Eden (Night in Eden Book 1)

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Eden (Night in Eden Book 1) Page 5

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  Prince Riann shook his head as he stepped forward and helped her mother to stand straight, "There is no need to bow nor curtsy to me," he said, smiling kindly to them, "You are the new royalty. You will only bow to the King."

  Bijou stepped forward. Her strawberry blond curls bounced as she stared up at him, "Are we going to live in the castle?"

  Prince Riann touched her cheek, "Yes," he said, obviously charmed by the little girl.

  "How will we go to the fields?" She asked with wide eyes filled with worry, “If we don’t show up, we will get whipped.”

  "You won't," he said, his eyes brightened, "You will never have to work in the fields again and you won't ever face the gallows."

  Stella's eyes widened, "Really," she breathed as her body sagged with relief.

  "Really," he confirmed, his eyes darkened as he realized their fear of him and his family.

  "I promise you will be protected as the family of my Princess," he said, reaching for Serafina's hand.

  "Thank you, My Prince," she whispered and he squeezed her hand as if in encouragement.

  "Of course, we do expect loyalty to the crown," he stated, raising his brows.

  "You have that," Serafina's father said stepping forward. Serafina narrowed her eyes. His smile was genuine and the fact that she was the one making the sacrifice meant nothing to him. A muscle beneath Riann's eye twitched.

  "It's always good to know who is loyal to the crown," he stated, raising his brow. Serafina tilted her head as she stared up at the prince.

  There was an edge to his voice…A hint of distaste as he stared at her father and Serafina frowned trying to understand its meaning. A smile still stretched across his lips but his eyes darkened. He turned to her and met her eyes. In that moment she was sure that he was an ally against the King.

  He turned to the driver, "Are you ready to announce the new royals to the citizens?" He inquired. The driver straightened.

  "Yes, Your Majesty," He said.

  "When you step out of this house, you will no longer be mere citizens of Eden," he informed them, his voice soft with kindness, "You will be part of the royal family. Are you ready?"

  Serafina noticed that though the others followed, her father was the only one who said yes.

  Chapter Eight

  Serafina stood within the doors of the courthouse with Prince Riann, the King, the Queen, her family and the guards of the royal family which included Thane. Just through the doors she could see the gallows where she had faced the whipping that Thane saved her from. She glanced away as bitterness flooded her and instead, faced forward with a smile planted on her face because somehow, she would help ensure that none of the citizens of Eden would ever face the gallows.

  A horn sounded as every member of Eden surrounded the square. One of the guard's voices boomed through the intercoms, "All bow in honor of King Alastair Barenger Crown King of Eden and Queen Adelaide Barenger crowned Queen of Eden," he called out over the crowd as the doors opened.

  Queen Adelaide and King Alastair moved forward leaving all behind except their guards which stood on either side of them. The citizens of Eden bowed in their presence as the King moved toward the podium where a microphone would project his voice through the town.

  "It is good to be in your presence but today gives a new joy to our family," he crowed, though his eyes remained cold, "My youngest son has chosen a wife. Her family has joined her, as is our tradition, in that royalty."

  He nodded to the guard who stepped forward, "All bow to Crown Prince of Eden and Second in line to the throne, Prince Riann Barenger and future Princess of Eden, Serafina Malloy."

  "Just smile and wave no matter what expressions they have," Prince Riann said offering her his arm and then, whispered, "They may hate you now but they will soon know the sacrifice you have made for them."

  She glanced up at him, sure now that he was in league with her and Thane because his words echoed Maggie's, "Thank you."

  "Of course," he whispered as they moved forward. She gazed out at the crowd finding every head in Eden bowed to her. Tears threatened to come but she blinked them back keeping the smile on her face.

  Her mother and father stepped forward, the dress she wore had been hastily put on but was still beautiful. Two ladies had come to do her hair, straightening it and had also done her make-up. Her father's thin frame was covered in a dark black suit. Both smiled but only her father's was genuine.

  The guard's booming voice sounded again, "I would like to introduce our future Earl, Kress Malloy and his wife, our future Countess, Damari Malloy."

  Again, everyone in Eden bowed but this time to her parents.

  Her brothers came out of the door next, all dressed in suits. Their eyes were dark over their smiles but the guard still spoke again, "I would like to introduce our future Dukes, Jacob, Mark, William and Wren Malloy."

  Serafina's sisters moved out of the door next dressed in pretty new dresses and again the guard spoke, "I would like to introduce our future Duchesses, Deandra, Cade, Stella, Bijou and Desdemona Malloy."

  Again, the crowd bowed but when they rose the crowd began to chant, "Long Live Princess Serafina," but as they chanted, she knew she had become a royal in their minds and the words they spoke were lies because they now wanted her to die with the rest of the royal family.


  The ride home was silent. Prince Riann sat beside Serafina as her mind shuffled through the events of the day. Thane sat beside the driver, keeping him in conversation. Her parents and siblings followed behind them in carriages of their own. The King and Queen were before them in their carriage. The citizens of Eden were permitted to go home so the streets were empty except for the royal family and the guards. The crickets chirped merrily as they moved closer to the castle oblivious to the danger the humans around them presented. Riann had let go of her hand allowing her time to gather herself.

