Eden (Night in Eden Book 1)

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Eden (Night in Eden Book 1) Page 9

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  "Just put on your robe, Serafina," he said, his voice strained.

  She nodded and grabbed her robe throwing it on before tying the sash and joined Thane once more. Once they were out of earshot of Mrs. Sherman, she turned to Thane.

  "What's going on?" She asked, frowning.

  "I don't know," he said, his voice quavering, "I was woken up a few minutes before you by Mrs. Sherman."

  "What if he knows?' She asked, taking a shaky breath.

  "Then, we'll have to fight a little earlier," he said as they descended the stairs, "But until then, act unaffected."

  They moved to the throne room. The guards opened the door and she stepped inside to find her siblings. Tears streamed down their faces. The Queen was comforting them the best that she could. Her eyes met Serafina's and she winced at the pain within them. When her eyes moved to the thrones, she found the King, his sons and his daughters all sitting within their thrones.

  "Prince Riann, you may speak to your fiance," he said and Riann rose and moved in front of her.

  "What's happened?" She asked. Her voice quivered as her heart raced.

  "This evening your mother called for a doctor," he said, his face darkening, "She was in labor. The baby, a boy, was stillborn and your mother began to hemorrhage."

  "Is she all right?" She asked as tears filled her eyes. She grasped the collar of her robe with a shaking hand.

  "I'm sorry, Serafina," he whispered and she shook her head hoping to stop the words but they continued to fall from the Prince's lips, "She passed away."

  "No!" She cried unable to hold in her tears as Riann pulled her to his chest.

  "Don't scream," he whispered into her head, "You can cry but don't scream."

  She shook as she whimpered into his chest barely able to hold in her screams. The King's voice boomed across the room, "Don't worry, Serafina," he said, his voice almost jovial, "Your mother and her child will be buried with the kings and we will give the citizens a day off to mourn her."

  Serafina's heart clenched as she straightened. Riann's expression was weary as he peered into Serafina's face, his eyes giving a warning. She glanced at her brothers and sisters realizing that how she acted would affect them.

  She forced a smile through her tears, "Thank you, Your Majesty," she said, her voice quivering with anger and rage as she spoke careful lies to the only man she had ever wanted dead, "Your kindness is greatly appreciated."

  The King smiled, "Anything for my new daughter-in-law," he said, his smile wide.

  Then, she spoke the only words of truth she could think of, "I hope one day to show my gratitude."

  The King smiled and as Serafina smiled through her tears, she pictured the King's death.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Serafina stared stoically at the grave in front of her. Her mother rested with her last child…her son leaving the rest of her children to mourn her. She bit her bottom lip as she gripped her sister, Cade's hand, trying to give her comfort when she could not find comfort herself. Cade stared forward. Her green eyes resting on the casket that would be loaded into the royal crypt.

  Serafina studied the rest of her family. Her eyes landed on Desdemona and Bijou. The only knowledge they would have of their mother was in the stories they would be told of her and the fractured memories they could pull from the short time they were in her presence. Her eyes fell on Stella gripping Cade's hand. They would not have their mother during their teenage years. Wren stood next to Deandra with his hands in his pockets and his head down, while William, Mark and Jacob stared at the casket with tears silently flowing down their face. Her chest tightened until her gaze landed on her father. Though he appeared sad, he stood beside the King. The King was saying something to him that made him laugh. She narrowed her eyes. Did his wife's death mean so little to him?

  Riann moved beside her, "Your father has made fast friends with the King," he said, tilting his head as he stared at them.

  Serafina clenched her jaw, "It would appear so," she said, swallowing over the bitterness that rose in her throat.

  "Has anyone else bonded with the King?" Riann asked, his gaze darkening.

  "No," she said, glancing at her brothers and sisters, "He hasn't had the pleasure of bonding with my siblings. My mother had always preferred the Queen."

  He placed his hand in her free one, "We should speak to your family soon," he said, raising his brows, "Though I think we shall start with your brothers and sisters...The elder ones of course."

