Impossible Choice

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by Sybil Bartel

  Impossible Choice

  By Sybil Bartel

  Book two of The Unchecked Series

  After her parents were murdered, Layna Blair spent three years on the run—until Marine Sergeant Blaze Johnson stepped in and saved her. With him, Layna knew safety for the first time...but shortly after shipping out for another tour in Afghanistan, Blaze comes home early.

  When Layna sees the jagged wounds covering his body, every truth she thought she knew is destroyed. Blaze is distant and angry and though her heart is shattered, Layna desperately tries to keep their relationship together in the face of another tragedy. When the tenuous bonds holding them together are ripped apart by a revenge-hungry maniac, Layna must trust her survival instinct and bury her past for good.

  But the enemy is two steps ahead, and before she can take action, Layna’s hand is forced by his deadly demands—save herself or save the man who risked his life for her freedom. Blaze saved her once. This time it’s her turn to protect him.

  90,730 words

  Dear Reader,

  This month, Julie Anne Lindsey kicks off a new cozy mystery series with A Geek Girl’s Guide to Murder. When a geek girl finds a friend’s body in her office, she puts her high IQ to work uncovering the killer. Check out this first book of The Geek Girl Mysteries!

  Contemporary romance author Caitlin Sinead has a beautiful cover (seriously, go check it out) and a fantastic new story in Red Blooded. Peyton Arthur should be helping her mom become the next vice president of the United States, not investigating damaging rumors about her deceased father. And Dylan Torres, a campaign worker, should be keeping Peyton out of trouble, not falling for her.

  Also in contemporary romance, Finding Center is Katherine Locke’s story of Zed and Aly. Ballet and Zed are two of Aly’s greatest loves, but it will take all of her strength to keep them both in her life. Check out the free online prequel Turning Pointe, as well as book one in the District Ballet Company series, Second Position.

  Marine Sergeant Blaze Johnson kept his promise but Layna Blair couldn’t escape her past—now that Blaze is wounded, it’s up to Layna to save them both in Sybil Bartel’s Impossible Choice, the follow-up to her contemporary romance Impossible Promise.

  We’re pleased to welcome Jill Sorenson to our contemporary romance lineup. This month we’re reissuing her ultra-sexy romance that gives us a peek into the world of motorcycle clubs, Riding Dirty. Psychologist Mia Richards wants revenge. Her new client, tattooed Cole “Shank” Shepherd, provides the perfect means. She just has to manipulate the felon-turned-informant into eliminating her husband’s killers—members of a rival motorcycle club. The first step, seducing Cole, is simple. As for walking away before she falls hard—it’s already too late... Riding Dirty will be available at a bargain price to lead into her September new release, Shooting Dirty.

  2015 RITA® Award-nominated author Lynda Aicher’s Penalty Play is the third book in the erotic sports romance Power Play trilogy. Starting defenseman Henrik Grenick has almost convinced himself he’s happy—until he meets unassuming Jacqui Polson. Fiercely independent with no need for hockey or the men who play it, Jacqui is the more Henrik wants, except sex is the only thing she seems to want from him. Can he change her mind or will the one girl he finally loves be the one who breaks his heart?

  We have two fantastic male/male romances to share with you this month. Back with one of her popular erotic historical male/male novels, Ava March’s Viscount’s Wager, the third book in her Gambling on Love series, will have you turning the pages and then going back for the stories you missed. When a viscount’s teenage crush returns to London, can the men grab their second chance at love or will the secrets they hide tear them apart once again?

  What’s life without a little risk? Or a lot of risk, if you’re Sebastian Carlisle. He’ll never live up to the legacy of his dead brother, so why try? Being the wild child in a family of stuck-up rich snobs suits him just fine. Until he meets Micah Burke and everything changes. Pick up Reckless Hope, the next title in the Letting Go series by j. leigh bailey, this August!

  Last, what begins as a normal rescue mission turns deadly in Sharon Calvin’s Jayhawk Down, book two of romantic suspense series Gulf Coast Rescue. ER doctor and army reserve Black Hawk pilot Stillman Gray has nothing but respect for Coast Guard lieutenant Caitlyn Stone, but he’s not the only one who’s noticed her—a terrorist is looking to hijack a helicopter, and he’s decided Caitlyn is the perfect target.

  Looking for more great beach reads to cap off your summer? Be sure to check out our backlist of fun summer reading, including Slow Summer Kisses by Shannon Stacey, Monster in My Closet by RL Naquin, Sharing Hailey by Samantha Ann King, No One Lives Twice by Julie Moffett, High and Tight by Vanessa North and Deadly Descent by Kaylea Cross.

  Until next time, here’s wishing you a wonderful month of books you love, remember and recommend.

  Happy reading!

  Angela James

  Editorial Director, Carina Press


  For Leigh


  To my readers, thank you so very much. This journey wouldn’t be possible without your support.



