The Enforcer's Destined Mate

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The Enforcer's Destined Mate Page 2

by T. Cobbin

  His hands were clutched to his stomach, and he could feel the warm liquid of life seeping through his fingers. Again he asked himself how he could have let a woman beat the living shit out of him. Who in the world would believe that? He was just about to close his eyes again and give up when he heard the faint sound of a siren in the distance growing closer. Was that for him? Did he care?

  The next time he opened his eyes he saw the face of a paramedic leaning over him and telling him he was going to be okay. At that point he didn’t care. He closed his eyes and curled up tighter with his beast. Inwardly, he cried when his tiger woke up beside him and roared, then it quietly nudged its head under Shawn’s chin and purred.

  Chapter 2

  Belle Grant grunted, feeling the bone-jarring jolt as her back hit the ground.

  “Hey, no fair, Felix. You cheated.”

  “No, woman.” He chuckled. “You should have been ready.”

  “Just because I asked to be under you on the enforcers’ team instead of Barry’s team, doesn’t mean I want to be under you.”

  Felix laughed, and bent over, placing his hands on his knees. Belle flipped up and landed on her feet, then sideswiped her right foot, kicking out just below Felix’s knee. The sound of a crack rang out, then Felix landed on his butt with a groan.

  “Hey!” he yelled.

  “Should have been ready.” She threw his words back at him.

  “Har de fucking har.” He sighed. “Okay, you win.” Instead of flipping himself up, he held his hand out for her to pull him up. “I’m not looking for someone to be under me,” he said as she yanked him up. “I’m looking for someone to take over for me while I’m out of town.”

  “You finally have enough cash to go on your trip?”

  He smiled from ear to ear and nodded. Everyone in the small town knew Felix was desperate to go sow his wild oats elsewhere. He’d gone through the majority of the women in the village, Belle not being one of them. Even with his outstanding body and charming and comical personality, she hadn’t fallen for him. One thing no one knew about her was she wanted to wait for her mate, to give him the part of herself she wouldn’t give to another—her virginity. Felix had instead become her best friend.

  “Yeah, and Harris is grumbling about it. Sometimes I think he still sees me as a kid. It’s even worse for Terrie.”

  “He’ll get over it. He has his own son now.”

  “You would think, right?” Felix sighed. “Since Walker was born, I swear my brother has become more protective. He’s even put fellow enforcer Larry on Terrie’s tail at all times. She didn’t take that very well. She’s still sulking seven months later.”

  “I can see that girl wanting to do her own backpacking soon.” Belle laughed. She loved Terrie like a sister. Terrie was incredibly spunky, and Belle wished she’d been like the young woman at her age. “Is Harris okay with me taking over as beta until you get back?”

  “Yeah, although he was put out a bit. He doesn’t like taking you off Melinda’s protection team, but he admitted he couldn’t imagine anyone else who would be a better beta.”

  Belle felt pride in that statement. She’d never thought of treading in Felix’s shoes as beta. Over the last year, ever since Belle had been put on protection duty for Melinda, Harris’s mate, she’d grown quite close to the alpha female, and she knew she would miss being at her side.

  Belle had been quiet as a teen. She hadn’t had the normal fine-tuned, muscled body of a teenage shifter. She knew what it was like to be picked on and challenged every day while in school. Even now, at twenty-nine years old, she was still on the chubbier side for a shifter. She had ample curves, but in truth, she liked it. She didn’t want a body with bones jutting out all over the looked painful. Plus, she knew she had boobs to die for, boobs the males looked at before her face. She found it enjoyable to embarrass a male for doing so.

  Belle had grown up in the small village of Stonesdale, a place a wise feline shifter had set up as a sanctuary a few hundred years ago. The village was now filled with different kinds of feline shifters from bobcats to the snow leopards the Alpha and his siblings were. They lived happily together in peace and harmony.

