The Dave Brewster Series

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The Dave Brewster Series Page 77

by Karl Morgan

  “A man of the cloth? What a wonderful surprise. Welcome De-o-Pa!” Obu said. “Please join me over here and let’s chat.”

  “Obu, it is an honor to meet you,” De-o-Pa said. “Dave has the highest regard for you.”

  “Dave is generous with his praise, Prelate,” Obu smiled. “I see you are one of the first Galliceans to knowingly enter the Source. What have you thought of this experience so far?”

  “It is overwhelming, I must say,” De-o-Pa replied. “You are the second person to state we knowingly entered Universal Power. What does that mean?”

  “We clergy call it the Source here,” Obu said. “We believe it is the source of all things and is the carrier of our immortal souls. We all come from it and go home to it when our life is through. Most living Beings never realize this, so they can never knowingly enter the Source. They die and find the truth again. They are reborn and forget again. It is the circle of physical existence.”

  “But if I require a Hive filled with billions of others to enter the Source, how can I hope to come back again?” De-o-Pa asked.

  “For most, a Hive is the only way to do so while living,” Obu replied. “However, there are natural Hives where a single person can enter the Source. We have also learned from Dave that some people become so grounded in the Source they can enter at any time. Isn’t that right Dave?”

  “It did happen to me, more than once,” Dave admitted. “However, that ability seems to have left me.”

  “Only your faith has left you, Dave,” Obu chided him. “We are all constantly connected to the Source. It permeates our bodies and fills our hearts and souls. It links us inexorably to one another. If someone is in need, their desire can pull our strings from our bodies and fly us to them, if we believe it and allow it.”

  “So I have been told, Obu,” Dave replied. “I still think my proximity to the Hive on Nan was the key factor.”

  “Nonsense, Dave,” Obu laughed. “You’ve been much closer to a natural Hive recently than you were when orbiting Earth Prime.”

  “This is all so different to me,” De-o-Pa exclaimed. “I could never imagine any of this being true. Is this a dream?”

  “No, it is real, De-o-Pa,” Obu said. “You will remember every detail when you open your eyes in the Hive.” He put his hand on the Gallicean’s shoulder. “Before you go, I need to ask you a favor, De-o-Pa. Dave and his friends and family are in extreme danger now. The Brotherhood and the Predaxians are stirring up trouble in your galaxy as we speak. They would love nothing more than to make an example of Dave and Fa-a-Di for what they have done.” He handed a jewel on a string to the Gallicean. “This amulet will be with you in the Hive when you open your eyes. Wear it always and keep close to Fa-a-Di. I believe it will give you the power to see the unseen. It will help you discover who the spies are and who you can trust. Personally, I believe it will let you rejoin the Source at your choosing, although our friend Dave here may doubt that.”

  De-o-Pa put the amulet around his neck. “Thank you, Obu, although I am not certain I will be allowed to relinquish my role on Jupiter. Are you certain about this risk?”

  “Oh yes, the risk is quite real,” Obu confirmed. “And I think our friend Dave can put a name on that risk.”

  “Fola Untor,” Dave replied. “He is the Supreme Leader of the Brotherhood.”

  Obu laughed. “You see things much clearer here in the Source, don’t you?”

  “I had a bad feeling about him for a long time, but it just coalesced in my mind,” Dave said. “Thanks for helping me to see.”

  Obu turned back to De-o-Pa and said, “Dear friend, if I may ask another favor, could you please open your eyes now? I need a few moments with Dave before I send him back to the Hive.” De-o-Pa was gone. He turned to Dave, saying, “Thank you for bringing such a great man of faith into the Source, Dave. You’ve done the Galliceans a world of good. And give my thanks to Zee Gongaleg for making this possible.”

  “Of course, Obu,” Dave replied. “But what did you want to talk to me about?”

  “Dave, I had hoped we had more time, but unfortunately, Odo is near death,” Obu began. “The elders of Nan have given him their strength and begged him to return to Nan, but he refuses each time. I have seen the future for our universe and it is very bleak. Ask Loni and Pua about their journeys into the future and what they saw. The great peace I foresaw not long ago is now lost. The only factor that seems to have changed is Odo’s move to your galaxy. The universe needs him now more than ever. Without him, I fear all hope may be lost.”

