Impossible Choice

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Impossible Choice Page 30

by Sybil Bartel

  Shining hair, sparkling earrings, a stunning dress, none of it was what caught my eye. It was the shy but happy smile I was wearing. I looked like me—the real me. Not the person who was running from a killer, but the girl who loved her life before that phone call.


  I looked up but when I saw him, I froze.

  In an elegantly cut, deep navy suit with an impeccably pressed white dress shirt and polished dress shoes, Buck looked like a male model. A really hot, unbelievably gorgeous, I-can’t-believe-this-creature-is-standing-next-to-me model. “Wow.” Oh my God, he was—Ohmigod, just...stunning and beautiful and wow. “You look...” I didn’t even have the right word. No single word worked. And he smelled amazing, like soap and outdoors and all of the maleness that was Blaze Johnson, but more intoxicating. “You look incredible.”

  His intense gaze fixed on mine, he held out his hand but he didn’t say anything.

  I slipped my fingers into his, and the heat that shot up my arm and spread through me settled in like a low, constant pulse of awareness that made everything inside me tingle. I looked up and was startled to see him frowning. “What’s wrong?”

  The crease in his brow went deeper, and the seriousness in his eyes twisted like hesitation. “Not one thing.”

  His words not matching his expression, he looked distracted, bordering on nervous. But that was impossible. Blaze Johnson didn’t get nervous, ever. “Blaze?”

  He brought my hand to his lips and gently kissed me. “My Layna,” he whispered.

  My heart melted. “I love you.”

  The soft smile that barely touched the corners of his mouth was his only response. A few months ago, the gesture and lack of words would have eaten at me. Tonight? I understood the intimacy. I knew I was seeing a smile that no one else in the world ever saw. I knew the twist of those lips and his quiet reverence was a promise of what would come later when we were behind closed doors. I knew his silence meant he was comfortable enough to let his body language speak for him. I knew this because he’d taught me how to pay attention.

  Buck led us to the elevator and we silently waited. When we stepped into the small space, the atmosphere swelled with his presence and the butterflies came swarming back, swirling with a heady tension I’d become addicted to. The memory of his body earlier today over me, in me, it made desire coil hot and urgent in my blood.

  Breathless, I cleared my throat. “Where are we going for dinner?”

  His thumb slowly dragged across the back of my hand like he knew my every desire-laced thought, but when his eyes traveled from my face to my dress, his features became hauntingly stern. “Not far.” The gentle cadence of his voice was at odds with his expression.

  “Is everything alright?”

  The elevator doors slid open but instead of walking out, Buck turned and cupped my face. His eyebrows drew tight. “I want tonight to be perfect for you. If it’s not what you want, you tell me. Understand?” His expression, his voice, they were so fierce, he looked angry.

  The butterflies in my stomach became sharp angles, and something close to panic seeped in. “What do you mean?”

  “This is your choice, Layna. Remember that.”

  Now I was nervous. “I don’t understand.”

  “Your choice,” he repeated.

  The elevator dinged and Buck moved abruptly, his arm shooting out to catch the closing door. I was reminded that despite the suit, I was standing next to a trained marine. His too-warm hand slid to the exposed skin between my shoulder blades and he led me out of the elevator.

  Steering me across the lobby to a side exit that led to the beach, he leaned over and whispered in my ear right before he pushed the door open. “Your choice.”

  We stepped out onto a lanai that spilled into the white sands and aqua waters beyond. The brilliant hues of a sunset swirled in the evening sky, and twinkling lights glowed in a crisscross pattern overhead. Soft Florida air wrapped around me like a warm blanket, and my body responded to the beautiful sunset. I breathed in, reached for Buck’s hand but stopped when familiar broad shoulders and messy blond hair rose from a seat across the lanai.

  Talon turned and smiled.

  Then I saw them. All of them.

  Neil, André, Ariel and Conner, Kendall, Buck’s friends Myles and Graham and their girlfriends Sam and Carly, even Roark and his lab, Missy, they were all here. Confused, happy, surprised, I looked to Buck. But before I could ask anything, he dropped to one knee in front of me.