  Thirty years ago her father, who was a tiger shifter, had been kicked out of his pride, his Alpha deeming him a threat to his own leadership. With nowhere to go, he came across Stonesdale, and there he met his mate. He instantly applied to join the community. After receiving the Alpha’s approval, he had gratefully moved into the village and set up home with his mate. They settled down and enjoyed family life. Although they had planned for a whole family of kits, Belle had been the only kit to come along. She was very close to her parents. Even after joining the enforcers, and at the age of twenty-nine, she still lived with her parents.

  “So?” Felix said, asking a question with one word.

  She searched her mind, trying to remember what they were talking about before her mind ran away onto other things. “So…” she repeated.

  “Would you be willing to take over beta duties until I return?”

  Her heart swelled. She couldn’t, and wouldn’t, even think about refusing. Even if she were to meet her mate tomorrow—which the chances of that happening were slim given that no male in the village had yet appealed to her or her tiger—she would make sure she would make her parents and Alpha proud.

  “What about Chris?” she asked, thinking of an older male who she thought might be a tad better than she was for the position.

  “I haven’t asked him,” Felix said with a growing blush on his cheeks. “To be honest, you were the first I thought of. Even for a female you know the ins and outs of the team’s shit.”

  “For a female, huh?” She bent her left knee, swiped out with her right leg, and watched Felix hit the floor with a jolt. “Catch you later, pussy cat.”

  She laughed, heading toward the Alpha’s house. She’d given Felix the nickname pussy cat after learning that when Melinda had been told about shifters she had thought they turned into tiny house cats. The nickname did what Belle intended for it to do—it annoyed Felix.

  Today she was again on protection duty for Melinda and Walker. Harris wasn’t going to be around; he had to meet a male who needed an emergency placement.

  “I’ll make you pay for that in tomorrow morning’s training,” Felix shouted out to her.

  Yeah, yeah, she thought. Both she and her tiger couldn’t wait to experience that.

  * * * *

  “Mr. Burr?”

  Shawn lifted his head from his hospital bed to look at the nurse who was standing by the doorway of his room. He could also see the fully uniformed copper guarding his door.

  “There’s a visitor here to see you. He says you’re expecting him.”

  “Yes, you can send him in. Thank you,” Shawn replied.

  He looked around the room where he’d been for the last three days. The sight of those hospital walls made him feel more and more depressed every time he looked at them. He’d been told he was lucky to be found when he had been. A neighbor had heard the screaming and shouting and grew concerned. He’d telephoned the police and ambulance when he saw Rosie run out of the house with bloody hands, leaving the front door wide open.

  Shawn had spent several hours in surgery. When he’d woken up and was able to speak, he was interviewed by the police. He had seen the total disbelief in their eyes at first, which made him feel weak, stupid, and worthless. It wasn’t until Paul showed up and added his side to it that things turned around and the police began treating Shawn like a victim and not a criminal.

  Rosie had yet to be found. To make matters sink in further, someone had sent a bunch of black roses to his room. Attached to them was a card with a face on it, and in place of the mouth was a zipper. The police had taken the flowers and card away as evidence, but Shawn got the message loud and clear.

  After that, Paul sat down with Shawn and told him about a little village in Yorkshire. He explained that the small community was run b
y an Alpha named Harris Rockwell—a snow leopard. It was a sanctuary for feline shifters who needed a peaceful place to hang their hats.

  Depression quickly crept up on Shawn. Accepting the fact he’d allowed himself to be abused only made it worse. The only comfort he found was inside his head with his tiger. After another night’s rest, Shawn relented and agreed to allow Paul to contact Harris. He knew it was time to move on and be the man he wanted to be rather than the mouse he felt like. For the first time in months, his tiger purred deep inside of him and started speaking to him.

  About time you opened your eyes. Little female not deserve you, his tiger said inside his head.

  I’m sorry, Shawn apologized.

  No sorry anymore. I help you be strong again.

  Shawn pictured himself curling up with his tiger and purred along with him.

