Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology

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Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology Page 4

by Kasey Millstead


  “Thanks so much for all your help today, boys. I really do appreciate it.”

  They all give me grins and chin lifts as they file out the door. All, except one. Switch. He stands in front of me and my stupid body can’t help but inch closer to him. His palm comes up to rest on my jaw and I can’t tear my eyes away from his. No words are spoken, but they don’t need to be. It’s almost like I can feel what he’s trying to convey.

  “Are you all coming tomorrow night?” I ask softly.

  “Yeah,” he confirms.


  He leans in, stepping closer so our bodies touch and a shiver ripples through my body. His whispered words tickle my ear as he speaks, “Can’t wait to see you in a dress.”

  I feel the loss of his heat as he steps back, my body instantly turning cold. I stand stunned for minutes after he leaves without another word.


  “Jenna! You look absolutely stunning. Wow, girl!” Glenda gasps as I walk up to the bar before the ball.

  “Thanks,” I say, nervously running my hands over my gown, making sure there are no wrinkles.

  My hair is pulled to the side, clasped in a messy bun just below my ear. My makeup is light everywhere, except around my eyes where the grey shimmer powder gives a seductive look while making my eyes pop. My dress is gorgeous; floor length, the lightest of light blue and strapless. It skims my body, giving the illusion of curves when I don’t have any. I tug at the chiffon wrap draped over each of my elbows and give Glenda another smile.

  “You look lovely, as well, Glenda.” Even the bar staff have dressed up tonight, forgoing their usual uniform of black shirts and black pants for gorgeous satin knee length dresses embroidered with Joe’s Bar just above the left breast.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “Nothing, I just wanted to double check that everything is ready to go?”

  “Yes. All set. The bar’s stocked and everyone is ready to go.”

  “Fantastic. I better go check in with the head waiter.”

  “Jenna, have fun tonight. Try to relax. You’ve done all the prep, this night will be amazing, but don’t miss it because you’re stressing out.”

  “I’ll try not to,” I laugh, knowing there’s no way I’ll be able to relax until the end of the night and I know it’s been a success. “You have a good night, as well, Glenda. You deserve a stress-free night.”

  After checking in with the catering team, I busy myself making sure all the donations are set out for the silent auction.

  The prizes that have been donated are absolutely amazing. The community really outdid itself.

  “You look like you need a drink,” Melissa says, handing me a glass of wine. “Sit.”

  “Thanks,” I reply gratefully, taking the drink and bringing it to my lips.

  So good.

  “You need to calm down! Tonight will be perfect, Jenna. Sit back and enjoy your hard work.”

  I watch the door as people begin filing in, dressed to the nines, the men in suits and the women in stunning ball gowns.

  “I should go check in with the security team,” I mutter, attempting to stand. Melissa grabs my arm and pulls me back down.

  “The security guys know what they’re doing,” she laughs shaking her head. “Relax,” she raises her eyebrows at me.

  “Fine,” I give her an eye roll.


  “Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of Joe’s Bar, I would like to sincerely thank you for coming out tonight. I would also like to take a moment to say an extra special thanks to Jenna Mason for all her hard work in putting together such an amazing event. Also, to Melissa Roth for creating a magical room tonight, the Mayhem Motorcycle Club boys for being our major sponsor, Grinners Catering team for serving us delicious food and all of the generous businesses that donated items for the silent auction.

  Without further ado, I’d like to invite the stunning Jenna Mason onto the floor to kick off the fun part of the night – the dancing,” the Emcee laughs. “Jenna will be accompanied by Hunter Cruz, from the Mayhem Motorcycle Club. Please, give them a round of applause.” He bows and walks off stage.

  The lights dim and I walk out in to the center of the dance floor, acutely aware that all eyes are on me. I try not to fidget as the music starts to play.

  My teeth sink into bottom lip. Who the fuck is Hunter Cruz, and where is he?!

  I hear movement from behind me and I turn, gasping as Switch walks toward me. I can’t take my eyes off him. It’s the first time I’ve seen him all night. He’s wearing black jeans, with a white button-down shirt and his black leather vest over that.