  "What about my father?" She asked, glancing at him. His eyes sparkled causing her anger to increase further.

  "I think he will find his comfort with the King," he said and she nodded as her heart broke in two.

  She stared at her father, realizing that his friendship with the King could mean his death.


  Serafina gazed out of her bedroom window. She stared toward the mountains beyond the wall wondering about the people who lived within them. Thane and Riann stood near allowing her to calm herself until four of her siblings arrived. Riann believed to invite them all would cause the King to become suspicious. So, she chose her sisters, Deandra and Cade and her brothers, Jacob and William. They would be informed of the plan to take down the king and would pass it on to the others.

  "Serafina," Cade's sweet voice reached her and she turned to find her standing with Deandra just inside the doorway. She opened her arms wide and Cade ran to her burying her face into her shoulder.

  "I've missed you so much," Serafina whispered trying to fight back tears. Still one escaped, sliding down her cheek to fall on the top of her hair.

  "They said you wanted to see us," Cade said leaning back to stare into her eyes.

  "Yes, I do," she stated, smiling, "And what I tell you, needs to stay between us."

  She nodded as Jacob and William arrived. Their eyes were wide as they entered the room. Jacob's brown eyes landed on the windows and inhaled sharply. He had always love the mountain and to see it so clearly was a thing of beauty and awe for him.

  "We should sit down," she motioned to the sofa and the chairs. Thane moved to the door and closed it, nodding toward Riann. Jacob and William studied Riann suspiciously while Cade and Deandra blinked at him with fear clear in their eyes.

  "Why are we here?" Jacob asked, frowning, "It doesn't feel like we're here because you missed us."

  "I have missed you," Serafina said, giving her brother a sad smile, "But you're right. That is not why I have brought you here."

  "Then why have you brought us here?" Deandra questioned, narrowing her eyes, "Is it about mother?"

  "No," She said and took a deep breath, "But it will affect all of you."

  She stood and moved in front of them trying to decide how to begin. She stared at William seeing his impatience.

  "I brought you here because we're going to overthrow the King," she said and her siblings eyes widened.

  "Serafina," Deandra breathed, "Don't joke about things like that. Just because you are going to be the princess doesn't mean you won't be punished."

  "She's not joking," Riann said, stepping beside her.

  "And I'm sure you're going to help her," William said, frowning, "He's your father."

  "And Kress is yours," Thane said, raising his brows, "Do you agree with what he is doing right now?"

  "No," William replied running his hand through his strawberry blonde hair, "But I'm not going to do anything to him."

  "But the King is not your father," Serafina said, narrowing her eyes, "He's Riann's and he is not a good father to him as you will find."

  "What do you mean?" Jacob asked, tilting his head.

  "The first Queen, his mother, died because his father killed her," she said and his eyes widened, "And now, the King is planning to kill him just after my coronation."

  "That's the reason he has decided to have the wedding and coronation in front of all of Eden," Riann said, "He realizes he's losing control of the citizens. To tame them, he plans to kill me in
front of them to let them see how ruthless he can be and he plans to have Serafina kneel before him."

  "Because of her time at the gallows?' William whispered.

  "How do you plan on overthrowing him?" Jacob asked, raising his brows.

  "He will be killed by my step-mother," Riann said, raising his chin, "He ordered her brother's death and her sister's imprisonment. His cruelties past that have been many. She will get her vengeance."

  "What about father?" William asked glancing around the room at each of them.

  "He can't know," Jacob said, his face tightening, "If we told him, he would tell the King."

  "If we don't, it may get him killed," William said, his eyes darkening.

  "If he's told we'll all die," Deandra said, raising her chin, "He doesn't care about us anymore, Jake. He only cares that he has food and a nice home. He cares about things. He didn't care about mother or their dead son. He only cares about the King. He's becoming just like him."

  William nodded, "I know...I wish I didn't but I do," he said, his bottom lip trembling.

