Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology

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Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology Page 20

by Kasey Millstead

  “You can stay in one of them while you work here, for free. I just take out enough from your wages for utilities. I don’t care if you have parties, just nothing illegal and that goes for substances. You interested?” I nod again and she digs in her pocket pulling out a key. “Keep following the road, first left down the gravel road and then it’ll be on your first left. It’s private and sits back into the trees a bit. You seem like you might like private.” I take the key from her hand and put it in my jacket pocket. “Be here at seven to go over everything.”

  “There’s a store back in town called Murphy’s. It’s got just about everything you’d need,” Joe speaks up.

  I stand up, nod at him and then at her. “Thanks.” I turn around and walk out, down the steps and over to my bike. After starting it up, I back it out and then turn it, heading out of the lot and turn right then keep riding until I see the first left. The road is lined with tall trees making it look like it’s in the country, and finally, I see the small road on the left and turn onto it. It takes a couple of minutes until I see a wooden house appear, a small driveway in front and a carport on the right. I pull under the carport and shut off my bike, kick the stand down as I move my leg over the seat and walk around to the front. Not too shabby. Nice front porch, hanging wide swing like she said, and I open the screen door, put the key into the lock and turn. My first thought when I walk through the doorway is there’s no way this is a cabin. Everything is like she said, but the furniture is really nice.

  The place is clean and the TV is larger than I had imagined. I walk through the room and into the small hallway locating the bathroom and at the end is a small laundry room. I walk back down the other way and into the bedroom. Nice double bed, dresser, desk and TV on top. There’s a door that leads into the bathroom as well and I’m surprised that the carpet and bedding look fairly new. I could almost get used to this. Suddenly, I’m worn out from the ride so I sit on the bed, pull off my boots, and stretch out. Damn, this is comfortable. My eyes start to close and I let out a deep breath.

  ᵴ ᵴ ᵴ ᵴ

  “I don’t care, Betsy! I’m tired of everything! Daddy doesn’t care what the hell I do and I’m bored and sick to death of the places around here. I need some action, some fun. Come with me.” I whine for the millionth time into the phone.

  “Ugh! Kallie! You’re gonna get yourself into trouble, again. You know your Daddy’s only gonna take so much from you and what if something bad happens? Aren’t you scared?” I roll my eyes.

  I look down at my nails, filing the index one some more and then blow on it. “Betsy, oh, my God! Live a little, have some fun. You know Daddy doesn’t give a shit what I do and I’m so bored. I heard there’s a place about forty five minutes away that’s hoppin’. Come with me.” I finish my nail and take out the fire red nail polish, open it and start applying it as I cradle the phone against my ear and my shoulder. “Please? Just go this once and if you don’t have fun then you don’t have to go again. Come on.”

  I keep painting my nails and listen to absolutely nothing on the other line and then she sighs. “Okay. I’ll go. But don’t ask me to do this again. I swear, some day you’re gonna get me in so much trouble.”

  “Thanks! You are gonna have so much fun! I’ll pick you up at nine! See ya!” I end the call and go back to painting my nails. Gotta get my toenails done next and then figure out what I’m gonna wear. It’s going to be a great night!

  “Oh, my God! Are we even close yet? This has to be the furthest we’ve ever gone anywhere,” she whines.

  I barely hear her over the loudness of the booming music in the car, but look over at her and smirk. “Almost there, chill out.” She gives me a smirk back, and I look back out at the road, dancing in my seat and singing at the top of my lungs. After another ten minutes, we pull into town and then take a left at the stop sign and after another excruciating few minutes we pull into the full parking lot. Thank God, my sports car is small as I fit it right into a small space between a bunch of motorcycles. Bikers, oh yeah! Looks like this is my kind of bar. I’ve always had an infatuation for bikers, but what I really like is the hot, brooding, bad boy, kind of guy.

  We get out of the car, I smooth my leather shirt down, and we start walking towards the loud bar, finding it difficult in these high heels on the gravel. “Shit! Just scraped up the heel on my shoe!” Betsy looks at me and laughs. Her eyebrow raised, and I give her ‘my look’ and we continue up the wooden steps and into the bar. “Hell, yeah! A live band!” I yell in her ear. She answers by sticking her finger in her ear and giving me a ‘what the fuck’ look. Laughing, I grab her wrist and pull her behind me over to the bar and two bikers turn their heads, they give us the once over, slowly, and then get off their stools letting us sit down. “Thanks!” I shout over the music.