  My mouth waters.

  He stops in front of me and holds out his hand. “May I have this dance?”

  “Uh,” I break eye contact to look around the room, waiting for Hunter to show.

  He steps forward, his arm snaking out and wrapping around my waist as he tugs me flush against his body. My hands automatically go to his shoulders to steady myself.

  “I’m Hunter Cruz,” he whispers in my ear as he begins moving us across the dance floor in time with the music.

  I pull my head back to look into his eyes to see if he’s kidding me. “You are?” I ask, when I see only heat in his blue depths.

  “I am,” he mouths.

  Damn. Hunter Cruz is a fucking hot name.

  I drag my gaze away from his face and make the mistake of leaning into him and breathing deep. He smells so good, my insides clench and my blood starts to heat. Leather, fresh air and cologne.

  I know it’s wrong, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I can hear my rational self screaming at me to step away from him.

  He’s still married.

  I shouldn’t be pressed up against a man, breathing him in, and loving it!, when that man is married.

  But, for now, I can’t find it in me to listen. I ignore the voice and melt into Switch as he slowly sways us to the music.

  I barely register the song changing and other couples moving in to dance as well or the fact that the music has changed from a slow beat to a hip dance song. It’s like we’re in our own world. A world where only Switch and I exist. A world I don’t want to leave just yet.

  “Jenna,” he rumbles in my ear, causing my body to break out in goose-pimples.


  He pulls back and uses his fingers to tilt my chin up and back. I open my eyes and blink and few times, trying to focus in the darkness.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I needed to be alone with you.”

  “Switch.” His name leaves my lips sounding like a breathless plea.

  “Tell me to stop,” he begs.

  “I can’t,” I whisper back immediately.

  “Jenna,” he growls.

  My hands move up the back of his neck, threading through his hair as I bring his mouth down to meet mine. My lips part instantly and his tongue slides inside to tangle with mine. My back hits the wall and he traps me there with his hard body. I can hear the dull music from the band still playing but my mind has gone foggy as I let him consume me without a thought, without a care.

  God! His mouth.

  He breaks the kiss when we’re both panting. Resting his forehead against mine, he closes his eyes and I sigh as his heavy puffs of breath mingle with my own.

  “Damn, Jenna. What are you doing to me?”

  “I could say the same back, Switch,” I whisper.

  He takes my hand and leads me outside onto the balcony. There are a few people standing around chatting and smoking, but Switch finds a nice, quiet spot in the corner. He pulls me up against him and I cup his jaw in my palm, the stubble of his short beard tickling my hand.

  “I know this isn’t the type of person you are, Jenn. Hell, it’s not the type of person I am, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you. It doesn’t mean I can’t stop thinking about you, and it doesn’t mean that I want nothing more than to file for divorce without a second glance back an
d try and be the type of man you deserve.”

  “I know. I want you, too. But, I would be lying if I said I don’t feel guilty about kissing you.”

  “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you, Jenn. But, I’ve got to take care of Amber first. I’ve got to get her the help she deserves so I can be the man you deserve.”

  “I know,” I nod, swallowing hard. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt. It does. In such a short time he’s come to mean so much to me that I don’t know where I’d be left if he decided he wanted to try and make things work with his wife.

  “I don’t want anyone but you,” he murmurs, capturing my head in his hands and bringing his lips to touch mine in a brief kiss. “You don’t need to worry about that happening, okay?”

  I realize I must have said the words out loud.

  “Okay,” I reply softly.

  “Good. I know I’m not in a position to ask you to trust me, baby, but I need you to. Trust me to do what I have to do so I can make things right for us and for Amber.”

  “Okay,” I repeat.

  He looks over my face, searching, and when he finds what he was looking for, he smiles down at me and leans in to kiss me again. Not wanting to let him go just yet, I melt into his arms/body/lips? and deepen the kiss, my arms go around his neck and I hold him to me as my tongue dances with his.

  He groans, pulling back. “I better go, baby.”