  She blinked as the King and Queen's carriage passed through the gates of the castle. She frowned as she turned to Prince Riann, "What comes now?" She asked staring at the large structure.

  "Nothing terrible yet," He answered with a laugh though there was a warning within it, "You will be shown to your rooms and you will sleep. Tomorrow will be a different day."

  "What will that day intel?" She inquired, frowning as she studied his face searching for any clue as to what would be expected of her.

  "We will meet with the King," he said, his eyes darkened, further, "My father will want you well rested for that."

  Her brows drew together as she tried to decipher his expression. He was smiling but the darkness there held a warning that caused a shiver to slide down her back. She glanced at the carriage driver. His ear was cocked to the side. She straightened as she realized she was coming dangerously close to asking the wrong questions. She took a deep breath before turning back to the Prince.

  "I am looking forward to that," she lied but her voice was soft. Her eyes met Prince Riann's and he nodded, "I hope I continue to please him."

  He picked her hand up from the seat and kissed the top. The carriage driver relaxed and straightened as they arrived at the castle. Prince Riann's face softened as she met his gaze. He leaned forward and nuzzled her ear.

  "Act like whatever I'm saying is a compliment," he whispered and Serafina lowered her lashes hoping to pass as bashful as he continued, "I will meet you at two in the morning in your bedroom and I'll answer any questions you want. I promise."

  She giggled but nodded hoping that it appeared innocent but the King's gaze found them as he exited his carriage. He moved toward them and raised a brow. His face was red, "Riann," He snapped, "Show some restraint in public."

  She blinked as her heart trembled and she turned from Riann to the King, "I apologize, Your Highness," she said with wide eyes, "I hope I didn't offend you."

  The King tilted his head and smiled. He rested his hand on the carriage door, "The offense is his," he snapped, raising his brow, "Not yours. But what were you talking

  "He complimented my beauty, Your Highness," she uttered, hoping it was believable.

  The King stepped forward and studied her face, raking over her features in a slow way that made her want to move away from him. His eyes widened and within them she saw lust. Her heart trembled as she hoped that she was mistaken because she realized the King always got what he wanted and if he wanted her, she was in more danger than ever.

  "I can understand his impulse to do that," he praised her and then, grinned at Riann but it was cold as ice, "But he is a prince and should act as such."

  Then, the King turned toward the castle, "Make sure she gets to her room and gets rest," he said as the shadows swallowed him. His voice came from them a moment later, "She will need a clear mind for the questions I have for her."

  Riann reached for her hand and squeezed it trying to give her comfort but there was nothing that could comfort her after the King's words.

  Chapter Nine

  Serafina was shown to her rooms and though she tried to stay awake, she fell asleep. Dreams of the gallows came to her again only this time the King wielded the whip. Tears flowed down her cheeks as he reached for her, grabbing her forearms and shaking her. When she opened her eyes, she found herself within the gold and white suite of rooms she had been given. Thane was standing above her as was Prince Riann.

  "Sorry to wake you, Princess," Thane whispered with a frown as he took in the tears on her face.

  "I'm not a princess yet," she said glancing from Riann to Thane, "Though I think I deserve an explanation of what exactly is going on."

  "I agree," Prince Riann replied with a lift of an eyebrow as he moved away from the bed.

  She glanced up finding a blinking light of a camera from its place in the corner of the room, "Aren't you afraid to speak here?" She asked, glancing at him before turning back to the camera. He followed her stare.

  "No," he responded with a shrug, "The camera doesn't work just like all other cameras on this side of town. The lights work but that is about it."

  "The storm," she said, raising her brows, "Aren't you afraid that he will fix them without telling you?"

  Riann's dark brow rose, "No, because the man who works the cameras is...A friend."

  "I hope he's a good one," she said as her gaze darkened.

  "He's the best," he replied with a heavy sigh. There was something in his expression that made her heart ache though she didn't understand why. He straightened, "I'm sure you have figured out that I am part of this rebellion against the King."

  "Yes," she said, pursing her lips, "But I do want to know why? After all, he is your father."

  "Yes, he is the man who sired me but he's never been a good father," he said, shaking his head, "Nor has he been a good husband to Adelaide nor to my mother."

  "I'm sorry," she whispered as Riann's face darkened. He wiped a hand over his face before peering at her.

  "It's no fault of yours," he said with a sigh but his eyes hardened as he whispered, "He's simply evil and everything and everyone who is around him suffers for it."

  "I can see that," she said, tilting her head as she studied him. His expression softened and he shook his head.

  "I realize what the citizens think of me," he said as a frown darkened his brow and he glanced at Thane, "My friend here has told me though I had guessed as much. I also realize what you think of me...or did think of me until today but I am not my father. My siblings are not my father and neither is the Queen. We are as much under his thumb as you are. Tomorrow you will find that out. He is going to do something that will hurt you and there is nothing neither I nor Thane can do about it. We can't protect you. We can only hope you pass his test."

  Her heartbeat quickened as her eyes widened, "What do you mean?" she asked in a quivering voice, "How will he hurt me?"

