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Seven Elements That Have Changed the World

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by John Browne

  logic gates, 179-80

  London, 36, 48, 164, 220

  Longsdon, Frederick, 214

  Los Alamos, 130-1

  Louis XIV, King, 165

  Louisiana, 45

  Luanda, 62

  Lydia, 94-5, 99, 111

  Macaulay, Lord, 97-8

  McNamara, Robert, 147

  Macondo oil well, 50

  magnesium, 156

  Malone, Bob, 7-8

  Malthus, Thomas, 35, 74, 228

  Manaccan valley, 149

  Manchester, 35

  Manhattan Project, 128, 130, 132-4, 198, 226, 236, 238

  Manning, Patrick, 65-6

  Mao Zedong, 24, 37, 216

  Marcellus, General, 172

  Marshall, James W., 91-3, 99, 229

  Martinuzzi, Napoleone, 163

  Masaccio, 117

  Masjid-i-Suleiman oilfields, 33, 136

  Matisse, Henri, 90

  Mattei, Enrico, 56

  Matto Grosso, 89

  Meitner, Lise, 128-9

  Mellon, Andrew, 15

  Mendeleev, Dmitri, x, 210

  Mercure Galant, 166

  Merkel, Angela, 142

  methane, 65, 219

  microprocessors, 183

  Midas, King, 95

  Miller, Jonathan, 169

  mining, 109-10, 232

  see also coal mining

  mirrors, 164-6, 169-74, 245

  mita system, 232

  Mitchell, George, 71, 73, 199

  Mobil, 58, 222-3

  mobile phones, 188

  Mold gold cape, 91, 229

  Monkhouse, Thomas, 243

  Monnet, Jean, 212

  Moore, Gordon, 181, 183-5, 189-90, 200

  Moore, Henry, 90

  Moore’s law, 183-4, 189, 252

  Morgan, J, P., 15-16

  Mount Wilson, 172

  Mugabe, Robert, 225

  Muisca, 85-8, 102, 108

  Mukluk, 44-5

  Murano, 163, 165

  Music Lesson, The, 169

  MV BBC China, 144

  MV Blue Marlin, 8

  Na’aman River, 161

  Nagasaki, 137, 139, 237, 249

  nails, steel, 214

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 31

  Napoleon III, Emperor, 9

  Narcissus, 170

  NASA, 182, 188

  National Maritime Museum, 7

  national oil companies (NOCs), 59

  natural gas vehicles, 81

  Nature, 129

  Needham, Joseph, 24, 34-5, 218

  neutrons, 128

  New York, 18-23, 48, 57, 112, 121

  New York Times, 18, 176, 179

  New York Tribune, 18, 21

  Newcomen, Thomas, 219

  Newton, Isaac, 98-9, 157-8, 171, 231, 243, 248

  Niépce, Nicéphore, 234

  Nike, goddess of victory, 111

  9/11 attacks, 22

  nitroglycerine, 47, 222

  Nixon, Richard M., 57, 73, 101, 152, 226

  North German Confederation, 5

  North Korea, 144, 146

  Novoselov, Konstantin, 191-2

  Noyce, Robert, 182-4, 190, 200, 251

  nuclear energy, xv, 69, 72, 82, 135-43, 146, 240

  nuclear fission, 128-9

  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 144-6

  nuclear physics, 127-8

  nuclear weapons, xiv-xv, 79, 126, 129, 134, 138, 143-8, 198-9

  Dead Hand system, 147, 241

  mutually assured destruction, 147-8

  see also atomic bombs

  Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 130-2, 238

  Oil Creek, 43, 51

  oil, xii, xiv, 32-3, 41-65, 136, 188

  accidents, 49-50

  compared with gas, 71-2, 225

  cost of extraction, 221

  crises, 57

  and developing nations, 62-3

  exploration, 43-7, 64

  and fifty-fifty principle, 55-6

  and gas disposal, 69

  industry development, 55-6

  industry mergers, 58

  prices, 47-8, 57-9, 66

  reserves, 74

  see also ‘peak oil’