  “Ride safe,” I whisper.

  “Always.” He touches his index finger to my nose and then walks away. I sigh, leaning up against the railing.

  I can’t believe I’ve become the other woman. Essentially, that’s what has happened. Even though Switch and I haven’t slept together, when push comes to shove, that’s exactly what I am. The thought makes me nauseous. Despite that, I know I need to trust what Switch says. I have to trust that he’ll handle it.

  I just hope he can do what he needs to do before the guilt eats me from the inside out.


  I shouldn’t have kissed her again.

  But, fuck, I couldn’t stop myself.

  Still, I shouldn’t have done it. I feel like I’ve disrespected Jenn by kissing her while I’m still married. She deserves more than that and I feel like a piece of shit for putting her in a position where she might regret what’s happening between us.

  I can’t seem to stop myself around her though.

  I don’t want to.

  It’s time to man up.


  Monday morning feels like it takes forever to arrive. After the ball on Saturday night, I spent Sunday at the club, going through details of a charity run with the boys. It will be our first for the year, and it’s also the biggest. Mayhem Motorcycle Club has seven other chapters, with Alabama being the mother chapter. Riders from each of those seven chapters will be joining us on the ride, so there are a lot of details to finalize. Thankfully, the ride isn’t scheduled for another six months, so we’ve got plenty of time.

  “Prez, what’s up?” Roam asks, taking a seat across from me. “Boys said you wanted to see me.”

  “Yeah.” I sigh, running my fingers through my short beard, trying to come up with the words I need to explain shit to my best friend; my VP.

  “Shit’s not good at home,” I start.

  “Understatement of the year,” he mutters.

  “Amber’s become a full blown alcoholic. Don’t remember when it happened, guess it just did over time.”

  “No disrespect, man, but Amber’s been a pisshead since before you guys got married.”

  “I know, but now, it’s bad. She’s drunk all the time. I can’t even remember the last time I saw her sober.”

  “Fuck, brother.”

  “Yeah.” I take a deep breath and continue. “Booking her into a facility.”

  “Good,” he states immediately and my eyes go from the desk to his face in surprise. Though, I shouldn’t expect anything less from my brothers. It’s no secret they’d have my back no matter what, still it’s nice to have that unwavering support from someone when you need it.

  “That’s good, Prez,” he repeats, ensuring I know he means every single word.

  “Met someone else,” I admit. May as well lay it all out there.

  “Jenn?” He guesses correctly, fighting back a smug grin.

  “How’d you know?”

  He doesn’t answer. He just stands and holds out his hand for me to shake. I stand too, and take his hand. He pulls my torso across the desk to give me a one-armed hug and a slap on the back.

  “Happy for you, Prez,” he says into my ear. He releases me and grins. “Look after that hot piece of ass, yeah? You don’t, I might have to.”

  “You ever mention Jenn’s ass again and I will shoot you in your dick,” I threaten, my words a growl.

  The cocky bastard throws me a wink and laughs his ass off as he walks out the door.

  Shit-stirring bastard!

  I sit back down and my ring catches my eyes. I don’t even know why I wear it. It’s thin, barely noticeable and, to be honest, I haven’t thought about it since the day Amber slid it onto my finger.

  Sticking my finger into my mouth to lubricate it, I slide the ring off and flex my hand. A weight I didn’t even realize I’d been carrying lifts from my shoulders as I shove it deep into my pocket.


  Taking my cell from my pocket, I flip it open and dial a number I should have dialed years ago. Then, I head home to break the news to my wife.

  Pulling up outside my house, I take a deep breath before letting it out. This conversation is long overdue, but I don’t doubt Amber will throw a tantrum.

  I find her on the couch, passed out with an empty bottle of vodka lying on the floor beside her.

  I stride over, my blood heating in anger. Nudging her shoulder, I shout, “Amber! Amber, get the fuck up.” Drunk or not, she’s about to hear what I have to say. I’m not putting it off another minute.

  She rolls her head from side to side and cracks her eyes open. “What?” She slurs, still clearly drunk off her ass.