  “But what can I do?” Dave asked. “If he won’t listen to you or the elders, why do you think he’ll listen to me?”

  “Wishful thinking, perhaps,” Obu sighed. “Both Odo and I have told you that you are not responsible for the problems of the universe. However, you must love and care for your family and friends. Is Odo your friend, Dave?”

  “Of course, Obu, I resent you even asking that,” Dave scoffed.

  “I didn’t doubt your love, Dave,” Obu replied. “I’m just trying to clarify things for you. I’m afraid things are going to move very quickly now. It might take millennia for the Brotherhood or Predaxians to gain control, but they can set that in motion in a few days or weeks. Each action you and your friends take is part of the puzzle. The cornerstone is finding a way to save Odo. With him, we can win. If he dies, all may be lost.”

  “No pressure, right?” Dave laughed. “I’ll do my best. When I open my eyes, I’ll go to Nanda immediately to start working on him.”

  “Don’t go crazy either,” Obu said. “You forgot what Nok told you just a day ago, didn’t you?”

  “Everything is happening according to some misguided plan, right?” Dave replied.

  “I wouldn’t call it misguided, Dave,” Obu smiled. “You went on the Sojourn to help your friend, Fa-a-Di. You went to Tak-Makla because your friend Zee Gongaleg needed you. Just go with it. As events accelerate, you will be called on for more and quicker decisions. Your connection to the Source is incredible. I can see billions of lines coursing through your Being of Light at this moment. Have dinner on Tak-Makla and drink too much whisky with your friends tonight. Then, complete the Sojourn and help Fa-a-Di come to grips with his problem. Have faith in yourself like Odo and I have faith in you.”

  “You make it sound easy, old friend,” Dave smiled. “But I think it’s going to be very, very hard.”

  “You’ll be fine and your family will be fine. I want you to know that I’ve spent time here with your future granddaughter Bea. She’s a remarkable woman, and I have a feeling you will meet her soon in the flesh,” Obu replied as he put his hand on Dave’s shoulder. “Dave, relax, have fun, and by the way, save the universe along the way. Now open your eyes and get to the party. Everyone else is already waiting for you.”

  Chapter 20

  “Elder, I think you are being obstinate on purpose,” Darlene said. “You must return to Nan soon. Please for your own sake, do not choose to die here.”

  “My beautiful Ila tells me the same thing daily, Darlene,” Odo replied, sitting upright on his narrow bed. Ila and his children Alo and Uli stood nearby with tears in their eyes. The entire family was wearing their gray tunics smudged with black soot as a sign of grief, but Odo was wearing his normal Elder robes. His skin was pale and his cheeks were sunken. Dark circles formed around his eyes which seemed to stare off into space. “Each of us makes choices in life, and coming to Nanda was my choice.” He coughed deeply. “Every Elder of Nan volunteered for this job. We all knew that our disconnection from the natural Hive would affect us greatly, but the greater good must be served. If it is my time, then so be it.”

  Ila sat on the bed next to her husband and held his hands. “Odo, please listen to Ambassador Brewster! The Elders and your best friend, Obu Neela, have all come to tell you the same thing. There is too much at risk in the universe for you to leave us now.”

  “I’m not planning on dying, darling,” he said as he kissed her
cheek. “The river of fate is leading us all in a specific direction. That direction is not of our choosing, but was selected by the Source. I have faith my decision to come to Nanda put me fully into the current of that river. But it is not a death wish on my part.”

  “But Father, you can save yourself so easily,” Uli begged with tears streaming down her face. “The Elders of Nan can take you home in seconds. When your strength has returned, you can come back here.”

  “Perhaps I am an old fool,” Odo smiled. “But my nine thousand years of life have taught me a thing or two. There are things Obu and the Elders do not know, but I do. I trust God to let things happen as He chooses.”

  “Please tell us about those things, Father,” Uli asked. “If you die, all of that knowledge will be lost and we will not be able to carry on after you.”