  I look around the bar and then turn on my stool and look at Betsy. “There are some hot guys here. Now if we can just get a drink.”

  “What’ll you have?” A low, sexy voice yells and I look up. Tight wife beater, flat stomach and hard abs, muscular arms, full lips and piercing blue eyes. Oh, hell yeah to the yes!

  “Mmmmm, I’ll have a beer, bottled, shot of Daniels on the side. She’ll have….” I wave my red polished nails in the air, “whatever kind of foo foo drink you have.”

  He looks at me, no expression on his face whatsoever and then at Betsy. “Beer and hard liquor. That’s it.” Betsy opens her mouth and then loud shouting and a commotion breaks out behind us. “Be back!” My head snaps to the hot bartender, and I lean back as he places his hands on the counter, jumps up and hops right over my lap, then runs over to the corner of the bar where a fight has broken out. I watch with fascination as he pulls a huge guy off another one. The other bartender and a bouncer are pulling other guys apart, and then I gasp when the hot bartender’s face connects with a large fist. My hands covering my mouth, and my heart beating so fast it adds to the adrenaline flowing through me. Finally, the fights are broken up. The bouncer is walking two guys out by their upper arms, and I watch as they walk by. Cuts, bruises, swollen faces and I’m fascinated as the big guy literally throws them out the front door.

  I turn around and see everyone going back to their partying, the band continuing to play, like nothing just happened. The hot bartender comes walking over, winks at me, and then lifts himself over me again and over the counter, like it was nothing. He turns, grabs two bottles of beer and sets them on the counter in front of us and then takes two shot glasses, filling them with Jack and places them next to our beers. “On me.” I look up his sexy body, and my eyebrows lower when I see the swelling on his cheek, light purple already spreading across it.

  “You’re hurt,” bursts from my lips as his piercing eyes stare into mine.

  His luscious lips part and he begins to speak when another customer yells out. “Yo! Steele!” His head starts to turn, slowly, his eyes staying on mine, then finally moves down the bar. He looks back at me quickly, winks, and then walks away. My eyes follow him, watching his muscle flexing with his movements, and then I feel the smack on my arm.

  “Cheers,” Betsy says with a huge smile on her face.

  I look at her, grab my shot and clink the glass against hers. My eyes move back to him, watching his every move, as I down the shot.

  “Damn, he’s fucking fine,” Betsy says, and I look at her quickly and frown. “No worries. Not my type. Doesn’t mean I can’t look.”

  “I need a smoke,” I tell her as I rise from the stool and turn to go outside.

  “I thought you quit that nasty habit?” She frowns.

  “Only when I drink, darlin’, only when I drink.” I get up from my stool, feeling the alcohol hit me a little and walk outside. The fresh air blows my long blonde hair away from my face. I walk down the porch, grab my smokes from my pocket, take one out and light it. I take a deep drag and blow out the smoke, watching it blow away in the breeze. My head turns when I hear the front door open and two biker guys walk out, lighting up cigarettes
and looking my way. One guy’s pretty cute, but not hot by any means.

  “Hey, girlie.” His eyes look up and down my body, making me feel a little self-conscious, but I raise my head up and square my shoulders. “What’s a fine looking woman like yourself hanging out in a low life bar like this?”

  I roll my eyes as I take another drag and give him a huff. “Humph! Is that the best line you got, dude? I’ve heard better. Much better.”

  He walks over to me, thinking he’s all kids of sexy and runs his finger up the side of my face. “Oh! I have tons of lines, lady. Wanna hear ‘em?”

  “Leave her alone, asshole,” a growl comes from behind us. My eyes shift over to the sound and see the hot bartender standing there. His hands coiled up into fists by his side and a snarl on his lips. “I ain’t gonna tell ya twice.” The biker dude looks at me, licks his lips, and then turns away. He and his buddy walk down the steps and I watch as they get on their bikes, rev them up, and ride out of the lot. “You should be more careful. It’s not all fun and games here, Toots, you can get hurt.” My eyes snap over to him. I throw my butt out onto the gravel and smirk.