  Oily Rocks, 45-6

  OPEC, 48, 56-8, 62, 223

  Operation Smiling Buddha, 145

  Oppenheimer, Robert, 131, 198

  optical fibres, 185, 190

  Ore Mountains, 108

  Ott, Viktor, 53

  Otto the Rich, Margrave, 109-10

  Oviedo, Fernández de, 85

  Owls of Athens, 110-11, 233

  Pactolus, River, 94

  Pakistan, 144-6

  Palomar Mountain, 172

  Panama Canal, 8

  Paniccia, Mario, 189-90


  electronic, 193

  invention of, 34

  Paris, 5, 127, 164-5

  Paris Exposition, 168

  Parker, William Harwar, 2

  Paxton, Joseph, 168, 246

  PDVSA, 59, 61, 223

  ‘peak oil’, 48, 74

  Pearl Harbor, 130

  Pearson, Gerald, 174-5, 249-50

  Peloponnesian War, 233

  Pérez, Carlos Andrés, 59-60, 223-4

  Persian Empire, 95

  Persian Gulf, 120

  Peru, 106-8

  PetroChina, 38

  petroleum (the word), 220

  Petronas Towers, 23

  Pew Research Center, 141-2

  philanthropy, 16-17, 27-8, 52-3, 197-8

  photography, xiii, 105, 112-19, 159, 167, 199, 234

  photolithography, 251

  photosynthesis, 135

  photovoltaic cells, 159-60, 162, 174-6, 244

  photovoltaic effect, 174-5

  Picasso, Pablo, 90

  Pierce, John, 250

  pig iron, 9-10, 24

  Pilkington, Alastair, 169

  Piper Alpha disaster, 49-50

  Pippard, Brian, 246

  pitchblende, 109, 126-7

  Pittsburgh, 13-14, 17

  Pizarro, Francisco, 88

  Pizarro, Gonzalo, 88-9, 106, 229, 232

  Plato, 170

  plutonium, 138, 145, 154

  Polk, James, 92

  polonium, 127

  poporos, 90

  Popper, Karl, 76, 227

  Popular Science magazine, 149

  population growth, 32, 35, 43, 74

  Portugal, 62

  Potanin, Vladimir, 53-4, 222-3

  Potomac, River, 1

  Powers, Gary, 150

  Price Revolution, 229

  printing press, invention of, 34

  Prudhoe Bay, 57, 177

  Prussia, 4-5

  Puerto Rico, 67

  Putin, Vladimir, 70

  Qaddafi, Colonel Muammar, 61, 120, 144

  Qatar, 68

  Quebec Iron and Titanium (QIT), viii, 156-7

  Quimbaya civilisation, 87, 90

  Quito, 88-9

  radiation, 127, 134-5, 139-40, 143, 239-40

  radios, 180, 187

  radium, 127

  Raleigh, Sir Walter, 89

  Raphael, 164

  Ravenscroft, George, 245

  regulation, 195-6

  religious ritual, origins of, xii

  remote sensing, 44-5

  renewable energy, 69, 80, 83, 132, 143, 176-7

  Rhineland, remilitarisation of, 5, 212

  Ricardo, David, 60

  Rio Earth Summit, 75

  robber barons, 52, 55, 197

  Roberts, Colonel Edward, 47, 71

  Rock, Arthur, 181, 184

  Rockefeller, John D., 16-17, 22, 51-3, 55, 62, 197, 222

  Romans, 172

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 130, 236

  Rosneft, 54

  Royal Company of Glass and Mirrors, 165-6

  Royal Dutch Shell, 55

  Royal Society, 12, 172

  Ruhr, the, xiv, 3-6, 212

  Russia, 33, 69, 78, 187, 196

  ‘loans for shares�
�� scheme, 222

  oil business, 53-5

  see also Soviet Union

  Russian oligarchs, 53-5, 222

  Rutherford, Ernest, 127-8

  rutile, 149

  Rwandan genocide, xiii, 116, 118

  Saint-Victor, Niépce de, 234

  Sal, Angelo, 234

