Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology

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Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology Page 10

by Kasey Millstead

  “What's wrong?” I asked since her face looked panicked.

  “He showed up here this morning.” She nodded to my bedroom. “I've done everything to get him to leave but he won't. I just got back from the library, and he's just sitting in there.”

  Before I could ask who, Chris opened my bedroom door and walked out in front of us. I tightened my grip on Luke's hand and watched the scene unfold in front of me.

  “You're home, baby.” He put his hands on his hips and completely ignored the man standing next to him. “It's about time.”

  “Riley, who is this?” Luke asked as he stared at Chris.

  “I'm her boyfriend,” Chris answered. He stood a little taller and flexed the strong arms that rested on his hips. Chris was well over six-foot-tall with looks that could get him any girl he wanted. If it weren't for his distant personality and inability to excite me in bed, he would have been the perfect boyfriend.

  “Ex-boyfriend,” I corrected him. “Why are you here?”

  “I'm here for you,” he stated as if it were obvious.

  “We broke up, remember that conversation?” I was getting mad. “You need to leave.”

  “I thought you were kidding.” He took a step forward causing me to step further into Luke. “And who the hell is this loser?”

  “I'm Luke.” He took a step forward leaving only inches between him and Chris. “I'm the one who's going to kick your ass if you don't get the hell out of my girlfriend's apartment.”

  I saw Hannah's jaw drop at the word girlfriend, and Chris's jaw tense up.

  “Get your shit and leave.”

  Chris glared at him and then at me. He grabbed a bag that I hadn't noticed was by the front door and took two steps toward it. He turned back before grabbing the knob.

  “You'll come crawling back, you bitch. You always do.”

  Before he could turn around, Luke's fist connected with his jaw slamming him back into the wall. He reached and opened the door, grabbed a fistful of Chris's shirt and thrust him outside. He stood in the frame watching as Chris stumbled to gain his footing.

  “Don't fucking come back,” he growled before slamming the door. “She's mine now.”

  He took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair before turning around to find me and Hannah watching him with our mouths gaping open.

  “What?” He shrugged. “You asked him to leave. He didn't. So I gave him a little nudge.”

  He walked toward me and lifted my chin with his finger. Running the tip of his thumb over my bottom lip, he leaned down leaving less than an inch between us.

  “And you are mine now. I thought he should know.”

  “Well, hot damn!” Hannah was fanning herself as she watched us. “Trey needs to hurry and get over here before I jump on both of you.”

  “Hannah!” I shrieked.

  “What? Do you not hear what he's saying to you and how he's looking at you?” She turned and made her way back to her bedroom. “Damn.”

  I laughed at my best friend but kept my eyes on my tattooed prince. “I'm sorry about all of that. Are you mad?”

  “I hadn't planned on punching anyone today, but no I'm not mad.” He brushed some loose hair behind my shoulders and quickly kissed my lips. I leaned into him and let his arms hold me into his chest.

  “He is an ex, right?”

  “Yes, definitely an ex.” I jumped back when the front door opened again.

  “What's up guys?” Trey walked in and slapped Luke on the back.

  “Hannah's in her room.” I laughed. “I think she's waiting on you.”

  “Grab your stuff.” He turned me in his arms and began walking us toward my room. “Let's go back to my office so I can work and you can study.”

  “Are you sure?” I questioned. “You don't have to babysit me. I can handle it if he comes back.”

  “I want you with me,” he stated. “That jackass better hope he never comes back. I'll do more than tap his jaw.”

  I shook my head and laughed as I processed what just happened. Hopefully Chris never showed back up. He was pretty harmless, more annoying than anything. I closed the door to my bedroom before I realized how messy it was. I never made my bed so my dark gray comforter was pulled back exposing the wrinkled white sheets. Clothes were thrown everywhere and papers were scattered over my small black desk.

  “I would tell you my room is usually clean, but...” I grabbed a few books and my laptop and stuffed them into my backpack. “It's not.”

  He laughed as he looked around and focused in on some of the pictures framed on the white walls.

  “I was planning on taking a shower.” I looked down at the baggy clothes. “Do you have time to wait?”

  “Why?” he pulled me into his arms. “I like you in my clothes.”

  “Smelly isn't sexy.” I laughed. “I'll hurry, I promise.”

  He smiled when I quickly kissed him and ran into the small bathroom that was connected to my room. I showered, shaved the necessary places, dried my hair, and applied a light layer of makeup in record time. I peeked back into the room to see that he was gone and took the chance to jump over to my closet and get dressed. I decided on a blue sweater, dark skinny jeans, and tall brown boots. When I walked out of the closet, he was leaning on the edge of my bed looking at his phone.

  “Hey.” I grabbed my phone charger off the desk and added it to my backpack.

  “Hey.” He looked up and sucked in a breath.

  I was starting to wrap a thin scarf around my neck when he took a few steps and grabbed the material.

  “I like to see your neck.” He leaned down and kissed the skin below my ear as he threw the scarf back into my closet.

  My face burned a new shade of red as he made a trail of kisses toward my collarbone.

  “I like when you blush too.”

