Montana Fire

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Montana Fire Page 24

by Vella Day

  “You’re silly.”

  He grinned. “We’ll see if what I do feels silly to you.” Max unhooked the back and lowered the straps an inch at a time. It was like Christmas all over again. “So pretty.”

  Jaime drew in a large breath as he lowered his head and licked one nipple then the other. He alternated between them until her tiny nubs were wet and taut. As much as he wanted to tease her mercilessly, he needed to taste the rest of her. Max lifted her up and placed her on the bed. First came her shoes, and then her pants.

  Max straddled her and tossed off his shirt. He needed to remove her panties, so he could drive her crazy.

  “You promised.” Jamie scooted back on her elbows. “You said you’d lie down and let me get on top, remember?”

  “I’m not going to hurt my leg. I’ve been walking fine.”

  “Max Gruden.” Her attempt at a stern face had him smiling.

  “Fine. What the lady wants, the lady shall get. At least temporarily.”

  She huffed. Max did as he’d promised. Stretching out his legs, he rolled on his back and rested his head on his bent arms. “I am now yours. Have at me.”

  When she giggled, he completely lost his heart. Again.

  * * *

  Jamie placed her palm on his flat abs and lightly brushed her hand up and down his faint treasure trail. She loved the peaks and valleys of his hard muscles, along with the way his hair tickled her hand. The three times they’d made love, they’d been too desperate to really explore what each other had to offer. This time, she wanted to touch and lick his delicious body until he burst—well, until he almost burst.

  Once up on her knees, she leaned over and dragged her tongue from his belly button downward. As she neared his erect cock, she diverted the path to the side.

  “You missed.”

  He was grasping the sheets as if he wanted to touch her. Too bad. She was in control right now. “Lift up your hips.”

  He obeyed, and she dragged down his briefs and tossed them behind her. Her pulse sputtered at his size. She placed her mouth within a hair’s breath of his skin and blew across his entire length.

  “You’re asking for it, honey.”

  Not wanting him to take over because she was teasing him too much, she flicked the tip of her tongue along the throbbing vein to give him some satisfaction.

  “Suck. On. Him.” Max’s plea came out garbled.

  He didn’t sound all that upset, but from set of his firmed lips, he was working hard to hold it together.

  “Now look who’s easy.” He was all man, so full of steely resolve. She inhaled deeply, loving the way he smelled—fresh and minty.

  Jamie lifted his cock and placed the mushroom-shaped head in her mouth. Max groaned the moment her lips touched his skin. He always drove her crazy with his tongue, and she wanted to repay him.

  She eased downward. His fingers plowed through her hair. The deeper she went, the tighter his hold. With her other hand she pumped her fist at the same time she swirled her tongue around his length.


  Jamie wanted to please him. She tried to take in more of him, but she gagged and had to withdraw. Not one to give up, she inhaled and tried again. This time, she was able to go farther.

  In a flash, she was flat on her back. “Two can play at torturing each other.”

  “Your leg!”

  “It’s fine. I’m on my stomach. No pressure.”

  She supposed since he’d been walking without much of a limp that he could support himself. Still, she wanted to ride him.

  Max spread her legs wide and slid between them. Excitement slickened her. She thought he’d lick her pussy, but instead he tongued her inner thighs, going over and over the same spot until the tension grew so high, she dug her nails into his skin.

  “Higher.” It had come out as a command, but Max wasn’t the type to follow her request unless he wanted to.


  He wedged his shoulders between her thighs and opened her pussy lips with his thumbs. He inhaled deeply. “Love your honeyed scent. I can’t get enough.”

  His head dipped, and when he nibbled on the hood of her clit, sparks of need jumped up her body. Pleasure threatened to tip her over the edge. No way, she’d come first, but God it was hard not to.

  “Kiss me.” She had to draw him away from licking her clit, or she’d go off like a ten-megaton bomb.