  “Names not Toots, sexy. It’s Kallie.”

  He stops. His head turns to me, and he gives me no facial expression then walks inside. My heart is beating a mile a minute from the biker dude, but more from the look of Mr. Hottie, and I start to walk towards the door when Betsy comes barreling out. She grabs my upper arm and starts pulling me down the steps. “Time to go! Bad fight just broke out and it doesn’t look good.”

  We barely make it down the last step when a guy comes flying out, landing on the gravel beside us with a thump. I look down, and then back at the front door. Betsy about pulls my arm out of the socket as she continues to pull it, and I see Mr. Hottie himself running out the door, chest heaving and eyes looking down at the dude lying on the gravel. By the time Betsy pulls me to my car door, he looks up and straight into my eyes. My mouth opens when I notice a line of blood running down the same side of his face as his bruised cheek and then Betsy is pushing me into the car. “Get in, now!”

  I slide into the seat. My head still turned towards the front door. I swear he nods at me before he turns around and goes back inside. I start the car, backing it up quickly, and head out of the lot and onto the road. “Well, I hope that was enough excitement for you, for a while.” My eyes look in the rearview mirror, and I sigh. Not nearly enough.

  Chapter Two

  “The freakin’ place had the shit beat outta it tonight, huh, fellas?” Charley says while sweeping up glass off the floor from the front door then sighs. “Another door to replace.”

  Joe looks over from cleaning tables and hollers back, “I’ll get it tomorrow.”

  She looks at me as I clean behind the bar and smirks. “You should have that cut tended to. Might need stitches. Good fighting tonight, Steele. Appreciate the help.”

  I just give her a smirk back and wipe some blood off my face with the back of my hand. “I’ve had worse.” I finished cleaning up, and she tells me to go home. Home. I’ve never known a place called ‘home’, just a place to crash. I’m exhausted by the time I get there and take a shower, but Charley was right. The cut over my eyebrow does need a couple of stitches. I get out the small sewing kit from my backpack, hold the needle over my cigarette lighter and then stitch it up while looking in the mirror in the bathroom. I wince a couple of times, not like I haven’t had stitches before, actually several times. When done, I just stare in the mirror. Another scar. Oh, well, makes me look even tougher.

  I climb into bed, resting my head on my arm underneath it and stare at the ceiling. Kallie. She’s a tough chick, seems smart and sexy as fuck. Wonder why she chose the Sage Bar to come to tonight? She seems like a ritzy chick, sports car, nice clothes and her friend? She wasn’t comfortable at all being there, I could tell. Eh, doesn’t matter. I don’t get tied down, and she doesn’t look the type for a one nighter. But I also won’t let anyone spend the night with me either, holding me or God forbid, want me to hold them. I don’t need anyone, but I am getting pretty horny as it’s been a while. Maybe I’ll keep an eye out for someone who just wants some kicks. By the looks of the women in this bar, I’m sure I can find someone to fit that bill.

  The next night is more of the same. Same drunks, same fights, but not as bad as last night, and I find myself looking up every time a woman walks in, thinking it might be her. Kallie. But she doesn’t show up and none of the others pique my interest or my cock so once we cleaned up for the night, I go home alone, take a shower, watch some TV and go to bed.

  The next night, a new band shows up, and this one not only packs in the bar, but it’s overfilled. People actually wait outside to get in. We are busier than shit. Charley tells me maybe she needs to hire another employee soon, and I laugh and tell her we can handle it. A customer slides onto the stool in front of me. I’m bent over cleaning glasses, so I don’t look up. “What’ll you have?”

  “Bottle beer with a kicker.” That sexier than shit voice makes my eyes move up. I notice a hot pink halter top, with sequins sparkling from the lighting behind the counter and full, ample breasts. Long, slender neck covered in porcelain, flawless skin, full, pouty lips and more of the same perfect skin, and then the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen with long, black lashes. I don’t speak and just reach over to get a shot glass, then pull a bottled beer from the big case to my right, twist the cap off, throwing it in the trash bucket and then take the Jack bottle, pouring the small glass full. I set them both down in front of her. My eyes are mesmerized as I watch her pick up the shot glass, tilts her head back as she slams it down and then raises the bottle, encasing the top with her luscious lips, and takes a big drink.

