Seven Elements That Have Changed the World

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Seven Elements That Have Changed the World Page 35

by John Browne

  Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 33, 55, 136

  Angola, 44, 62-4, 66, 225

  Anne of Austria, Queen, 164

  Apple, 186

  Arab Spring, xiii, 187, 200

  Aral, 6

  Archimedes, 172

  Arévalo, Juan de, 89

  Argentina, 59

  Aristotle, 157, 171

  Arizona, 173

  asphalt, 220

  Atahualpa, Emperor, 88, 106, 108

  Athens, 110-11

  Atlantic Empress, 49

  Atlantic LNG, 67

  atomic bombs, xiv, 109, 124, 126, 128, 130-5, 137-40, 144-6, 198, 237-8, 249

  see also nuclear weapons

  atomic forces, 237-8

  atomic structure, 210

  atoms, splitting, 128-9

  Atoms for Peace programme, 145

  Attlee, Clement, 137

  Auschwitz, 117, 126

  Australia, 68, 76

  Azerbaijan, x-xi, 45-6

  Aztecs, 88

  Bahamas, 88

  Bailey, Elizabeth, 15, 214

  Bakhtiari women, 91

  Baku, x, 45

  Bank of England, 98-9

  Banks, Sir Joseph, 172

  Bardeen, John, 179, 181, 183, 250

  barter, beginnings of, xii

  Beaton, Cecil, 117

  Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond, 174

  Becquerel, Henri, 127, 174, 234

  Beijing, 38, 42, 219

  Beijing Olympics, 39-40

  Belarus, 240

  Bell Laboratories, 174-6, 178-9, 181

  Benjamin, Walter, 201

  Berezovsky, Boris, 223

  Berners-Lee, Tim, 184-5

  Beroviero, Angelo, 245

  Bessemer, Henry, 9-13, 15, 167, 173-4, 213-14, 246

  Bessemer Gold Medal, 12

  Bevin, Ernest, 137

  Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 145

  bicycles, 42

  Bilbao, Guggenheim Museum, 155

  Bingham Canyon, Utah, 103-4

  biofuel, 81, 132

  Biringuccio, Vannoccio, 161, 163, 173, 244

  Bismarck, Otto von, 3

  bitumen, 42

  Black, Harry, 20

  Blair, Tony, 53, 63-4, 77

  Blake, Robert, 40

  Blake, William, 218

  blast furnaces, 216

  Bloody Island Massacre, 230

  Boeing, 242

  Bogotá, 85-7, 90

  Bohemia, 108-10, 126, 232-3

  Bolivia, 59, 107

  Bontemps, Georges, 166, 168, 246

  Bonzi, Pierre de, 164-5

  Bouazizi, Mohamed, 187

  boxes, silver, 118

  Brady, Mathew, 117

  Bragg, Sir William and Lawrence, ix-x, 210, 213

  Brahe, Tycho, 247

  Brattain, Walter, 179, 181, 250

  Brazil, 44, 89

  gold production, 101-2

  Bretton Woods Agreement, 101

  bronze, 11

  Brooks Range Mountains, 33

  Brustolon, Giovanni Battista, 96

  Bryan, William Jennings, 100

  Buckminsterfullerene, 191, 193

  Buffett, Warren, 16, 198

  Burj Khalifa, 23

  Burnham, Daniel, 20

  Bush, George, 154

  business sustainability, 27

  cabinets aux miroirs, 164-5

  Cadbury, George and Richard, 216

  Cajamarca, 88

  Calder Hall, 136-8, 239

  Caldera, Rafael, 59

  California, 77, 108, 173, 184

  California gold rush, 91-4, 99, 102, 230

  calotypes, 114, 167, 234

  camera lucida, 113

  camera obscura, 112, 114

  Campbell, Richard, 87

  Canada, 47, 73, 78, 145, 222

  Canaletto, 96

  cancer, 134, 136, 140, 160, 240

  Capa, Robert, 117

  Cape of Good Hope, 8

  Capoche, Luis, 106, 232

  carbon capture and storage, 80-2, 196, 228

  carbon-carbon bonds, 217

  carbon dioxide, xiv, 37, 73, 75, 78-9, 81, 192, 196, 199, 226, 228

  carbon-hydrogen bonds, 218

  carbon monoxide, 219

  carbon nanotubes, 191, 193

  carbon taxes, 196

  carbonization, 217

  Carnegie, Andrew, 12-17, 19, 22, 25-8, 197-8, 214-15

  Carnegie Corporation, 17, 197

  Carnegie Hall, 18, 197

  Carnegie Mellon University, 15, 17