  Sala, River, 109

  Salgado, Sebastião, 102, 118

  salt, 68, 174

  Santo Tomas, 232

  Sardis, xiii, 94-5

  Sarir oilfield, 119-20

  satellites, 150, 175

  Saudi Arabia, 57

  Savery, Thomas, 219

  Saxony, 5, 108

  Schulze, Johann, 113-14

  Schuman, Robert, 6

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 77

  Schwerer Gustav cannon, 212

  Scott, Thomas A., 13

  Scythia, 229

  Second World War, xiii, 3, 5, 7, 101, 117, 126, 130, 143, 160, 237

  self-improvement, 17, 53

  semiconductors, 159-60, 175, 179-81, 249-51

  Sen, Amartya, 27

  Serra Pelada, 102, 231

  Sevastopol, siege of, 212

  Seven Sisters cartel, 55-6, 223

  Shakespeare, William, vii, 188

  shale gas, 47, 71-3, 196, 199, 249

  shale oil (tight oil), 47, 73, 221

  Shanghai, 23, 40

  Shard, the, 247

  shareholder value, 27

  Sheffield, 13

  Sherman Antitrust Act, 52

  Shockley, William, 178-9, 181, 185, 200, 249-50

  Shockley Semiconductor, 181

  Shultz, George, 126, 199, 237

  Shuman, Frank, 173, 248

  Sichuan, 68

  Sidanco, 53-4

  Sidi Bouzid, 187

  silicon, atomic structure, 249

  silicon dioxide, 182-3

  silicon photonics, 190, 252

  Silicon Valley, 181, 183, 186


  conductivity, 192

  as investment, 120-3

  prices, 121-2

  value relative to gold, 98-9, 111-12, 120-1, 233

  see also coins, silver

  silver nitrate, 112-13

  ‘Silver Thursday’, 122

  SIM cards, 91

  Singapore, 115

  skyscraper (the word), 215

  skyscrapers, 18-23, 37-8, 155

  smartphones, 186

  Smith, Jerome, 120, 236

  Socolow, Robert, 140

  Socrates, 170

  SoHo, 19

  solar energy, 80, 159, 173-6, 199

  see also photovoltaic cells

  solar wind, 2

  South Africa, 103, 110

  Soviet Union, 133-4, 187

  and arms race, 138, 146-7

  collapse of, 53

  submarines, 153-4, 242

  space programmes, 153, 175, 182

  Spartans, 111, 233

  Spence, Mike, 184

  spy planes, 150-3

  Stalin, Josef, 118

  Standard Oil Company, 15, 17, 22, 51-2, 55, 58, 156, 196, 222

  Statue of Liberty, 19

  steel industry, 13-15

  Indian, 24-7

  steel production, 5-6, 9-12

  Stieglitz, Alfred, 21

  Strassmann, Fritz, 128

  Strauss, Levi, 93

  submarines, 153-4, 242

  Sudomekh shipyard, 154

  Suez Canal, 8, 152

  Sugimoto, Hiroshi, 169

  Sunjiawan mine, 38

  sunlight, 158

  Sutter’s Mill, 91-3

  Sviatov, Georgi, 153

  Syracuse, 172

  Syria, 56

  Szilárd, Leo, 129, 238

  Taj Mahal Hotel, 25

  tar sands, 47

  Tarbell, Ida, 52, 197

  Tata, Dorabji and Ratanji, 25-8

  Tata, Jamsetji, 24-5, 27-8

  Tata family, 24-8, 216-17

  Tau Tona gold mine, 103-4, 110

  Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, 18

  telescopes, 170-2, 247

  Terman, Frederick, 181

  Texas, 45

  Texas City refinery, 50

  Thatcher, Margaret, 154

  Thomson, Edgar, 13

  Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin), 225

  Thucydides, 111

  Thunder Horse field, 7, 46, 178, 249

