuckled the leather vest and removed it. Beneath Dani saw a leather jerkin that was molded to his magnificent chest.

  She jerked her eyes away. “Why not tell me now?”

  “I have something I’d much rather do.”

  Her stomach fluttered as he strode closer, pausing only to pick up a small leather pouch from a table. He opened it and she caught the flash of light on something gold.

  “For you.”

  Dani gaped at the object that dangled from his fingertips. It was larger than a bracelet and made of links that moved against his fingers like silk, or chain mail.

  “You’ve given me enough as it is.” Indeed he had. Not a day had gone by that she hadn’t received some sort of offering from him. A flower, a small book of Wryven poetry, a length of pale blue silk had been lying on her bed this afternoon. Though this was the first gift she’d received directly from his hand.

  “I enjoy giving presents to beautiful women.”

  Dani blushed and ducked her head. “What is it?”

  “It’s for your ankle, to cover your scar.”

  She glanced down at her bare ankle and the ring of reddish-scarred flesh. It was a constant reminder of her years of captivity at the hands of her father. Did Haaken mean to bind her as well?

  She raised her head, her jaw firm. “I’m no man’s slave.”

  His brow rose. “Have I said you were?”

  “I know you believe I was their slave, but I wasn’t.”

  He took her hand and led her toward a velvet-covered stool and he steered her onto it. “How did you end up there, Dani?”

  Her lip trembled and she looked away. Could she tell this man that it was her father, her own flesh and blood who’d sought to enslave her and had ultimately sold her to the highest bidder? It was too much to bear. The words could not be spoken out loud, not yet.

  “It’s a long story.”

  Haaken crouched, his fingers touched her ankle and a hot shudder of desire raced through her. He placed her bare foot upon his thigh and she could feel the heat of his skin through his leather trousers. The slide of the heated gold was almost sinful against her skin as he slipped on the anklet.

  “We have all the time in the world.” His fingers stroked the back of her calf, the movement sensual and hypnotic. She longed to close her eyes and revel in his attentions.

  “Do we?” Her voice was thick. “Have all the time in the world?”

  “You do not trust me?” His talented fingers stroked the back of one calf then he picked up her other ankle and placed her foot against his other thigh to repeat the process.

  “I don’t know you, Haaken.” Her voice was heavy. “How can I trust you if I barely know you?” Her thighs felt terribly weak and the cleft at the apex of her legs was wet and aching.

  “Fair enough.” He shifted closer and her thighs parted with the movement of his legs. “What do you want me to do, Dani?”

  Kiss me…

  “I’m not sure what you mean.” Flustered, she tried to draw her knees together.

  Haaken leaned back, his expression satisfied. “You are truly an innocent, aren’t you?” He removed her feet from his thighs before he rose. A large bulge in the area of his codpiece proclaimed his arousal. “I was afraid that, as a traveler, you’d be jaded.”

  His words shook the sensual daze from her senses. She leapt to her feet and glared at him. “You thought I’d be a whore. Not all traveler women earn their keep on their backs.”

  He held up his hands as if to ask for forgiveness. “I implied no such thing. I know what it is to live on the road. Those who do have a tendency to come face to face with the unsavory side of life. I’m pleased to see you’re still innocent enough to enjoy the simpler pleasures of life.” He took her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, his mouth warm and firm. “Now, go get dressed for dinner. The cooks have prepared a feast.”

  “As you wish.”

  Disconcerted, she moved away from him, missing his heat almost immediately. The tiny bells on her anklet rang merrily as she moved. Feeling his gaze upon her, she forced herself into a sedate walk as she left his room, her heart in her throat.

  A trickle of sweat ran down his back as Dani left. She was his to do with as he pleased and he couldn’t prevent the thrill of possession every time he looked at her. Whatever she wanted to call it, she was his slave and his Chosen One. Either way, she was his and his alone.

  He tipped his head back, his groin aching with unfulfilled lust. A single touch of her silky skin brought him to arousal. He was a man well-used to regular sexual encounters, and this had never happened before, not even when he was an untried youth.

  Since the discovery of her mark, prophecy called for a fortnight of abstinence on both sides but he couldn’t wait that long. Thanks to Mik, he knew she’d been completely chaste for the past week, as had he. But that would end… tonight.

  “Sire, shall I draw your bath?” his valet asked.

  “Yes, and make it cold.” Haaken opened his eyes and looked at the moonglow spilling in through the colored panes of the raven window. “Ice cold.”

  Chapter Six

  Dani had never felt more exposed in her life as she followed Ren into the banquet hall.

  After leaving Haaken earlier that evening, she’d made her escape to the baths, hoping to find Ren and impart to her what had happened. Instead she’d found several jaJin waiting with orders to service her every need.

  She’d been bathed from head to toe, then a female jaJin had come forward and shaved the hair from her legs and under her arms. She had noticed that all Wryven women were clean-shaven and she’d come to appreciate the custom. The genital shaving had surprised her, though.