  Using his elbows, Max looked like a lion on the prowl as he crawled over her. When his lips were lined up with hers, he cupped her cheeks and nipped her bottom lip. That didn’t count as a real kiss, but it twisted her insides and heated her to the core nonetheless. The man could do things to her body that should be illegal.

  Jamie opened her mouth in invitation and he finally obliged. The moment their tongues touched, they both groaned. She clasped his shoulders then dragged her hands down his back, loving how his corded muscles flexed and rolled with every movement. Max was powerful, demanding, and oh, so sexy.

  Once they broke from the kiss, she dragged air into her lungs. Max slid lower and licked her taut nipple. Shimmers of delight rippled over her body, and she arched her back for more, desiring a bit of pain to feel alive. Max obliged by nabbing the engorged tip between his teeth and tugging with the right amount of pressure. Heaven. But with heaven, came that ever-nearing orgasm.

  “Yes!” Don’t come. Not yet.

  He slid his hand down her body and pressed a finger into her wet opening. Oh, my God. She let out a gurgled response. Her pussy walls were slightly swollen, making his touch a powerful aphrodisiac.

  When he curled his finger and hit her sweet spot, Jamie lost it. Her climax slammed into her so hard, she bucked and gasped for breath. Her fingers dug into his scalp and she let out a cry as waves of ecstasy slammed into her. Her vision turned dark. When she was with Max, she was weak, unable to keep her emotions from overflowing.

  Max rolled off her. She didn’t dare open her eyes, not wanting to see any disappointment on his face. The drawer slid open and foil ripped. She tore open her eyes, and when Max met her gaze, he grinned.

  “I can’t help myself. I have to have you.”

  Jamie sat up and held out her hand. “My turn.”

  Indecision crossed her face. “Be quick.”

  “Very quick. Please get on your back.” He had promised.

  Max grinned and assumed the position. She hadn’t been sure he would let her take the lead. Using her teeth, she finally got the damned foil package opened. She placed the condom on tip on his cock and eased it forward. She took her time, wanting to keep the sides even. This was harder than it looked.

  When he was properly sheathed, she sat back on her haunches. “Done.”

  “Ride me, lady. Ride me as hard as you want.”

  Those words were music to her ears. Before she obeyed, she kissed him with all the pent up passion in her body. Max was everything she wanted. She pretended tomorrow didn’t exist. Their breaths mingled and she knew their hearts did, too.

  She was on her knees in a flash, straddling him, her legs wide. His cock was pressing hard on her slit, causing the anticipation to grow. He raised his hips as if he were begging her to begin. Jamie couldn’t wait any longer. She lifted up, grabbed hold of his meaty shaft, and aimed her pussy over him. This was so exciting. She’d never ridden a man before. Having this much control was heady.

  The tip of his cock touched her opening and her juices flowed around him. Knowing she couldn’t take all of him in one shot, she eased down. His girth stretched her so wide, she had to gulp in more air.

  Planting her hands on his chest, she rose up again only to lower once more. This time, she clamped down on his cock. Max’s eyes widened. Aha! The problem with too much teasing was that he might explode before she was ready.

  She planned to take her time, but he had the nerve to tweak both of her nipples at the same time, twirling, and pressing on them hard. The ache grew and grew until a bolt of electricity shot down to her clit and
ignited her.

  “Ah, ah, ah.” Jamie didn’t want to come. Not yet. She had to hold on.

  He let go of her swollen crests and rubbed them, soothing her raging libido. No words were needed. His touch was all she required.

  When she lifted once more, Max grabbed her hips, held her still, and drove up into her. No one could withstand that kind of torture. She let out a scream as her orgasm swept in and dragged her into the lustful world of ecstasy.

  Max’s eyes closed and his mouth opened. His dick swelled and throbbed, and then heat shot out like a cannonball. Her heartbeat flooded her ears, blocking out all noise. He held her tight for what seemed like forever then gently lifted her off to the side.