  Thunder Horse platform, 7-9

  ThyssenKrupp, 6

  tin, 108

  Titan computer, 178


  compared with steel, 155-6

  contemporary uses, 154-6

  cutlery, 160, 244

  discovery of, 149

  extraction process, 155, 243

  price, 155

  reactivity and impurities, 151-2, 241-3

  strength-to-weight ratio, 153, 241

  titanium dioxide, xiii, 149, 153, 156-60

  Titanium Metals Corporation, 151

  Titian, 29

  TNK, 54

  Tocqueville, Alexis, 36

  Tohoku earthquake, 138, 141

  Tokyo 139-40, 239

  Tokyo Electric Power Company, 141

  Toledo, Francisco de, 106

  Tortelier, Paul, 18

  touch screens, 192-3, 253

  town gas, 37, 69, 219

  trade, east/west, 96

  Trafalgar, Battle of, 7

  Trans-Alaska Pipeline, 33, 57

  transistors, 160, 162, 178-83, 191, 200, 250-1

  Treaty of Frankfurt, 5

  Treaty of Rome, 212

  Três Barras, 101-2

  Trinidad and Tobago, 43, 65-7, 72, 225-6

  Trinity bomb test site, 131

  Truman, Harry S., 237

  Tunisia, 187

  Tutankhamun, 94, 231

  Tuthill, William Burnett, 18

  Twitter, 187

  Ukraine, 140, 240

  Ulm, 173

  United States of America

  and arms race, 138, 146-7

  and climate change, 76, 78-9, 81, 199

  Gini coefficient, 215

  and gold standard, 99-101


  and Big Bang, ix

  Copernican model, 171

  Upcott, Sir Frederick, 25


  chain reactions, 129-30

  discovery of, 149

  and discovery of radiation, 127

  enriched, 129-33, 137, 238

  and nuclear fission, 128-9, 135

  processing costs, 143

  US Holocaust Memorial Museum, 126

  US Steel, 15, 22

  USS Cumberland, 1

  USS Merrimack, 1

  USS Monitor, 1-3, 174

  vacuum tubes, 167, 179, 182, 249-50

  Venezuela, 45, 47, 55, 59-62, 64, 66

  Venice, 29-32, 108, 117, 170

  coinage, 96-7, 99, 102

  Council of Ten, 165-6

  Feast of the Ascension, 163, 165

  Festa del Redentore, 29-31

  glass industry, 161-6

  Rialto bridge, 188-9

  St Mark’s Square, 91, 96

  Zecca, 97

  Vermeer, Johannes, 169

  Versailles, Hall of Mirrors, 165-6

  Victoria, Queen, 167

  Vietnam War, xiii, 101, 116-18, 152

  viscosity, 244

  Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm, 159

  Warren, Sir David, 141

  Washington, DC, 1, 126

  water, bottled, 48-9

  Watt, James, 12

  Wedgwood, Josiah, 112

  Wedgwood, Thomas, 112-14

  Wen Jiabao, 40, 70, 220

  Westminster Abbey, 117

  Wimbledon, 156

  wind power, 80

  window tax, 166

  wood, structure of, 217

  Wordsworth, William, 243

  World Trade Center, 22-3

  World Wide Web, 185

  Wright brothers, 12

  wrought iron, 10

/>   Xenophon, 111

  x-ray crystallography, x, 210

  Xue, 87

  Yamani, Sheikh, 48

  Yamashina, Tomomi, 237

  Yemen, 187

  Yergin, Daniel, 73

  Yom Kippur War, 56-7, 152-3

  Yuzaki, Governor Hidehiko, 143, 148, 199

  Zagros Mountains, 43

  Zeche Zollverein mine, 212-13

  Zhou Shengxian, 39

  Zimbabwe, 225

  zinc, viii, 155, 173

  Zurich, 121

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