  All the excess hair had been removed, leaving only a narrow strip of pale curls behind. And if that wasn’t enough to be endured, the woman had dyed Dani’s nipples and the bottoms of her feet bright red. When asked why, the jaJin had only given her a limpid stare and said it was customary.

  Dani had come to the conclusion that the Wryven had some very odd customs.

  After she’d been bathed, trimmed and dyed within an inch of her life, two jaJins had rubbed a blend of carnelian and almond oil into every pore of her skin. Only then had she been deemed ready and another servant had arrived with her clothing.

  But these weren’t the clothes she’d come to know and appreciate.

  Her undergarments were nonexistent. Around her waist was a jeweled chain with a leather strap attached in the center with more jewels placed at intervals. The strap was passed between her thighs, parting her nether lips, and then fastened in the back. As she walked, a blood red ruby stimulated the sheltered bundle of nerves while another jewel, a large sapphire, teased her damp opening, causing her to tilt her hips ever so slightly to alleviate the sensation as she walked.

  Her unbound breasts swayed under layers of lavender silk that comprised her wrap-style dress. Before leaving her chamber, she’d peered in the mirror to make sure her scarlet nipples were indiscernible through the soft cloth. Never had she felt so exposed yet aroused at the same time.

  The hall was packed with hundreds of people all in their finest clothing. As they passed, those in attendance bowed their heads in deference to Ren’s position in the family. The tables were decorated with elaborate place settings and were piled high with food. Multiple bottles of wine were afforded each table, and judging from the flushed cheeks, ma
ny had partaken already.

  As they progressed, Dani looked for a vacant spot to slip into. As a non-Wryven citizen, she would be relegated to sit on the far side of the room near the front where all visitors were to be seated. She saw an empty chair and moved to take it when Ren grabbed her sleeve.

  “Where are you going?” she hissed.

  “To sit—”

  “You’re sitting with us.”

  Ty was already waiting at the head table and he stood as they approached. He looked handsome in a dark blue velvet tunic with a white ruffled silk shirt beneath it. “Sister dear.” He gave Ren’s dark hair a tweak, then pulled her chair out for her.

  “Brother, I do believe you almost have your company manners on.” Ren slid into her chair as she gave him a lofty smile. “What brought this on?”

  Ty pulled out a chair for Dani. “I believe it was seeing the lovely Dani again.” He gestured for her to sit. “I find myself without words.”

  “As if that could ever happen,” Dani muttered. “You, sir, have the glibbest tongue I’ve ever heard.” She sank into her chair, shivering as the ruby nudged her. She leaned back and the sapphire teased her damp opening. Damn, was there no way to sit properly with this wretched thing on?

  Ren snickered as she ducked her head to smooth her napkin across her lap. “Careful, brother, for she’s grown claws since last you saw her.”

  “Ah, I think you underestimate her.” Ty reclaimed his seat. “You failed to notice that she had claws all along. She chose to shield them.”

  Ren gave her an approving smile. “A smart woman never reveals all her armaments.”

  Ty leaned over. “And you will do well to remember that, young Dani, for that piece of knowledge will serve you well.”

  A blast of trumpets interrupted their conversation and the footman stepped forward.

  “Ladies and gentleman.” His voice carried easily through the large hall. “Please stand for the arrival of our Overseer, Count Haaken el dan Wryven.”

  Dani scrambled to her feet as he entered with his two lieutenants at his heels. His gaze swept the crowd before coming to rest on the head table, then upon her.

  Heat flowed through her body as his gaze moved over her. She fought the urge to squirm beneath his appreciative glance. Between the jewels and Haaken, she could only pray she’d escape without making a complete fool of herself before the hundreds in attendance.

  With his dark hair loose about his shoulders and dressed in black from head to toe, he looked enormous. The only color to break the unrelenting length and breadth of him was a royal purple sash about his slim waist. A jeweled dagger was tucked into the sash. He moved with an easy grace, a man at home within his skin.

  “Sit.” He spoke to her as he mounted the dais.

  Dani assumed her seat, trying to hide her discomfort as the jewels made their presence known. Only when she was seated did he too sit, as did the rest of the diners. A robed priest entered the room with several children trailing behind him. He stopped before the main table and opened a large book.

  Dani was disappointed when he spoke to the assembled crowd in a language she didn’t understand. Every few moments, the priest would stop and the crowd would shout something in response to his words.

  “They’re agreeing.” Haaken’s voice sounded in her ear.

  “To what?”

  “To his questions. Soon, he will ask you a question as well. All you have to say is ‘oret-ah’ which means ‘I agree.’”

  “What if I don’t agree?” Dani hissed. “I don’t even know what he’s saying—”

  The crowd gave a tremendous roar and surged to their feet. The priest turned to face the head table and the children came forward. Dani saw they each carried a small wreath on a royal purple pillow.

  The priest addressed a question to Ren and Ty. With solemn expressions, they both responded with “oret-ah” and the children placed wreaths of white flowers on their heads and the crowds cheered.

  Dani frowned as Haaken was next. The only word she could make out was his name but the gesture toward her was unmistakable. Haaken gave the expected response and the hall erupted into cheers again as a slightly larger wreath of white flowers was placed on his head.

