A Heart Full of Lies

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A Heart Full of Lies Page 9

by Nique Luarks

  Jeanette shook her head. “That’s crazy, so did Tone leave with Erin?”

  Skyy looked at her phone and frowned. “Bitch I just told you your best friend got jumped by a hoe you been hanging with and you asking if she left with Tone?”

  “Well I mean all that-“

  “No she left with Sasha, but like five minutes later Tone left too. So I’m sure he went to check on Erin. Deidra said he really feeling her.” Skyy rambled on. “I could tell just by the way he was looking at Erin, Amina ain’t got shit on her.”

  Jeanette sighed. “That’s fucked up, Amina really loves him.”

  Skyy wasn’t sure she’d heard her right. “What? Fuck Amina, you shouldn’t even speak two words to that hoe. Jeanette, did you not just hear me?”

  “You know Amina is my friend too.” Jeanette said.

  Skyy rolled her eyes. “Fuck her. Erin ain’t your friend, she’s your sister. Where’s the loyalty?” Jeanette was beginning to agitate her.

  Jeanette sucked her teeth. “Erin fucking with a nigga who already got a girl, seen the nigga walk in with her, and didn’t even care. If you were Amina you would’ve reacted the same way.”

  “Jeanette you trippin, I’ma bout to get in the shower, I’ma hit you up later.” Skyy couldn’t stand to be on the phone with her another minute.

  “Yea, Lil’ Kory ass is showing out anyways, call me later.”

  “Later.” Skyy hung up the phone and looked at Deidra. “She just basically took Amina’s side. The fuck?”

  Jeanette waited until she was sure Skyy was off the phone. “Hello, Amina?”

  Amina answered. “Yea, I’m here. That funky ass bitch got some nerve. Tone only pulled Erin off me because I slipped.”

  Jeanette knew better, she knew how Erin got down, her and Skyy used to fight all the time growing up. Girls, boys, grownups, it didn’t matter, Skyy and Erin were just that damn reckless and ruthless. “So what are you going to do? Leave him alone? You heard Skyy; he ended up with Erin anyways.”

  Amina popped her gum loudly. “He didn’t end up with her just because he left. He called me this morning, apologizing, so I know he didn’t end up with the girl.”

  “He apologized? For what? Leaving you to go be with Erin?” Jeanette didn’t understand why Amina couldn’t catch a hint.

  “Yep. He said she be bugging the shit outta him, and he just didn’t wanna hear her mouth. I bet I be riding that dick tonight.” Amina rolled her neck as she spoke. “Tone know wassup, Erin cute or whatever, but she ain’t got shit compared to me.”

  Jeanette shook her head. “Amina you can do better than Tone, he ain’t shit.”

  Amina smacked on her gum. “And what is Kory?”

  Jeanette got defensive. “Kory is my baby daddy. We live together, he claims me. Tone doesn’t even claim you and y’all have no ties. Nine times out of ten, that same chick he fronted on you for that time on the phone was Erin. Just let it go Amina, you know it ain’t shit for you to find somebody else.” Jeanette was now annoyed with her.

  Amina wasn’t hearing it. “Jeanette, I’ll just see you at work tomorrow. But best believe ain’t no bitch, especially Erin, about to take what’s mine.”

  Sasha was dazed as she sat across from Michael sipping on her Strawberry banana smoothie. They’d been sitting inside of Starbucks for almost two hours, talking about anything and everything. She now knew Michael was twenty-eight, he had no kids, he was from Florida, he’d started the publishing company using his college tuition, and his favorite color was gray. Sasha also knew damn well she should’ve left a long time ago but Michael was enchanting.

  “It’s getting kind of late; I didn’t mean to take up too much of your time.” Michael blew on his third cup of coffee, looking down at his Rolex.

  Sasha waved her hand at him. “No, I had a great time, plus I don’t really come in Starbucks. I thought they just had coffee.” She smiled at him.

  “You should let me bring you here more often.” When Michael seen her give a hesitant look, he corrected himself. “Oh, no not like a date, just to get you out the office. I know your workload has picked up since most of my authors have relocated to be closer to the office.”

