Two Serve And Protect_A Reverse Harem Romance

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Two Serve And Protect_A Reverse Harem Romance Page 5

by Valerie O'Day


  The Christmas party was in full swing when Lisa arrived. Cheerful people were sipping on champagne and eating caviar. Thomas was right. These people were boring snobs. She took the champagne, but ignored the nasty caviar, and went in search of her parents. Perhaps she could make the rounds, then leave early. She would rather go home and read a book or watch television. Either would be more entertaining.

  A tap on her shoulder changed everything. She turned to speak to the culprit and found Harlow, in full police uniform, grinning.

  “Oh my goodness! Are you a club member? Why didn't you tell me you would be here?” she excitedly asked.

  “Unfortunately, I'm not a member. I'm just a lowly employee tonight. The club hires off-duty officers to watch over the crowd and keep out the riff raff. Leonard's here somewhere, too. We didn't mention it, because we had no idea you would be here. We can't even have champagne or dance. This is a dreadful assignment. How about we sneak into the cloak room and have some fun? I've missed you,” Harlow teased.

  “I may take you up on that later. These parties are tedious. But, my mother is expecting me, and she would come searching if I didn't show up soon. Believe me, you wouldn't want her to discover us,” Lisa replied.

  “It's okay. I see a drunken idiot harassing an old woman across the room, so duty calls. When you are ready, I'll meet you. My imagination is running wild. I get the impression there are no panties under that blue cocktail dress, and my fingers are dying to see if I'm right.”

  “I'll never tell,” she said as she winked and walked away.

  Lisa's parents were among a group in the far corner of the ballroom. They greeted her with hugs and kisses on her cheek.

  “You are stunning,” her father announced. “The dress matches your eyes exactly and there's a charming flush to your cheeks. I'm proud to call you my daughter. If you need me to fight off your suitors, just shout.”

  “No, dear. We don't want to chase them away. Lisa deserves a new husband, and I do believe she's ready.” Marsha pulled her aside and whispered, “Both of the policeman you bought at the auction are here. Try to get a second date from one or the other. We could use a cop in the family.”

  Oh, if she only knew the truth, Lisa thought. Marsha probably wouldn't believe her if she admitted how many times she had seen the policeman, or how much of them she had seen. The things she had done with them would put her mother into shock, and her father's head would explode.

  Lisa wandered into the crowd, seeking the patio doors she remembered were there. Once she found them, she slipped outside with a second glass of champagne. The cool breeze and stars sparkling in the darkness were a welcome distraction from the loud bustle inside.

  “There you are,” Leonard said from the darkness. “I was told you were here, but I couldn't find you. Now I've been assigned to keep people from doing naughty things on the patio. I won't be fulfilling that assignment. If the snobs want to have an affair with one another, more power to them.”

  “No one usually comes out here,” Lisa replied. “The ones who are seeing each other do it in fancy hotels or apartments their spouses know nothing about. If they feel adventurous, they'll go down to the gardens or the maze. The patio is too risky.”

  “Not for us,” he declared. He herded her into the darkest corner and turned her to face the railing. His hands slid under her short cocktail dress, and he plastered his body against her back. Lisa didn't protest as his fingers went beneath the thong she was wearing. Leonard began to play. One hand caressed her sensitive nub, while the other delved into her slick, wet center. “You're so wet for me. You must like being naughty.”

  “Indeed, I do. Harlow mentioned the cloak closet, but had to go to work. I've been ready since then. This feels so wonderful. Faster, please,” Lisa begged. She laid her head back onto his shoulder and let go.

  When the moment ended, Leonard announced, “I think I'll wander out to the maze and bring myself some relief. We're bound to get caught if we stay here. Merry Christmas. I'll see you soon.”

  Lisa took a while to set herself straight. The party was turning out much better than expected. Hopefully, no one would catch the scent of sex on her when she went back in.