  Carroll, Lewis, 169

  cars, 32, 41-2, 64, 188, 199

  Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 117

  Caspian Sea, 45-6

  cast iron, 9, 13

  buildings of, 18-19

  Cauca River, 87

  cave art, xii

  Cavendish Laboratory, 128

  CERN, 184-5, 252

  Cerro de Potosí, 105-8, 232

  Chadwick, James, 128, 237

  Chagai Hills, 145

  Chance Brothers, 166, 168, 246

  Chapin, Daryl, 174-5

  charcoal, 214

  Chatsworth House, 168

  Chávez, Hugo, 59-60, 187

  Chernobyl disaster, 140-2, 240

  Chernogorneft, 54

  Cherwell, Lord, 136

  Chicago, 121

  Great Fire, 18-19

  Chicago Pile-1, 130


  air pollution, 37-40, 219-20

  car use, 42

  censorship, 187

  and climate change, 76, 78-9, 81-3, 199

  coal mining, 38-9

  dependence on coal, 33-5, 37-40, 218, 220

  economic reforms, 37

  energy imports, 70, 73

  and fireworks, 30

  iron industry, 23-4, 34, 213, 216

  and nuclear energy, 138

  and nuclear weapons, 146

  solar cell production, 176

  urban population, 36

  China Central Television building, 23

  Chinese Communist Party, 118

  Chíya, 228

  Christiandorf, 232

  Church Peace Union, 17

  Churchill, Winston, 55

  CIA, 144, 151

  Cleveland, Ohio, 51-2

  climate change, xiv, 40, 69, 74-84, 135, 192, 199, 226-7

  technological solutions, 80-3

  Clinton, Bill, 76

  Clinton Engineer Works, 130-2

  clothes, self-cleaning, 159

  Club of Rome, 74

  coal, xii, 4-6, 32-40, 136, 174, 188

  competition with gas, 71, 81

  cost of extraction, 221

  coal mining, 36-9, 219, 221


  clipping, 97, 231

  gold, 95-100, 111, 229

  non-metallic, 230

  one-pound, 231

  silver, 95-8, 108, 110-11

  see also ducats; florins; gold sovereigns; Owls of Athens

  coke, 3, 5, 35, 214

  Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 164-5

  Cole, Henry, 168

  Coleman, William, 13-14

  Colombia, xi, 33, 85-9

  colour, 157-8, 248

  Columbus, Christopher, 88

  Commodities Futures Trading

  Commission (CFTC), 121-2

  compass, invention of, 34

  computers, 177-8, 189, 200

  Concorde, 155

  conquistadors, 87-9, 93, 102-3, 105-7

  Copenhagen climate conference, 80

  Copernicus, Nicolaus, 171, 247

  copper, viii, 103, 155, 173, 192

  copper wires, 190, 252

  corporate social responsibility, 26

  Cort, Henry, 214

  Cota, 89

  Coyle, Bud, 181

  Croesus, King, 95, 100, 111, 230

  Cruel Mountains, 126-7

  Crystal Palace, 167-8, 246-7

  CSS Virginia, 1-3

  Curie, Marie and Pierre, 127, 237

Currier & Ives, 1-2, 211

  Cusiana oilfield, 87

  cutlery, titanium, 160, 244

  Cuzco, 88, 229

  Cyrenaica, 119

  Cyrus the Great, 95

  Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé, 114, 234

  daguerreotypes, 114, 167, 234

  Dalton, John, x, 210

  Dandolo, Doge Giovanni, 97

  Darcy, Henry, 46, 221

  Davy, Humphry, 219

  Davy lamp, 37

  De Beers, 63, 224

  Deepwater Horizon, 50

  Delian League, 233

  Delicola, 229

  de’ Medici, Catherine, 164

  Detroit, 41

  Devonshire, Duke of, 168

  diamonds, 31, 62-3, 224-5

  Dickens, Charles, 166

  Dirks, Gary, 38

  DNA, 31, 83

  Dr. Strangelove, 241

  Dodd-Frank Act, 225

  Drake, Colonel Edwin L., 12, 43, 51

  ducats, 97, 99, 110, 230-1

  Dudley, Dud, 214

  Durban climate conference, 77, 80

  Eagle, 135


  and Copernican model, 170-1

  core and magnetic field, 2

  Eastman, George, 115-16, 199, 235

  Edgar Thomson Steel Works, 14, 25

  Edison, Thomas, 12

  Edkins, Joseph, 218

  Egypt, 56, 173, 187

  Egypt, ancient, 90-1, 94, 161