  All the air left my lungs.

  He opened the velvet box in his palm, catching the last of the light from the setting sun and momentarily blinding me.

  Slowly, carefully, Buck took my hand. “You came into my life when I was lost,” he said quietly.

  Tears welled in my eyes.

  “You gave me what I thought I’d never have. I love you with my life. Layna Dellis Blair, will you marry me?”

  The tears dripped over and fell down my cheeks. I wanted to shout yes from the rooftops, but my voice caught with a joy so pure, I could barely speak. “Yes.”

  Swift, graceful, Buck was on his feet, his ring slipped on my finger and I was in his arms. He kissed me with blinding passion, stealing my breath and my reason.

  Cheers broke out behind us.

  My face cradled in his hands, Buck pulled back just an inch and I looked up at the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen. The ice-cold eyes of the hardened marine I’d first met a few months ago melted and glacier blue turned into liquid sky.

  My hand covered his heart. “I love you.”

  Grasping my fingers, he kissed his ring. “Marry me tonight.”

  My mind stumbled. “Tonight?”

  His mouth brushed across my lips with a sweet kiss, then he leaned his forehead against mine and smiled with excitement. “Right now.”

  “C’mon, Deer Hunter!” Talon hollered. “We’re all waitin’ over here. Lock it down!”

  My mind caught up with my heart, and a huge smile broke out across my face. “Not an engagement party?” I teased.

  His hands threaded through my hair, and his body curved around mine. A sexy glitter lit his eyes, and his voice dropped to a seductive bass. “Marry me, Layna.” Drawing the words out slow, grinding his hips against mine, his tongue swept across my ear. It wasn’t a request, it was a command laced with promise. A promise of what he would give to me, with his body, with his heart and with his soul.

  “Yes.” My voice, strong and sure, floated across the perfect night.

  Talon whooped and was on us in a flash, slapping Buck on the back and squeezing my shoulder.

  Quick, precise, Buck’s arm went up, elbow bent in a perfect L, and his hand fisted. Talon stepped back.

  “Your choice, baby. It doesn’t have to be tonight,” Buck said quietly, caressing my cheek.

  The ache of a wound too recent to let go of crept into my conscience. “What if I can’t give you children?” I knew it was possible I would get pregnant again, but I also knew the doctor had warned it would be difficult.

  He didn’t hesitate. “We’ll get a dog.”

  My smile was sad. “I know you want children.”

  “I want you more.”

  But I couldn’t let it go. It’d been the elephant in the room since our first night together. “I don’t want to take that away from you.” The guilt would kill me.

  He cupped my cheek. “When that IED went off, it didn’t just blow through me, it annihilated my perspective. I wanted kids because I wanted something to fight for. I thought if I had a kid, I would feel. I’d feel life, I’d want to be more careful, I’d have something to come home to. But I realized I didn’t need a kid—I needed you. Waiting for the airlift, bleeding in that goddamn chopper, I just wanted to fucking see you again. I swore that if I made it out al
ive and still had one good arm left, I’d crawl my way back to you just so I could hold you again. Kids, no kids, I don’t give a shit. I just want you.”

  “Blaze.” I had no words, only his name on my lips because in that moment, nothing else in the world mattered.

  “I want you to be mine,” he whispered.

  Didn’t he know I’d been his since he’d stepped into my life? I’d never had a chance. My heart knew where it belonged.

  “Decide,” he demanded quietly.

  I didn’t have to. I glanced behind him, but I only saw our friends. “Who’s going to marry us?”


  I didn’t think I could love him more but I did, beyond words, and it occurred to me all he went through to put this together. “You planned all this.”

  Eyes intense, body still, he nodded once.

  My hand settled on his smooth-shaven jaw. “It’s perfect.”

  The smile that spread across his face was pure joy.

  “Who’s ready for a weddin’?” Talon shouted.