  “I wasn’t declining…I just have a boyfriend and I know he wouldn’t like me going to have coffee or smoothies with my boss, especially since he knows you’re a man now.” Sasha felt bad that she hadn’t thought of Shawn once since she sat down with Michael.

  Michael looked around. “Well what are you doing sitting here now then?” He gave her a soft look. “I didn’t want to bring up the other night, but is everything ok? I didn’t get you in any trouble did I? I only wanted to come over and say hi.”

  “Michael, it’s complicated. I’d just rather not mix business with personal.” Sasha pushed her chair back to go. “Thank you for the smoothie, but I have to go.” She stood up.

  Michael stood with her. “I didn’t mean to offend you, and I was just concerned.”

  Sasha put her jacket on. “You’re fine, time just flew by and I forgot I had to be somewhere.” She left hurriedly without even saying goodbye. Michael was right, what was she doing sitting there with him and for that long. On the Plaza! She wanted to kick herself for being so stupid. As she pulled away, she let out a deep sigh. Damn, Michael was fine.

  Erin rolled over and rubbed the side of the bed she thought Tone was on. She opened her eyes slowly, slumping her head back into her plush pillow. Shaking her head she rolled her eyes, no Tone did not just leave her with a wet ass; she looked over at the clock on her dresser seeing it was 2:45p.m. She yawned and grinned. Tone had been fucking her off and on since early this morning. Erin pulled the covers back to go get in the shower.

  She was startled when she felt the bed vibrate. Searching through the covers she found an iPhone, and it wasn’t hers. She looked to the closed bathroom door, and realized Tone wasn’t even gone. She grabbed the phone seeing it was an unknown number and answered it.

  “Hello.” She kept her eyes on the bathroom door.

  “Who is this?” a woman spoke.

  “Who is this? Santonio’s busy.” Erin smirked. “I can take a message.” she said smartly.

  “Ok, well you tell Santonio his mama said call her back asap.” the woman spoke firmly.

  Erin’s face turned red from embarrassment. “Oh, I’m so sorry; I can go get him for you. Hold on just a second.” Erin jumped out the bed nearly falling over the covers. “Shit!” She knocked on the bathroom door. She could hear the shower running and opened the door. Walking over to the tub she whispered loudly, “Santonio!”

  Tone pulled the shower curtain back. “Baby, it’s your mom.” She handed him a dry hand towel. “Why is her number not saved?” she handed him his phone and watched him.

  “Hello? Wassup ma?” He looked at Erin laughing, “Yea, ma. That’s Erin.” He smiled shaking his head. “She didn’t know it was you ma. Ok hold on.” He handed the phone back to Erin.

  She shook her and mouthed, “No.” Tone practically shoved the phone in her face. Grabbing it, she took a deep breath. “Hello.” she said sweetly.

  “Hi Erin, I just wanted to let you know, you can have Santonio.” his mother joked.

  Erin laughed. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.”

  “Ok, I’m just saying, you can cook his meals, and wash his clothes, I’m glad you’re taking my spot.” she laughed into the phone.

  Erin laughed too. “I’m glad I can relieve you.” They exchanged a few more laughs and Erin learned that his mother’s name was Ms. Sadee. Erin hung up the phone up and laughed out loud. She was partially still embarrassed but she was happy Tone’s mom took it lightly.

  Tone opened the curtains a little wider. “What you laughing at?”

  “Your mom is funny, she said I can have your ass.”

  “Whatever, she don’t mean that.” He looked her up and down and licked his lips. “Get in here.” He stroked his dick as Erin stepped into the tub.

  She we
nt towards the front of the shower wetting her face and hair. Tone hugged her from behind. Erin felt his hard on, on her butt and leaned back onto his chest.

  “Erin.” Tone kissed and licked her earlobe.

  Erin closed her eyes, enjoying his touch once again. “Yes?”

  “You know, I would never hurt you right? You gotta trust me. All that going through my phone and thinking I’m fuckin’ with somebody gotta stop.” he warned her as he kissed her neck. “Erin, you hear me?”

  Erin sighed. “Santonio, how I know you’re telling the truth? I don’t wanna give my all to you and you fuck me over.” She felt herself tearing up.