  The crowd settled and Dani could feel thousands of eyes fixed upon her. The priest spoke and she could only pick out her name. When he stopped speaking, the silence was heavy, almost unbearable.


  The crowd erupted into wild shouts of delight at her whispered word. The priest made the sign of the Realm, then closed the book. A young girl came forward and Dani dipped her head to receive the wreath. The girl gave her a shy smile as she backed away.

  Haaken caught her hand and raised it to his lips. His look was approving as he kissed her knuckles and a shiver moved up her arm. He kept her hand in his as he gestured and the servers entered the room bearing large trays heaped with food. The banquet had begun.

  “You look breathtaking.” His breath was warm against her ear. Through the thin silk she could feel the heat that radiated off him.

  “‘Tis your custom that dictated my outfit.” She picked up her wineglass. Did he know what she wore beneath her dress? She took a gulp of the golden liquid.

  “Aye, ‘tis custom.”

  Dani choked and Haaken patted her on the back until her coughing ceased. She smiled her thanks, grateful when a question from Ren took Haaken’s attention away from her. Throughout the hall, the guests were served and their chatter had risen to a dull roar, but she didn’t miss the curious glances being sent her way. To her left was a table where the concubines were seated, KayLe included. Had Haaken visited her after she’d left? The other woman’s hungry gaze was fastened on the Overseer.

  Her dark gaze slid to Dani and her eyes narrowed. She picked up her meat knife and speared a large meat shank. After she removed a chunk, she bit into it, a drop of meat juice running down her chin.

  Dani looked away.

  “Something vexes you?” Haaken asked.

  “No. Just tired.”

  “‘Tis late for you, little one.” He reached for a meat trencher and selected a small roasted bird. “Come, let us eat and you’ll feel much better.” He tore a piece off the roasted bird and offered it to her.

  Dani made to take it from him and he moved his hand, not allowing her to do so. His gaze was fastened on her mouth and he raised the morsel to her lips. Slowly, she leaned forward and took the proffered bite from his fingertips. The meat was tender and juicy, seasoned to perfection, but Dani was having trouble swallowing with his gaze fixed on her. Was this seduction?

  From the platter of glazed fruits, she selected a luscious slice of tropiel, a citrus fruit. She bit into it before offering Haaken the other half. His eyes glowed with approval as he leaned forward and took the fruit, his tongue lingering long enough to remove the juice from her fingertips.

  Their meal turned into a sensual byplay of give and take. Not a word was spoken as they fed each other bite after bite. The hundreds of guests faded into the background as they lost themselves in each other. All too soon, Dani was full and the emptied trenchers were removed. As the last plate was taken away, dancers took center stage.

  She’d never seen anything like the women who’d taken the floor. Their floating skirts were of every color imaginable and trimmed in gold or silver. They all had long dark hair and heavily lined dark eyes. Their breasts were bare and thin chains hung from their erect nipples. With stunning footwork and incredible contortions of their nubile bodies, they dazzled everyone in the room.

  As the ladies completed their dance, Dani felt a light brush of skin across her wrist. Haaken looked down at her, his eyes burnedwith need. Wordlessly, he held his hand out toward her. She licked her lips, as her heart beat a wild tattoo in her chest. Taking her future in her own hands, Dani slipped her hand into his and together they left the hall, never looking back.

  Haaken was hard as a rock when they stepped outside into the darkness. As he led
Dani into the moonlight, he rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand, marveling at the softness of her skin. The Tuli-tay, or mating feast, continued in the hall behind them. The sword dancers now taking the floor and the copious amounts of free-flowing wine would keep the attendees busy until dawn.

  Just as he would keep his mate busy until dawn.

  Not that Dani knew she was his mate. The situation was too complicated to try and get her to understand it as his time was running out. The ritual feast had to take place tonight along with their mating ritual. In a few months, when she knew him better and had adjusted to the idea of a life in Wryven, he could explain the urgency of his actions to her.

  “This isn’t the way to my room.” Dani tugged on his hand as he led her toward a secret entrance to the family wing.

  “You aren’t going to your room.”

  “I’m not?” Her tone was bemused. “Where am I going?”

  “To mine.”

  She stumbled against his arm. “Don’t I have any say in this?” He heard the tone of annoyance in her voice, overlaid with a quiver of excitement.

  Haaken stopped so fast she stumbled into him again. He turned and their gazes clashed. “Of course you have a say. But I’m warning you now, if you object, you’d better make your objections known now as I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to stop later.”

  He could see the indecision on her face. Oh, what he would give to be able to read her mind at this moment. Dani’s chest rose and fell with each ragged breath and her nipples were hard. She bit her lower lip then gave him a slight nod. Jubilant, he swept her into his arms, her anklet giving a merry ring. He knew the back tunnels of the castle like a map of his own face. He walked through a small archway and into the darkness. He didn’t need torches to light his way as he wove through a series of halls and staircases. The only light afforded them were intermittent patches of moonlight on the floors beneath the windows.


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