  She ran directly into her mother. “Where have you been hiding? I have someone I want you to meet. He's the son of a judge and flew in from New York for the holidays. He's rich and gorgeous. Best of all, he's never been married. His dad swears he needs a wife.”

  “I've asked you several times to quit trying to set me up. You promised to stop.”

  “Just meet him. If you're not interested, then fine, I won't push. I don't want you to miss an opportunity and regret it later,” her mother explained.

  “You've caught me in a good mood, so fine, I'll meet him,” Lisa replied. Marsha grabbed her hand, before she could change her mind, and towed her through the crowd.

  Lisa saw the handsome man from several feet away. He was speaking to a group of men, using extravagant hand gestures. It must be an exciting story.

  “Steven! Here she is. This is my daughter, Lisa. I finally found her. Lisa, my dear, this is Steven. He's a lawyer,” Marsha exclaimed.

  “It's nice to meet you, Lisa. Your mother's told me so much about you.” He winked at her in sympathy.

  “I hear that your father wants you to get married,” she answered with a smile.

  “They do try, don't they? I'm sorry to disappoint, but marriage isn't for me. At least, not the way my parents would like.”

  “I understand. Thanks for not getting angry at my mother,” Lisa stated.

  “No problem. She means well,” Steven replied.

  “What just happened? I don't understand,” Marsha asked.

  “He's gay, mother. How could you be so blind? The poor guy is sick of his family trying to change him. He was very kind, despite the obvious fix-up. I get the feeling it happens quite often. Can we stop this madness now? I am capable of finding a man, if I decide I need one.” She walked away in a huff.

  Harlow appeared out of nowhere to offer her some champagne.

  “Consider yourself taken. Tell her you're seeing me or Leonard. It will get you some breathing room. Besides, we might get jealous if you date another man. Hell, I'm jealous of the time you get with Leonard. Would you think about spending some time with just me?" Harlow's blue eyes were pleading, though his dimples were in evidence as well.

  "It sounds delightful. I would like to get to know you as a separate entity. Call me," Lisa replied.


  Lisa glanced at the clock before looking around the room. Everything was perfect and ready for when the boys came busting through the door. She was sure they would have slept in and then saved at least one present to open in the morning at their father’s, but she had slaved away since about six on making some great food for them to come home to. It was Christmas, and it was time for them to open her presents now. She smiled smugly at the thought that she had finally gotten them just what they wanted, with much effort. She doubted their father had put much thought into anything.

  He loved the boys, but he was not some father and husband of the year, either. It was why they weren't together. He was just a man who preferred to be lazy and on his own and not care so much for others, unless it meant a pair of large breasts and 20-year-old legs.

  Lisa scoffed at herself and went to smooth her hair down, donning those silver hoops on her ears again, before going to the door as she heard the sounds of car doors closing. Unlocking it, she let Jack and Sean in with their gifts in hand, waving to their father in his car from afar. At least on Christmas, he had the courtesy to leave her be.

  Sean had his head in a phone, one she didn't recognize, letting her know that was what he had received from his father. Jack was holding a box, and Lisa looked over into it with curiosity to see there was body spray, hair gel, body wash, and some new shirts and underwear. Jack had been particularly concerned with his appearance lately, trying to get a girlfriend.
Lisa had thought he was too young still, but maybe she could loosen up on that a bit like everyone else.

  “Think you’re going to find a good catch with all of that?” she teased as the boys made their way into the living room, where they found a card table set up with all of the fixings on it for them: ham, potatoes, gravy, and more. That was enough to make Sean put the new phone away.

  “Mom, we’re famished, thanks!” Sean said, wrapping one arm around her in an awkward hug. Lisa smiled as they went over and grabbed a plate, beginning to dig in. She chuckled under her breath and realized she was glad to have the boys back for Christmas Day. It may have been convenient to have them stay elsewhere sometimes, but they were still so important in her life; they were the best things to come out of her rushed marriage with Thomas.

  She let the boys get a plate fixed before she went to get hers and sit down with them.