  “Get up, get a shower. We need to talk.” I walk away without waiting for her reply. I need to calm the fuck down so I can hold this conversation civilly.

  Half an hour later, I’ve polished off one bottle of beer and cracked the top of another when Amber sits across from me at our dining table. She’s fresh from the shower so the overwhelming stench of puke and alcohol has dissipated for now.

  “What do you want, Switch?” She sighs, tiredly, the slur in her voice indicating she’s still off her face.

  “Gotta talk about something. I know you’re gonna be pissed, but, honest to God, Amber, I’m done caring. I’ve booked you into a treatment facility. You’re going. No arguments,” I press when she tries to interrupt me.

  “I don’t have a problem,” she scowls. “The only issue I’ve got is I married a man who isn’t supportive.”

  “That’s a load of fucking shit and you know it,” I seethe.

  “Yeah, well, I should have known better. Thought you would have changed. Thought you would have fallen in love with me,” she rambles, hardly making any sense.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “You,” she stands suddenly, pointing her long, skinny finger in my face. “You’re my only problem. I gave you everything, you stupid fucking asshole and all I wanted in return was for you to love me,” she screaming now, her face beet-red. “Look what I had to go through just to get you to fucking marry me,” she screeches.

  “And what the fuck was that, Amber? What was it?” I demand, my voice booming.

  “You couldn’t fucking marry me just because you loved me. You married me because I was pregnant. Well, thank fucking Christ I got rid of that piece of shit. You can’t even love me. How were you gonna love a baby?”

  She slumps back down in her chair, her head lolling back, and my mind reels. I round the table, my blood boiling in my veins, my hands shaking with rage.

p; “What the fuck did you say?” I grind out, my tone deathly quiet.

  She opens her eyes and brings her head level. Her eyes widen when she focuses on my murderous glare.

  “What?” She whispers.

  “What the fuck did you say,” I roar, slamming my fist down on the table, causing it to jolt. My beer spills, clunking to the floor, but I don’t give a shit.

  “I had an abortion,” she admits, still whispering. “Switch, you don’t understand,” she begins screaming hysterically. Fat tears roll down her face, but I know it’s all an act. Her eyes aren’t sad. Her emotion is fake. The bitch is trying to play me.

  Fuck! She has been all along.

  My fingers itch to reach out and wrap around her throat and for the first time in my life, I want to physically harm a woman.

  I grab her under the arm, lifting her effortlessly from her seat. My fingers are probably gripping her too hard, but I can’t bring myself to care. I pull her roughly through the house and outside to my truck.

  After shoving her in, I blast the music and take off towards the treatment facility. I need her out of my sight before I kill the bitch.


  “Can I help you, sir?” The receptionist asks.

  “Yeah, I spoke to someone here earlier. Amber Cruz,” I sneer when I say her full name, suddenly hating the fact that she carries my last name.

  She taps on her computer and finds the details I gave them earlier.

  “Switch, please. I love you. Don’t do this. It was a mistake. I promise. I’ll do anything,” she falls to her knees, clutching my leg as she begs.

  “I’ll send the divorce papers here. Have a nice life, Amber.” I untangle myself and walk out without a backwards glance.

  I should go to the clubhouse. I should go and drown my sorrows with my brothers and then I should lose myself in the pussy of a club whore, who I can fuck all of my rage out in.

  But, I don’t do any of those things.


  Thankfully, I didn’t have to work today, so I spent the morning cleaning my house and the afternoon laying in the sun reading. It was the perfect Monday, if there is such a thing.

  I know tomorrow will be a full-on day at work, seeing as I’ll be going over all the ‘after’ details of the ball, like making sure all auction purchases were paid for and ensuring the successful bidders claimed their prizes, and in the cases where they wanted their item sent, making sure they get to the new owner. I will also need to send out a raft of thank-you letters and do the final tally so Joe’s Bar can present a check to the McMahon family. Knowing I have so much to do, it was hard for me to relax, but I managed it, barely.


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