Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology

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Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology Page 14

by Kasey Millstead

  I see another cop coming from the opposite direction. Fuck! I should have just stayed on the highway, but I didn’t want the possibility to get stuck in traffic.

  Fuck it! I need back on the highway.

  I go to take the on ramp, but there are already cops there as well. I’m fucked. I look over to the ditch. I could take it. It’s not that deep. The bike could get me through it and back onto the highway in no time. They would never be able to catch me. But Valerie tightens her body around me, reminding me she’s also on the bike, and I won’t risk her life.

  I bring the bike to a quick stop. The front of Valerie’s helmet hits the back of mine from the force due to my last-minute decision to surrender.

  She starts to climb off the bike before I can even get my feet on the ground, almost knocking us over. I watch as she frantically pulls her helmet off and throws it to the ground. I cringe as it hits the concrete. Couldn’t she have thrown it behind her in the grass? Stupid bitch.

  I climb off quickly as well. I’ve been in this situation enough to know that the police will fucking tackle your ass while you’re still sitting on your bike. And all that does is knock your bike over, and that pisses me off. Cops are dicks anyways, but they are ten times worse when you try to run from them and they catch you.

  I take my helmet off as well and set it on the ground. They are also known to cut your helmet off. This one is my favorite—no way will I let that happen.

  “Hands up in the air!” a police officer yells with his gun raised and aimed right at me. By now other cop cars are coming to a stop to join the show—lights flashing and tires squealing.

  I raise them with a heavy sigh. Can’t they see I’m not packing? Where in the hell would I keep it? I’m wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

  “Is there a problem officer?” I ask with a cocky smile.

  Valerie lets out a cry, and I turn around to look at her. Tears run down her face leaving a trail of black mascara and eyeliner. I’ve always felt like she wears too much makeup. “What’s wrong?” I ask her.

  “You’re a jackass, Dash!” she cries. “You shouldn’t have run. Now we’re getting arrested.” She drops her head but keeps her arms raised. “My parents are going to kill me,” she adds, and I roll my eyes. She never has been much of a risk taker. Or an adrenaline junkie like myself. Why did I once date her? How is that saying? Opposite attracts. Maybe I was just attracted to her big ass fake tits.

  “We got him.”

  I spin my head back around to look at the officer who is walking to me as he speaks into his radio that’s connected to his uniform.

  “Yes sir,” he responds to the person on the other side of it.

  He reaches for my raised arm and yanks me toward him before he shoves me forward. He then grabs the back of my neck roughly and throws the front of my body over the back of his cop car. “Fuck!” I mutter under my breath from his force.

  He yanks my arms behind my back and proceeds to place me in handcuffs as he reads me my rights. He doesn’t need to inform me of them though. I’ve been in this situation before. Hell, I’ve totaled a car and two bikes in my twenty-two years. And have had my license revoked a handful of times. I always get out of it though. Money talks. And that is one thing that I have plenty of.



  I stand in a jail cell with my hands still cuffed behind my back as I look around. “Where is the girl who was with me?” I ask the officer who sits behind a desk eating a Twinkie with his coffee. They placed us in separate cop cars when they hauled us in. I was immediately thrown into a cell, but I don’t know where she was taken to.

  He looks up to me for a few seconds before he turns his attention back to his afternoon snack, ignoring me.

  I huff as I sit down on the hard bench. I try rolling my shoulders but can’t due to the cuffs. “Isn’t this illegal?” I ask, referring to the cuffs.

  “Let’s talk about illegal…” a man’s voice I don’t recognize says.

  I look up and just then a man comes around the corner of the cell into view. His silver hair is combed back and his dark brown eyes almost look black but the smile on his face is friendly and my eyes widen.

  I know exactly who this man is. He’s Mr. Knight. He used to be one of the world’s biggest Formula One race car drivers. He retired and started his own racing team.

  “I’m sorry?” I question, confused as to what he’s doing here and what he means by let’s talk about illegal?