  Like a limp doll, she lay there, unable to think. The mattress dipped and feet sounded on the floor. She wanted to look at his retreating ass, but she didn’t have the strength. Max returned with a warm towel and cleaned her up.

  Damn. She should have been the one to get up.

  Faint evening light flooded the room, and all she wanted to do was sleep, but she had to finish making dinner.

  She could get used to this life. Given how fast Max had mended, she suspected they’d be leaving tomorrow, getting back to their old lives of work, work, work. The big question was where did she fit in his life?

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Wake up, sleepy head.”

  Max’s deep voice entered her brain, but it took a few seconds to register. Jamie opened her eyes to find a smiling Max next to the bed—fully clothed.

  She sat up. “What time is it?”

  “Ten in the morning.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  She never slept in, but after they made love and eaten, they’d spent hours talking about their work. They didn’t get to bed until after midnight, where they made love again. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  He chuckled. “We need to eat then hit the road.” They had decided to head back today since the Monster Truck Rally was tonight, and Max didn’t want to miss it. Neither did she.

  “What did Dan say when you called?” Max had called to find out more about the security at the event.

  “The FBI promised to have a ton of their men just in case someone had slipped through the cracks.”

  “I’m glad.” Now she could enjoy herself.

  Jamie dressed and insisted on making breakfast while Max rested. After they ate, it was time to finish packing and load up the SUV. Leaving was bittersweet. She loved this cabin. She could have done without the tension and the shooting, but she had learned a lot about Max, and herself as well. The healing process was never fun, but having Max by her side had made the journey life affirming.

  She snapped closed her suitcase and took it into the living room. They’d already picked up their cases from Hank, and collected her laptop and their phones. It was time to say goodbye to Marie, Montana.

  She glanced around one final time, refusing to think about whether she’d ever see this place again. Jamie wouldn’t assume Max wanted her permanently in his life. If she thought he did, and then he didn’t ask her, she might never survive.

  “You all set?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She picked up her suitcase to take to the car.

  Max huffed. “I can carry it, you know.”

  “Humor me. I promise once we arrive in Rock Hard, I’ll let you go all macho on me again.”

  He laughed. After they packed up the perishables, they were soon on their way. Max drove, despite her offer to be the chauffeur. When they passed Hank’s store, Jamie waved even though he wouldn’t see her. She liked the storeowner. She could see why Max was so fond of him.

  Had they not said their goodbyes yesterday when they’d picked up her laptop and phones, they would have stopped.

  This time when Max pulled onto the main road that would take them to Rock Hard, she tried to tell herself that she didn’t need to check the side mirror. She doubted she’d succeed. They might be safe from these terrorists, but Jamie would never be so naïve to believe there wasn’t evil lurking somewhere.

  As they neared Rock Hard, Max glanced over at her. “What do you say we stop by the hospital and check on Vic? Dan said the FBI would soon be transporting him back to DC for therapy.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Mixed emotions filled her. Vic had been her friend, and for that she wanted to make sure he was on the mend. However, he never should have entrusted her with something as valuable as a flash drive. Depending on his condition, she might even give him a stern talking to.

  Less than two hours later, Max pulled into the LACE parking lot. To her surprise, the anxiety didn’t assault her like it usually did. Jamie wanted to believe that she’d truly moved on.

  After she checked Vic was in the same room, they headed to the sixth floor. A man in a suit was stationed outside the door. Max showed his badge and explained who they were. Apparently Agent Forbes had already mentioned they might stop by.

  Jamie knocked and entered. Vic was sitting up in bed, but had his eyes closed. He still had the saline drip, and except for his bandages and the bruises around his eyes, he almost looked good.

  “Jonathan?” Jamie didn’t know which name to use, but she wasn’t ready to speak his real name out loud yet. There was another man wearing a suit in the corner. It didn’t matter that he might be another agent, she wanted to be careful.