  Einstein, Albert, 130

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 133

  ‘Atoms for Peace’ speech, 134, 144

  El Dorado, 85-6, 88-9, 103-5, 107, 228

  El Dorado, Texas, 119

  electrum, 94-5

  Elizabeth II, Queen, 115, 117, 136, 138

  emissions trading, 83, 228

  Eneas, Aubrey, 173-4

  energy conservation, 80

  Engels, Friedrich, 36, 219

  enhanced oil recovery (EOR), 46-7, 221, 228

  ENI, 56

  Epstein, Jacob, 90

  Ericsson, John, 173-4

  Essen, 3, 5-6

  Euphrates, River, 95

  European Coal and Steel Community, 6

  European Union, 6, 213, 225

  eurozone crisis, 77

  exothermic reactions, 218

  Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), 64, 196, 224

  Exxon, 58, 222-3

  Exxon Valdez, xi, 49, 205

  Facebook, 187

  Fairchild, Sherman, 181

  Fairchild Semiconductor, 182-4, 251

  Fenton, Roger, 117

  Ferdinand, King of Spain, 88

  Fermi, Enrico, 129

  Feynman, Richard, xv, 211

  Fiji, 229

  fireworks, 29-30, 217

  First World War, 3, 5, 25, 100

  Flagler, Henry, 51

  Flatiron Building, 19-22

  Florence, 48, 97, 108, 117

  florins, 97

  Ford, Clara, 41

  Ford, Henry, 40-1, 115, 199, 247

  Ford Model T, 42, 115

  Fortune magazine, 180

  Four Great Inventions, 34, 218

  Fox, Gustavus, 2

  Fox Talbot, William Henry, 113-15, 167, 234-5

  fracking, 71-2

  Franco-Prussian war, 4, 99

  Freiberg, 109, 232

  French glass industry, 165-6

  French Revolution, 166

  Freyle, Juan Rodriguez, 228

  Frick, Henry Clay, 14, 17, 214

  Frick Collection, 18, 215

  Fridman, Mikhail, 54

  Friedman, Milton, 26, 217

  Friedman, Thomas, 224

  Frisch, Otto, 128-9, 238

  Fuentes de Andalucía, 174

  Fukushima disaster, 138-44, 239

  Fuller, Buckminster, 252

  Fuller, Calvin, 174-5, 249-50

  Fuller, George, 20

  Fuller, Larry, 58

  Galileo Galilei, 170-1, 247

  Gandhi, Indira, 145

  Gang of Four, 37, 219

  Gartner hype cycle, 253

  gas, xii, 7, 32-3, 37, 65-74

  and climate change, 73-4, 81

  compared with oil, 71-2, 225

  competition with coal, 71, 81

  cost of extraction, 221

  disposal, 69

  pipelines, 69-70

  prices, 225

  Gates, Bill, 16, 198

  Gehry, Frank, 155

  Geim, Andre, 191-2

  Genoa, 108

  German Empire, 3, 5

  germanium, 180, 250

  Germany, 3-6, 25, 99, 110, 130-1, 138, 141, 199

  Giddens, Anthony, 77, 227

  Giddens Paradox, 227

  Gini coefficients, 215

  Giuliani, Rudy, 22

  Giusti, Luis, 59-60


  architectural uses, 168-9

  cristallo, 164, 245

  float glass, 169

  lead crystal, 245-6

  machine-blown, 247

  ribbon glass, 247

  see also mirrors

  glassmaking, 161-9, 245-7

  Gleneagles summit, 77

  Global Witness, 63, 224-5

  Gokoku shrine, 143


  ban on hoarding, 236

  incorruptibility, 90-1

  malleability, 91

  prices, 101, 103

  reserves, 102-3

  use in electronics, 91

  value relative to silver, 98-9, 111-12, 120-1, 233

  see also coins, gold

  gold souks, 91

  gold sovereigns, 99

  gold standard, 99-102, 112

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 240

  Gore, Al, 76

  Gould, Jay, 16

  Gradengio, Leonardo, 231

  graphene, 31, 192-3, 253

  graphite, 31, 191-2

  Grätzel cells, 244

  Great Bullion Famine, 233

  Great Divergence, 34, 37

  Great Exhibition, 167

  Greece, ancient, 18

  greed, 195

  Green, Commander William, 154

  Green Revolution, 74, 226

  greenhouses, 168

  Greenspan, Alan, 62

  Greenwich Village, 19

  Gregor, William, 149

  Gresham’s law, 98

  Grove, Andy, 184-5, 200