  Odo laughed heartily. “My darling Uli, thank you for your love and concern for me. But there is nothing I know that is not known by others. While this flesh is very old, my spirit is as young as a new baby. Each of us knows everything, if we could just allow ourselves to accept the truth and let it flow out of our mouths and hearts.”

  “Odo, you have saved my family more than once,” Darlene interjected. “Now it is time for you to allow us to save you. Dave is distraught over your condition and asked me to beg you to return to Nan.”

  “Thanks to both of you,” Odo sighed. “Let Dave know I am thrilled he has allowed himself to flow down the river by my side. If there is a future in this life for me, it will only be because he completes his current journey.”

  “I don’t think that’s fair to burden Dave with your future when you could easily choose life by returning to Nan,” Ila argued. She turned to Darlene and said, “Please forgive Odo for that, Darlene. I’m afraid his mind is going too.”

  Odo laughed again. “Dearest Ila, I am not burdening Dave at all.” He took her hands in his. “I have foreseen many events, including a brazen attack on Nan in the next few hours. Events in both galaxies are degrading very quickly. Without an incredible effort from all of us, the universe could fall into a darkness that will take millennia to recover from.” He stood feebly and walked over to the window. It had just started raining on Nanda and the residents were scurrying for cover. He smiled as he saw parents holding their coats over their children’s heads to keep them dry. “There is a chance that Dave and his friends may stop that evil from taking over.”

  “Didn’t you tell him that it wasn’t his responsibility to take care of the universe?” Ila asked. “I seem to recall those words quite clearly.”

  Odo laughed and walked over to her and hugged her. “You always had a perfect memory, darling. That is true, however, he must love and care for his friends and family. While he doesn’t realize it yet, his family is a lot larger than he once thought.” He sat again on the bed and motioned for Darlene to sit next to him. After she did, he put his arm around her shoulders and continued, “The intergalactic conflict that has already begun will affect each of us. If the evil forces prevail, all of us will be killed as enemies of the new state. That puts us, Dave’s family and friends, in extreme danger. If he continues down his path, perhaps the evil will fail, saving all of us. He will have succeeded in caring for his family and friends. It is only an ancillary fact that the universe will be saved. Do you understand, Darlene?”

  “No, Odo, frankly I do not,” Darlene smiled as she kissed his cheek. “You know, I have envied Dave for his ability to join the Source and connect to people like my future granddaughter. After listening to you, I don’t think I do anymore. If that ability comes with the mission to save the universe, it is much too big for a single person. Can’t you see this is why you must return to Nan to rebuild your strength? Dave needs you, now more than ever. Please help him.”

  Odo smiled back and replied, “I am helping him, every moment of his life. My spirit is connected to him now, as he sits down for a wonderful dinner on Tak-Makla. I will continue to push him along with me down the river of fate to hopefully, save us all.”

  “But Dave isn’t on Tak-Makla, Odo,” Darlene said. “He is on the Sojourn with Fa-a-Di and his brother.”

  “Trust me, dear,” Odo smiled. “He, Jake and the Galliceans are on Tak-Makla right now. Today was a great day there. For the first time in all of history, Galliceans have knowingly joined with the Source. The spirits of all Galliceans have been set free from the chains of the past. Living Galliceans have seen the truth of the universe. Now we will see if they understand and accept that truth.”

  A tone sounded on Darlene’s earpiece and she tapped it to communicate with the Nightsky. “And so it has begun,” Odo said. “The time of darkness has arrived my darling family.”

  “Whatever do you mean, Father?” Alo asked.

  Darlene stood up and appeared very upset. “That was the Nightsky. Ten Donnaki battle cruisers have appeared in orbit here. The Kong-Fa and her fleet will arrive within ten minutes to assist Nightsky. Dozens of Donnaki shuttles are heading down to the planet with an invasion force. Jon wants us to transport up while there is time.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Darlene,” Odo said. “I foresaw this as well. The Galliceans will arrive soon to help us.” As he spoke, a brigade of two hundred Gallicean Marines appeared outside Odo’s home. Each had a maklan clinging to his chest.