  Tone made her face him. “Because I’m telling you. Don’t compare me to what he did to you. I care about you, and I’m not about to let shit come between us and I’m not going to fuck this up. But I need you to meet me half way. All this insecure shit, you need to dead that right here, right now.”

  Erin wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into those pretty brown eyes. “Promise me you won’t make a fool of me?” She needed to hear it.

  Tone kissed her nose. “I promise.” He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They tongue kissed savoring each other. Tone sat her slowly on his dick sucking on her neck. “Now, promise you won’t hurt me Erin.” Tone gave her a sloppy kiss.

  Erin moaned. “Ssshit. I promise baby. I promise.”

  Chapter 10: What’s done in the Dark?

  Erin sat under the dryer at her hair dresser Kayla’s shop getting her hair touched up. All the sexing her and Tone had been doing was wearing her hair out. They’d been almost inseparable for about two weeks now. The only time they weren’t together was when Erin had to work or Tone left for a couple hours. Erin had to admit Tone was definitely a character. She’d also learned that he was a big baby. Erin laughed to herself as she thought about the little things she’d noticed about him. The goofy things he did to make her laugh and the intelligent things he said that would catch her off guard.

  Erin knew Tone wasn’t dumb, but his vocabulary was something serious. If they were having a debate about something Tone came with key facts and a well put together counter argument. She’d even caught him reading one of her books from her bookshelf when she woke up from a nap one day. Erin quickly learned that she wasn’t only attracted to his looks, but his personality was one in a million.

  Erin didn’t know exactly what he did for a living, but she had a pretty good idea. Anytime she asked he would tell her he was a business man and she didn’t need to stress on it; and that her and his mother didn’t have to worry about anything. Tone was so discreet he barely even talked about his personal life other than his mother, whom he adored.

  Kayla came over and raised the dryer. “You ok over here? You’ve been mighty quiet miss thang.”

  Erin rolled her eyes playfully. “Yea, I just got a lot on my mind. And you know I don’t like jeffin with these hoes in here.” Erin looked around the crowded shop.

  “Quit acting like that.” Kayla ran her fingers through Erin’s hair. “Ok, I’ll give you about twenty more minutes and we can finish.”

  “Ok.” Erin relaxed in her chair, wishing she’d come earlier. It was going on one and she still had to get her nails done. She raised her hand looking at her nails, when everybody in the shop starting oohing and awing. Erin looked up and saw a woman had come in carrying a baby car seat.

  Erin smiled, she wanted kids someday, not soon though. The woman sat down in Kayla’s chair, and took the baby out the car seat. Erin sucked her teeth, now she was going to have a longer wait time. She pulled out her iPhone and went to her Kindle app to finish her book.

  When her phone started ringing she answered her FaceTime smiling. “Hello.”

  Tone grinned. “What’s up love? What you smiling for?”

  “I’m not smiling.” She cheesed and moved her face out the camera. She had to recollect herself, she laughed silently. After she fixed her face she turned the camera back around. “What can I do for you?”

  Tone laughed at her. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” She tried not to be giddy. “Where are you going?” She noticed he was in the car.

  “I gotta take care of some business. I see you getting that nappy head of yours touched up.” he laughed.

  Erin laughed. “Nappy? Yea, right. What business you need to take care of?”

  Tone said something to whoever he was in the car with, and then spoke, “I’m heading to St. Louis, and I should be back later on tonight or early in the morning.”

  Erin frowned. “St. Louis, oh?” She tried to hide the disappointment. “I wish would’ve known that before now.”

  Tone noticed her frown. “Why you looking like that? I’m just now finding out, fix your face love.”

  Erin rolled her eyes. “Ok, but if I don’t see you tonight, then I’ll just have to see you tomorrow night. I have to work tomorrow morning so you won’t see me.”

  “What time you get off?”

  “I work 6-6, but I picked up half a shift so I won’t get off till eleven.” she sighed.

  Tone gave her a funny look. “Why you pick up an extra shift? If you need something you could’ve asked me. I don’t want you working all those damn hours.”