  “Mr. Burr?” a deep voice said from the doorway.

  Shawn looked in the direction of the voice to see a man that exuded Alpha. Dominant waves rolled off him, which confirmed to Shawn that this man was Harris Rockwell.

  “Alpha,” Shawn said, dropping his head slightly, his voice low enough that only a shifter would hear.

  Harris stepped inside the room alongside another male who looked similar to him. “This is my brother Felix.” Harris gestured to the man. “Paul told us you might need a helping hand.”

  Shawn sighed. He wasn’t ready to tell his story yet again. Each time he had to tell someone he could feel every ounce of masculinity dropping away.

  Before he could say anything Harris spoke again. “I can’t say I understand exactly what you’ve been through, but your friend Paul explained as much as he could to me.”

  Harris lowered himself into the bedside chair and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. His brother stood by the now closed door with his arms across his chest.

  “I would still like to hear your story,” Harris said. “I’m not here to judge. I’m just here to meet someone who might find our small, safe community somewhere to call home.”

  Shawn hesitated, looking down at his hands. “I can tell you that at the moment I feel like a stupid idiot, and anything that has to do with being a man has disappeared along with my confidence. I can’t believe I let my life turn out the way it did.” Tears he hated so much welled in his eyes. Another display of weakness, he thought. His tiger roared inside of him.

  “We all have our weaknesses,” Harris said reassuringly.

  “I’m a man.” He thumped his chest, feeling angry at his situation. “I’m supposed to be the strong one. I’m the one who is supposed to be fearless. Letting a woman abuse me? Who is going to want me after that? What female will think of me as a proper man when I don’t even think it myself?” He let his head drop to his chest. He was fast losing the will to live.

  “We share a weakness, my friend. My female has me wrapped around her little finger. I’d die for her.”


  “Yeah, he’s telling the truth. I have a best friend who calls me ‘pussy cat’ now ’cause of his mate.” Felix motioned to his brother. Shawn’s face must have shown the horror he felt about it, because Felix quickly added, “Oh, I don’t mind,” He chuckled. “I quite like it. But I wouldn’t tell her that, because then she’d come up with something I didn’t like.” Felix grimaced.

  Harris shook his head at his brother’s comments, then looked toward Shawn. “You just happened to get the bad apple, mate,” Harris said, his voice full of sincerity.

  Chapter 3

  “Why don’t you tell me your story, then I’ll tell you a little about our community.” Harris smiled as he spoke.

  Shawn shrank inside himself. The thought of telling his story again made him feel sick.

  Give them a chance. We no want to die yet. I here now. I promise I no leave you again. You strong, never hit female when she hit you. His tiger sent a stream of love and reassurance through to him, purring gently inside of him. Shawn could feel the truth in his words.

  Nodding slowly, he retold his story again for Harris and his brother. “We met four months after my parents were shot in a drive-by. Things were good in the beginning, but over time things gradually began to change. She would complain things weren’t in the right place, toothpaste caps weren’t on, towels were not put back—all the general stuff I suppose. One evening after a stressful day at work she threw an ornament at my head. I wrote it off as PMS. As I said, over time it grew worse. The first time she hit me it was with a frying pan. I can’t tell you how bloody shocked I was. I remember standing frozen solid, holding my head as she stood in front of me and continued screaming as if she hadn’t just belted me around the noggin’ with the pan in her hand. I thought about moving out. I knew it wasn’t right for her to hit me. But I loved her. There was the fact of her brothers too. They frightened me stupid.”

  Memories of the first time he met her siblings went through his mind, making him shudder. Each one of the brothers had made him promise that he would never put a hand on their treasured little sister. He had to promise he would treat her like fragile glass, and they warned him that if he didn’t they would make his life hell.

  “She was their angel. She’s the baby sister to five brothers, so you can imagine that as far as they’re concerned, she can’t say or do anything wrong. I felt cornered. Who the hell would believe me? I mean look at me, I’m six feet…” He trailed off, tired from having to explain what he’d gone through and why.