  Vic cracked open his eyes and studied her. “Jamie?” His voice actually sounded stronger, like he was no longer trying to appear frail.

  When Vic reached out his arm, she moved closer and clasped his hand in hers. Tears burned the back of her lids. She should be pissed that he’d put her life in danger, but she understood hundreds could have been injured if he hadn’t.

  “That’s me.” She smiled, but the corners of her lips wobbled.

  He glanced behind her and lifted his chin. “Is that Max?”

  “How did you know?” The man on the bed looked so different from the homeless man that she had a hard time believing it really was Jonathan, or rather Vic.

  “Chuck described him.” He squeezed her hand, then let go. He elevated the bed. “You know the worst part of this?” He waved a hand over his burns.

  The list would be too long to enumerate. “What?”

  “That I put you in danger.”

  Her heart nearly cracked. Max stepped next to her and wrapped a possessive arm around her waist. The agent in the corner straightened as if there might be a confrontation.

  “Why did you do it?” Max’s voice sounded like ground glass.

  Vic wet his lips and faced her. “Chuck told me you found the flash drive. I never meant for them to come after you. I swear I was going to retrieve it as soon as I could, but a few men had other ideas.”

  “What happened exactly?” The events of the tragedy never made sense to her.

  Vic blew out a breath. “I was sitting on the steps like always, when you showed up. Your visit was the highlight of my day. Earlier that morning, I’d seen two men who I believed were members of the cell exchange something—something I wanted to check out. I got up from my stoop, slowly made my way over to them, swaying and staggering as if I’d have too much to drink. As soon as the two men parted, I accidentally bumped into the man with the interesting item. Given I’m a highly trained pickpocket, seconds later I had said item in my hand. It felt like a toy, but I soon discovered it was a flash drive.”

  “Didn’t the man suspect something when you bumped into him?”

  “Apparently not at first. He was too busy being horrified that a filthy human had come that close to him. He walked away, and I went back to the steps. I had to figure out a way to get the information back to my team. I didn’t have any idea what was on the drive, but I figured it was important from the way they were looking around. A few minutes later, you appeared—and so did the two men. I realized I might have been made.”

  That made sense. “That was why you stopped smiling after telling me that knock-knock joke.”
/>   “I guess. I don’t know what I looked like, but those men did distract me.”

  “When you slipped something into my pocket, they must have figured you’d given me what you’d stolen from them.”

  “That’s what I would have thought if I were them.”

  Max pulled her close. “If you’re good at sleight of hand, how did the men know you’d put it in Jamie’s coat pocket?”

  “I don’t think they knew for sure. That was why they came after me—to check. As soon as I spotted them striding toward me, I hightailed it out of there. I had to stay alive long enough to get the flash drive back from Jamie and warn her of the danger. I thought I had succeeded, but they found me. After that was a blur until I woke up here.”

  Max leaned forward. “Do you remember the fire?”

  Vic shook his head. “No.”

  Jamie’s sympathy soared. Vic hadn’t meant her any harm. Things had just gotten out of control. “I’m sorry.”

  He lifted a shoulder. “We’re taught that being made is the risk we take. I’m the one who’s sorry that you were caught in the middle.”

  She glanced up at Max. “It had its positive side effects.”

  Vic grinned, the sparkle back in his eye. He shifted his gaze to the man in the corner, then back at her. “Knock, knock.”

  Her throat clogged. This man might have put her in danger, but he was still the kind hero on the stoop. “Who’s there?”


  “Iva who?”

  “Iva sore hand from knocking!”

  She grinned. “That was so bad. I think your brain got addled.”

  “Could be.” His tone came out wistful.

  She cleared her throat. “Max said you were going back to DC? When?”

  “As soon as Chuck can set up a transport. I’ll be treated for my burns, not to mention having many hours of debriefing.” He squeezed her hand. “I won’t forget you, Jamie.”


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