Montana Fire

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Montana Fire Page 17

by Vella Day

  She smiled then began sorting the food. Max went to work lighting the wood stove. He liked having Jamie around. She brought life to these old walls. It was what he’d been missing in his life these past eleven years.

  A few minutes later, a cabinet door banged shut, and Jamie stepped into the living room. “All finished.”

  The fire was heating the place nicely. He tossed in one more log and stood. “Great. Let me show you to the bedroom.” Halfway down the hall, he grabbed some fresh towels from the linen closet. “Thought you might like to shower. If there’s anything you need, just holler.”

  “Thank you. I’m not sure how long I’ll stay up. I’m exhausted.”

  The emotional toll would have felled even the strongest person. “Me, too. While you shower, I’ve got some calls to make. I also want to check on my gear. Take your time.” It would be better if she didn’t hear the conversation.

  Once he showed Jamie the bathroom, Max slipped back into the living room. While he didn’t expect trouble, he wanted to be prepared in case Hank called. They’d only have a few minutes to get out. That also meant they’d have to leave by the back route, which would take longer.

  The flight would require cash, and the men he could hit up for the money at a moment’s notice was limited. Trent, Dan, Thad, and Cade were his only choices, and Cade was in Hawaii on his honeymoon.

  Max called Trent first. Before he had a chance to say hello, Trent responded. “You in trouble?”

  “Not yet, but my sixth sense is acting up.”

  “Mine would be, too, if I thought terrorists were after my girlfriend.”

  He liked the idea of having Jamie in his life. Whether she was willing to be in his would soon be tested. “You learn anything else after we left?”

  “Just finishing up now. Chuck Forbes said he and his men will be scouring the area for any suspicious behavior.”

  The added manpower should speed up the capture. Max leaned against the counter, keeping his eye on the hallway. “Need a favor.”


  That was one of the reasons he liked Trent. The man got straight to the point. “Need some cash.”

  Trent whistled. “How soon do you need it?” Trent would give a man in need the shirt off his back.

  “As soon as I can get it. I’m thinking two grand should get us pretty far if we need to get out of here.”

  “I should be able to drum up that much. Have you gotten burner phones yet?”

  At the ease with which his request could be met, Max blew out a breath. “Weather permitting, I’ll head back down to Hank’s tomorrow.”

  “How is the old guy?”

  When Trent had come up last summer, the three of them had gone fishing for the day. “Still feisty.”

  “You’ll have to dump your car, too, you know.”

  Shit. He’d just bought the SUV. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do that.” Actually, he didn’t want to admit he’d need to.

  “If these men can trace credit cards, they can find a car. As soon as I hang up, I’ll ask Dan and Thad to round up the cash.”

  Max was touched by his friends’ generosity. “I’ll pay you guys back. I just don’t want to withdraw anything from my account.”

  “No problem.”

  They discussed how to handle the exchange, and concluded the best way would be for Trent to leave the money with Hank. Max didn’t need to have his friend followed to their doorstep. No telling what these men would do once they found out Jamie had flown the coop.

  “I appreciate this more than you can know.”

  “You’d do the same for me,” Trent said. “I’ll work on getting what you need on my end.”

  “Thanks.” When Max disconnected the call, he felt a bit more settled having taken care of that issue.

  Now it was time to go into survival mode. First, he wanted to create a bug-out bag and make sure the cabin was booby trapped for the night.

  The wind had already started to howl, rattling the windows. Damn. They didn’t need the snow. On the other hand, it would make it more difficult for an intruder to come and go unnoticed. It was hard to cover tracks. He wouldn’t be surprised if in a couple of days this terrorist cell sent a scout to check out his place. His name was in the public record as owner. Hiding in the technological age was getting harder and harder.

  The shower turned off, and the image of Jamie wet and naked flashed in his mind. He wanted to snuggle with her, kiss every inch of her delicious body, and then make slow, gentle love with her. But she said she was exhausted, and he agreed, she needed her rest.

  Max gathered some bottled water, canned soup, and a few power bars she’d purchased to put in his emergency stash. Tomorrow, if they made it to Hank’s, he’d grab some dried meals.

  Max strode to the closet where he kept his gear. Fishing poles, batteries, flashlights, sleeping bags, stoves, and anything else he’d need to survive was there—including his weapons. Not knowing how long they could stay there, he gathered what he thought they’d need, and took the gear into the living room. He was carefully packing the items in a duffel bag when Jamie came out, looking clean and quite refreshed.

  She was dressed in gray sweats and sneakers, but she couldn’t have looked more adorable if she tried. He immediately squashed his longing. Her hair was wet and barely combed. He now regretted having tossed Marie’s hairdryer.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. He didn’t like the hitch in her voice.

  “Being practical. I like to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice, even if that possibility is slim.”

  She walked over to the pile of gear on the floor and sank down in front of him. Her blue eyes were wide with worry. “You think they’ll find us?”

  Shit. He hadn’t meant to upset her again. “They may try, but they won’t succeed. I trust every person who knows we’re here.”

  “People aren’t always trustworthy.”