  Inhaling deeply, he paused a minute, then continued.

  “All kinds of things went through my head over the last few years. Did I really deserve it? Was it normal? How could I escape? I again got very close to leaving her two years ago. I’d packed a bag and was about to walk out the door when she walked in. That was a shitty conversation. For the first hour she sat on the sofa crying, begging me not to go. Then came the threats that all our money went into her account, leaving me with nothing. Even my car was in her name. Then she accused me of wanting to leave her for someone else. But yet again, after a few days of crap she apologized profusely, promising to change. Believing her, I agreed to stay. Things were good for about a month, but over time she went right back to being her normal self. She began keeping tabs on me. My phone, my work, and what few friends I had. Eventually even they dropped off the face of the earth. I didn’t go anywhere but work and home. Each time she hit me or threw something at me it would tear a little piece of me away. Even my tiger got fed up and curled up, depressed, inside of me. He refused to admit he was part of me until the…until she stabbed me.” He whispered the last bit as embarrassment swam through his veins.

  Shawn looked up in alarm when Harris let out a small, low growl.

  “I’m angry for you, not at you.” Harris shook his head. “I looked into the statistics of your situation before I came. Forty percent of men live in that type of relationship, so you are not alone, friend.”

  Shawn didn’t know what to say.

  “I also hear that your ex has not yet been found,” Harris said.

  Shawn shook his head. “I think her brothers are helping to keep her hidden, but there’s no proof of that. An arrest warrant has been issued, but nothing else can be done until she turns up. Did Paul tell you about the flowers I received yesterday?”

  Harris nodded. “You’ve been here for three days, right? Which means you need to leave soon before your shifter healing is discovered and questioned. If I was to offer you a home with us and take you there today, do you have anything to bring with you?”

  “You’re offering a place in your village?” Shawn asked in surprise. “You believe me? Well, I know you can tell I’m not lying because you can scent it. It’s just… I suppose it’s been so long since I thought anyone would believe me I’m just shocked. Sorry.”

  “I wouldn’t be asking you if I didn’t believe you. A copper would not be standing outside your door if they didn’t trust you were telling the truth. And I doubt your boss Paul would have given you a glowing accoun
t of character if he didn’t. So before you go any further, you have to begin to believe it yourself too. You and your tiger have a ways to mend, my friend.”

  Harris stood and offered Shawn his right hand. It only took Shawn a few seconds before placing his right hand in the Alpha’s.

  “I, Alpha of Stonesdale sanctuary for feline shifters, am offering you, Shawn Burr, a home. A place where you can be safe from outside conflict.”

  Tears stung the back of Shawn’s eyes. For the first time in three days he felt like he could begin to mend. “Thank you, Alpha. I accept.”

  * * * *

  “Oh crap, he’s doing it again,” Melinda cried out from the sitting room.

  Belle had been walking around checking the house when she heard the tired cry. Rushing to the room where Melinda and her son were, Belle couldn’t help but bend over in laughter. Walker was on his feet, trying to climb up and into his high chair again. He wasn’t trying to climb in it because he was hungry, he just loved climbing up then jumping off it, knowing his mother would catch him. The little imp had run his mother ragged while his father was away.

  Up until the age of five, feline shifter children—kits—developed a lot faster than the average human child. They spoke earlier and walked at around six months. After the age of five, they slowed down physically, but they were mentally more advanced until they hit their teens, that’s where their hormones took over, giving human children time to catch up with them. That was one reason the majority of shifter children were taught at home or in the village school. Walker was proving at the age of seven months how fast he was learning to climb. Belle watched Melinda collapse in an exasperated pile on the floor with Walker now held protectively on her chest after he had jumped from his chair.

  “Oh God, I can’t wait for his father to get home.”

  “Here,” Belle said, going over and picking Walker up. “I’ll take him off your hands for half an hour.”


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