  Bagram Air Force Base

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Excerpt from Impossible Promise by Sybil Bartel

  Also by Sybil Bartel

  About the Author

  If I speak, this pain I have will not be checked.

  —Job 16:6

  Bagram Air Force Base, Afghanistan

  “IED, head trauma, BP dropping. What else you got for me, Sergeant?”

  “Tourniquet on his right leg, burns on his right side, heart rate at one-seventy-seven, pulse ox at roughly ninety. He’s also got an IO on the left humerus.”

  “Thank you, Sergeant. Can you hear me, marine? What’s your name?”

  “He’s been unresponsive for...two minutes, thirty, Doc.”

  “Any medications given, Sergeant?”

  “Oral fentanyl.”

  “Thank you, Sergeant. We got it from here. Get him rolled, people. Pelvis is stable, significant soft tissue injury to the left leg. Watch that arm laceration. Breath sounds bilaterally. He has a palpable femoral pulse, heart sounds normal, narrow pulse pressure. Let’s get him into surgery.”

  Chapter One

  “Miss me, Sugar?”

  I shrieked, my body lurching a foot off the lounger. Grabbing my untied bikini top, I barely managed to keep myself covered as my other hand flew to my forehead to shield my eyes. Sun-bleached hair, bright green eyes, gorgeous tanned muscles—my only friend in this whole world gazed mischievously at me.

  “Talon!” I couldn’t decide if I should kick him or kiss him for sneaking up on me.

  His sultry chuckle washed over me. “Hello, sweet island girl.” He shamelessly flirted, brushing my hair aside.

  I grinned like it was Christmas morning. “You’re here.”

  Talon gave me his million-dollar smile. “Yeah, Sugar, I’m here.”

  Ignoring the traces of melancholy in his voice, I quickly tied my top and threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “What are you doing here?” I hadn’t seen him since he’d traded another man’s life for my freedom.

  Talon’s hard arms tightened around me and he stood to his full height, literally sweeping me off my feet. “Aw, Sugar,” he chided softly. “Is that any way to greet an old man?”

  Pushing the memories of three months ago aside, I smiled up at him. “You’re not old,” I said, playing our game.

  “True enough, but you didn’t answer my question.” He tried to frown but it didn’t stick.

  I was so happy to see him, I smiled wider. “You didn’t answer mine.”

  His face softened and his Southern accent turned to warm honey. “Christ, Sugar, have a heart. I can hardly ’member my own name when you look at me with those big brown eyes, smilin’ like you won the lotto.”

  I laughed and snuggled into him. Sun, sand, surf and coconuts, no one smelled like Talon. Inhaling deeply, I almost couldn’t believe he was here.

  He kissed my forehead. “There, ya see, Sugar? I knew ya missed these arms holdin’ ya tight.” His voice went quiet. “It’s been too long.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed, “too long.”

  We stood like that for a minute.

  Then Talon abruptly stepped back and his hands went to his hips. “So, what’s on the agenda for today? Sunnin’ and watchin’ your sexy little ass by the pool?” He scanned my yard and the intracoastal beyond then trained his eyes back on me. “Nice view.”

  Ignoring his flirty comment, I dropped back to my lounger. “You got it, unless you have a better idea.”

  He reached behind him and pulled his T-shirt over his head one-handed. Sculpted shoulders, ripped muscles, washboard abs—even though Talon was no longer in the marines, his body was active-duty perfect.

  Kicking off his flip-flops, he lowered his six-foot frame gracefully onto the lounger next to mine and a crooked smile hit his lips. “You propositionin’ me? Cuz I got mad skills.” He winked.

  I laughed. “I’m sure you do. I’ll bet plenty of women can attest to that.” I might’ve rolled my eyes.

  Every muscle that had been sinuous and relaxed a moment ago went rigid and ominously still. “You forgettin’ you’re one of ‘em?” he asked impassively.

  The hairs on the back of my neck prickled. Part of me wished I could forget, but a kiss like that? I mentally shook the memory away. “I’m with Buck,” I reminded him sternly.

  Talon studied me for a moment then nodded. “Just checkin’.” He leaned back and closed his eyes.

  I stared at him, not sure what just happened. Talon always pushed the envelope, but there was an edge to him today. My eyes dropped to his chest then skimmed the hard planes of his abs. I’d surfed with him, run the beach with him, I knew every cut angle on his body was hard earned.

  “Like what you see?”

  I quickly averted my eyes and changed the subject. “Trouble finding my place?” I asked, sugary sweet.

  He opened his eyes and gave me an incredulous look. “Now that’s just insultin’.”

  Not only had Talon never been to the house my parents left me in Miami Beach but I lived in a gated community. He’d obviously gotten past the guard but that wasn’t what was bothering me. “Why are you really here?”

  “I missed your smart mouth.” Board shorts low on his narrow hips, his hands behind his head, he was the picture of ease but I knew better.

  “Bullshit.” I wasn’t stupid, I knew who sent him. “Buck wanted you to check up on me.” Sadness enveloped me as the memory of our last conversation gnawed at my heart.