  “So, did you have fun over there?” Lisa asked genuinely, not letting any grudge she had for their father get between her and her relationship with Jack and Sean. It had been hard in the beginning not to be bitter and blinded about that, but she was not the kind of mother to trash talk the man in front of them. They were allowed to still love him, even if she did not.

  With a mouth full of food, Jack spoke up. “Yeah, it was a little better without that girlfriend there. He says she’s not with him anymore. We threw the football around in the yard and stuff.”

  Lisa nodded. “I am glad. I hope you have fun today, too.” She liked the way things were changing, how her mood had changed with them since she had been taking better care of herself. The interesting, happy side-effects of being part of a hot threesome were not something she expected.

  After they were done eating, they went straight for their presents, in complete shock over her having been able to find what they wanted when it was almost impossible. With real hugs from both of them, they immediately hooked up to their games and played for a couple of hours. Just seeing their bright faces was good enough to make her day.

  Chapter Ten

  Lisa smiled at herself in the mirror, admiring her curves in the tight black pants she had on and the long-sleeved tee. She wore a simple gold chain around her neck and had her hair pulled back behind her. The boys had gone back to school from the holidays the day before, and she had jumped on the idea of making plans with Harlow as soon as she could. She had freed up her day to do so, getting dishes and those things around the house done quickly and making sure nothing was needed for the PTA at the moment. She was finally taking her mother's advice of having some kind of life for herself.

  She was a little nervous about seeing him alone, but he had promised there would be no pressure when they had talked on the phone the evening before. Lisa was just going over to get to know him, the him that wasn't Leonardo's partner. Though, Harlow was the cheeky one. She did have a sense that something might happen regardless. Her bra and panties were prepared for anything.

  A chill ran down her spine as she went for her purse, thinking of his long hair and blue eyes, and those dimples every time he smiled. You would never know he was a few years older than her, with his male model-like looks and youthful playfulness. Those were the things that drew her to Harlow.

  Lisa walked out the door, going straight for her car. As she opened the car door, she vaguely heard the small pop of another door closing but didn't look up, assuming it was a neighbor. But as she shut her door and went to put the keys in the engine, Lisa gasped, thumping her hand to her chest in fear. Thomas was banging on her window so hard he could have busted it with his knuckles.

  Annoyed, with her heart still beating a little too fast, she slowly rolled down her window. "What the hell are you doing?" she asked him bluntly. She got that he had been trying to tell her something he deemed important for a while now, but there was no excuse for his creepy behavior. "You can't just do this, show up like this and attack me," she told him, wanting so badly to roll up the window and squish his fingers in it. But she figured since he was so adamant, she ought to at least figure out what he wanted.

  “I am not attacking you, but I can't hold off any longer; this is really important, Lisa.” His brows were furrowed. Lisa could tell it was serious, but honestly, she couldn't care less. His troubles stopped having anything to do with her the day that they split, and she truly wanted to keep it that way, even if he had changed in some way. Good for him if he had, but he still was not the man for her. In fact, she didn't know if she wanted anything permanent and long term just yet, no matter who it was with. That was what was so great about Leonardo and Harlow — no pressure.

  “Then, speak, and tell me what is so important you had to come and scare the crap out of the mother of your children while she is trying to leave her house, like some crazy stalker!” she chastised him.

  He shook his head at her but continued in a more even tone.

  “Remember when I said that I was having trouble at work?” Lisa nodded, waiting for him to get on with it. “Well, it is more than just the average trouble. I am actually being investigated for tax fraud at the company.” Lisa felt her cheeks getting hot at the confession. Why would he be investigated for such a thing unless he had done that? Was it possible he had been doing that while they were married? She was so angry, and that was not the mood she planned on being in when she made it to Harlow's.

  “Why is that my problem? It sounds like you have yourself in a pretty sticky situation. I am sorry for that and for what it might do to the boys if you are punished, but I am not sure what you want, or need from me. I never touched our taxes. I am a homemaker, Thomas.”