  His eyes drop down to the papers sitting in his hands. “Erik Dashling.” He says my name with a smirk as he skims over the information on it. “Seems you have a need to break the law, son. Wanna explain to me why you were clocked by an officer doing a hundred and thirty on the interstate today?”

  One thirty? That’s all? My 1,000 will do every bit of two hundred. Easily! But I also had a passenger who I needed to think about. “It was a nice day for a ride,” I decide to say with a smile.

  He lets out a chuckle at my sarcasm. “Yes, I guess it was.” He places the papers behind his back and straightens his stance in front of my jail cell. “I’ve been watching you for a while,” he announces, and my eyebrows shoot up. “And I have come to a decision.”

  “A decision?” I ask standing up from my bench.

  He nods. He then lifts a hand and the officer behind his desk drops his Twinkie and jumps up. He walks over to the cell and opens it up. I stay grounded to my spot wondering what the hell is going on when the cop finally walks over to me. He spins me around and undoes my cuffs.

  I rub my wrists as I turn back around to face them both.

  “I’m giving you a spot on my team,” Mr. Knight says with a friendly smile.

  I look between the two of them in confusion. He wants to make me an errand boy… “Community service?” Wouldn’t be the first time I have had to do some sort of community service for my endeavors. It will definitely be the first time it’s something I will enjoy though.

  He shakes his head. “No. I’m offering you a job,” he clarifies before he straightens the jacket to his Armani three-piece suit. “Like I said. I’ve been watching you for a while. And you are exactly what I need. I’m starting a new race team. A motorcycle race team. And I want you.”

  This can’t be happening. There’s no way Johnny Knight is offering me a position on his race team. I’m the kind of guy who would be a liability. I’m dangerous and sometimes out of control. People have a hard time with my sarcasm and say I’m hard to work with due to my inability to follow rules. “I have a record,” I say in all honestly.

  He shakes his head. “Had. It’s clean. As of now.”

  “How did you…?” There’s no way! Even my father can’t get shit off of my record, and believe me, he’s tried.

  He smiles. “Son, I have a lot of pull in this town.” I watch the officer nod his head, and he looks over at me. “And I promise you. If you produce half of what I know you’re capable of, I will take care of you. This isn’t a handout. I will work you hard to produce the results I want.”

  I run my hand through my hair as I release a deep breath. “I don’t understand. Why take the chance with me?” I ask in all seriousness. He has to know more about me than just my record.

  “You think I got where I am today without taking risks?” he asks with a smile.

  I shake my head as I look away and a thought comes to my mind. “Where’s Valerie?” His brows crease. “The girl who was with me?” I need to know where she is at before this conversation goes any further.

  “Oh your girlfriend? I had a car take her home. She was not in trouble for your joyride today.”

  I don’t correct him on Valerie being my ex. I just nod once again before speaking. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “So. Do we have a deal?” he asks, already reaching out his hand to shake.

  A deal? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I mean, I’m twenty-two with a rap sheet longer than my left arm and a very powerful and rich man is standing in front of
me offering me the chance at my dream job. “What’s the catch?” I ask crossing my arms, refusing to shake his just yet.

  “Don’t push your luck, boy,” the officer growls.

  Mr. Knight lifts his hand to silence the officer as he smirks. “I like a man who wants to know all of his options before he takes a deal,” he says to the officer, but his dark brown eyes stay trained on mine. “The catch is that whenever you are on the streets—whether it be in your car or on your bike—you abide by the law. I don’t want you arrested or to get even so much as a speeding ticket. No drugs and no alcohol. I don’t want you showing up for a race or practice runs hung-over or exhausted or fucked up. You are no use to me in a hospital or jail.”

  “That’s it?”

  He nods. “That’s it. Do we have a deal?” he asks once again.

  I give him a big smile as I uncross my arms and reach my right hand out. “Deal.”