  My head fell back and I laughed but when Buck’s lips closed over the sensitive flesh of my throat, my laughter turned to a moan.

  “Ah, ah, ah, Deer Hunter, no kissin’ the bride before the I do’s.” Talon practically dragged me out of Buck’s arms and stage-whispered, “Make him work for it, Sugar.”

  I glanced at all our friends and smiled. “He already has.”

  Talon laughed and Buck grasped my hand. “Ready?”


  As if everyone was already in on the plan, they moved as a group toward the far end of the lanai, closest to the sand. The lattice of twinkling lights overhead led to an arbor adorned with hundreds of tiny white flowers.

  Buck kissed my hand, then released me. Soft calypso music started playing, and Talon and Buck walked to the arbor.

  Carly stepped up to me with a bouquet of gardenias tied with ivory silk that matched my dress. “You look beautiful.” She smiled, handing me the bouquet.

  Talon and Buck turned to look at me.

  Everyone turned to look at me.

  It hit me like a sledgehammer to my chest. Flowers in hand, friends in front of me, a marine waiting to give me his name—my heart cried out with grief. My father would never give me away. My mother would never see me in my wedding dress. A small breath hitched in my lungs.

  Buck took a step toward me, but Neil was already at my side.

  “May I?” He offered his elbow.

  I looked up and water filled my eyes. Grateful, I slipped my hand in the crook of Neil’s arm. “Thank you,” I breathed.

  “My pleasure,” he murmured.

  My eyes locked with Buck’s, and Neil walked me down the aisle.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  I held my hand out in front of me. The heart-shaped diamond glittered next to the band of tiny diamonds.

  Buck’s fingers caressed the skin on my nape. “Happy?”

  I looked up. His smile was relaxed, content, peaceful even. “More than happy.”

  His arm curled around my shoulders, he pulled me into his side and buried his face in my neck. “Wife,” he whispered.

  I grasped his hand, feeling the platinum around his finger. “We’re married.” I almost couldn’t believe it, I was living a dream.

  “Till death do us part.” He kissed along my jaw.

  I pulled back slightly. “That wasn’t in the vows.” I didn’t want to think about death right now. Or ever.

  “Two hours in, and you’re looking for an escape clause?”

  The hint of a smile on his lips told me he was joking. “Maybe you should’ve been more careful with the wording.” I smiled, teasing him.

  “Wasn’t my doing,” he admitted casually, reaching for his drink.

  “You planned this whole thing, and you didn’t write the vows?” I didn’t know if I was upset or surprised. He’d planned everything, down to my dress, and he hadn’t done the most important part himself?

  “Not my area of expertise, having never been married.” He winked and swirled the dark amber whiskey before taking a sip.

  “Who wrote them?” I asked but I already knew.


  “I hear my name!” Talon leaned a hip against the table, holding his own tumbler of whiskey. “Do I get to dance with the bride?”

  Buck’s arm tightened around me. “You already did.” He rose to his feet, taking me with him. “We’re out.”

  Talon held a hand out to Buck. “Semper Fi.”

  “Oo-rah.” Buck and Talon clasped hands and half-hugged.

  Talon turned to me and smiled without any walls. “You make a beautiful bride, Sugar. Congratulations.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. “Thank you for the vows.”

  “Thank you for trusting me,” he said without a trace of his accent.

  Buck’s hand curled possessively around my hip, and he pulled me back to him. Myles and Graham said their goodnights and Sam gave me a hug. André shook hands with Talon and Buck, and Kendall squeezed my hand. Carly stepped toward me with a smile and pulled me into a hug.

  “Thank you for the donation,” she whispered.

  I stiffened and pulled back. “I don’t know—”

  “It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone. But I figured it had to be you. Talon slipped and called you an heiress.” Happiness sparkled in her eyes and I couldn’t be upset that she’d figured it out.