  I leaned back and laughed. “You can't even see my face.”

  “I can feel the heat from your cheeks.” He kissed me one more time before standing back and grabbing my bag from the ground. “You ready to go?”

  “Yeah, thanks for waiting.” I smiled and felt my cheeks return to their normal color.

  “Well, we couldn't have you smelly, could we?” He laughed as we walked out of the apartment and down to his bike.

  We spent the rest of the afternoon in his office down at the bar with him at his desk on the computer and me sitting on an old brown leather couch with my laptop. I noticed that his phone vibrated a few times and each time he looked at the screen but never replied to whoever was sending him messages. I could feel my brain expanding to the sides of my skull and was about to stop for the day when he stood up from his desk and plopped down on the couch next to me. He looked through his phone while I powered down my computer and packed everything back in my bag.

  “Are you done?” he asked.

  “Yep,” I answered. “I can't read anymore today.”

  “Good.” He had a sweet smile on his face as he stood up and pulled me to my feet. “I was hoping I could take you on an actual date tonight.”

  “Weren't you supposed to do that before you saw me naked?” I laughed as his mouth dropped open. I reached up and kissed him on his bottom lip. “We're a little past the first date phase.”

  “Touché.” He regained his composure and put his hand on the back of my neck. “I guess I better up my game a little bit. Will you go on a date with me?”

  “Yes.” I smiled. “I would love too.”

  He parked in front of a steakhouse that I had only heard about through some co-workers at my internship. We walked in holding hands and once the hostess saw Luke, she led us back to a private area where a table for two was set up. I knew he was watching me as I took my seat, and I suddenly felt self-conscious.

  “I don't think I'm dressed up enough for this place.” I looked across the table.

  “You look beautiful.” He reached over and grabbed my hand.

  I smiled as I took in the man before me. He was wearing dark jeans and a black
button up shirt that covered every tattoo that I realized I was starting to really like. His short hair was gelled and styled as if he were in a hurry. He was watching me with those deep green eyes that seemed to peer into the deepest part of me I never even let Chris get to. What was this man doing to me? I barely knew him yet I felt closer to him than anyone else in my life.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked after the waiter poured water into both of our glasses.

  “Honestly?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “Isn't that how this works?” he challenged.

  I thought about that for a second before answering. “Okay. I was thinking I hardly know you but for some reason I feel like I've known you my entire life.”

  He watched me for a moment before responding. “I feel the same way. You've changed my entire view on life, and I don't even know how old you are. Or your last name.”

  “I'm twenty-three.” I smiled and raised my eyebrows. “My full name is Riley Nicole Scott.”

  “Luke Ryan Green.”

  “What else?” I asked after the waiter left a basket of bread and took our order.

  “Everything,” he answered.

  “Hmmm, okay,” I started. “I'll go, then you go.”

  “That works.”

  “I grew up about an hour from here in a small town. I'm still close to my parents, who are still married, and I was prom queen.”

  He smiled when I stopped talking. “Okay, I grew up a few minutes from the bar. My parents divorced when I was in middle school, and I lived with my dad growing up. My mom lives in New York now, but we're still close. I wasn't prom queen.”

  I laughed as he finished and thought of what else to say. “I'm an only child.”

  “I have two sisters. Mel, who you met, and Jill. She lives in Dallas.”

  “Mel is an accountant?” I asked.

  “How'd you know that?” He narrowed his eyes and smiled.

  “We talked while you were in the office the other night.”

  “I thought you didn't remember anything?”

  “Bits and pieces have come back to me.” I shrugged. “I don't remember asking to come up to your apartment, but I do remember everything I talked to her about.”

  “She likes to talk,” he said before taking a drink of water.

  I laughed when the food came and ended that part of the conversation. We began eating the steak and chicken we had ordered.

  “I dated Chris for three years,” I shared as we finished a piece of chocolate cake. “I honestly can't even tell you why. The smartest decision I ever made was leaving him a few weeks ago. I'm not surprised he showed up today, but I would be surprised if he ever shows up again.”

  “Three years?” He let that sink in for a few minutes before continuing. “I've never had a relationship that lasted more than a week. I've never wanted one before I met you.”

  It was my turn to sit back and let some information sink in. I was surprised that he was so honest with me, but I appreciated every word he said. It reassured me that the man sitting before me was in this for the same reasons I was.

  Chapter 7

  We fell into a routine over the next few weeks. Luke didn't go to work until the afternoon so we would spend the weeknights at my apartment and the weekends at his. I wasn't sure how we fell into the idea that we needed to spend every night together, but I didn't question it. I liked sleeping next to him and waking up with him there. I usually left in the mornings before he even woke up, but I liked knowing that he was in my bed. And that he wanted to be there.

  I worked at my internship on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Luke's bar was on my way home. I would stop by and work on some homework or catch up on work research while he worked in his office. We had officially been together for a little over a month and the idea that this guy was mine was one that I had accepted and decided to own. Every time he looked at me or snuck a kiss, I fell more and more for my tattooed man.

  “Hey, baby.” He leaned down over the couch and kissed my lips. “I need to go up front and check on the bar. Do you need anything?”