  Groves, Major General Leslie, 130-1, 134, 198, 239

  Gulf of Mexico, 7-8, 44, 50

  gunpowder, 30-1, 34, 47, 217

  Hachiya, Michihiko, 139

  Hahn, Otto, 128, 237

  Hale telescope, 172

  Hamilton, Lord, 25

  Hampton Roads, Battle of, 1-3

  Haydon, Benjamin, 243

  Hayward, Tony, 7-8

  hearing aids, 180

  hearts, artificial, 242

  Henry, Prince, 220-1

  Hermitage Museum, 91, 229

  Herschel, William, 171-2, 242, 248

  Hill, Peter, 59

  Hiroshima, xiv, 124-6, 128-9, 132, 135, 137, 139, 143-4, 148, 160, 237, 249

  Hitler, Adolf, 5, 212

  Hoerni, Jean, 251

  Homestead Steel Works strike, 14, 16-18, 197, 214

  Hooker telescope, 172

  Houghton, John, 75-6

  Huaneng Gaobeidian power plant, 81-2

  Huayna Capac, Emperor, 105

  Hunt, Bunker, 119-23, 235-6

  Hunt, H. L., 119

  Hunt, William Herbert, 120-3, 235-6

  Hunter, Matthew Albert, 149

  Hurricane Dennis, 8, 178

  Hussein, Saddam, 58

  hydraulic fracturing, 47

  hydrogen, vii

  IBM 1130 computer, 177-8

  Idris, King of Libya, 119

  ilmenite, 149, 156, 243

  Incas, 88-90, 106-7


  and climate change, 76, 78

  nuclear weapons, 144-6

  steel industry, 24-7

p; Indonesia, 175

  Industrial Revolution, xiv, 3, 32, 35-6, 38, 43, 74, 167, 173, 186, 188

  integrated circuits, 182, 190, 251

  Intel, vii, 184-5, 189-90, 200

  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 75-6, 226, 228

  International Atomic Energy Authority, 144

  International Space Station, 185

  internet, 184-5, 187

  Iran, x, 43, 56, 58, 69, 91, 99, 118, 120, 136, 146

  Iran-Iraq war, 58

  Iraq, 58

  Iranian Revolution, 57

  Iron and Steel Institute, 12

  Iron Lion of Cangzhou, 23

  iron ore, 3-5, 174

  irrigation, 173, 175

  isotopes, 129, 238

  Israel, 56-7, 144, 152-3, 161

  Ive, Sir Jony, 186

  Jamshedpur, 25-6

  Japanese nuclear industry, 138-43, 240

  jeans, 93

  jet, 34

  Jevons, William Stanley, 227

  Ji Ruiqi, 24

  Joachimsthal, 108-9, 232

  Jobs, Steve, 199-200

  Johnson, Kelly, 150, 152

  Joule, James Prescott, 225

  Joule-Thomson effect, 67

  Jupiter, 170

  Kan, Naoto, 141

  Keats, John, 243

  Keller, Millet, 177-8

  Kelly, William, 213

  Kennedy, Julian, 25

  Kepler, Johannes, 247

  Keynes, John Maynard, 101, 103

  Khan, Abdul Qadeer, 144-6, 241

  Khe Sanh military base, 152

  Kibeho refugee camp, 118

  Kilby, Jack, 182, 190, 200, 251

  Kimberley Process, 224

  King Hubbert, Marion, 48, 74

  Kircher, Fr Athanasius, 172

  Kirchhoff’s law, 242

  Klaproth, Martin, 149, 242

  Kobe earthquake, 141

  Kodak, 115-16, 123, 235

  Komsomolets submarine, 153-4

  Kovykta gas field, 70

  Kroll, William, 155, 243

  Kroto, Harry, 191

  Krupp, Alfred, 3-6, 11-12, 89, 167, 212

  Krupp, Arndt, 3

  Krupp, Gustav, 212

  Kurzweil, Ray, 189

  Kuwait, 58, 223

  Kyoto climate conference, 76, 79, 227

  La Brea tar pits, 43

  La Sierra de la Plata, 105

  Lake Allard, 156-7, 243

  Lake Como, 113

  Lake Guatavita, 85

  Lamb, Charles, 243

  Lancet, The, 166

  language, complex, xii

  Laurium, 111, 233

  Law of Rent, 60

  Leonardo da Vinci, 173, 248

  Levi, Primo, 217

  Library of Congress, 190

  Libya, 61, 119-20, 146, 187

  Life magazine, 20

  Lincoln, Abraham, 1

  Lippershey, Hans, 247

  liquefied natural gas (LNG), 67-8, 70-2, 225

  lithium ion batteries, 192

  llamas, 106, 108

  Llanos Mountains, xi

  Lockheed Blackbird, 150-4

  Lockheed U-2, 150-1


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