  “I can do for myself Tone. They needed some extra help, and my day is free so I offered.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Yea, ok. Well I’ll hit you up later love. Be safe.”

  “You too, later.” She ended the call just as Kayla was coming back over.

  “Ok, Erin you ready to get slayed?” she joked.

  Erin laughed. “About damn time.” After Kayla turned the dryer off, she picked up her purse and followed her to her booth. “What happened to the chick with the baby?” She glanced around the shop.

  “Aw girl, that’s my baby sister Milan. She was just bringing my niece up here to see me. She’s always with her baby daddy so I never get to see them.”

  Erin paused. “Milan?”

  Kayla parted her hair. “Yea girl, her and her baby daddy Shawn are stingy with that damn baby. She doesn’t even get her hair done here no more. This nigga spoiling her and she just too busy for little ole me. I can only imagine how everything’s going to be once they buy this house and move in together.” She turned Erin towards the mirror. “So how you want it?”

  Sasha was a about to text Erin back when Michael and Malcolm came out of Michael’s office. She quickly put her phone down and acted like she was working. The last thing she needed was Malcolm to tell her she wasn’t doing her job. Sasha didn’t know what his problem was, but he did not like her. And now that he was always here, Malcolm made it hard for her to enjoy her job.

  Michael stopped at her desk. “Any messages?”

  Sasha shook her head. “No sir. But just a reminder, Michelle will be here at four.” She looked over at Malcolm who was wearing his coat. “Calling it an early night?”

  Malcolm ignored her. “Well, I’m gone for the day. If you need anything, just call me.” He nodded his head at Sasha than made his way out the glass double doors.

  “Well if I don’t see you, Happy Thanksgiving.” Sasha called after him.

  Sasha huffed. “Why doesn’t your brother like me?” she asked boldly. She was getting tired of being treated like shit.

  “Don’t take it personal Sasha. Malcolm is just being Malcolm.” When he seen that answer wasn’t good enough he smiled. “He is just really starting to talk to me too. At least he acknowledges you.”

  Sasha faked a smile. “OK.”

  It was going on five and Sasha was shutting her computer down to go home. Erin texted her saying she had something urgent to tell her, so after she stopped at home she would head over there and make sure everything was ok. Knowing Erin she was trying to trap her into helping with her Thanksgiving dinner. As she gathered all her things together Michael came out his own office, talking on the phone. Sasha rushed to the breakroom to get her lunch bag, thanking God she remem
bered this time.

  She opened the cabinet and closed it back damn near jumping out her skin when she realized Michael was standing next to her.

  “Michael you’re alway-“

  Michael grabbed her by her face giving her a long passionate kiss. Sasha pulled away from him in total shock. She didn’t know what came over her in that very instant but she had to have him. She kissed him back hungrily as he massaged her back and ass. Michael lifted her skirt and began rolling down her stockings.

  They stopped abruptly when Sasha’s phone started ringing. It wasn’t until then Sasha realized she was making a big mistake. Pushing away from Michael she pulled her stockings back up. “Michael, we can’t do this.”

  Michael reached for her. “Why are you fighting this Sasha?”

  Sasha grabbed her purse. “Michael, I have man. You’re my boss. This is inappropriate.” She made her way to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m so sorry.”

  Michael gently grabbed her arm. “Really Sasha? If he was treating you right then you wouldn’t have even kissed me back. I can be more than just your boss.” His eyes begged her to stay.

  Sasha shook her head. “I can’t do Shawn like that, I love him.” She didn’t even want to turn around and look at him.

  Michael let her arm go. “I understand, but you can’t deny that it’s something between us. I know you feel the way I do. So what am I supposed to do? Just disregard how I feel; when I see you every day at that?”

  Sasha kept her back to him. “Then I quit.”

  Jeanette and Amina were the only ones left in the office filling out the rest of their paperwork. Amina hadn’t really been talking to her, but Jeanette really didn’t care. She had so much on her plate, with Erin and Kory alone. Deep down she wanted to talk to Erin. Cry and let some of the frustration out. Erin talked a lot of shit, but she was a friend and because of Kory she’d disregarded that. She was torn between love and friendship.


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