  He smiles as he shakes my hand. He then reaches into the pocket of his suit jacket and pulls out a card. “I will send a car for you tomorrow afternoon. Be ready for it by two o’clock,” he says before turning around.

  “Be ready for what?” I ask, placing it in my back pocket of my shorts.

  He turns back around and gives me a smirk. “To sign your life away,” he says jokingly, but I have a feeling he’s being serious.

  I look up at the officer once Mr. Knight is out of the room. “He owns you, boy,” is all he says before he goes back to his desk, opens up his drawer, and sets my wallet and cell on top of it next to my helmet. “Here you go. And your bike is sitting out front for you.”

  I take my stuff and hightail it out of there. But before I get on my bike I make a call to my best friend Blake.

  “Holy shit man. I heard what happened. Valerie called me crying,” is how he answers his phone.

  I roll my eyes. I bet she called him. Anytime she can play the victim, she does. “No biggee,” I respond. “Hey,” I say before he can say anything else. “I’m having a party tonight,” I say with a smile. I was just given an opportunity of a lifetime, and I’m not gonna fuck it up. But I haven’t signed anything yet. So tonight I’m gonna live it up one last time.

  “Your place?” he asks.

  “Hell no. I’m not throwing a party at my house.” During the last party we had at my house, a fight broke out and the neighbors called the police. Guess I shouldn’t have beat the shit out of the guy on the front lawn for everyone to see. But in my defense, he was making out with my girlfriend in the living room for all to see. So he deserved it.

  “Okay. Your parents,” he suggests, and I can hear the smile in his voice. “They’re out of town. And I can call this girl I’ve been seeing. Jackie. She has this hot friend that I know you would love to hit.”

  Bingo! “Great idea.” Even though nothing is written in stone with Mr. Knight, I want to celebrate. And I know just how to celebrate. Some alcohol and a woman underneath me who is anyone but Valerie.



  “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I repeat for the fifth time as I sit at a stoplight on Rodeo Drive.

  “That’s what I was told,” Jackie, my best friend, says softly next to me.

  “Who was it?” I ask curious.

  She shrugs before she looks down at her cell in her hands. “I don’t know. They didn’t say a name. I guess it was someone he was talking to when you guys got together.”

  In all honestly it doesn’t surprise me that the bastard had been cheating on me. I mean, he is the type to have more than one woman. He likes power and that made him feel like he had some. Fuck, he was probably with her at times while we spoke on the phone. She was probably right there smiling while she probably sucked his dick or something.

  “You did the right thing,” she says before she reaches over and pats my arm.

  I look over at her with no expression, and she exhales. “I know you loved him but…”

  “Stop right there,” I say slamming on the gas as the light turns green. “I didn’t love him,” I say in denial, and she sighs heavily knowing I’m lying. “But,” I add, “I don’t regret leaving that sorry bastard.”

  “Good girl,” she says happily, and I tighten my hands on the steering wheel. That’s what Rodger always said to me.


  In and out of the bed. The worst part is that I did everything he said in order to hear him call me that. I wanted to be his ‘good girl’. I wanted his praise. I shudder at how pathetic he had made me.

  I sit behind the steering wheel as I drive us to my house and my anger starts to rise. This is the first time I’ve actually got to spend time with my best friend in months. We used to be inseparable. But things started to change once Rodger and I hit the three month mark in our relationship. He started having me cancel plans with my family and friends, saying he didn’t have time for this dinner or that party. And he didn’t want me to go without him. Blah, blah, blah. Same ol’ bullshit just a different day. At first I didn’t think anything of it and let it slide. Before I knew it he had changed my cell phone number and was driving me to and from school, telling me it was easier to ride together—which at the time made sense.

  We first met a little over a year ago at college. He just happened to be in one of my classes. I fell hard and fast for him. I loved him so much, that I actually hated the person I had become. Rodger thought people were below him. His father is a congressman, and his mother is some Botox loving, face peel obsessive, highfalutin bitch.