  “No, thanks. I'm good.” I smiled up at him and ran my hand through his short hair.

  “Okay, we can get out of here early tonight if you want to wait on me.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  He walked out of the door, and I continued typing a paper that was due at the end of the week. It was Wednesday night, and I only had two classes the next day. I loved that I took so many classes in my previous semesters that my final semester of senior year was almost too easy to believe. I had been typing my paper for over an hour when I heard the door open again. I expected to see Luke when a tall redhead with an extremely short black skirt walked in.

  “Oh sorry,” she said when she noticed me on the couch. “I was looking for Luke.”

  “I think he's up front somewhere.” I looked her up and down wondering who she was.

  “Oh.” She looked down at her phone before turning her focus back to me. “It is Wednesday, right?”

  “Yeah, did you guys have a meeting or something? I can go find him if you want.”

  “No.” She laughed and shook her head. “I wouldn't call it a meeting. He's been flaky the last couple of weeks too. I was just hoping he would be here tonight. Thanks hon.”

  She walked out the door leaving a million questions lingering in the room. Was this a girl he normally hooked up with? Did they meet every Wednesday? Did they only stop a few weeks ago? When he met me... That made me feel a little better until I looked at the couch I was sitting on and immediately stood and started gathering my stuff. Are you kidding me? Did he hook up back here with whoever he wanted? I knew the answer before I even thought about it too long, but I still didn't want to know the truth. I was about to open the door when Mel walked into the room.

  “I knew you'd be leaving.” She looked angry. “What'd that bitch say?”

  “Who?” I asked, trying to play dumb.

  “That red-headed bitch who just walked out of here.” She stared at me. “He would flip his shit if he knew she was back here.”

  “Who was she?” I asked only halfway wanting the answer.

  “A part of his past,” she answered looking me in the eye. “A past he never wants a part of again.”

  “How do you know that?” I didn't believe her.

  She let out a long breath before answering. “I know you're about to leave, and to be honest it's what you should do. But he loves you. He has never looked at anyone or talked about anyone the way he does you. And you can bet your ass he has never stayed the night with or let any other girl into his apartment besides you.”

  “It's just a lot to take in, you know?” I lifted my shoulders a little before they sagged in defeat. “I just need a little time to think about some things.”

  “Do you love him?” She stared me in the eyes. “No bullshit. Just be honest.”

  I nodded my head and attempted to smile.

  “Okay, I'll let you leave then, but at least text him that you left.” She sighed before opening the door and motioning me out. “He's worth loving, sis. Just have some faith in him.”

  I slipped out of the bar unnoticed and made it back to my apartment before I sent a text.

  Not feeling well so I went home. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

  After I shut the front door to my apartment, I saw Hannah and Trey sitting on our couch watching a movie.

  “Oh no.” She jumped up as soon as she saw me. “What happened?”

  “What makes you think something happened?” I asked as she wrapped her arms around me.

  “Because I can see your face,” she answered before letting me fall onto the recliner.

  “I don't know.” I looked at Trey, wishing he wasn't there.

  “Ignore him.” She knew what I was thinking.

  I looked back at her and sunk further into the cushions. “I was in his office and a girl came looking for him. A hot girl, I might add. And I'm pretty sure it was his old Wednesday night h
ook up. She acted real casual about it. Like she showed up, they would do whatever, then she would leave. She didn't even act jealous that I was sitting in her spot on her night.”

  Hannah turned to Trey and slapped him on the shoulder. “What's that about?”

  “I thought I wasn't in this conversation.” He rubbed his arms and scowled at her.

  “You are now,” she demanded. “Now spill it. Is he a douchebag or not?”

  He let out a frustrated breath before he spoke up. “You don't think you're the first girl he's ever been with, right?”

  I shook my head.

  “Okay, well you're not. But you are the first girl he's ever cared enough about to actually give this relationship thing a shot with. You need to think about that before you freak out over everyone he's ever had a past with.”

  “Did he have a different girl every night of the week?” I asked in a state of shock.

  “What if he did?” He shrugged. “That's not who he is now so you need to quit being a girl and analyzing everything that was in the past.”

  “I don't know if I like that answer,” Hannah spoke up from beside him.

  “You shouldn't ask a question if you don't want the answer.” He shrugged then quickly ducked when she tried to slap him again.

  I stood up and made my way to my room. I just wanted my pillow against my head and a few hours to think by myself. My phone was still in my purse when I pulled the soft covers up to my chin, and I could hear it vibrating as I drifted off to sleep.

  My head was foggy, but I could hear the faint sound of a motorcycle driving by my apartment. Then a door slammed and not long after arms were draped over my side and a hard body was pressed against mine. In my half asleep state, I snuggled deeper into the arms and fell back asleep.

  I faintly heard my alarm go off and rolled out of bed. I looked to see Luke still asleep and smiled at the sight. I was scared to death at how much I loved him. Terrified that he didn't feel even close to the same way.

  Hannah and I walked in silence to our first class. She knew when to let me have my space and that I would eventually open up when I was ready. By the time we were walking to our second and final class of the day, I was ready to cry to my best friend.


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