  Colonel Um-de-Bo rushed into the room with two others. “Ambassador Brewster, I am here to escort you to safety. My men are establishing a secure perimeter for you and your friends. I’ll leave two men with you and return shortly.” He smiled and rushed back into the street. They could hear explosions as the enemy cruisers shot randomly down on the planet.

  “Everyone try to be calm!” one of the Marines shouted. As he finished talking, another explosion struck just outside the home, shattering the wooden building and burying everyone in rubble. “Medic!” the Marine shouted. A column of Donnaki soldiers flew over the area and shot at the Marines, who jumped into the air to fight back. The two forces fought hand to hand in the sky over the wrecked home. The superior training of the Gallicean Marines was evident as the Donnaki quickly fled the scene with dozens of dead soldiers littering the ground.

  Darlene tried to move, but her legs were pinned down by rubble. She could hear shouting and voices calling her, but her translator had been blown out of her ear by the explosion and she couldn’t understand anything. There were more sounds of explosions but they seemed very far away. She wondered if Odo and his family were okay and if the Gallicean fleet had arrived on time. It would be the worst case scenario of Odo had died in this attack right after saying he had foreseen this. She prayed she could be on Tak-Makla now drinking a glass of whisky with Dave. Darlene felt something crawling on her body and looked down to see a maklan crawling onto her chest. She could sense it trying to communicate, but did not understand. The maklan smiled at her and glowed bright blue.

  Chapter 21

  Emperor Lok Zul was feeling very relaxed. For the first time since ascending to the throne of the Donnaki Empire, they were at peace with the Paxran. It was an uneasy truce to be certain, but the need was crucial. The new Free Society of the Milky Way would be the downfall for his society, he was certain of that. He took a sip of the glass of Paxran brandy. It was a lovely elixir, so smooth, sweet and potent. If nothing else came from the peace, this drink might be enough. “Perhaps you are right, my friend,” he said at last.

  “Of course, I’m right,” Fola Untor said. “There will be plenty of time in the future to settle things with the Paxran, but we must face facts. The Hive weapon technology is too powerful to be trusted to the filthy tekkans. Until our allies have it too, the balance of power has turned against us all.”

  Lok sat up and faced the other. “But you are human and you say the humans invented the technology. Why don’t you just give it to me? Wouldn’t that be much easier?”

  Fola rose and retrieved the brandy bottle, refilling his and the Emperor’s glasses. “Well, it’s not quite that simple, my l
ord. We made the mistake to give it to the tekkans and now they refined their weapon. I am not sure any human Hives can compete with it now. We must first strike at them from many directions so their resources are pulled from Tak-Makla. Then we can steal their new designs and destroy that Hive for good!”

  “But you will give me the technology then, right?” Lok quizzed. “Otherwise, once my soldiers die giving you your sense of revenge, won’t you just turn it on us?”

  “Of course not, my lord,” Fola lied. “I have already provided drawings and mechanical designs and your teams have started construction on two Hives. The computer systems and software must still be designed to work with your physiology. Also, there is the issue of population. With our current technology, you will need two to three billion valakars to operate each Hive. Most of your planets cannot support that many agents plus their families and the infrastructure to support it. Honestly, my lord, we have discussed this already.”

  “Yes, but I am a trained diplomat, Fola,” Lok smiled. “I may ask you the same questions over and again. Perhaps I am looking for your story to change.”

  “Has it, my lord?” Fola asked.

  “Not yet, human,” Lok laughed. “By the way, the attack on Nanda went as you suspected. We bombed large patches of their cities before the Galliceans intervened. I have to tell you we have never had contact with them before. They are very formidable warriors. I lost a lot of good men today. Was it worth it?”

  “The loss of life is always regrettable, my lord,” Fola said sadly. “But this was just the first step in the plan to diminish the ability of the Free Society to defend itself. It will take some time to draw down their resources and force them to pull away from Tak-Makla. When that happens, we hit that planet with everything we have.”

  “And you say that planet is a manufactured world?” the emperor quizzed. “You think our plasma bomb device might actually destroy that world completely?”


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