  When Buck and I had looked into charities, he’d mentioned that Carly volunteered at a rape crisis center that was in desperate need of funding because they had a massive waiting list for their shelter for abused women. He hadn’t come out and said anything specific, but he’d said Carly’d had a rough past. Barrett arranged an anonymous donation of six million dollars, and it’d gone through this morning after the account became mine to do with as I pleased. “Thank you for coming,” I said, neither confirming nor denying the donation.

  “Congratulations.” Carly winked then floated back to Graham.

  Ariel stepped up but she was alone.

  “Where’s Conner?”

  A soft smile spread across her face and she looked over her shoulder. Across the patio, Neil stood with a sound-asleep Conner tucked to his chest. As if he knew we were talking about him, he paused in his conversation with André and looked at Ariel.

  Ariel sighed. “Congrats, girl. Can’t say I’m not jealous.”

  “You’ll find yours.” I glanced back at Neil. “Maybe sooner rather than later.”

  She smirked. “That one’s out of my league. Besides, he just felt sorry for my tired arms.”

  I didn’t get a chance to answer. Buck stepped behind me. “Goodnight, Ariel.”

  “Goodnight, Gunnery Sergeant,” Ariel said playfully.

  Buck wrapped an arm around my waist. “I’m not a gunny anymore.”

  Ariel smiled like she knew better. “Oh, you’ll always be a sergeant. Bossy and badass is in your blood, nothing gonna take that away.”

  Buck didn’t reply, he just led me toward the hotel.

  When he pushed the elevator button, I looked up at him and grinned. “Bossy.”

  His hand to my back, he ushered me inside and when the doors slid shut, he pushed me to the corner.

  “You haven’t seen bossy yet.” Grasping my hands, he brought them over my head. His hips thrust forward, and his mouth claimed me.

  Desire ripped through my body and I groaned.

  His tongue swept in, demanding and possessive, then just as quickly, he retreated, drawing my bottom lip between his teeth. “You know what that ring says?” he whispered roughly, nipping at my neck.

  A fire suddenly burning low in my belly, I couldn’t think. All I wan
ted was more. “Says?”

  Releasing a wrist, he grasped my hair and pulled. My head fell back and my eyes met his.

  “You. Belong to me.” The fierce growl of his declaration swept over me like a million tiny needle pricks, electrifying every nerve in its wake.

  My scalp tingled, and my muscles coiled with anticipation. Breathy, nervous, I dared three words to cross my lips. “Then show me.”

  The doors opened, and Buck swept me off my feet. Against the heat of his chest, surrounded by the musky scent that was all him, I trembled with longing. My arms around his neck, he let us into our suite and I gasped. The transformation was stunning.

  A hundred tea lights, over every flat surface, shimmered with a magical glow. Rose petals, in the shape of a giant heart, covered the bed. Champagne was chilling on the dresser.

  Buck gently laid me on the bed and lowered his huge frame over me.

  I ran my fingers through his short hair. “You’ve been busy.”

  “Not me, hotel staff.” His lips touched the skin just below my ear.

  I shivered. “What if I’d said no?”

  Buck stilled, then a sly smile swept across his face. “Too late.”

  “I’m yours,” I whispered.

  His smile dropped, and his eyes turned molten. “All mine.”

  His lips closed over mine, and he threaded our fingers together. Bringing our clasped hands to the sides of my head, he kissed me with sweet reverence. Wanting to touch him, wanting to feel him everywhere, I pushed at his hands. It was as if a fire had suddenly been lit inside of him. Moaning into my mouth, his kiss turned demanding, he surged forward and ground his hips into mine.

  Heat shot through my body, and my back lifted off the bed. “Blaze,” I groaned low in my throat.


  I wanted him, all of him, no barriers, no space between us. I whispered the one desire I was never brave enough to ask him for. “Show me I’m yours, don’t hold back.”

  A warning sound rumbled from the back of his throat, and Buck flipped me over. Sweeping an arm under my hips, he pulled me back and up. Shoving my dress to my waist, the lace of my thong was ripped from my body and his hips slammed into the back of my thighs. His hard length teased me through his pants for one blissful second, then he pulled back.


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