  It was time to find out what really happened to Jamie to make her so skittish. He knew the basics, and that she’d been burned badly. If he understood her better, he’d be able to anticipate how she’d react under difference circumstances. “How about hopping up on the couch, and I’ll get us a glass of wine?”

  Her eyes shone. “I’ll fall asleep.”

  “Then I’ll carry you to bed. Red or white?” He stood.

  “White. You really are prepared aren’t you?”

  “You have no idea.”

  From the cabinet, he located a nice Chardonnay and poured them a glass. He could have sat across from Jamie in the leather chair, but he wanted to be close to her, to be able to hold her if she needed comfort.

  Max held out the glass. “You said people can fool you. Want to tell me about it? You might be thinking I’m trying to pry, but I need to learn what could set you off, what makes you afraid.” That was the truth.

  She returned her gaze to him. “You mean will I freak if I see someone with a gun?”

  Jamie was smart. “In part.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment and inhaled. “Okay. I’ll tell you if you think it’ll help. My friends all know the story anyway.”

  “Thank you. It means a lot that you trust me.”

  That brought out a smile. “If there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that I trust you.”

  Her words meant the world to him. “Thank you.” He tapped his glass to hers, and they both shared a moment.

  A slight blush crept up her face, and she inhaled deeply. “Benny and I had been dating for about three years when his mom’s deteriorating condition took a turn for the worse.”

  “Amber told me his mother had ALS.”

  “Yes. I really can’t say if that was the trigger for him changing, or if it was when he asked to marry me and I said no, but the fact was, he went crazy.”

  Max hadn’t heard about the proposal. “If you’d been together for so long, why did you say no?” He held up a hand. “You don’t have to answer that.” He’d said he wanted information t
o help him judge her reaction to certain stressors. Knowing why she broke up wasn’t needed, but he wanted to learn everything about her. Learn who’d hurt her and why.

  “It’s fine. Benny and I got along really well for a long time. We both loved to watch old movies, and we both were in the medical field. He was interested in my patients and how I tried to make a person’s last few weeks on earth more comfortable.”

  “Sounds like you and he were a good fit.”

  “We were for a while. I think I was attracted to him because he was so nice. My life growing up had basically sucked, and when I moved to Rock Hard, Benny was there to pick up the pieces.” A lovely smile crossed her face, but then her cheer disappeared. “I once had a dog named Beau. When he died, I didn’t know what to do, so I called Benny. He loved animals, too, and handled everything. That was before we started dating. When he came over and was so caring, I knew he was the one for me.” She looked off to the side. “Or so I thought.”

  Max set down his glass then removed hers from her fingers. “Come here.” He slipped her onto his lap and held her tight. Max kissed her forehead. She looked up at him with a small smile on her face. “Then his mom became incapacitated?” he asked.

  “That actually occurred a few years later. Benny began to change slowly. I didn’t see it right away. When the deaths at the hospital occurred, I was really shaken. I started to examine my life and I realized I wanted a man with focus, purpose, ambition. Benny had none of those traits anymore. He started to look to me more and more to make the decisions.”

  “Like which movie to watch or where to go to dinner?”


  He chuckled at her enthusiasm. “When did you know it was time to call it quits?” Jamie fascinated him. Most women would have blamed the man, but she seemed to have a good handle on what she wanted. He also wanted to never make any of those mistakes with her.

  “I’m not really sure. I kept hesitating because Benny had more empathy than any person I’d ever met. In the end that one positive trait was his downfall.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Benny had so much sympathy for the terminally sick people that he decided to put the patients out of their misery. He thought that would cut short my suffering.”

  “So he killed them.” Cade had told him that part of the story.

  “Yes, but I never suspected he’d go that far.” Her voice drifted. It was almost like she was reliving that terrible moment.

  Max hugged her. “It’s not your fault, you know.”

  She planted a palm on his chest, and her touch seeped deep into him. “Zoey helped me see that, but it’s still hard.”

  “You’re a strong woman, Jamie Henderson.”

  “I try to be.”

  She looked up at him, and when she smiled, Max knew then and there, he’d fallen for her. Hard.

  Chapter Twenty

  Now that her story was out, Jamie was glad he’d asked her to explain those terrible days. She was tired of tap dancing around the issue. She wanted Max to know her and understand everything she’d experienced. With all she and Max had been through since the wedding, she felt comfortable blurting out her pain to him. She appreciated that he never judged her.

  The strange part was when she recounted Benny’s good points, Max seemed to fit the bill, too. He had a good heart. No one else had taken the time to visit Agent Vic Hart in the hospital, no one else had insisted on driving her to and from work every day, and no one she’d ever met would have put his life on the line for her. His compassion had been above and beyond the call of duty. That must mean he really cared.

  His amber eyes half closed. “We’ve had a hard day. What do you say we get some sleep?”

  His lips descended, and the ache in her heart disappeared as she banished all thoughts of her past. Suddenly, she was wide awake. She wanted this man. Right here. Right now.

  When he teased open her lips, she let him in willingly. As their tongues dipped and probed, she slid her hands under his shirt. The moment her fingers touched his hot skin, her body exploded with need. The suddenness of her desire stunned her, but she couldn’t halt what was happening, even if she wanted to. Jamie didn’t want to think about men chasing her or friends dying. It was just the two of them here. Safe. Exciting. Wonderful.