  “Where’s your friend tonight?” I ask as I refill her glass.

  “Oh, she didn’t much care for this place the other night,” she winks and drinks the shot quickly, then nods as she places the glass on the counter. I refill it again and smile.

  “Yeah, this doesn’t seem like her kind of playground or yours for that matter.”

  Another customer yells at me, and I start to move down the counter when Kallie smiles as she raises her finger to her lips, her tongue peeks out and my cock is straining against my jeans as I watch her lick it. Shit, I need to get laid soon. I get slammed again, moving up and down the counter filling orders. When I finally turn around I see her stool is empty, and I start looking around the packed bar. She’s nowhere in sight so I decide it might be a good time for a smoke and hop over the counter, walking quickly outside.

  There’s still a line, the bouncer outside trying to hold the peace when I hear faint noises from the side of the building. Walking quickly down the porch, I peer around the corner and see two bikers. One has Kallie pinned against the wall, one hand holding her wrists up. I leap over the railing and onto the grass, quietly. She kicks the guy holding her right in his balls with her boot, and I watch him double over, grabbing himself. His friend is quick to pull out a blade and presses it against her throat. Without a sound, I walk over behind him, grab his wrist with the blade and bring his arm around him holding it up high against his back. “I wouldn’t do that,” I growl. My eyes shift over to the other guy laying on the grass, still holding himself, and then back to her. “I think you’re done here tonight. Go.”

  She looks at me, eyes wide, with tears and black mascara running down her face and her body shaking. She gasps, and I look down when biker man turns around. My hand slipping from his wrist, and I wince when the blade swipes my left upper arm. His arm with the blade rises, and I block his attack with my left arm, my right fist connecting with his face. He yells out as blood begins to seep from his nose, and I hit him again. He starts to go down and to make sure he stays there I hit him one more time. My head snaps to my right when Joe and the bouncer, Tiny, run around the corner. I look at Kallie. Her arm wrapped around her waist and her chin quivering as she looks at my bloody arm. “Go home!” I scream. She jumps, her eyes moving to mine,
turns and walks quickly to the parking lot.

  “Damn, dude! You’re bleeding again.” Joe looks at my arm, and I look down to see the blood running down. “Go home, crowds thinning out since the band quit.” I look up at him and start to walk towards the parking lot, but his hand lays on my chest stopping me. “You look like shit, take tomorrow night off, rest up.” I start to nod when the screeching of tires on the gravel causes us both to turn our heads, and I watch as Kallie’s sport cars tears out of the lot and onto the road. I look back at Joe, and he laughs. “Fiery little thing, huh?” Joe laughs.

  “Yeah, you could say that,” I smirk and then head to my bike.

  Once home, I wash out the cut, which just about made me pass out, then I got my trusty sewing kit out, fired up the needle and put in about ten stitches. Shit, gonna have to get more thread soon if this keeps up. I go to the fridge, grab a beer and sit down in the chair, taking a huge swig. My head becomes woozy as the image of Kallie pinned against the wall by that asshat enters my mind. She was strong yet stupid for kicking that guy in the nuts, but fuck was that hot! Then the look in her eyes when I got knifed, appearing like concern, fear or maybe a combination in them. I felt…. I felt something that scared me worse than the blade. I felt something stir inside me, something I can’t describe.

  My ears perk when I hear a noise outside, take another big drink and set the bottle down on the end table. Thankful, I’ve been sitting in the dark. I stand up and walk to the front window, push back the drape a little and peer out around the house. My eyes keep scanning, then move down the road. Not seeing anything, I start to let the drapes go when I stop as I see a shiny object down the road. There, in the distance, alongside the road is Kallie, bending down by a tire on her car. What the fuck? Not bothering with a shirt, I open the front door quietly and make my way down the steps and head off to the side, quietly, walking through the trees for cover. She must be about half a mile down the road and not a good place for a beautiful, high class woman to be at this time of night. Apparently, the asshole at the bar didn’t teach her anything. Time to give her another lesson.


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