  "Father won't know," Jacob sighed, his shoulders drooping forward, "I promise not to tell him."

  "We promise too," Deandra and Cade said.

  They all turned to William who had tears resting in his eyes, "I promise I won't tell father," he said before he broke into sobs.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Four days later, Serafina stared into the mirror blinking back tears as she took in her reflection in her wedding dress. She took a shaky breath as Mrs. Sherman moved about in her room, instructing Arynne. To her credit, Arynne had not done anything to warrant punishment. Instead, she did exactly as Mrs. Sherman told her.

  Mrs. Sherman stopped and turned to stare at Serafina. The envy was clear in her eyes as she gazed at her but the false smile she often wore was plastered across her face.

  "The King will be pleased," Serafina covered her wince with her smile. It was odd that no one cared what Prince Riann thought. It spoke of the King's absolute control over the kingdom.

  "Thank you," Serafina whispered and turned back to her reflection.

  "Of course, Mistress Serafina," she said, glancing at Arynne as Gretchen came into the room. Mrs. Sherman's eyes narrowed but she raised her chin, "I think it's time to take my leave. Gretchen and Arynne can attend you."

  She breezed from the room, almost slamming the door behind her. Arynne rolled her eyes, "Something needs to be done about her," She said, shaking her head.

  Serafina's eyes flew to Gretchen, "Arynne!" She warned her.

  Arynne glanced at Gretchen and grinned, "You're worried about Gretchen?" She asked and then, shook her head, "Doesn't she look familiar?"

  Serafina narrowed her eyes as she studied the girl, "No," she whispered trying to place her.

  "How about you ask her for her full name?" Arynne requested grinning wide.

  Serafina turned to Gretchen, "What is your full name?" She asked cautiously.

  "Gretchen Marie Perkins," she said and Serafina inhaled sharply as tears fell down her cheeks.

  "Maggie's granddaughter," she whispered.

  Gretchen nodded, "I know about your visit with her," she said with a smile, "I want to thank you for that. The King would not allow me to visit."

  "There is no need to thank me," Serafina choked out the words.

  "There is," Gretchen said and then, bowed her head, "But I hope to be able to repay you by helping you."

  "Do you know what that entails?" She asked, frowning.

  "I do," she said with a sad smile.

  "I hope there are others who understand," she said glancing at the mirror again, "I hope they are still willing to fight."

  "They are," she said stepping beside Serafina, "They can think of no more worthy cause than to finally be free."

  Serafina closed her eyes imagining what freedom had meant for her grandmother and suddenly, she could see it as clear as it had been when she was a child.


  The next day Gretchen and Arynne moved around Serafina helping her tie the back of her dress and do her hair and make up. As soon as they were finished, a knock sounded at the door. Arynne opened it to find Thane. His eyes widened.

  "You're beautiful, princess," he said, his eyes lighting up as he stepped closer.

  She smiled, "Thank you, Thane," she said, twisting her hands in front of her.

  "Riann wants me to accompany you to the church," he said as his eyes swiped over her, "But I feel that you are missing something."

  She frowned as he brought a grey holster that she had seen the soldiers wear. Within it was a small gun.

  "I don't think that will look good with this dress," she said, raising her brow.

  "Do you trust me?" He asked, his lips twitching.

  "Of course," She said with a nervous grin.

  "Lift your dress to the thigh," he said. She frowned but did as she was told. He gave her a crooked grin as his hand skimmed her skin before taking the holster and fastening it to the garter before tightening the belt around it."

  He moved away, his gaze dark. He swallowed as he helped her straighten her dress, "Now, you have protection if the King tries to hurt you," he said, narrowing his eyes, "If he comes toward you aim the barrel at him and pull the trigger."

  She nodded, "What if I miss?"

  "Shoot again," he said and she took a deep breath as he cupped her cheeks, "I know you are afraid but I also know you can do this, Serafina."

  She nodded and he offered her his arm, "Are you ready to get married, Princess?"