  Lisa was about to roll the window up when he stopped her, even daring to reach in and grab her shoulder. It was a light touch, but it caused her to purse her glossed lips at him in frustration. “Look, I need your help Lisa, that's all. For the sake of the boys, like you said. I just need to hide some of my liquid assets here at your place for safekeeping. Hopefully, then, this will all blow over and not be a big deal. Because we are divorced, and you are a homemaker, they would have no reason to come looking here.”

  As Thomas finished, Lisa found herself in shock. The man had never been perfect. Their personalities had clashed, especially after having Sean and how they had wanted to be young even though they had kids to care for. She had even suspected him of cheating a few times, and hated the way he chose to live his life when they separated. However, she did not take him for the kind of man to actually commit a crime or to sue her to help get away with it. This was appalling!

  “You can't ask me to do that. It's illegal; I am not doing it. Now, if you don't mind, I have plans,” she told him snarkily, sure it would be done after that, but his grip on her shoulder tightened, frightening her as she looked into his desperate wild eyes.

  “I was trying to ask you nicely, but I could easily point the finger at you. I could say you knew everything. We were married during some of the years. I could name you as an accomplice, and you would go to jail and lose the boys. Is that what you want?” he asked through gritted teeth. Lisa was frightened. She had never been frightened of Thomas in her life. She rolled up her window. He would either have to move his arm or get trapped. Luckily, he moved it, and Lisa turned on her engine, not even bothering to buckle up as she peeled out of her driveway, shaken up and on edge as Thomas faded in her rearview mirror. No way was she getting involved in this, but what if Thomas did say something like that and implicate her? She didn't know what to do and hoped that the fact that she was now upset and needed legal answers would not entirely ruin the day she had planned at Harlow's.

  When Lisa arrived at Harlow's house, she just felt more on edge, looking all around her as she practically ran up to the door and knocked. Harlow came almost instantly to answer it, a huge grin on his face. Any other time, those dimples would have been melting her, but she was just too afraid of everything that had just happened to her. She pushed past him inside as he frowned and shut the door, wondering what was wrong with her. Something was
clearly wrong. He led her into the living room and made her comfortable, pouring her a small glass of wine to calm her down.

  Harlow sat down beside her and reached over, his hand caressing her thigh. “What's going on?” he asked. Being nice or comforting was new for him. He was always the guy with the jokes or the flirting, but she didn't seem to need that right this second.

  “It's my ex. He has been coming around a lot trying to tell me something, and he just showed up, banging on the car while I was about to come to you,” she began, trying to take deep breaths and explain it properly. “He is being investigated at his company for tax fraud and wanted to leave liquid assets in my home. I told him no, but he threatened to drag me into it with him. He was also just so desperate that he looked like a wild animal. I drove off and came straight here. Oh, I am so sorry if this is ruining the mood, but I am so worried now!” she exclaimed, leaning down to grab her glass and swig back all of the wine Harlow had given her.

  “Woah, slow down,” Harlow said, placing his hand in her shoulder and massaging the muscle there. He felt her relax below his grasp, and she set the glass down. She still looked completely frazzled, and he could understand why. “Look, I think this is something Leonardo should be aware of too. I know that we wanted to spend some separate time together, and we can reschedule in a couple of days, no problem. When I call, I will just say you felt really scared and wanted to be here with us. That way, we don’t have to freak him out by the idea that we might have been having a date without him, since we hadn't talked about that yet.”

  Lisa nodded at him, glad Harlow was taking charge. They weren’t sheriffs or anything, but, hopefully, they would be able to help her with this in some way, even if it was letting her know what her rights were in this case. Letting her know how to keep the boys safe with Thomas acting like a complete loon.

  Lisa watched as Harlow pulled out his phone and began pacing the floor a little further away from her, his lips moving as he spoke to his partner on the phone. Part of her felt bad because Harlow had really seemed like he wanted some alone time with her. She could understand why, but she needed both of them and their expertise right now. She needed the partners, not the two individual men. Maybe one day they would get to that.


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