  Max’s breaths increased, and he pulled back. “Jamie. I want to make love with you, but if you’re too tired I’ll—.”

  “No. I want that, too.” This was what she’d dreamed of. To be with a man who knew what he wanted.

  Max stood, scooped her up in his arms, and kissed her hard. Even though he never took his gaze off her face, he managed to get them to the bedroom without bumping into a wall. He set her on the bed, knelt down in front of her, and slipped off her socks. Benny never undressed her.

  Stop thinking about stupid Benny. I’m with Max now.

  “How about leaning back and letting me take care of you?” he said in the gentlest of tones.

  “Last time, you let me strip you.”

  He cocked a brow. “That was last time. Besides, you were too slow.”

  “Slow is good.” She ran her gaze over his body and she couldn’t wait to touch what was underneath those form-fitting clothes.

  He flashed her a smile. “I’ll think about it.”

  Letting a man take charge was novel for her. Given all that had happened, Jamie wasn’t sure she was ready to give up total control yet. “Oh, come on. Fair is fair.”

  He chuckled. “You warm enough?”

  She didn’t miss that he hadn’t commented on her request. “Yes.” He’d heated her body completely.

  With one tug, he pulled down her sweats. “Nice undies.”

  The phone call from Trent the last time had interrupted him before he could see them. Max placed a knee on the bed and lifted her sweatshirt over her head. The shine in his eyes and the twist of his lips emboldened her.

  Jamie lifted her chin. “I want to see you naked, too.”

  “Fine, but if you want to help, better hop to it.”

  “I’ll be quick.” Or maybe not.

  Since Max was kneeling on the bed, undoing his jeans would be the best way to start. She slipped the button through the hole easily, but lowering the zipper proved more difficult since his cock was putting pressure on the metal. When she managed to open his jeans, her breath caught at his size. She’d been a bit stunned the last time, too, but she didn’t remember his bulge being so large.

  “Can you take off your boots?” she asked.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Max stood, toed the heel, and discarded first his right shoe, then his left. He slipped off his socks. He stepped back, daring her to get up. “Have at me.”

  Even though he’d seen her naked breasts, she was still a little self-conscious. All she wore now were her panties. Hmm. Should she go fast or slow? He said she was too slow last time. Fast it is, then.

  “You going to just stand there and stare, honey? Or should I help? I’m not a patient man when I know what I want.” The hint of humor unlocked her inhibitions.

  Heart beating against her ribs, Jamie wedged her thumbs under the denim waistband. She was so out of her league. Max was pure male. Aggressive, focused, powerful. And to think he wanted her. Wow.

  With a hard tug, she lowered the material a few inches. Getting them over his well-defined ass took a bit of work. In order to drag the material to his ankles, she was forced to drop to her knees. “Can you lift your leg?”

  Jamie glanced at his hidden erection. Since she was already on her knees, she was tempted to pull down his briefs and suck on his cock.

  “Don’t even think about it.” She swore the words sounded like a growl.

  “You going to stop me?” She glanced up and smiled. His returned frown made her laugh.


  With a cheeky grin, he stepped out of one side of his jeans, then the other. All that was left was his shirt and briefs. Jamie stood and couldn’t help but stare at the corded muscles
in his legs. Her fingers ached to touch his well-defined body.

  “Take off the shirt next.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She ripped off his pullover and tossed it on the floor. His body was amazing. She leaned her face against his muscled chest and inhaled. He smelled of the mint soap he kept in the bathroom.

  “You can take off my briefs now,” he said with a smug expression.

  The man did like to take control. Jamie pulled on the elastic waistband and eased his briefs downward. “Holy shit. You’re huge.”

  Max smiled. “Better to love you, honey.”

  “Can I suck on him now?”

  He laughed. “There will be time for that later.” He lifted her up, gently placed her on the bed, and then stepped back. After retrieving his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans, he extracted a condom. “Hope these are still good.”

  “They might be bad?” Part of her was happy he didn’t sleep with every woman, but she wanted to be safe.

  “I’m sure they’re fine, but it’s been a while.”

  “For me, too.”

  “We’re about to change that.” Max tossed the foil packet on the bed next to them then crawled on top of her. “You make me happy.”

  His words lit her up. Max leaned over and nipped her bottom lip between his teeth. His grip was gentle but assertive, and his touch caused delicious shivers to travel down her body. Jamie reached up and ran her hands over his back. Muscles covered muscles. He was better than her wildest imagination.

  “I have to taste you,” he said.

  He slid lower, and when he swirled his tongue around her nipple, her pussy clenched. The intensity of the thrill was oh, so welcome. She lifted her arms and threaded her fingers through his thick hair, gripping the strands hard.

  “More.” She wanted to feel everything he was willing to give her. She needed to know she had survived.

  Max sucked on her other nipple, and a strong ache bulldozed straight down her body. His fingers clasped her waist. As he dragged his chin down her belly, his rough stubble ignited her skin in its wake.


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