  "Not really," she said, glancing at him, "But I don't think I ever will be ready for this."

  He nodded, "Just remember I am with you."

  She said a quick prayer as she hoped that everything would go the way they planned.


  Serafina stood in the entryway of the church with the citizens of Eden waiting within. Her hand was looped through her father’s elbow. He turned to her, his eyes darkened with worry.

  "I realize you are angry with me," he said, shifting, "I truly did do this for our family."

  She glanced at him no longer trusting him as she decided what to say to him, "It isn't so bad," she agreed and then, smiled, "This will lead to an amount of freedom that we did not have before. Besides, Riann is nice."

  His face darkened even more and she realized he knew what the king planned. She turned forward thankful the music was beginning. She straightened her spine as the doors opened and revealed the church she had gone to every weekend since she was born. Wreaths and ribbons decorated the pews as she walked by the people she had grown up with. Arynne stood in the front pew with Gretchen next to her. Their smiles lit their faces but did not reach their eyes. The strain of the coming battle marked their faces. She smiled at them as she passed.

  She moved her gaze to Riann who smiled though his hands shook. His dark hair was combed away from his face to reveal his dark eyes. The Queen sat behind the preacher straight backed and pale. Serafina could only hope that she would be able to act when she needed to.

  The preacher began to speak and Serafina had to force her mind back on him as he pushed her through her vows to Riann. Riann gripped her hand in his so tightly that it was almost painful until it was time for the kiss. He pressed his lips to hers briefly. Cheers erupted behind them but Serafina realized that they were false cheers.

  The King rose, "Serafina, take your place at your throne."

  She rose up the steps and stood in front of the throne with Riann beside her before they both lowered into it. The preacher rose and faced Serafina.

  "Do you Serafina Berenger promise to act in the best interest of the citizens of Eden and become one of their leaders, respecting the laws as well as the royal family?" He asked and she realized that she didn't have to lie. The royals in her eyes were the princes and princesses and the queen.

  "I do promise," she said, smiling as he turned to retrieve the small silver tiara and placed it on her head.
  The preacher turned, "I would like to introduce you to crown princess of Eden, Serafina Elaina Malloy Berenger."

  The crowd erupted. The King stood taking the center stage. The Queen stood beside him as he spoke, "Now, that Serafina is the princess, I feel the need to rid the royal family of traitors," he said, grinning, "I sentence my son, the second crowned prince to death."

  Gasps broke out among the crowd as the queen raised her hand to wield her knife. The King turned and grasped her wrist. His eyes flashing, "Mrs. Sherman has been nice enough to tell me of your plans, My dear," he said as a guard stepped toward the King, "It seems my family, including the new princess has plotted my death."

  Serafina straightened but said nothing as the King turned, "However, she will be relieved of a sentence, if she will but bow to me."

  "I will not," she said, shaking her head.

  "You will," he said as the guards surrounded her family, "Or they will suffer."

  Tears filled her eyes as she rose. The weight of the gun against her thigh. She swallowed and then, nodded, "Please don't hurt them. I will bow."

  She lifted her skirts as if to simply move them so she could walk but her hand found the gun. She gripped it's handle and closed her eyes knowing she would have to shoot as soon as she pulled it free. She glanced into the crowd into the terrified eyes of her family and pulled the gun free. She aimed the gun and pulled the trigger. The loud boom caused her to jump and she almost dropped the gun. The King turned and narrowed his eyes at her. She raised her chin and fired again. This time the King fell. A small hole dented his forehead and the back of his head was gone.

  Her stomach roiled as she stared down at the King. He was dead. She had killed him. Someone gripped her wrist and she turned expecting to fight but found the comforting blue eyes of Thane.

  "Come, Princess," He said but she glanced at her family finding more soldiers leading them to safety. Her father stood stunned in the middle of the fray as people fought against those who were still loyal to the King. A bullet caught him in the chest and he fell. She screamed out but Thane wrapped his arms around her to keep her from going to him.


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