  "The scar you carry from the sheriff," Riann whispered and then, glanced at Thane "The scars he carries do you remember which sheriff caused them?"

  "Yes," she said as the memory of his face came to her mind as clear as if he were standing in front of her, "I wouldn't forget."

  "Well, the penalty for harming a royal is a lash for everyone he gave you. My father will order him to take the ones Thane took for you also," he said as his gaze darkened further.

  Her frown deepened and she shook her head, "But I wasn't a royal then."

  "It doesn't matter," Riann whispered, straightening, "This man is going to die or go through extreme pain...And the King will make you sentence him. He will do this to ensure that you become like him."

  Her eyes filled with tears. She had wanted revenge for her grandmother's death and she was going to have it. However, she never wanted his death. She had never wanted anyone's death.

  "He will make you watch him suffer, Serafina," Riann said stepping closer to her, "But all I can do...All Thane can do is offer to be there for you afterwards."

  She covered her mouth as she fought back the bile rising in her throat, "And if I refuse to sentence him...If I refuse to watch that sentence afterwards?"

  "For every lash that you don't watch, he will choose a member of your family to take the remaining lashes," Riann lamented, his face solid as stone.

  "Why does he do this?" she asked, her eyes clouding.

  "Because he must have loyal subjects who bend to his will," Riann said. His voice was sharp with hate for his father, "You will not be shown a special privilege. After all, he has done this to me."

  "But you're his son," she said, trembling. Her mind was racing as she tried to find a way out of murdering a man.

  "I am but I am a royal and one of his subjects. That's all that matters to him," he said, raising his chin, "I don't want you to suffer my fate."

  "What happened?" she asked, her hand covered her chest hoping to relieve the ache there but his words only worsened it.

  His face paled as he spoke, "My nanny hit me as a child and I told him. He made me order her lashes. I closed my eyes," Tears filled his eyes and his voice shook, "He ordered my mother to take the remaining lashes. Her death was the result."

  "My God," she said, her eyes wide in shock, "He killed his own wife."

  "He was looking for a reason," he said, he shifted on his feet, "She was in love with someone else. I was the sensitive one. He knew what I would do."

  She studied Riann's face taking in every shadowed line, "Is this the reason why you want to rebel against him?"

  "This and so many others," he said, pacing across the carpeted room before facing her, "He hurts me but he also hurts all those I love. This can not continue. I won't let this continue."

  "If we rebel, what happens to the King?" She asked, staring at him as he continued to move across the floor.

  Riann turned to her, his face becoming more and more shadowed, "When we rebel, I will sentence my father," he said, raising his chin, "He will get his lashes just as he's ordered so many others to get theirs. He will be sentenced to one hundred lashes and I will be wielding the whip...For me...For those who have died and the citizens who remain...For my siblings and stepmother...For you and Thane...But most of all for my mother. When I'm done, the King will be no more because in the end, he will be dead."


  Minutes passed in silence as Serafina tried to take in the fact that Riann wanted to kill his own father. Finally, she blinked as another question came to mind.

  "Why did you choose me?' She queried as a tremble shook through her, "Thane told me it was because of my time in the gallows but how did you know about it? There have been so many punished. How did you know about me?"

  Riann frowned, glancing at Thane before turning back to her, "Because I heard your story from Thane," he said, tilting his head, "Bravery is very rare in Eden or so I believed until he proved otherwise."

  She shook her head, "Everyone is brave in Eden," she whispered, "Everyone. They face death every day and they still live. That's bravery."

  "But they bend to him," he said, frowning, "They bend to my

  "Just because they are brave doesn't mean that they are unafraid," she said, staring up at him, "It means they are smart enough to do what needs to be done to survive."

  "So, you are saying they all want freedom?" He asked, staring into her face.

  "No," she said as her mind fell on a few including Thane’s parents, "Some would rather have someone tell them where to stand, what to do, where to follow but there are people...A lot of people in Eden who want to be free."

  Riann raised his brow, "Do you know the difference between the two different types of people?"

  She nodded, "Of course I do," she said with a smile, "I know who does want freedom and who does not."

  "We'll need that knowledge," he said, "We'll need to amass an army but they will also need to keep the secret. They will need to understand how deadly it is for all involved if they reveal it."

  Serafina scoffed, "I think they understand that danger more than you do," she said, then put her hands out, "I'm not saying what happened wasn't awful but that happens every day in Eden. The gallows are always fresh with blood. Still, I’m a royal. They will no longer listen to me."

  "I trust you, Serafina," Riann said, his eyes wide, “I’m sure they do too.”

  "I’m glad for your trust. Maybe you can answer some of my questions," she said, "The first one being how did Eden come to be?"

  "Your grandmother told you," he said, frowning as he glanced at Thane, confused.

  "There were blank spaces," She said, raising her chin, "I need for you to fill them in."

  "I can do that," he said walking to the closet and pulling a few books down, "I had these brought in because I thought you would enjoy them. They are from before the wars."

  He pulled out a green book from the pile and laid it open on the bed to show a map but larger than any she had ever seen. He pointed to a space marked with the label, Tennessee.


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