  “Always so suspicious, Sugar. Can’t I just miss ya?”

  He could, but he didn’t. Talon never lacked for female companionship. “Fine.” I sighed. “I’ll let it drop for now but I know you’re lying.”

  Talon’s green eyes sparkled as his hand went to his chest. “Callin’ me a liar? You tryin’ to wound my pride?” He may have sounded affronted but the telltale gleam of humor in his expression gave him away.

  “Nothing wounds you.” Talon kept everything, especially his emotions, in check. He was the least reactive person I knew, which wasn’t saying much.

  “Oh Sugar, now there’s where you’re wrong.” Talon grabbed my hand and stood, taking me with him. “Little island girls who choose my best friend over me? Now that’s plenty woundin’.” A wicked smile spread across his face.

  It was all the warning I got.

  Sweeping one arm behind my knees and catching my back with the other, Talon tossed me in the pool so fast I didn’t have time to scream. I surfaced only to see him dive in. When he swam toward me, I tried to splash the shit out of him but I wasn’t fast enough.Cradling me to his chest,

  he grinned in victory. “You splash me, you splash yourself.”

  I didn’t bother to struggle. Besides him being a wall of muscle, he’d trained with Force Recon. I wasn’t getting down until he decided he was putting me down. “You threw me in,” I accused with a fake pout.

  “Yeah.” He chuckled softly before dropping his voice to a whisper. “I like you wet.”

  “Talon!” I shoved at his chest, hard. “Buck would destroy you for a comment like that.”

  Laughing, Talon released me. “Tell Deer Hunter what I said when you see him next. Give him somethin’ to think about.” He winked.

  I swam away. Talon nicknamed everyone and despite Blaze already having the nickname Buck, Talon called him Deer Hunter. I was sure there was a story behind it but I didn’t know it. There was a lot I didn’t know about Buck. I was head over heels in love with him but I’d only met him and Talon four months ago. After spending a few weeks together, Buck declared his intent to marry me then shipped off to Afghanistan for his third tour.

  At first, I was fine. Buck and I had video chatted a few times and I’d been happy. But as the weeks stretched into months, I’d become despondent. I’d been on my own since I was sixteen and I didn’t think the separation would be an issue, but having Buck near me, for even a few days, had ruined me. I craved him—his touch, his smile, the intense way he looked at me. I missed him more than I missed my parents and that scared the hell out of me.

  “Hey.” Talon came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Nothin’ doin’, Sugar, nothin’ doin’, just givin’ you a hard time is all.” My back to his chest, he pulled me to the edge of the pool.

  I breathed out past the lump in my throat. “I know.”

  “Talk to me,” he said gently.

  I stared at the contrast of his arms against my waist. I had a natural honey hue but Talon was a surfer—a surfer who had a way of getting past my defenses. I couldn’t explain
it except to say I knew he’d never judge me. I took a breath then told him the truth.

  “I’m having a hard time. I thought I’d be fine but I miss him and I’m becoming a little resentful of the fact that he’s gone for so long. I know it’s not him, I know it’s me. I need to build a life for myself now that I can, but I just want him around. I feel guilty for even thinking it, let alone telling you about it. And the last time we spoke?” My voice broke, guilt and regret eating me alive. “I asked how long he planned on being a marine.” The dead silence I’d been met with still haunted me.

  Talon shifted. “You think you’re the first woman to ever own those feelin’s?”

  “No.” But that didn’t make it right. Buck had warned me what I was getting into. I felt like I was betraying him by even having these thoughts.

  “Look.” Talon moved us to the steps and set me down. “There ain’t no right or wrong when it comes to emotion, darlin’, there just is. You can own what you want but when it comes to relationships, it won’t do you any good if you keep it to yourself. You tell Blaze any of this?”

  I shook my head. I didn’t dare.

  “And how’s that fair? He can’t fix what he doesn’t know is broken.”

  “There’s nothing broken with him,” I protested. Buck was amazing. Quiet and strong and intelligent, he’d jump in front of a moving train for me.

  “There’s nothin’ broken with you either, darlin’,” Talon said quietly, pushing my wet hair behind my ear. “That’s not what I’m sayin’ here.” He grasped my shoulder. “But not collectin’ a government paycheck won’t make him a different man. Once a marine, always a marine.”

  Suddenly, I was too close to Talon. His intensity, his ability to switch from flirtatious to deadly serious in less than a second—Talon was a dangerous vortex I’d fallen into once before. I wasn’t going to do it again.

  I pushed away and swam underwater to the other end of the pool. When I surfaced, Talon was still on the steps. He watched me with an intensity only Buck could match.

  Dunking to push my hair back, I lifted myself out of the pool and walked back to my lounger for my towel. I didn’t look, but I felt Talon’s eyes on me the whole way. I studiously dried off and by the time I was done, Talon was swimming laps. He was a lot of things but still wasn’t one of them.


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