  I was raised with money, wore the expensive clothes, and had the prettiest jewelry. Hell I still do, but that doesn’t mean I walk around with my nose stuck up in the air. Some people are lucky in life, some aren’t. I’m a lucky one. I will never take that for granted ever again. Can I be a bitch who throws tantrums? Yep! Can I be a suck up and bait Daddy when I want something? Absolutely! Do I tell it how it is? Of course. I wasn’t raised to hide what I feel. How is someone going to know what you feel or think unless you tell them?

  Well with Rodger, I kept everything inside. I kept my mouth shut and sat up straight. To him and the men in his family, women were seen not heard. A woman’s place was in the kitchen cooking or on her knees in the bedroom.

  I couldn’t take it anymore, I couldn’t hide who I really am. I am a smart-mouthed bitch who has anger issues and a right hook to prove it. If that meant I rolled around in the dirt with the ones he considered scum, then call me the fucking queen of the scum world.

  But for some crazy damn reason I fell in love with him. There was just something about him. I wish I knew what it was, because I would have ignored it. He didn’t like to fight or to have me disagree with anything he said. What he had to say was final. Well, last week I overheard a conversation, and I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. It was our biggest fight yet.

  “You shouldn’t have said that,” he says tightly as he shuts his bedroom door. His dark hair is trimmed short, and his dark green eyes are hard.

  “Why not?” I ask trying to keep my voice low, but it’s hard. I want to scream at him.

  “Because my dad didn’t appreciate that. That’s why,” he snaps before running his hands down his white polo shirt. I just ironed it two hours ago, and it already has wrinkles. He hates wrinkles!

  I try to hold my tongue but enough is enough. “What? I can’t have an opinion about our future?”

  He fists his hands by his side as he takes in a deep breath. “Your opinion was not asked. Therefore it was not needed.”

  Simple as that.

  He and his dad were talking about where he would transfer to next fall. I was in his parents’ kitchen making him fucking chocolate chip cookies when I had overheard them. Of course I had stormed off into the living room to find out what the hell they were talking about. When I said I think he should stay here it had started a big debate between his dad and me. Was it wrong to not want your boyfriend to pack up and leave you behind?

  Well good riddance you sorry bastard!

  I pull up to my house and open the door for Jackie to enter before I slam the door shut and lock it.

  “Whoa. You okay?” she asks setting her purse down softly on my kitchen table.

  “Yes. I just need to blow off some steam,” I say rolling my shoulders.

  She smiles before she pulls her phone out of her purse. “How about we go to a party tonight? I just got a message from Blake that his friend is having one.”

  “Sounds perfect.” That’s exactly what I need—a party and some alcohol.

  “That’s my girl. Go ahead and start getting ready, and I’ll make you a pre-party drink.”



  “I can’t believe that you are going to be racing for Johnny Knight,” Blake says excitedly.

  I shrug, trying to not be as excited as he is. I still find it all too hard to believe. And I won’t be doing any jumping up and down until tomorrow when those papers are signed.

  He pushes my shoulder, trying to knock me off balance. “You know you’re are going to kick ass,” he says before he looks down at his phone and sighs.

  “Calm down, man,” I say. It’s like the fifth time he’s looked down at it in the last two minutes. The party has been going for two hours now. The house is full. People I have never even met are showing up. Guess that was bound to happen from people posting the shit on the internet. Some are already starting to walk sideways from the alcohol they’ve consumed. So far, I’m on my third beer. Not really wanting to get hammered just yet, ‘cause I would hate for my parents’ house to get destroyed.

  “She said they were coming.” He sighs. “But that was over five hours ago.”

  “Then they’ll be here,” I say lifting my beer to my lips. “What’s up with you and this Jackie girl anyway?” I ask once I pull my beer away. “You two serious?” He’s been talking about this girl for over a month, yet he hasn’t brought her around anyone. I was actually starting to think that she was imaginary.


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